Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 17

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Whoa, wait a minute. Didn't Deanna Reid testify about going on an LDS mission to Costa Rica? I am sure I remember that, but I am off to see if my hippocampus is okay, or I flooded it again. I have a hunch that lying freak used Costa Rica as another lie to try to embellish her trashy sick *advertiser censored* life.

Why yes she did!!!
Deanna Reid said she dated Travis Alexander for several months before she went to Costa Rica in 2000 to serve a Mormon mission. The couple broke up while she was away.
Thank you so much, this is awesome to read again. It pretty much confirms my thoughts as to her lying about having been an exchange student also. She almost slipped about who she stayed with too. I just wonder if she had any family or perhaps a friend living there? However, I doubt she could even pinpoint Costa Rica on a map let alone traveling there. Damn, Denny's must have paid her well. LMAO.

This is where I'm pretty sure that I had found most of the info on her lil sister when she left town about the same time as JA got arrested. She had been tweeting to her friends about being in rehab and when she would be back, how much she missed them, etc. As for that reference to JA's "bottom" surgery possibly being during her first year of kindergarten, I have no idea what that "bottom" surgery was, other than someone had said her father had mentioned it during his interview(I haven't had time to go and listen to the full thing again). I'm still on the fence as to JA's sexuality, for some reason that episode of "House" keeps coming to mind, though it's probably because there was incest involved in that case too. Maybe that story was one of JA's inspirations, gawd knows she doesn't seem to possess a single original thought but she sure has a great memory for detail!.
Why yes she did!!!
Deanna Reid said she dated Travis Alexander for several months before she went to Costa Rica in 2000 to serve a Mormon mission. The couple broke up while she was away.

Way too much of a coincidence. Like the spiderman underwear and all the rest of the stolen "stories". I guess that's how she keeps these things straight?

JM should have asked her where in Costa Rica? What town? Bet she didn't even know the name of one.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 2m2 minutes ago
Oct 6th- "Over course of last 9 months I have felt the need to pray for Deanna Reed. #jodiarias #3tvarias

That makes my hair stand on end. Creepy!!

oh yes. It would be interesting to know just when Deanna "caught" Jodi on TA's computer vs this Oct 6th journal entry (Oct 6, 2007). Out of all TA's female friends, I think Jodi was the most jealous of Deanna. (just my opinion).
This is where I'm pretty sure that I had found most of the info on her lil sister when she left town about the same time as JA got arrested. She had been tweeting to her friends about being in rehab and when she would be back, how much she missed them, etc. As for that reference to JA's "bottom" surgery possibly being during her first year of kindergarten, I have no idea what that "bottom" surgery was, other than someone had said her father had mentioned it during his interview(I haven't had time to go and listen to the full thing again). I'm still on the fence as to JA's sexuality, for some reason that episode of "House" keeps coming to mind, though it's probably because there was incest involved in that case too. Maybe that story was one of JA's inspirations, gawd knows she doesn't seem to possess a single original thought but she sure has a great memory for detail!.

IMO, Jodi has had butt implants. She looks like she's had them. She probably got them around the time she got her *advertiser censored* done. That's what her dad meant by having all that stuff done to her bottom and breasts.
Oh yeah... the Freaka' From Yreka always has to try to one up someone doesn't she? She is like a buzzard on a "corrupted" carcass. She picks at it just enough to get a big bite (to make up a lie) and then flies away when scared off. That trashy sub-human could never, and would never be the woman Deanna is, and was.

"Deanna Reid was Travis Alexanders’ longest term relationship, and one of his first “loves”. It lasted approximately seven years, on and off. They met in 1998 at her apartment in Riverside, CA, when she was 20 years old and he was 21. Her roommates introduced them. They were friends for two years before they started dating in 2000. Like Alexander, Reid is a Mormon and she went on a mission to Costa Rica in 2000, just a few months after they started dating.

Reid had expectations that she and Alexander would reunite upon her return and that they would eventually marry. They agreed to try to maintain the relationship even though they were not permitted any contact other than written letters. Reid stayed busy on her mission but was still disappointed that she never received a letter from Alexander until her 18 month mission was almost complete. The letter said that he wanted to date other women. Deanna was hurt, but she remained focused on her work."
Iirc correctly though didn't dad arias reference the bottom (notice he calls it bottom in a non asexual way even subconscious I don't think he molested her) surgery was when she was a child? If she had butt implants I'm sure she wouldn't hide that either or db would've referenced that as well.

Eta: she could've been born with a birth defect that had to do with her bowels or the sphincter. It's common. My own daughter has an extra in fairly large indented dimple at the end of the spine (crack) she was born with. It's a tethered cord
Iirc correctly though didn't dad arias reference the bottom (notice he calls it bottom in a non asexual way even subconscious I don't think he molested her) surgery was when she was a child? If she had butt implants I'm sure she wouldn't hide that either or db would've referenced that as well.

I don't think he said that. He was talking about all the ways Jodi was strange and referenced getting all this work done to her breasts and her bottom. IIRC, it's obvious when listening to the interview that he's talking about something cosmetic. He mentions it in the same sentence as the boob job.
ARIAS: Yes, I spent a lot of time just reflecting and healing from that, and I felt in a lot better place by the time I came back.

Victor actually -- I did see Victor three days before I flew back. So he took me out to dinner and that was it, and then drove me to the airport.

In 1998??? Let me see, where was I in 1998? Did I take any trips? Possibly. Probably. I don't know. Did I see anyone in particular three days before coming home? Not a clue. Did anyone take me to dinner? I don't remember. How did I get to the airport? Or train station? Or did I drive?

This durn fog. I wish I could remember details from 15 years ago as well as Jodi can.
I know it has been said that Victor Arias is not related to JA, but are we sure of this? The my is making me think. Was this a slip or...

I Googled Victor Arais last year and it came up with one Victor Arais that was a skateboarder and another that was a photographer. Small world at times isn't it?
oh yes. It would be interesting to know just when Deanna "caught" Jodi on TA's computer vs this Oct 6th journal entry (Oct 6, 2007). Out of all TA's female friends, I think Jodi was the most jealous of Deanna. (just my opinion).

DeAnna caught her at Travis's on his laptop in October 2007. She was baking cookies from a restaurant size recipe. DeAnna said she acted like she belonged there.
Their strategy seems to be to try and make Travis look like a controlling, abusive monster. But then they point to kid of normal things that happen to everyone.' You have sex with a guy and he does not call for a couple of days.' DUH. That's the way of the world. Most girls figure out not to give it away after that.

You have a fight, then make up by having sex. Double DUH. Since when is that abusive? That is pretty normal relationship stuff. You are not mad at each other anymore and you want to be intimate to reestablish your relationship. I don't see that as controlling if both are on board. And Jodi was fully on board.

At some point he wanted her to date other people. HELLO. That is a very common way to try and get rid of your ex. You just hope and pray they meet a new victim. I don't see that as abusive on his part, just optimistic and unrealistic.

The same with the 'initiated sex while she was asleep' ---trying to make that out as some kind of rape is ridiculous. If she had never been his willing sex partner, then of course it would be abusive. But most people appreciate being approached in that way by their loved one. I think the jurors will feel the same way.

When this Geff guy keeps trying to reiterate how 'abusive' Travis was, and then points to him 'pulling on her wrist once' and pushing her another time, they will shrug. We ALL know what true abuse looks like. We all know what it is really like when someone is TRAPPED in a violent, abusive relationship. And this was not it.

Your post is so well written. The points you made are just that the "normal" things that can happen in relationships. I cannot believe that Jodi had none of those natural/normal types of stuff that happens in her prior relationships. It appears that she never kept a journal until either her Mormon introduction in early 2006 or after meeting Travis in mid September 2006 (he kept journals so ......). Thank you for elaborating out loud on those points that we all are definitely thinking as we ponder and wander through this thread.
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 4m4 minutes ago
"His (Travis) happiness is of cardinal significance to me, & his feelings and opinions I value more greatly than gold" #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 4m4 minutes ago
This email was forwarded to Travis from Jodi #jodiarias #3tvarias

Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. If someone I did not want in my life BCC'd me on an email they sent giving the heave-ho to someone else, saying this kind of stuff about my happiness, my feelings, my opinions, etc, I would be seriously disturbed. Maybe even restraining order disturbed.
Iirc correctly though didn't dad arias reference the bottom (notice he calls it bottom in a non asexual way even subconscious I don't think he molested her) surgery was when she was a child? If she had butt implants I'm sure she wouldn't hide that either or db would've referenced that as well.

Eta: she could've been born with a birth defect that had to do with her bowels or the sphincter. It's common. My own daughter has an extra in fairly large indented dimple at the end of the spine (crack) she was born with. It's a tethered cord

Yes, that's quite striking.

Reminds me of the way my dad calls a dress a "frock", lol.
JA copied these phrases from something. I would venture to bet from one of the Mormon teachings. Maybe someone here knows? "...value more greatly" actually isn't incorrect grammatically, but it's very 19th century, as is the order of the words in that sentence, with "I value" in an archaic location. I used to grade college-level literature papers, and bad freshmen essays would sound like this, 'cos they'd imitate whatever they were reading. The language in this diary entry is very similar to the "whoredom" message to Lisa, which also must have been lifted from somewhere. It would be very like JA to copy......

Maybe from this 19th century novel?

"Rory passed his hand across his brow and thought a moment before he replied: 'When I formed those plans I did not expect to meet in this way the one woman I could mate with; and though you affectionately call me your lad, I have met her at a ripe age. I love her more, after all, than Parliament and the emigrants, though I do not mean to say that I lose sight of a career of usefulness among the possibilities of the future. According to my theory a noble wife will help a man more greatly than gold. And now, dear Gran, you must go to your rest. Trouble your head no more about Flora's inventions.'"

Carolyn Sung ‏@CarolynSungCNN · 3m3 minutes ago
10/27/07: #jodiarias writes she doesn't need to be on suicide watch, but she hasn't felt so broken since 1998.

I guess I could research this myself, but if anyone can recall faster than me looking, what broke her in 1998? TIA

Bobby Juarez
Your post is so well written. The points you made are just that the "normal" things that can happen in relationships. I cannot believe that Jodi had none of those natural/normal types of stuff that happens in her prior relationships. It appears that she never kept a journal until either her Mormon introduction in early 2006 or after meeting Travis in mid September 2006 (he kept journals so ......). Thank you for elaborating out loud on those points that we all are definitely thinking as we ponder and wander through this thread.

I remember in the trial, Juan made a big deal of how she said she took her diary with her everywhere, to keep it safe from prying eyes. The point being, "who does that" if it's all sanitized, as per the Law of Attraction.

Anyway, I think it was written especially for Travis (hence sanitized), and the real reason she took it everywhere was to give him every opportunity to take a sneaky peek at what were supposedly her innermost thoughts, but in reality a pathetic attempt to manipulate his feelings.
I Googled Victor Arais last year and it came up with one Victor Arais that was a skateboarder and another that was a photographer. Small world at times isn't it?

I got an online gaming consultant. :floorlaugh:
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