Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 18

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It sounds like her whole journal was about Mr. Alexander, sounds like some kind of stalking right there.

Did her journal contain anything about her past boyfriends? I mean she was/lived with DB for about four years there must be at least a page in the journal about him.

BBM - Which proves he was controlling her 24/7.

Or something.
Wishing everyone a Very Happy Healthy Merry Christmas and the bestest New Years! See y'all Jan. 5.
From WAT:

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 2m 2 minutes ago

TA: "Tell me why it is important to come up the 24th its stressing me out not knowing." #JodiArias: "Just get here & let me de-stress you."

It sounds like SHE is thew abusive one here. She is dangling sex in front of him, right?
I have to give you guys credit for sticking with the testimony this week. You're stronger peeps than me. I could only do 2 out of 3 days.
Ya know how when you go to those meetings where the speaker is reading straight from a powerpoint presentation, don't you wish they had just made a copy and given it to you read on your own? That's how I feel about JW's direct examination. What's the point in reading e-v-e-r-y l-i-t-t-l-e t-h-i-n-g that JA wrote? Can't she just go with the big idea? Or does she have to lay foundation for e-v-e-r-y s-i-n-g-l-e q-u-e-s-t-i-o-n?
IOW, could this be going any slower? It's mind-numbing.

It is boring but I learned a couple things, one the convicted murderer offered Mr. Alexander her stun gun so he could stake out the tire slasher.

Second according to the convicted murderer she supposedly had a joint account with Mr. Alexander, but of course when she moved back to that box she lived at with Grandparents we don't here one word about that.

Anyway, those two were new for me.
... and she flat out told Det. Blaney how many there were and where to find them, and that they contained everything investigators might need to know about her relationship with Travis.
....and if Geffner can use text messages to corroborate the journal, then she could have used them to create it.
Then add this to the mix...
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ
TA wanted me to come see him instead of going to Utah but I'm sticking with my plans. I gently declined and I can tell that he is bothered

Yea right, more like he wanted that $200 payment that she bounced on him while she was planning how to use it to kill him.

Another post murder entry?
I hope these jurors see through all this fog and, with Juan's help, connect all these dots. You'd almost swear the defense team was trying to make the case for their client to get the death penalty.

I'm inclined to agree with you.:happydance:
The strangest part of this whole case for me...why did Travis, who knew about her slashing tires, being a sociopath, evil, no soul, cruel etc., allow her to corner him in the shower? I can understand that he was not the sort of person to throw a girl out early in the morning but why, why, why did he allow her to trap him? I get claustrophobic just thinking about it.

Also, I'm often told that I'm much too soft-spoken. This trial has me cursing (my pet peeve) and raising my voice when I'm sitting here at the computer. If this is the effect Arias has on me, a girl who has never met or spoken to her and who is living thousands of miles away from her, can you imagine the devastation she must have heaped on Travis long before June 4, 2008, and, what a near-saint he was to have put up with her?

Let's hope 2015 is finally the year she is shipped off to prison. She ought to have a sign on her that says 'Warning: Hazardous material. KEEP AWAY.'

ETA: Happy Holidays everyone! See you next year!
It is boring but I learned a couple things, one the convicted murderer offered Mr. Alexander her stun gun so he could stake out the tire slasher.

Second according to the convicted murderer she supposedly had a joint account with Mr. Alexander, but of course when she moved back to that box she lived at with Grandparents we don't here one word about that.

Anyway, those two were new for me.

And the bank will be able to take care of that little lie

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Updated List of Court Days and NO Court Days as of this date . . .

Please let me know if there are any errors and I will correct.
Thanks ! I hope this helps !

[includes Hearing Days]

Day 1: Tuesday - October 21, 2014

Day 2: Wednesday - October 22, 2014

Day 3: Thursday - October 23, 2014

Day 4: Monday - October 27, 2014

Day 5: Tuesday - October 28, 2014

Day 6: Thursday - October 30, 2014

Day 7: Monday - November 3, 2014
Hearing: Court of Appeals
Hearing: JSS Court : how to proceed re: Court of Appeals Order

Tuesday – November 4, 2014
JSS Court: Hearing on how to proceed.

Day 8: Wednesday – November 12, 2014

Day 9: Thursday – November 13, 2014

Day 10: Monday – November 17, 2014

Day 11: Thursday - November 20, 2014

Friday - November 21, 2014
JSS Court: Hearing - Computer Issue

Day 12: Monday - November 24, 2014

Day 13: Tuesday - November 25, 2014

Day 14: Tuesday - December 2, 2014

Thursday – December 4, 2014
JSS Court: Hearing – Computer Issue

Thursday - December 11, 2014
JSS Court: Hearing – Computer Issue

Day 15: Monday - December 15, 2014

Day 16: Tuesday - December 16, 2014

Day 17: Wednesday - December 17, 2014

Day 18: Thursday - December 18, 2014

[Includes Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Official Holidays]

Friday - October 24, 2014
Saturday - October 25, 2014
Sunday - October 26, 2014

Wednesday - October 29, 2014

Friday - October 31, 2014
Saturday - November 1, 2014
Sunday - November 2, 2014

Wednesday – November 5, 2014
Thursday – November 6, 2014
Friday – November 7, 2014
Saturday - November 8, 2014
Sunday - November 9, 2014

Monday – November 10, 2014 [No Court – previously scheduled]
Tuesday – November 11, 2014 [Veterans Day]

Friday – November 14, 2014
Saturday - November 15, 2014
Sunday - November 16, 2014

Tuesday – November 18, 2014
Wednesday – November 19, 2014

Saturday - November 22, 2014
Sunday - November 23, 2014

Wednesday – November 26, 2014 [Thanksgiving Holiday]
Thursday – November 27, 2014 [Thanksgiving Holiday]
Friday – November 28, 2014
Saturday - November 29, 2014
Sunday - November 30, 2014

Monday – December 1, 2014
Wednesday – December 3, 2014

Friday – December 5, 2014
Saturday – December 6, 2014
Sunday – December 7, 2014

Monday – December 8, 2014
Tuesday – December 9, 2014
Wednesday – December 10, 2014

Friday – December 12, 2014
Saturday – December 13, 2014
Sunday – December 14, 2014

Adding to this great body of work compiled by DGC:

Here is the total number of hours (daily report) that Jurors have been in court. (rounded to 1/4 hour)

Trial Days – Jodi Arias Retrial – Jurors present
10/21/14 9:30 – 12:15 & 1:45 - 4:30 (4 hrs)
10/22/14 9:45 – 12 & 1:30 – 4:30 (4:45h)
10/23/14 10 – 12 & 1:30 jury sent home (1:45h)
10/27/14 9:45 – 11:50 & 1:30 – 4:15 (4:15h)
10/28/14 9:30 – 12:05 & 1:30 – 4:00 (4:30h)
10/30/14 9:30 – 12:00 & 1:00 – 4:30 pm witness secret (3pm doors still locked) (5:30h)
11/3/14 1:30 – 3:30 (guessing since courtroom closed) (2h)
11/12/14 9:50 – 12:00 & 1:30 – 4:30 (4:45h)
11/13/14 10:15 – 11:50 & 1:00 – 4:00 (4h)
11/17/14 9:45 – 11:50 & 1:30 – 2:50 Emergent situation closed court end of day (3h)
11/24/14 10:00 – 12:00 & 1:30 – 4:30 (4:30h)
11/25/14 10:00 – 12:05 & 1:30 – 3:45 (3:45h)
12/2/14 9:45 – 12:00 & 1:30 – 4:15 (4:30h)
Jurors present 51:15 hrs in 8 weeks of trial
12/15/14 9:50 – 10:50, 11:06 – 11:58 & 1:32 – 2:58, 3:22 – 4:27 (4:30h) Day 15 Dr.Geffner
12/16/14 10:44 – 11:58 & 1:38 – 3:02, 3:22 – 4:26 (4:45h) Day 16 Dr. Geffner
12/17/14 9:43 – 10:39 & 10:55-12:00, 1:42 – 3:02, 3:23 –5:16 (4:15h) (13:20 this week)
(JSS announce until 5:15 today & 9 tomorrow start time)
12/18/14 (9am start) 9:26 – 10:28 & 10:42 – 12:00 (Jury leaves but JM questions Geffner) 1:15 - 2:25 & 2:40 – 3:40 & 3:55 – 4:30 (4:15h)
Jurors present 69 hrs in 9 weeks of trial (more than ¼ total hours happened this week!)
It is boring but I learned a couple things, one the convicted murderer offered Mr. Alexander her stun gun so he could stake out the tire slasher.

Second according to the convicted murderer she supposedly had a joint account with Mr. Alexander, but of course when she moved back to that box she lived at with Grandparents we don't here one word about that.

Anyway, those two were new for me.

New to me, too...but I'm thinking the jury would have liked the abridged version right about now. lol
OT: I just had a group of about 25 carol singers at my door, from the local church. What better way to come back to what really matters. :christmastree:
Happy Holidays everyone! I hope the Alexanders and Travis loved ones are able to find some comfort and levity during this break. I hope everyone here is able to be with friends and loved ones and that each and everyone of us can thank our lucky stars that we are on the outside looking in (to varying degrees) on this situation.

I pray for strength and peace for each and every Websleuther who has lost a loved one to violence, suicide, homicide, drug abuse or trauma, and hope that healing over time is allowed to occur.

I pray for anyone who is sick or ailing or caring for a loved one who is sick or ailing.

I am thankful and grateful to be among such an amazing group of people with sharp minds and huge hearts with the ability to always find some humor!

Best Regards and I will see you in the New Year (if not sooner)~ Frigga
It sounds like her whole journal was about Mr. Alexander, sounds like some kind of stalking right there.

Did her journal contain anything about her past boyfriends? I mean she was/lived with DB for about four years there must be at least a page in the journal about him.

No need to keep journals about those that weren't still on her radar... if she ever had she had probably destroyed them during that month she had before her arrest to get all her ducks in a row.
I don't even see Geffner finishing the first day back in 2015.
Amen. The same for you and yours and all our Webaleuths.

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Jodi's Shock and Awe was worse than Travis' Power and Control (which is fiction, anyway).

Okay the words I HATE now are power and control.

Travis had NO power or control over Jodi- NO ONE does... but Jodi.

I can't wait for the upside down world of the defense to be turned right side up again by Juan. I am getting motion sickness.

I so agree. These phrases--that are essentially slogans or jingles--are annoying for so many reasons. In not simply using them but also frequently repeating them, these paid experts are little different than advertising/marketing hacks. It's an insult to the intelligence of the jurors to assume that if an empty but weighty sounding phrase, like "dynamics of the relationship," is spoken repeatedly the jury will somehow be convinced of their claims. It's also an insult to the English language.
Mahalo to all the posters who post the tweets from the courtroom I appreciate it.

Mele Kalikimaka Everyone!

Stay Safe over the Holidays.
I just got home and am doing some catching up. Only thing I got from today is Geffner introduced the denial of "Jodi slashing the tires". So now Juan could bring in Lisa who is sure Jodi did slash the tires. Good stuff. Btw, my brother lives in Austin, Texas and has been a psychologist for forty years and yes he has a degree. :) We have never discussed anything but family matters but somehow today we were talking about psychopaths. I told him I was following a trial of a girl in Arizona who I believe to be a psychopath. He said, "Are you talking about Jodi Arias?". I was so shocked! Never thought my brother paid attention to trials, etc. but he said they are all talking about it in Austin and that Jodi Arias is a classic psychopath in every way. He also said "She will kill again. She feels no remorse."
I have been saying that all along. :)
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