Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 19 - Shortest Court Day, EVER

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Was Nurmi aware that BN had other "experts HA HA" do the work? And now he is delaying by not allowing JM to "interview" his experts in a timely manner. Fishy fishy again.
I can't figure the logic of allowing the defense's one and only computer expert to keep his name a secret - what in the world could be a good reason for that?

If he were an undercover cop investigating child *advertiser censored* rings? I mean, really, nothing remotely likely to be true in this case would be a good reason.
I think BN is back peddling big time because he doesn't want fraud charges. And who ever Mr Secret is, will probably claim incompetence when everything blows up in Nurmi's face to avoid charges.
If he were an undercover cop investigating child *advertiser censored* rings? I mean, really, nothing remotely likely to be true in this case would be a good reason.

Thank you! So, AZ what do you think about this first as an attorney in AZ and second as a Websleuther?

Can you give us the lowdown of what chatter you are hearing from the legal community there? Is that even kosher? TIA for anything you can share!
I am wondering if Pseudonym isn't Dorian Bond? I suppose he could be involved in some undercover carp that would be exposed if he was outed. Or Nurmi could just say there was DANGER if he was outed. You know, like all the death threats against JA?
KCL is alive and well and visiting her new boyfriend out of state. He seems like he is the one! I will pass on you were asking for her!

I knew about the new BF, and hopefully it works out for her. Yes, please do tell her I miss her, and just because she has a new love, she can't just forget her old loves.... one being ME as a friend!!!! LOL. I do miss her.
I can't figure the logic of allowing the defense's one and only computer expert to keep his name a secret - what in the world could be a good reason for that?

Nurmi is like a toddler who keeps testing for boundaries, finds there are none, and so pushes further and further.

He has nothing to lose and a mistrial to gain, so why not. No mystery there. Why JSS would allow an expert witness to go nameless, though, is beyond me.
IMO 'Pseudonym' did something hinky with/under Neumeister's Neumeister is back tracking to get himself out of the MESS....tampering with evidence. He thought Juan could not figure it out with his limited knowledge of computers.

Nuemeister: "hey, I'm only an audio guy"


Thats exactly what it seems like to me, I just read Juan's motion and he is literally speaking in circles, anything and everything is placed on mr who sall not be named. He's supposed to be in charge of finding this bombshell *advertiser censored* and yet he has no answers or ideas what his fellow teammate did. BS I really hope he is held in contempt and brought up on charges. I couldn't see myself risking my career over someone like Jodi, there isn't a paycheck big enough. Its just not worth it. Even Ray Charles can see what's going on here Heck i'll throw in Stevie Wonder and Hellen Keller too! its just that obvious.
I wonder how often pseudo and someone else (Tony) visited Jodi in jail, and when they started to visit her? I know the new computer searches started when she was representing herself, but how long before that did the visits start?
I know the tweets say that this Tony and her new boyfriend are not the same Tony, but I am not so sure. I wonder how the tweeters know for sure.
That handshake is still telling me that this group is close to Jodi, and not just because of the money. I could be wrong though.
Happy New Year, JA!! You and your posse and Sheriff Sherry have a gathering of supporters! Just keep on doing what you're doing.....with Sherry' fortunate for you that she despises Juan just as much as you do! And keep twisting that knife deeper into the family of Travis! After all, they wanted the death penalty for such a special princess!! The constitution and the rule of law?? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!! Such a tired, old arguement! If Sherry doesn't want to follow those outdated things, so be it!! This is a death penalty case (hateful Juan and Alexanders) and she is terrified one of her "rulings" will be overturned..(tell Nurmi to keep shouting mistrial and JW to keep batting her eyes) You got this, babe! Pretty soon, you might have up to 10 supporters!!! Whoo Hoo!!!!!
What does it take for KN to be found in contempt? He pulls this kind of stuff all the time. If he wasn't going to produce BN this morning then we should have continued with Geffmeister. Instead he pulls his typical stunts that JSS lets him get away with time after time after time and another whole week gets wasted. He needs to start spending a few nights in jail for contempt as far as I'm concerned.
I agree. Any other judge would have shut down the defense team's games a long time ago. This judge is completely ineffective and is enabling the defense team to create a miscarriage of justice. I have never seen a judge with such a complete disregard for the disruption they are imposing on the jurors on a weekly basis, with absolutely no end to it in sight. :facepalm:
Thank you! So, AZ what do you think about this first as an attorney in AZ and second as a Websleuther?

Can you give us the lowdown of what chatter you are hearing from the legal community there? Is that even kosher? TIA for anything you can share!

I think this penalty phase in general, and the handling of the computer issue in particular, is a mess. IMO JSS should have started the first computer hearing with announcing that she didn't want to hear anything unless it was about Travis viewing child *advertiser censored* (the only relevant kind) and/or about the State deleting evidence of child *advertiser censored*. And all witnesses should be named and should testify in public. I have no separate opinions as a WSer; my personality is entirely integrated. ;)

There is no chatter in the legal community about this case, except weeks ago when the judge forgot about the 1st Amendment for a while.
Wow. Mr. Pseudonym is super-shy for a (presumably) paid expert, isn't he? Ordinarily I would assume that JSS was given some stunningly good reason why he needed to have his name written on a piece of paper and then testify under a false name, but remember when I assumed she had a stunningly good reason for allowing the Mystery Witness to testify in secret? Not making that mistake again.
AZL, I have been out and come back to find weirdness is the name of the game in this trial once again. Sounds like pseudonym might be CMJA. While she was acting pro per maybe? Nothing about this shocks me anymore. Only one thing I feel sure about. If I was a juror in this case, I would be remembering those autopsy photos every single day the court and the defense made me wait for the trial to resume. And it would cause me to hate the defendant to the point that I would want to send her a clear signal with a decision that she is going to hate.
I'm still stuck on how it is Nurmi originally expected BN to testify today, not Geffner.

The only possibility I can see is that JM can't cross until Heffner is finished testifying, he isn't finished because the DT wants him to testify about the *advertiser censored*, and the DT wants or needs to lay the foundation for *advertiser censored* first.

No doubt JSS is being very accommodating about taking witnesses out of order because of the whole secret witness fiasco. So many entirely avoidable messes.
Really? I didn't know that. So, nothing she does sets a precedence for future cases?

Well, I don't think any other judge will ever allow the defendant to testify in secret after this. I guess that's one positive to come out of this. In future cases, the attorneys can cite the future ruling of the Supreme Court of AZ (If they hear the case) to say why such a thing shouldn't be allowed. You know, in case there's another judge crazy enough to set the Constitution of the US of A aside for a defendant.
No court tomorrow according to the PIO.
Did something change with Twitter? I'm having a miserable time trying to copy any tweets.
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