Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 27

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We haven't heard that she sold anything for PPL. I think she got into it and did no selling. She put in no effort, only into hooking Travis and going to conventions and trips with him.With Mimi's, she actually did have to do waitressing. I've heard 2 reasons she got fired:1) customer complaints, 2) she stole muffins and ate them without paying for them.

And if not Travis, some other unsuspecting guy.
I do wonder though how Angela Simpson did NOT get the death penalty. I mean, what the hell? Kinda thinking right now that if she didn't get the DP, I can't see JA get it either.. I mean, WTH?

She pled guilty and got life.
I hope Juan is able to point out the Date the email was never sent and the fact that she says TA is not her boyfriend!
How do you juice ginger?? I'm curious!

OT. I use a juicer but you can grate and squeeze out the juice by hand. I just had a straight shot of ginger juice but I normally use it in lemonade or some other mix.

I had a serious case of nausea but the ginger made me feel better in just seconds. I also feel good now that Juan will be up soon. :loveyou:
If JA chooses to do her allocution in front of the media and spectators in the court, what is stopping her from getting on the stand and finishing her testimony. Oh ya, Juan can cross her. Clearly, she is not afraid of the media. Just a big glaring excuse to avoid the man that scrambles her brain.

I agree. She's probably feeling right now that she beat Juan at this game.

Wait until she finds out the doors she opened by doing that.....YES!!
Huh??? Can you explain? I've no idea what you mean. :)

There is a group class-action? case including Debra Milke, IIRC who are suing to try to get the Death Penalty overturned.
As society coarsens, words like "promiscuous" and phrases such as "ill repute" seem to be fading from the lexicon.

They're being replaced with phrases like "hooking up", "making babies", "hitting that", "'doing' so-and-so", etc.

Gimme the good ol' days.

remember when there was shame? and that it was a restrainer to much of what is happening nowadays
I do wonder though how Angela Simpson did NOT get the death penalty. I mean, what the hell? Kinda thinking right now that if she didn't get the DP, I can't see JA get it either.. I mean, WTH?

Angela was quite honest unlike this dishonest, conniving, victim trashing criminal.
Excerpts from the fake email the especially cruel, lying torture murderess never sent to Abe, but forwarded to TA as though she had:

View attachment 68312
View attachment 68313

This shows so much about her.

-It shows how obsessive she gets about little things.

-It shows how obsessive she was about Travis.

-It shows that SHE was guilty in what she has been doing behind Travis back. Notice HER example is about HER behaving badly and then she gets mad at the thought of Travis doing what she has been doing.

-It shows that she cannot let something go. SHE had to confront Abe about something that was bothering HER. SHE could not rest until she spelled out her expectations to him. He might not have ever even thought he would be in the same situation ever again with her and he probably was floored to see this email.

-It shows that in her mind only things get resolved only when she thinks they are resolved. Notice there is a beginning, a middle, and a final ending all without Abe's input or vote in the matter. At the end of this letter, she declares the issue is fully resolved.
Abe may not have even realized there was any issue and he sure didnt get a vote in it being resolved. LOL
Following this trial has been very bad for me. To accept that this judge has openly violated the Constitution in favor of a convicted murderer is way beyond my coping skills. I will never see the criminal justice system the same way again. And knowing the defense could buy an expert at the right price to say anything they wanted has broken my heart. I think those experts should also be on trial. I can't imagine what this is doing to Travis's friends and family, those who really knew him. At this point I even believe Juan Martinez has lost some of his fire. He knows she will serve prison time, one way or the other. But it isn't the same. In this way, Jodi has won...before its even over.
Oh no Juan hasn't! He's just getting going. He's picking and choosing his battles carefully, not sweating the small stuff, and trying to be expedient to get this completed! Don't give up hope, the end is near.
I hope Juan is able to point out the Date the email was never sent and the fact that she says TA is not her boyfriend!

He should let Abe read it out loud like Dr. Gefner did with the Hughes e-mails. :giggle:
This judge just violated the AZ constitution again, trampling on the rights of the victim's family so as not to offend the sensibilities of a murderer.

And you expect fair? I've muzzled myself, but lost every ounce of respect for JSS the day she allowed the DT to slime Flores with impunity. I don't expect fairness from her. That way I'm never disappointed.

Maybe. Actually, very likely.

However, I will throw in a "what if?"

What if TA family was okay with being in the next room? IOW, they only want to view and listen and if they can do that from another room maybe they decided this was not something worth arguing about. To start, they were to be excluded altogether and they fought that and won. I think if they had fought this, they would have won this one, too. Maybe they feel they won that war and they didn't need to win this battle. JMO.
I hope Juan is able to point out the Date the email was never sent and the fact that she says TA is not her boyfriend!

He needs to show them that wasn't the first (or last?) time Jodi "accidentally" forwarded an email. Remember the guy that she didn't know, but he was watching her and Travis didn't know just how lucky he was to have her.
Jodi's waitressing days give me horrid thoughts. I wonder how many customers who "bothered" her for something extra or actually had a legit complaint had their food spit in. Or worse! I can so see her doing such :scared:
It's a shame that Juan did not put more of TA's friends on the stand during the first trial so the jury could have heard the Jodi stories we heard on HLN. You remember the blonde girl with the long hair (name escapes me) who said Jodi confronted her in the bathroom about her relationship with Travis. The girl was only a friend of TA's and felt like Jodi was very confrontational. Another friend came into the bathroom and "broke up" the conversation.
Clancy Talbot is the girl Jodi held hostage in the bathroom at the convention because Clancy dared lean drunk on Travis.
That was me. Geff did slip up and say his first name, but corrected himself and said witness 1. At this point the jury doesn't know what we do so it was a harmless error.

Sitting and waiting. BK sitting here next to me typing away on her computer. I had stuff to do this am but made it for afternoon and brought iPad. Free wifi. This courthouse rocks.

Ziggy, I wanted to thank you for your great work yesterday. Your summary was fantastic :tyou:
Angela was quite honest unlike this dishonest, conniving, victim trashing criminal.

Angela did not get the DP because it was not on the table as part of her deal to plead guilty as charged. I too had wondered how she did not get a death sentence until I remembered the specifics.

That's all I can say! Now I'm going to go brush the hair on the back of my neck down.

I have never chosen to watch this until now. This woman was full of bluster and pride. They need to interview her again in a few years when she realizes she threw away a relationship with her children to be a racial, murdering bigot...and proud of it. She will get taken down a notch or two prison.

I think Jodi would do quite well in prison because she is a psychopath who will try to read others and manipulate them. Angela is evil and is proud of that. Jodi's evil and lies about it. Of the two, Jodi is worse.
Jodi's waitressing days give me horrid thoughts. I wonder how many customers who "bothered" her for something extra or actually had a legit complaint had their food spit in. Or worse! I can so see her doing such :scared:
I know! Scary to think I've eaten at some of the chains she's worked at like Mimi's!
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