Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 27

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Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 43s43 seconds ago
Abe thought #JodiArias was cute and wanted to get to know her.

Carolyn Sung ‏@CarolynSungCNN · 36s36 seconds ago
Abe confirms that when he first called #jodiarias, it was for romantic reasons, he thought she was cute.

He had no idea what kinda psycho she was. Oops, he can't say that either.
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 26s26 seconds ago
Judge warns Abe about future testimony, what he can and can not say. #JodiArias

Not looking for the truth here, eh?

WTH happened to the truth, the whole truth. Now it is say what the judge tells ya to say ???????
If he can say it. Judge is saying the will limit his testimony. Nurmi fighting hard to keep Abe from being able to say anything sexual

A wee bit late in the game for Nurmi of all people to argue against sex talk in court room.
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 21s 22 seconds ago
Willmott is going over Abe's first meeting with Jodi #jodiarias #3tvarias
I like he used the word "sordid" when describing the publicity he doesn't want! Go Abe... Got a great word in there to describe his situation re: JA.
Come on Willmott, drag the re-cross out to at least an hour. Let's remind the jury why they weren't done DECEMBER 18th.
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 49s50 seconds ago
Jen Willmott questioning about how many drinks Abe had when he met #JodiArias
Come on Willmott, drag the re-cross out to at least an hour.

Let's remind the jury why they weren't done DECEMBER 18th.


BBM: I sure hope this jury knows it is the DEFENSE that is dragging this -- not Juan -- the :clown::clown::clown: and :dervish:
Abe pursued a girl he thought was cute? That's an accusation? Does he get awarded a dual personality smear too?
JW trying to impeach memory as to amount of drinks and his memory in general because of the time lapse 8 years later. Was he watching his watch? He said yes. He remembered what she was wearing. Business casual, flats, no low neckline. JW points out he is 17 years older. Lady jurors writing.
en's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 28s 29 seconds ago
Now Willmott is trying to say Abe had more than 2 drinks and maybe he can't remember the exact amount he actually had #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 56s 57 seconds ago
Willmott is trying to make it a big deal that Abe called Jodi and asked HER out...he's like..yes I did (so) #jodiarias #3tvarias
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 22s22 seconds ago
Now we're going over what #JodiArias wore that night.

Don't say 'and magic panties too' Abe!
Only the Magic Panties comment wasn't allowed apparently. That was "too prejudicial". I can see it, it is an over-the-top comment.

Of course....:facepalm:
But, any vile accusations and name calling concerning the victim is just fine! In Sherrys courtroom....
hey eventually made plans to have lunch in Palm Desert. He traveled there. After their lunch, he continued to have contact with her. He invited her to dinner in Pasadena--where he was living at the time. They dined at a place where he used to work. He is certain he had 2 drinks--even though the event was 8 years ago.

Its OK IIRC Joid said someone had two drinks and named the brand (in the Jodi OCD way) which I think was Markers Mark
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 32s33 seconds ago
Willmott asks if Abdelhadi is trying to get his name out there to enhance his business. He says "not in a sordid manner."

Fabulous comeback!
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 1m 1 minute ago
Willmott says Abe got 2 drinks down in a hour.....sounds like he paced himself lol #jodiarias #3tvarias
JW now going into A putting his hand in her pants. She keeps saying " and she didn't stop you? And that was pleasing to you wasn't it?"

You see where this is going.
Oh, but Wilmott can trash the witness- who didn't murder anyone and is not on trial. Makes so much sense to me... disgusting.
en's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 28s 29 seconds ago
Now Willmott is trying to say Abe had more than 2 drinks and maybe he can't remember the exact amount he actually had #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 56s 57 seconds ago
Willmott is trying to make it a big deal that Abe called Jodi and asked HER out...he's like..yes I did (so) #jodiarias #3tvarias

I thought Jodi was living with a man 20 years her senior???
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