Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 3

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This is my concern. What happens if these jurors, after hearing from these witnesses, decide that they do not believe that Arias had the third gas can or that the murder was especially cruel? :thinking:

You honestly think those jurors are so heartless they think Travis didn't suffer? They already accepted they abide by the 1st jury verdict. C'mom
This is my concern. What happens if these jurors, after hearing from these witnesses, decide that they do not believe that Arias had the third gas can or that the murder was especially cruel? :thinking:

Why does the 3rd gas can matter? Clearly she didn't return it to Walmart and she had enough gas in the other cans to make it in and out of Arizona without having to buy gas.
Personally I think the stab wound to the chest happened outside the shower then she followed him stabbing him, he collapsed at the bedroom door, after staggering down the corridor hence the arcing shaped smear on the wall, then she cut his throat as he lay on the floor. She dragged him back along the corridor with his blood pouring from the neck wound and his body expelled the air from his lungs in the bathroom where she thought he was still breathing and then shot him, not realising he was already dead, before placing him in the shower
You honestly think those jurors are so heartless they think Travis didn't suffer? They already accepted they abide by the 1st jury verdict. C'mom

I hope not! We had 12 jurors find Casey Anthony not guilty of murder even after looking at photos of duct tape wrapped around the mouth of little Caylee.

I hope that this jury will do the right thing but one can never be sure till the verdict is read out and the jurors are polled.
JMO, but JA's tracings don't hold a candle to the creations of truly talented children let alone those teens and young people who have the desire and the discipline to pursue creating visual art.

Agreed: JA doesn't "get" essentials such as proportion, perspective, dimensionality, balance, depth...... It is normal for talented kids to come at these essentials naturally. And her "mitigating" age factor not withstanding, this is no spring chicken in the art department. She can't even copy closely, for goodness sake.
You honestly think those jurors are so heartless they think Travis didn't suffer? They already accepted they abide by the 1st jury verdict. C'mom

Agreed. I think it is as obvious to them as it is to us that he suffered. The jury had to accept that the verdict was guilty of 1st degree murder and that it was cruel IIRC. Truthfully, the suffering part is a no brainier IMO.
Wide latitude, yes.....related to mitigation. But the first jury already convicted her of premeditation. What frigging difference if she used a stolen gun( which I believe) or borrowed/bought one on the way? No difference.

No relevance at this point IMO. But I bet Nurmi is thinking if he can put some doubt to the premeditation aspect he can claim in his closing that it was a heat of the moment thing. That she just snapped, or that he snapped and she had to protect herself...whichever way he decides he has to take it. It seems Nurmi might be trying to imply the first jury got some things wrong while he can't come right out and say that.

ETA: Or maybe Nurmi hopes to weave his "mentally ill young girl" aspect into it. That was not claimed during the guilt phase but now seems he's trying to say no killer would plan to use a small gun when an arsenal was available--unless they were mentally ill. And no one would keep receipts unless they were too mentally ill to see it was a mistake. That sort of thing.

She's neither mentally ill nor a young girl.
The jury can't decide if the murder was especially cruel, the first jury already decided that. This jury has to accept that.
From AZ Central:

Prosecutor Juan Martinez looks at a photo of the contents of a suitcase found in the trunk of a car in the Jodi Arias sentencing retrial in the Maricopa County Superior Court room of Judge Sherry Stephens in Phoenix, Wednesday, October 22, 2014.

(Photo: Tom Tingle/The Republic)

Did we ever find out why TA's family, JM, JA & team went into chambers yesterday?
She had it muffled by the couch cushion? The cushion that left tassle parts on the stairs?

Also on a Monday afternoon. Likely all neighbors were working or on the way home. I doubt they would hear a gun that small anyway.
the third gas can came from her ex fiancé - Daryl I believe it was. He testified that he lent her the gas can right before she went to AZ (telling him she was going to UT), He didn't know she had bought 2 others
The only reason I think the chest stab came first is because it HAD to of been a stab wound that would have put him off guard and rendered him unable to fight back. It also was probably enough as PP stated to puncture a lung and gurgling up blood. I also do not purchase into the theory he didnt know she was taking pictures. I do think that he knew she was there and taking pics of him. She may have grabbed the knife she hid in the bathroom in a hamper, a drawer or under a towel when he had his eyes closed, she grabbed it in that second so when he opened his eyes (The very last photo that he looks SERIOUSLY concerned) and she POUNCED and stabbed him right in the chest. But, I am sure we will never know. She loves that she is the only person living on this earth that does know.JMO
..... in addition, she probably wanted time and privacy to hide the weapons in the car - like she did with the second rental, where she hid a gun in the engine compartment.

Above quote regarding JA's need to go back to Yreka after picking up the rental in Redding. Genius thought! Of course! Time and privacy to hide the weapons in the car.... No cameras on her while she did this. This gets more devious by the minute......

It's interesting that we don't seem to have heard the prosecution addressing this piece of the time line.

I thought the gun in the second rental was found in the compartment with the spare tire...... Wasn't it the Helio phone that was found in the engine compartment of the aunt's car? [This is not to be argumentative, but just so we don't head down the wrong lane with this detail.]
She had it muffled by the couch cushion? The cushion that left tassle parts on the stairs?

Please, could you explain further how she would have done that so as to muffle the gun shot sound? Did she blow a hole through the cushion? TIA
Why does the 3rd gas can matter? Clearly she didn't return it to Walmart and she had enough gas in the other cans to make it in and out of Arizona without having to buy gas.

The Walmart gas can purchase may matter if the state is not going to put DB on the stand to talk about the gas cans JA borrowed ???

The lack of proof of a return is also evidence of JA's propensity to fudge the truth. JMO
When you are speculating please state so in your post, such as: This is just my opinion (JMO) or my opinion only (MOO) that way posters know you are not stating a fact.

Personally I think the stab wound to the chest happened outside the shower then she followed him stabbing him, he collapsed at the bedroom door, after staggering down the corridor hence the arcing shaped smear on the wall, then she cut his throat as he lay on the floor. She dragged him back along the corridor with his blood pouring from the neck wound and his body expelled the air from his lungs in the bathroom where she thought he was still breathing and then shot him, not realising he was already dead, before placing him in the shower

I think Travis did get out of the shower and that is what the slice across his abdomen and the cuts on his hands and fingers are from trying to stop her, then the two stabs to the chest and Travis is at the sink coughing up blood,and she's starting to stab him in the back and he's trying to get away with her chasing him down stabbing him then she cuts his throat.
I think the only thing we can trust with Jodi, is that when her lips are moving she is lying. LOL
Also on a Monday afternoon. Likely all neighbors were working or on the way home. I doubt they would hear a gun that small anyway.

Right. I know this is going to sound fake, but I have a .25 and have shot it. I bought it at a gun show because it was so cheap and I am an amateur gun collector.

My .25 is a "Cobra" brand and only holds 2 shots (over/under). LOL It fits in the palm of your hand and has a shell that is barely larger than a .22.
Mine is just like the picture below.

With that said, when it goes off, it is still pretty loud and it would have been possible for others to hear it. Although it not nearly as loud as guns that have larger calibers like a .44 or .357.

So the odds of someone hearing a .25 is much less than a larger gun would be.
Like you said, I think it is more likely that none of the neighbors were home, since the time of day most people were at work.
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