Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 31

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I absolutely agree. I wonder why Dr.d decided to dx BPD vs psychopathy like as in devault.
DeVault was dx'd antisocial. Psychopathy is on the scale of antisocial (used to differentiate an extreme of the spectrum) but it's not an official diagnosis (and in some psychs, researchers, and my opinion - it is different to antisocial - other psychs do believe they're the same disorder). Hare explains that while most psychopaths would test high for antisocial personality disorder, not all antisocials test high for psychopathy.

Even when there's comorbidity, a psych will dx based on what presents most. She may have antisocial traits (I think she does) but still not quite meet the diagnostic criteria required for an official antisocial diagnosis.

I don't know if it is different State to state, but in Texas, GPS isn't standard, yes it cost more to get it. TxTag (tolls) is also a upgrade. This is Hertz I am referring to. It might be different with other companies. I believe Enterprise is the same.

Perhaps people are thinking of LoJack? (spelling error likely here). Rental agencies were putting this in their cars so that they could recover them if not returned.
I believe that very often the State and Defense experts cancel one another out with each saying the opposite of the other. The jurors will remember Demarte because it is through her that indirect testimony (of those who knew Travis and Arias) has been presented to them. This along with the autopsy photos and Arias' lack of remorse is what you have going for the State.

The mitigating factors that will stand out are her age, lack of criminal history and the BPD. I don't think the jurors are going to have a deep and technical discussion on BPD. There might be a few who will hesitate to sentence a 'mentally ill' woman to death. The others will help them understand that the defendant does know the difference between right and wrong and is not clinically insane.

To put it simply, it will be a battle between the horrific nature of the crime/lack of remorse versus Arias being a younger, white woman. If the jurors are courageous enough then we will have a DP verdict.
I've been reading an article about the Wendy Andriano case. The jurors decided that Wendy Andriano, a mother, should be sentenced to death. Some interesting bits from the article.

"They then heard six days of testimony on mitigating factors, reasons her life should be spared.

They gathered in the jury room Dec. 16 to consider whether there were reasons for sparing Andriano's life.

It took four days.

The sometimes-heated deliberations dramatically changed the case's outcome, with a split jury gradually shifting toward the death verdict.

When the deliberations began, the nine women and three men took a vote. Only three supported a death sentence, with four favoring a life sentence and the others undecided, said juror Mary Fobes, 74, of Mesa.

After one day, the jury went home for a three-day weekend that some called full of soul searching.

When they reconvened, Catalano gave a pivotal speech outlining his reasons for supporting a death sentence, and the vote swung to 11-1 in favor of execution, Fobes said.

But the jury was on the verge of a deadlock, with one holdout, a senior citizen from Gilbert, saying he was adamantly against the death penalty.

On the third day of deliberations, jurors took turns discussing each of 23 reasons listed by the defense for sparing Andriano's life, the mitigating factors, weighing whether they were sufficient cause for leniency.

They included that Andriano was a good mother to her children and had signed up at age 19 for missionary work when in Mexicali, Mexico, for the 91st Psalm Church, now the Harvest Family Church in Casa Grande.

Catalano said he gave all the mitigating factors some weight, but in the end, they were not enough.

"Does a good mother brutally murder her husband?" he said.

Percy said she also considered the arguments against execution, but on balance, "we could not find mitigating factors that overwhelmed the cruelty. To me, to everybody there, the knife wound was the crowning blow. She had three chances to back off."

As the third day of deliberations ended, Fobes said she told the holdout juror, a Gilbert senior citizen, "Wendi has manipulated you. He said, 'Yes, I know.' "

The next day, the holdout gave a short speech saying he changed his mind. He declined two requests for an interview. "

Rose- I've read that, and thought about it yesterday, especially about the hold out juror. Realizing he had been been manipulated but still reluctant to vote DP.

I've been convinced all along that what might be most pivotal in deliberations is how strongly the pro-DP jurors will feel about their position. Without the several very passionate pro-DP jurors on the Adriano jury, that verdict might well have been LWOP.

As many others here have said, I think the pedo lie in this case will be the one lie too far, the lie that will put the fire in the belly of those jurors who see no reason whatsoever to show her mercy.
I agree that he'll try to go after DM on lack of DV and PTSD expertise ....that's what JW did last time.

What he'll do with BPD is more difficult for him. The beauty of DM's testimony yesterday is how much she was able to present about what really happened between Travis and JA and how JA terrorized Travis, all by using the narrative of how each data point illustrated a symptom of BPD.

The damage done to the DT wasn't DM's thoroughly convincing diagnosis of BPD. That helped, not harmed the DT. What was devastating was all that revealing info about JA, since it provided a completely different version of.....everything.

So, I'd guess that Nurmi attacks her interpretation of those underlying incidents. Example: Travis told Regan he felt stalked. Nurmi-- well, we know Travis wasn't being honest with anyone about the fact he was still having sex with her. He was having sex with her and at the same time telling his friends she was stalking him. How can you even believe what's he saying to one of the many GF's he had, much less use this to diagnose her?

BBM - Unless you're like me and don't believe it, where's the proof? Where's all these videos of them together? I haven't even seen a single pic with them together in any kind of suggestive pose, unless you count JA standing in a hotel hallway in a robe with TA beside her as proof. TA, iirc, only mentions maybe a couple of incidents in that sex tape, mostly what I recall is that JA introduced him to KY and then a bunch of one upping between the two of them as to fantasies with TA falling asleep at the end... yea sounded like he was really into it, not.

After hearing all JA's lies and how manipulative she was with TA, I'd be needing more than JA's assertion that they ever had sexual relations beyond what TA himself referenced in that tape. We certainly can't believe anything in any emails or texts or even postings on their facebook/myspace or whatever with TA actually telling Reagan about JA hacking him, plus JA herself having told us that she'd responded to texts as TA and then there's the AA email that it appears she never actually sent to anyone but TA. Oh and her journals... umm, don't think I believe most of those either, they sure don't "fit" with much of what has come out through other sources.
IIRC this was the title of Marc McGee's Facebook post during the time that Deanna was on the stand during the last trial. I have seen it posted here on WS, but I'm not crafty enough to find it.

Wow, good catch/memory!

Oh, how interesting...hmmm
The State pretty much blew up the DV aspects of Jodi's testimony. DeMarte saw no pattern of DV by Travis. No other person said he abused them and there are no medical or police reports. The only source of this is Jodi herself ...and she's a proven liar.

DV from her parents. Nope. Her friend Zenya and sister report nothing like that happened. In fact Bill and Sandi indulged and spoiled their children. Jodi herself also answered no when asked about DV in her parents home. :/

Drug use in the house? Drug use by the mother while pregnant with Jodi? Jodi herself reported there was never drug use. She was asked about cocaine and reported there was none used by her parents. She was asked if her mom smoked pot while pregnant and said she had not.
Jodi answered all of these questions btwn 2009 and 2011 before she decided to change her story from the ninjas did it to self defense

In one of the hearings about the affidavits Juan hinted to her changing her story. She secretly testified to the jury that her parents did drugs etc and yet on her tests she claims no drug abuse by parents or physical abuse..again she is having a problem with the truth. Hopefully this doesn't go unnoticed by the jury since her closed testimony was so long ago.
Zervakos, foreperson in JA's first trial, noted in an interview that there were fewer than the final 8 for DP when deliberations began. I don't remember how long the jury was out before JSS deemed it "hung" but it was less than 5 days iirc. I believe the jurors knew enough about Zervakos to understand nothing would change his mind ... nothing. He also claimed jurors had no idea JSS would declare a mistrial when they provided their final update to her.
I've been reading an article about the Wendy Andriano case. The jurors decided that Wendy Andriano, a mother, should be sentenced to death. Some interesting bits from the article.

"They then heard six days of testimony on mitigating factors, reasons her life should be spared.

They gathered in the jury room Dec. 16 to consider whether there were reasons for sparing Andriano's life.

It took four days.

The sometimes-heated deliberations dramatically changed the case's outcome, with a split jury gradually shifting toward the death verdict.

When the deliberations began, the nine women and three men took a vote. Only three supported a death sentence, with four favoring a life sentence and the others undecided, said juror Mary Fobes, 74, of Mesa.

After one day, the jury went home for a three-day weekend that some called full of soul searching.

When they reconvened, Catalano gave a pivotal speech outlining his reasons for supporting a death sentence, and the vote swung to 11-1 in favor of execution, Fobes said.

But the jury was on the verge of a deadlock, with one holdout, a senior citizen from Gilbert, saying he was adamantly against the death penalty.

On the third day of deliberations, jurors took turns discussing each of 23 reasons listed by the defense for sparing Andriano's life, the mitigating factors, weighing whether they were sufficient cause for leniency.

They included that Andriano was a good mother to her children and had signed up at age 19 for missionary work when in Mexicali, Mexico, for the 91st Psalm Church, now the Harvest Family Church in Casa Grande.

Catalano said he gave all the mitigating factors some weight, but in the end, they were not enough.

"Does a good mother brutally murder her husband?" he said.

Percy said she also considered the arguments against execution, but on balance, "we could not find mitigating factors that overwhelmed the cruelty. To me, to everybody there, the knife wound was the crowning blow. She had three chances to back off."

As the third day of deliberations ended, Fobes said she told the holdout juror, a Gilbert senior citizen, "Wendi has manipulated you. He said, 'Yes, I know.' "

The next day, the holdout gave a short speech saying he changed his mind. He declined two requests for an interview. "

Very interesting. But once again, we hear about one juror who waits until deliberations to say "I'm against the death penalty."

This really annoys me. I get the argument against it, and personally I don't know if I could render a DP sentence, BUT I would admit that during jury selection. Our criminal justice system is one of the best, and is often considered THE BEST, yet it does have its flaws. Having stealth jurors with an agenda isn't a flaw the system should have to deal with.

IIRC this was the title of Marc McGee's Facebook post during the time that Deanna was on the stand during the last trial. I have seen it posted here on WS, but I'm not crafty enough to find it.

I've seen this but no date on it:

Very likely imo. If JA had another man in the wings, or a decent job, or a comforting place to escape and lick her wounds, TA might still be alive. Instead, she was back in Yreka, in a tiny, cluttered alcove, without even a GED, nursing her grievances and blaming TA for 28 yrs. worth of her own failures.

Haven't made it to the end of the thread yet, but wanted to respond now anyway. JA did have someone waiting in the wings, Ryan Burns. Travis did some things that the other exs did not do. Travis broke it off with her, threatened to expose her for what she really is, told people some of the things that JA was doing, told friends that if anything happened to him JA was behind it, etc. For JA it was as much about her hatred for Travis as it was about her self preservation. In other words, her lies and true self would be exposed if Travis lived and the chances of getting her hooks into another well off, respected male would diminish to nil.

Paul Sanders (13th Juror) says JA was whispering to MDLR throughout Dr. DeMarte's testimony. I hope jurors are noticing things like that. If she hasn't already sought advice about how to safely separate from JA post-verdict, surely MDLR will now.
BBM - Unless you're like me and don't believe it, where's the proof? Where's all these videos of them together? I haven't even seen a single pic with them together in any kind of suggestive pose, unless you count JA standing in a hotel hallway in a robe with TA beside her as proof. TA, iirc, only mentions maybe a couple of incidents in that sex tape, mostly what I recall is that JA introduced him to KY and then a bunch of one upping between the two of them as to fantasies with TA falling asleep at the end... yea sounded like he was really into it, not.

After hearing all JA's lies and how manipulative she was with TA, I'd be needing more than JA's assertion that they ever had sexual relations beyond what TA himself referenced in that tape. We certainly can't believe anything in any emails or texts or even postings on their facebook/myspace or whatever with TA actually telling Reagan about JA hacking him, plus JA herself having told us that she'd responded to texts as TA and then there's the AA email that it appears she never actually sent to anyone but TA. Oh and her journals... umm, don't think I believe most of those either, they sure don't "fit" with much of what has come out through other sources.

How long did it take most of us--including me--to understand that they likely didn't ever have a committed relationship, even the pitifully short one she described? Really, not til Abe's testimony. Which fundamentally changed perspectives on the reality of the sex stuff.

And that's in spite of the huge amount of information we have and the jury doesn't. I don't think very many jurors, if any, will believe there was NO sex after JA moved to Mesa. And they would be wrong if they believed that. They did have at least some version of intimate contact on at least several occasions. Travis said so himself (not the details ) to at least one friend- Taylor Searle.
Hmm. This is the FIRST I have heard of JA not having those danged glasses on. She's quick to whip them out when the jury is coming in etc. I wonder if she's got them off because she is flirting with someone on the jury?
She took off her glasses quite frequently when DeMarte was testifying during the guilt phase, as well. My guess is she wants to "pretty" herself up a bit, despite the fact that she oozes ugly from the inside out, because she feels threatened by DeMartes looks and intelligence.
She's required to play the part of the frumpy, glasses wearing librarian... but her disordered personality won't allow for it in some cases.
One new to me thing from yesterday's testimony was JA's repeated use of crying to keep her men from leaving (TA, Daryl, Matt). I picture scary, alarming, ear piercing, I'll-kill-myself crying.
DeMarte also blew up the stories Of Jodi's own reporting of DV by Travis

information of domestic violence only comes from the defendant. No one has corroborated that it existed. Secondly, the testing documentation shows too many inconsistencies. She had four dates that she claims abuse happened but the incidents are documented as different dates. Thirdly, the reasoning and content behind the incidents has inconsistent stories. For example, the night she allegedly broke her finger, she claims it was the result of losing her job yet reports to another psychologist that it was the result of money issues. Finally, none of Travis Alexander’s relationships with anyone showed any sign of domestic violence
Paul Sanders (13th Juror) says JA was whispering to MDLR throughout Dr. DeMarte's testimony. I hope jurors are noticing things like that. If she hasn't already sought advice about how to safely separate from JA post-verdict, surely MDLR will now.

I get the feeling MDLR basks in the "publicity" as much as JA. Although I do find it amusing that most of the tweeters have left this trial in the dust. They only came back in the afternoon yesterday because the Aaron Hernandez trial took the afternoon off. I'm glad to see her/their 15 minutes are up.
Paul Sanders (13th Juror) says JA was whispering to MDLR throughout Dr. DeMarte's testimony. I hope jurors are noticing things like that. If she hasn't already sought advice about how to safely separate from JA post-verdict, surely MDLR will now.

No matter how bothered jurors might have been watching JA yesterday, I'm convinced the DT knew she needed a babysitter to keep her from exhibiting far more alarming staring at DM with murderous expressions flashing across her face.
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