Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 31

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I am just wondering how the DF team is going to try to discredit DeMarte. This ambitious and smart women has her own private practice. That is something to be proud of. She makes the laughing Gef and the mis-characterized Dr. look like the hired guns that they are. DeMarte is hard to rattle. She is not embarrassed about the sex talk. She even read the dirty emails with emotion according to tweets. No intimidation there. Poor Nurmi is not going to be able to get to her. The Dr. is a rock and stands firm in her findings of JA. Even though Nurmis cross might get on our nerves, today should be interesting.
Case Documents

1/22/2015 SDO - Order to Seal Documents - Party (001) 2/4/2015

Email captioned TIME TO VENT? 4-19-2013 was when Dr DeMarte was testifying in the first trial.
From CS @ CNN:

Carolyn Sung @CarolynSungCNN · 31s 32 seconds ago

#jodiarias appears to be writing something at defense table, she's not wearing her glasses right now.

Carolyn Sung @CarolynSungCNN · 24s 25 seconds ago

sidebar #jodiarias

Hmm. This is the FIRST I have heard of JA not having those danged glasses on. She's quick to whip them out when the jury is coming in etc. I wonder if she's got them off because she is flirting with someone on the jury?
Hmm. This is the FIRST I have heard of JA not having those danged glasses on. She's quick to whip them out when the jury is coming in etc. I wonder if she's got them off because she is flirting with someone on the jury?

Any man, after listening to her behavior yesterday would have to be loco to be interested.

Linking for those interested ;) Paul Sanders take from yesterday.

Sanders makes two important points:

1. that the jury will have noticed JA's behavior yesterday and not taken kindly to it. The last jury said they did notice and they didn't like it, more meaningful this time around because they're only looking for reasons to spare or her not.

2. The jury expects her to take the stand again. She still could, and she has allocution, but if she doesn't take the stand it's definitely possible jurors will hold it against her, no matter whatever instructions JSS gives them not to do so.
[BIt upsets me to see so much negativity in the posts today, disagreeing between members etc.[/B]This case has everyone on edge, all riled up and I worry that at the end, if she's sentanced to LWOP that so many people see that as a loss. DP or LWOP, really makes no difference, she's never walking out, ever. I think we all need to accept that and focus on the one thing each and every one of us has wanted from the start. Travis' name to be cleared. And it has been. Between yesterday and today, I can honestly say the sentance doesn't matter to me anymore. Juan won today, the family won today, justice was served today. Her team will try to dispute it. Her experts will be back to blab more BS. But it doesn't matter. We all saw the real truth today and for me, knowing hOw much it destroyed Jodi to have all her BS made public, I'm good. DP or LWOP, I don't care. We've already won.

BBM. At times I thought I was on a Facebook page for bullies or a Spelling and Grammar Police Page!
Ryan Burns is glad the grinding didn't involve an implement.

I disagree. I believe borderline explains her intrusive (read stalkerish) behaviors, her emotional immaturity, and her need to be in a relationship (or several). It does not explain why she chose to murder someone.

It also does not, cannot, explain her animal abuse; hitting her brother with a bat; destroying Travis now; sending the irises to Norma (because Travis liked Iris for a potential future daughter's name, according to Jodi); making the sex tape; the 18 page letter; the different responses to psychs; her reaction in interviews; glib responses; flat affect (remember she was more animated on the stand describing their sexcapades then she was recounting the details of the murder); or her belief that no jury would ever convict her.

For all of that, there's only one explanation and that's psychopathy. The jury will unfortunately not hear about it but many of her behaviors and traits are not consistent, or even associated, with borderline. Even a heightened level of aggression - for many borderlines, that aggression is turned on themselves. However, for female psychopaths, that aggression is often turned outward.


I absolutely agree. I wonder why Dr.d decided to dx BPD vs psychopathy like as in devault.
I think he'll exploit BPD to rationalize Jodi's actions but attack DeMarte for a pretend lack of expertise where PTSD and domestic violence are concerned.

I agree that he'll try to go after DM on lack of DV and PTSD expertise ....that's what JW did last time.

What he'll do with BPD is more difficult for him. The beauty of DM's testimony yesterday is how much she was able to present about what really happened between Travis and JA and how JA terrorized Travis, all by using the narrative of how each data point illustrated a symptom of BPD.

The damage done to the DT wasn't DM's thoroughly convincing diagnosis of BPD. That helped, not harmed the DT. What was devastating was all that revealing info about JA, since it provided a completely different version of.....everything.

So, I'd guess that Nurmi attacks her interpretation of those underlying incidents. Example: Travis told Regan he felt stalked. Nurmi-- well, we know Travis wasn't being honest with anyone about the fact he was still having sex with her. He was having sex with her and at the same time telling his friends she was stalking him. How can you even believe what's he saying to one of the many GF's he had, much less use this to diagnose her?
Hmm. This is the FIRST I have heard of JA not having those danged glasses on. She's quick to whip them out when the jury is coming in etc.

I wonder if she's got them off because she is flirting with someone on the jury?


BBM: No doubt, she's trying to "flirt" and hoping she has another Zervakos on this jury :gaah:

She is so sneaky, yet predictable ... those glasses are nothing but props for her performance.

After yesterday's bombshells, I sure hope this jury realizes that she is pure EVIL !
Still not a "blood thinner". Warfarin is a blood thinner.

Moltrin and advil are NOT true blood thinners but can cause excessive bleeding during surgery or if have a cut.

When I had a biopsy done in the drs office my documents stated not to take aspirin for 7 days prior to the procedure. I called the drs office to ask if I needed to stop taking Motrin. The person on the phone checked and said no, it is not aspirin. During the procedure I was bleeding excessively and the dr asked what I had taken. When I told the dr. that her office personnel said it was ok to take Motrin she was quiet and mad that the information was incorrect. A nurse had to sit on top of me and compress the surgical area for 10 minutes to stop the bleeding.

So yes, ibuprofen can thin the blood.

IIRC this was the title of Marc McGee's Facebook post during the time that Deanna was on the stand during the last trial. I have seen it posted here on WS, but I'm not crafty enough to find it.
I agree that he'll try to go after DM on lack of DV and PTSD expertise ....that's what JW did last time.

What he'll do with BPD is more difficult for him. The beauty of DM's testimony yesterday is how much she was able to present about what really happened between Travis and JA and how JA terrorized Travis, all by using the narrative of how each data point illustrated a symptom of BPD.

The damage done to the DT wasn't DM's thoroughly convincing diagnosis of BPD. That helped, not harmed the DT. What was devastating was all that revealing info about JA, since it provided a completely different version of.....everything.

So, I'd guess that Nurmi attacks her interpretation of those underlying incidents. Example: Travis told Regan he felt stalked. Nurmi-- well, we know Travis wasn't being honest with anyone about the fact he was still having sex with her. He was having sex with her and at the same time telling his friends she was stalking him. How can you even believe what's he saying to one of the many GF's he had, much less use this to diagnose her?

That's what is so beautiful about how DeMarte testifies. She fills the holes with examples and explanations that make perfect sense. The defense "experts" always revert to offering excuses for why their prefab conclusion is "proven" when there is zero evidence for it at best or at worst contradictory evidence. Law of Attraction etc. Hogwash.
I've been reading an article about the Wendy Andriano case. The jurors decided that Wendy Andriano, a mother, should be sentenced to death. Some interesting bits from the article.

"They then heard six days of testimony on mitigating factors, reasons her life should be spared.

They gathered in the jury room Dec. 16 to consider whether there were reasons for sparing Andriano's life.

It took four days.

The sometimes-heated deliberations dramatically changed the case's outcome, with a split jury gradually shifting toward the death verdict.

When the deliberations began, the nine women and three men took a vote. Only three supported a death sentence, with four favoring a life sentence and the others undecided, said juror Mary Fobes, 74, of Mesa.

After one day, the jury went home for a three-day weekend that some called full of soul searching.

When they reconvened, Catalano gave a pivotal speech outlining his reasons for supporting a death sentence, and the vote swung to 11-1 in favor of execution, Fobes said.

But the jury was on the verge of a deadlock, with one holdout, a senior citizen from Gilbert, saying he was adamantly against the death penalty.

On the third day of deliberations, jurors took turns discussing each of 23 reasons listed by the defense for sparing Andriano's life, the mitigating factors, weighing whether they were sufficient cause for leniency.

They included that Andriano was a good mother to her children and had signed up at age 19 for missionary work when in Mexicali, Mexico, for the 91st Psalm Church, now the Harvest Family Church in Casa Grande.

Catalano said he gave all the mitigating factors some weight, but in the end, they were not enough.

"Does a good mother brutally murder her husband?" he said.

Percy said she also considered the arguments against execution, but on balance, "we could not find mitigating factors that overwhelmed the cruelty. To me, to everybody there, the knife wound was the crowning blow. She had three chances to back off."

As the third day of deliberations ended, Fobes said she told the holdout juror, a Gilbert senior citizen, "Wendi has manipulated you. He said, 'Yes, I know.' "

The next day, the holdout gave a short speech saying he changed his mind. He declined two requests for an interview. "
IIRC this was the title of Marc McGee's Facebook post during the time that Deanna was on the stand during the last trial. I have seen it posted here on WS, but I'm not crafty enough to find it.

If that's correct, sure is interesting that at least one of MM's rantings is on record with the court. :). Especially since what he said then contradicts what he said in his affadavit.
IIRC this was the title of Marc McGee's Facebook post during the time that Deanna was on the stand during the last trial. I have seen it posted here on WS, but I'm not crafty enough to find it.

Oh, then if that is accurate this is coming from Juan??? Lol I don't understand this kind of stuff. I always appreciate when someone updates the info, but it never makes sense to me :blushing:
The State pretty much blew up the DV aspects of Jodi's testimony. DeMarte saw no pattern of DV by Travis. No other person said he abused them and there are no medical or police reports. The only source of this is Jodi herself ...and she's a proven liar.

DV from her parents. Nope. Her friend Zenya and sister report nothing like that happened. In fact Bill and Sandi indulged and spoiled their children. Jodi herself also answered no when asked about DV in her parents home. :/

Drug use in the house? Drug use by the mother while pregnant with Jodi? Jodi herself reported there was never drug use. She was asked about cocaine and reported there was none used by her parents. She was asked if her mom smoked pot while pregnant and said she had not.
Jodi answered all of these questions btwn 2009 and 2011 before she decided to change her story from the ninjas did it to self defense
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