Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 31

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Notice also Michael is not tweeting much when things are not going good for him and JA.

:seeya: Yep, Hatfield ! I noticed that when posting his tweets ... oh well, Kiefer !

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
Who was the friend that TA told that. if he was found dead. that JA would be the one who had killed him? Did DR D interview him?
Yeah. If Travis were an abuser, he'd be the one facing trial for murdering her. Some of the antics she pulled and then to claim abuse on top of it? Ask any real abuse victim, anywhere, if they'd feel safe enough to slash their abuser's tires.

And then knock on the door?!?!

She could not stand even one minute of Travis being alone with Lisa.

Travis was way too understanding, and in that final photo I think he finally realized too late what she was capable of. Jodi capitalized on Travis' trusting and generous nature, even in the final few hours of his life. Yet, Jodi STILL shows no remorse. How she must hate how people still love Travis in spike of her tales of abuse.
Her response to him asking her aboit the ring is telling.

She first says, "what ring?" What ring? How many diamond rings does Travis have that you took. You know what ring.

Then she says oh yeah, I have it, I'll explain later. Explain what? What could the explanation possibly be for going into a drawer and taking something that doesn't belong to you? Something valuable? Safe keeping? It was in a drawer! It wasn't yours!

... and it had to be in a lovely little jeweller's box, satin lined and velvet covered. I wonder if she ever did explain that she no doubt proposed to herself that night and then relived the fantasy in her journal?
Been reading BK site. Everything we have talked about for the past two years. As we suspected, she stole the ring, she hacked into his emails, texts, slashed his tires, stalked him without mercy. What a quack she is. I feel so sorry for Travis. He had to be so embarrassed that he fell for her, him being a man and all. And no matter whether he was nice or rude, he could not get rid of her. He knew she would kill him. And to this day, I believe she was on her way with her 2 knives and new gun to kill again. She really should not be in society. The jury must be reeling right now!

I agree. Just think of the jury that up until these past couple days they had a 1 sided view of this monster. Now all of sudden there is a clear picture that makes some sense to them.

They have been lied to all along. Juan is finally getting his chance to show them the real truth about this monster. They are probably outraged of their time waisted by the DT.
Who was the friend that TA told that. if he was found dead. that JA would be the one who had killed him? Did DR D interview him?

Iirc it was Dr. Hiatt, an older LDS friend, whose family TA ate Sunday dinner with after church.
IMO Travis was too nice. I think his upbringing and his belief system contributed to his "soft" reactions to Jodi. Most of us would be terrified. Change locks and use them, change everything and anything that gave her access to his life. Travis looked for the good in people and thought he could "help". Lord only knows what song and dance she gave him about her own life experience. IMO.
It is not a false claim IMO.

If someone takes a diamond ring of mine without me knowing it nor having my permission then the only way they did so was steal it.

Taking something without the consent of the owner IS stealing.


Yep sure is (stealing), and I'll bet that's why DeMarte phrased it in that way. I thought it was sharp of her, because that's exactly what the text said happened. It was also kind of funny if you imagine him getting all huffy about lack of proof, IMO.
I hope so MM. All this "fear of abandonment" talk is making me picture a lonely scorned women who just went crazy and decided to kill this man who just wouldn't love her. She just wanted to be loved!
I think just the opposite Nali. She was likely born the way she is, evenif it's BPD and fear of abandonment. Travis never owed it to her to be her savior. Dating is trying out different people to see how it fits. She was NOT scorned. She was scorning him. Going through his texts and emails, stealing from him, lying to the Hughes about him, embarrassing him, stalking him, slashing his tires, breaking into his home uninvited. There is nothing left about her to feel sorry for. No more than any other Psycopath. I hate what she did to Travis. She was her own enemy. And if she had been everything she portrayed herself to be, they might be married right now. She never was anything but a shell and that is NOT Travis's responsibility. She didn't just "want to be loved". She wanted to own and possess another soul and that's wrong on so many levels!
Det. Smith is to generate an EnCase report for the DT and bring his computer with him when he testifies, just as Pseudonym did.
Dr. DeMarte's testimony so far:

  • No physical abuse of JA at TA's hands
  • No verbal abuse, but sometimes they fought and said mean things to each other
  • JA told Dr. Samuels that her parents did not abuse her
  • JA told Dr. DeMarte that her mom did not smoke pot
  • JA's Yreka friend Zenya said that there was no abuse in the Arias home
  • JA's cousin Aimee said that the Arias kids were spoiled, not spanked
  • JA's half sister said that JA was secretive, didn't want her parents butting in to her life
  • Dr. DeMarte has definitely diagnosed JA as having BPD and this testimony supports that dx
  • Dr. D says TA was texting/emailing about 12 women, not dating anyone "officially"
  • Dr. D reads text in which TA says he thinks JA slashed his tires, but she denies it
  • JA read TA's journals, texts and emails
  • Lisa Andrews and TA caught JA in TA's house when she should not have been there
  • Zach Billings told Det. Flores that JA would show up unannounced and not invited
  • Dr. D read texts in Which TA JA took a ring from him
If I were a juror, I'd want to know if having BPD means being incapable of feeling remorse. If the answer is yes, JA gets off the hook for a lot. But, not for lying to the jury herself and for trashing Travis rather than at least taking responsibility, even if she didn't feel remorseful.
Yikes! JA is getting creamed. I am only worried that it seems like JD is saying BPD a lot and I hope there aren't members of the jury who will start thinking "this chick is super crazy. Cant execute a crazy chick" Tell me I am wrong!!
I am wondering this, too!!!
I bet she took the ring to pretend he had proposed. What a nut.

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what she did. Jodi told her dad that she and Travis were engaged.
I agree. Just think of the jury that up until these past couple days they had a 1 sided view of this monster. Now all of sudden there is a clear picture that makes some sense to them.

They have been lied to all along. Juan is finally getting his chance to show them the real truth about this monster. They are probably outraged of their time waisted by the DT.

I am angry with the defense for not realizing this is a murderer who needs to be locked away from society, and because of wanting to either gain notoriety for the trial or gain a fat paycheck, they ignored what they knew and decided to trash a normal man after this heinous murder. What goes around comes around. I would like to put them on trial and strip them bare. Shame on them!
Det. Smith is to generate an EnCase report for the DT and bring his computer with him when he testifies, just as Pseudonym did.
Dr. DeMarte's testimony so far:

  • No physical abuse of JA at TA's hands
  • No verbal abuse, but sometimes they fought and said mean things to each other
  • JA told Dr. Samuels that her parents did not abuse her
  • JA told Dr. DeMarte that her mom did not smoke pot
  • JA's Yreka friend Zenya said that there was no abuse in the Arias home
  • JA's cousin Aimee said that the Arias kids were spoiled, not spanked
  • JA's half sister said that JA was secretive, didn't want her parents butting in to her life
  • Dr. DeMarte has definitely diagnosed JA as having BPD and this testimony supports that dx
  • Dr. D says TA was texting/emailing about 12 women, not dating anyone "officially"
  • Dr. D reads text in which TA says he thinks JA slashed his tires, but she denies it
  • JA read TA's journals, texts and emails
  • Lisa Andrews and TA caught JA in TA's house when she should not have been there
  • Zach Billings told Det. Flores that JA would show up unannounced and not invited
  • Dr. D read texts in Which TA took a ring from him

+ TA was mad that JA moved to Mesa after they broke up.

ETA: Thanks for putting together the highlights.
The spying and slashed tires are getting in because the DT opened the door with painting Jodi as a special snowflake who was passive and could do no harm to anyone as it was in her nature to just defer to whatever Travis wanted. She had convinced the DT psych experts that she was a victim of Travis' "mean and abusive" behaviors. This testimony is being allowed to refute her allegations that Travis was in control of her. The rules are different for a sentencing phase trial vs. a guilt phase trial.

What I want to know is whether all of this alternate evidence was made available to the DT "experts". Because if it was...shame on them. Well shame on them anyway for their skewed version of things but if they had this info? No excuse. And if they didn't? They should be livid with the DT for not providing everything they needed to form an "opinion" and refuse to return for the rebuttal phase unless under subpoena and as a hostile witness.

I am wondering this, too!!!
This "crazy chick" stalked and murdered a decent young man, lied about it, sent letters detailing the murder to his family, and then had her defense team slander and demonize him. Feel sorry for her? No way!!!
it's not something that I normally talk about, but feel the need here. I have post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd), dissociative identity disorder, and severe abandonment disorder. Mine comes from an abusive childhood, and also domestic violence with my ex. I find it insulting that she can use these illnesses to hide behind. NOTHING she has done, is even remotely close to what I and others in my support group would come close to doing. She makes me sick!
I personally think that's what part of the last argument was about. JA was telling TA that she knew all this stuff about him and Lisa/Mimi because someone was telling her. I think she was hacked into his facebook and email and he did not know about it. When he finally confronted her to provide the name of this "person" who was telling her all these things (because at that point he knew she was in his accounts...I think he caught her right?) he was mad as hell. About everything.

What I don't understand is why he didn't make a concentrated effort to keep her away from him sooner. I don't think the sex was THAT important to him. I think he was scared of her...for quite some time. And didn't know what to do about it. A restraining order? Sure. But most people know how well those go over on obsessed people. Keep your enemies close and all that? He didn't seem to have to nerve to really call her out and try to cut her out of his life until she had moved back to CA. Maybe he felt braver at that point that she would truly leave him alone. She was 1000 miles away.

Imagine how he must have felt when she showed up in the middle of the night/early morning? I think I understand the sex thing that day now. :thinking:


I agree I feel as if he thought he could quell the situation by giving her what she wanted.. "Oh Travis please, I miss you, I'm sorry can we just grind or be naughty for the last time..." MANIPULATION. With a stalker you cannot give into them by being passive or agreeing to anything they want. They will take this and run a football field with it. I dealt with a stalker in High School, started off innocently giving him my number he used to call continuously all day long non stop. I used to let the phone ring out and he would call back. When I started answering the calls and trying to reason with him he began to call more and show up at my house. He would sit outside my house all day long knocking. My mom was at work and I was home alone. He kept this up until I told my mother what happened. She had to call his mother to get him to stop and threaten with a restraining order. He stopped for a while and then started having other people call my house. Its a very scary feeling but when you give into them you encourage them. They cannot accept rejection, they don't respect boundaries. Its a lose lose situation to be in. Just the other day on facebook I saw him under the people you may know suggestion. Scared the daylights outta me. I don't think there's much he could do once she was fixated on him. Its really hard to understand unless you've been there.
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