Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 33

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Please continue your discussions about the court proceeding for today here.

Let's hope there is no lunchtime :drama: today.

She is everything that Ms. LaViolette and Dr. Samuels, should have been. She is a true professional clinical psychologist. Her professionalism fills the courtroom. She is bright and articulate. Her integrity is beyond reproach.It is quite apparent that she believes deeply in her profession. It is also apparent that she is well-educated and could serve as a role model for her profession. In the opinion of this writer, her integrity is not for sale.
I don't think it matters how long KN goes on with DeMarte. Juan will clean up any loose ends and stress that BPD does not mean such a vicious crime can be excused. He can add whatever else he'd like - since the DT goes on forever in cross, it's impossible for anything in redirect to be out of scope. Then he'll call in Smith for what I bet is a very small number of questions and rest. Recall that Juan wanted to call Smith and then DeMarte, but the Smith "report" business let the DT mess that up.

The whole *advertiser censored* thing has been so discredited at this point I don't know that the DT will spend a lot of time on Smith. They just wanted a delay for the sake of delaying. They haven't lost a juror except for the DUI one since around when the trial started, so their strategy of hoping for mistrial due to jury attrition is hopeless. Any delaying now can be for no other reason than to pad their pockets.
Just a thought this Monday morning..

If JA stood before this jury at the end of sentencing phase and said how sorry she was about the death of TA (without admitting guilt of course, appeals and all, you know) cried and wailed and asked to live, do you think this jury would be swayed? Would they vote LWOP? :thinking:
I was so bored this tired of winter and snow...
Just a thought this Monday morning..

If JA stood before this jury at the end of sentencing phase and said how sorry she was about the death of TA (without admitting guilt of course, appeals and all, you know) cried and wailed and asked to live, do you think this jury would be swayed? Would they vote LWOP? :thinking:

On Day 1 of this retrial? Absolutely. At this point, I dunno. It's apparent that she's an evil person.
I believe LWOP or hung again after all this means there's someone that no matter what happens would never vote death.
And I hate that I keep cking in on this trial.
Just a thought this Monday morning..

If JA stood before this jury at the end of sentencing phase and said how sorry she was about the death of TA (without admitting guilt of course, appeals and all, you know) cried and wailed and asked to live, do you think this jury would be swayed? Would they vote LWOP? :thinking:

Good question. I guess it would depend how convincing she was. I know I would weigh in as to who exactly the tears were for.
Quote Travis "She only cries for herself." So I'd say no on that. The only thing she can do is humble herself and go full on bat cat crazy or come clean.
Just a thought this Monday morning..

If JA stood before this jury at the end of sentencing phase and said how sorry she was about the death of TA (without admitting guilt of course, appeals and all, you know) cried and wailed and asked to live, do you think this jury would be swayed? Would they vote LWOP? :thinking:

I think they would give it some thought if they felt it was sincere, but we have seen her attempts at crying are poor and glaringly fake. She can't fake it because she does not believe she did anything wrong.
The word devalue that DeMarte used really struck me hard. That is exactly what she has done to him devalue him. He was worth absolutely nothing to her. His murder means nothing to her, nothing at all. She can't fake the emotion of remorse. It's just not in her.

No cold here. 78 yesterday.
Just a thought this Monday morning..

If JA stood before this jury at the end of sentencing phase and said how sorry she was about the death of TA (without admitting guilt of course, appeals and all, you know) cried and wailed and asked to live, do you think this jury would be swayed? Would they vote LWOP? :thinking:

Nope. The chief thing they ever wanted to hear from her is that she accepts sole responsibility for what she did and that she feels genuine remorse.

If she says now that she takes responsibility, how can the jury believe her after she and the DT have spent months saying Travis deserved to die?

As to remorse. If the jury doesn't believe she's accepted responsibility there is no way to convince them she feels remorse.

Crying or whatever other drama she might trot out is more likely to pizz the jury off, IMO, than to move them to pity.

She's not going to get LWOP.
I pity these Jurors. The Murder itself is horrific. They decide if someone lives or dies. Yet they are still enduring endless days of sidebars and the Defense Team's bravado etc. etc. I think I would have lost my mind by now.
And I hate that I keep cking in on this trial.

I'm annoyed that I'm still following this trial. I don't want to be on this :rollercoaster: for another month or two. Help! I want to get out!
I don't know how to bring over from the previous thread, but someone mentioned the ring email occurring on March 18 and then her journal entry saying on 3/19 that they fell asleep watching The Sopranos.

Now. I loved the Sopranos. Does anyone think Travis watched it? Most Mormons don't watch Rated R movies. Maybe Travis didn't feel as strongly about Rated R, but Lisa (I think it was Lisa) said on the stand that Travis couldn't stand the use of words like "fart" and "crap." The language in the Sopranos went way beyond that. Does anyone think Travis was a watcher of the Sopranos? I find that awfully doubtful.

My guess is she fell asleep watching the Sopranos while he was out on a date or with friends and came home to find her there.
Just a thought this Monday morning..

If JA stood before this jury at the end of sentencing phase and said how sorry she was about the death of TA (without admitting guilt of course, appeals and all, you know) cried and wailed and asked to live, do you think this jury would be swayed? Would they vote LWOP? :thinking:

only if she was hooked up to a lie detector machine and told the truth/all the details prior, during & after the murder..

just wanted to jump in and thank everyone for al the tweets and commentary.
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