Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 40

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I firmly believe the jurors already have their minds made up.
We know that TA did have damage and mental problems and carried this forth with relationship with JA.

This is exactly the same sort of thing the Dr's are saying - not that he's a bad guy - reality is because of his upbringing he wasn't the best to women, but you can see from his emails and texts he wasn't a good guy to Jodi (although he may have been to others)
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 25s 26 seconds ago
Nurmi is reading the email from Sky to Travis telling him he's been affected by his up bringing #jodiarias #3tvarias
N: this is all about distraction. Now he tells story - of the lost key.
Man in front yard looking through his grass on knees, neighbors walk by and ask him? He says looking for key to his house, so neighbors help him look for several minutes.
(Can't hear now.)

Why are we looking for the key here? The point of the story is you arent' going to find what you are looking for if you aren't looking in the right place - the right place for the key is somewhere else.

The story of Travis is tragic and the wrong place to look - the jury instructions tell you to look where they key is - to look at factors of whether or not you kill that girl.

LKN can't even tell jokes correctly -- 9 days out of 10.
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 1m1 minute ago
Nurmi says that is what Miccio-Fonseca said in testimony, that Alexander was afraid of seeming weak or damaged; affected his relationships.

Cathy ‏@courtchatter · 1m1 minute ago
Sky now has tears in her eyes. Everyone ready for this to be over. #jodiarias

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 1m1 minute ago
Nurmi on Alexander: He might have been a good guy to a lot of people but wasn't always a good guy to #jodiarias.
Now Dr. G and Dr. G - only relied on law of attraction - no they didn't. None of them said that. Dr. F explained what it was and what it meant to these people, but nobody relied on it. They relied on tests, not just subjective tests, but ones with validity scales.
William Pitts ‏@william_pitts · 1m1 minute ago
"there's another person you didn't hear from in person, but you read her emails." -- meaning Sky Hughes #JodiArias
Tammy Rose @News20Chopper · 58s 59 seconds ago
Nurmi says you can see in Travis' emails that he wasn't always a good guy to #JodiArias
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 8s 9 seconds ago
Nurmi says again the state distracts by telling the jury his experts relied on the laws of attraction #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 50s 51 seconds ago
Nurmi again saying they don't think Travis was a bad guy but he wasn't always good to #jodiarias #3tvarias
Right. They only claimed that Travis was an abuser and a pedophile. Not a bad guy--well, not in Nurmi's world because he defends sexual molesters.
One distraction is that they tried to say TA was a bad guy. The reality is that none of their witnesses said that. I said how tragic TA's death was and that he was a nice young man. Dr. F talked about the tragic nature of TA childhood but how he overcame his past, Dr. G did too.

LKN now lying about their trash-the-victim strategy.
One distraction is that they tried to say TA was a bad guy. The reality is that none of their witnesses said that. I said how tragic TA's death was and that he was a nice young man. Dr. F talked about the tragic nature of TA childhood but how he overcame his past, Dr. G did too.
Holy cow, Nurmi! Just come out and call the jurors stupid why don't you?
CBS 5 News ‏@CBS5AZ · 3m3 minutes ago
Nurmi seems a lot more aggressive today when speaking to the jury. He's not soft spoken like yesterday, very fired up this a.m. #jodiarias
Troy Hayden @troyhaydenfox10 · 1m 1 minute ago
Nobody is here to say Travis was a bad guy. Nurmi. #JodiaArias

Troy Hayden @troyhaydenfox10 · 2m 2 minutes ago
Sky Hughes to Travis in email "you have been hurt badly by your parents" Nurmi sys caused Travis to want to be seen in dif light
From WAT:

Wild About Trial 2 @WildaboutTrial2 · 2m 2 minutes ago

Is the guy behind me using a typewriter? Seriously. #JodiArias

He was too good to JA he put up with way to much BS from her JMO
And Dr. G said he looked at that and everything else and it wasn't about what he believed but not what evidence shows.

Dr. F admitted JA had issues with credibility, but didn't rely on law of attraction - she looked at other sources and they both relied on other sources, like Chris saying TA gutted women and that is what Dr. F relied on because they were unusual and "non standard".
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer · 1m1 minute ago
Nurmi claims that no one on the defense team said Alexander was a bad guy. #jodiarias

What??? Are we at the same trial?

Is Nurmi talking about Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?
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