Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 40

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Do you think they will convene on Friday since they didn't usually have court that day?

The courthouse will be open anyway and I feel the deliberations will not be interrupted. It would be a shame not to let this jury deliberate however and whenever they like, IMO.
A 3 day gap in deliberations would not be a good thing. Again, IMO.

(good to 'see' you, BDE!)

616 candles lit for Travis. If every single one of us coming here today would light a candle for Travis, his Family, and for the jury to act swift and just, I believe we can exceed 1000 candles lit today.

God Bless every one of them, and God Bless Juan Martinez for bringing the focus back to Travis.
IMO, there is nothing KN or JW can say that will erase the images Juan so brilliantly used to remind the jury why they are there and who the true victim was in this horrible premeditated murder. If I was on the jury, every single time I saw a picture of CMJA I would remember that heinous picture of Travis after she slaughtered him.

Since the beginning of this trial I watched it religiously with my Mom. We were away on vacation back when Samuels was on the stand and we stayed in the hotel room and watched the trial every day. When we came back, a few weeks later my Mom broke her shoulder and ended up in the hospital, even there, we watched the trial. The day before she was transferred to a rehab center we watched Dr DeMarte on the stand, it was my Mom's 84th birthday and we both felt such relief as we listened to her.
The next day I received a phone call telling me my Mom passed away.

This trial and my grieving process for my beloved Mother have become forever connected in my mind. I donated money to The Alexander Family in my Mom's name and while all this crazy was going on, Samantha took the time to write me a thank you note and expressed her condolences for the loss of my Mom.
The Alexander Family has been the picture of grace under the most horrifying circumstances anyone could imagine. I pray every night that they will get the Justice they deserve. Nothing in this world will ever bring Travis back, the Family will never be the same and they will never forget any of this. The very least they deserve is the sentence they want for the murderess, and that is the DP.

I've never been sure of my feelings about the DP, but in this case, I see no other outcome as Justice for Travis. May God give them the strength to do the right thing.
I'm shell shocked that we are in the home stretch... Finally!!!! I hope when this is all over, the Alexander's can finally grieve over the brutal loss of their brother, and Travis can finally... Finally... Rest in peace. I think people with common sense can realize Travis was the one being abused in that relationship. I think Juan did a fantastic job yesterday. It seems like he was flying by the seat of his pants in his closing and to me, it was amazing. I love that he used the same pics the defense did and then put up the slit throat of Travis to show that the same "mentally ill little girl" did that to him. I pray the jurors go back and remember what Juan said... That they have to accept that she was found guilty of an especially cruel murder. He didn't need to nail home the fact that she brutally killed him... They know this. That's why they're there... She was convicted of that. I think she will definitely get the DP now.
Good Morning Y'all,

Soon the jury will have the case ( of course it all depends on how long nurmi will drool on ).

Tonight the only woman on death row in GA will be executed. I wonder if little Miss Priss will get wind of this.

I too, think, that it will be tomorrow that we get a verdict. Please Lord from my thoughts to their hearts.
This Jury has been through so much, time taken away from their lives. Just other victims of Little Miss priss.

CMJA didn't show one ounce of remorse, it had to be her way or nothing. Travis paid dearly for that. His family has paid dearly for that.

I will except the Jury's decision. Either way, she will never ever get to hurt anyone again. I just hope it's true if she gets life, that she is put in solitary for years until she earns her way into gen pop. That's the way I have read it.

<mod snip>

I have my grandbaby today and being nearly 2, you know how that goes LOL. I will be here with you all in spirit and if she takes a nap I'll stop in. I'll be around for verdict watch tho.

Lifting you all up as well as the Alexanders, The Jury, Juan, and yup even her family. (yes I know, they are all in denial). But like I told my daughter, if she ever was in this place, I would love her, and stand with her, but if she was guilty, she better stand up and be a woman and except her fate.

It's all about Justice, and Travis, Your Justice is upon us.

I hope she gets wind of justice in Georgia tonight. Their last female executed was 70 years ago, in 1945.
Arizona needs to follow suit. If you have a death penalty in your state use it. If it's not going to be enforced then abolish it. IMO
I'm here! I already told people at work that nothing of importance is going to get done by me today :)

I can work a few hours as the DT drones on and check in every so often but once it's handed to the jury I'm going to be a wreck and glued to WS even if nothing's happening yet! Lol
And I also want to say thank you. Thank you to everyone who has followed along, posted transcripts, tweets and anything else. This case has been extremely emotional and a rollercoaster. Even when it's been maddening to the point where I wanted to stab myself in the eye with a spork, people have done an amazing job at keeping us up to date and informed on what has been released to the public. So thank you... For your time, dedication and hard work!
List of mitigators, divided into threshold categories of what the jury must believe to accept each as valid mitigators (NOT as mitigating)


1. Arias has no prior criminal history.
2. Arias was 27 years old when she killed Travis Alexander.


7. Arias has been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. (Geffner- yes/ DeMarte no)
8. Arias has been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. (DeMarte- yes/ Nurmi- yes)


3. Arias suffered physical and emotional abuse as a child.

Defense: MF, Geffner&#8217;s PTSD tests, JA secret testimony
State: DeMarte, no evidence to support.

5. Arias suffered physical and emotional abuse during her relationship with Travis Alexander.

Defense: MF (Jeckel and Hyde, master of manipulation, bad Mormon, secrets). Geffner PTSD test. JA &#8211;TA texts and journals. Hughes&#8217; emails. Nurmi&#8217;s *advertiser censored* *advertiser censored* *advertiser censored*.
State: DeMarte, no evidence to support.

6. The abusive nature of the relationship caused Arias to suffer extreme emotional stress at the time she killed Alexander.

Defense: MF (&#8220;psychological vomit&#8221;). Geffner&#8217;s 2-tests for trauma muddle. The DT&#8217;s subliminal suggestions throughout that JA snapped.
State: JM- a premeditated especially cruel murder. DeMarte- Geffner tests improperly administered

9. Arias&#8217;s psychological makeup impaired her ability to cope with the tumultuous relationship she had with Travis Alexander.

Defense: Same as emotional abuse mitigator content. Acceptance of BPD. MF and JA (prior abuse). Geffner- PTSD resulting from childhood abuse and abuse by BF&#8217;s.


4. Arias is remorseful for killing Alexander

616 candles lit for Travis. If every single one of us coming here today would light a candle for Travis, his Family, and for the jury to act swift and just, I believe we can exceed 1000 candles lit today.

God Bless every one of them, and God Bless Juan Martinez for bringing the focus back to Travis.
IMO, there is nothing KN or JW can say that will erase the images Juan so brilliantly used to remind the jury why they are there and who the true victim was in this horrible premeditated murder. If I was on the jury, every single time I saw a picture of CMJA I would remember that heinous picture of Travis after she slaughtered him.

Since the beginning of this trial I watched it religiously with my Mom. We were away on vacation back when Samuels was on the stand and we stayed in the hotel room and watched the trial every day. When we came back, a few weeks later my Mom broke her shoulder and ended up in the hospital, even there, we watched the trial. The day before she was transferred to a rehab center we watched Dr DeMarte on the stand, it was my Mom's 84th birthday and we both felt such relief as we listened to her.
The next day I received a phone call telling me my Mom passed away.

This trial and my grieving process for my beloved Mother have become forever connected in my mind. I donated money to The Alexander Family in my Mom's name and while all this crazy was going on, Samantha took the time to write me a thank you note and expressed her condolences for the loss of my Mom.
The Alexander Family has been the picture of grace under the most horrifying circumstances anyone could imagine. I pray every night that they will get the Justice they deserve. Nothing in this world will ever bring Travis back, the Family will never be the same and they will never forget any of this. The very least they deserve is the sentence they want for the murderess, and that is the DP.

I've never been sure of my feelings about the DP, but in this case, I see no other outcome as Justice for Travis. May God give them the strength to do the right thing.
I am so sorry about your mom! I know how that is. (Mine was 60). [emoji20] Your momma I'm sure is up there giving Travis what his family wishes they could still give him. Hugs and kisses!
Whatever the verdict, I hope the Alexanders have a good lawyer in hand to get to suing.
Gonna get the bath in and figure out whats for lunch cause I plan on staying a while today!

The tweets that were posted seem to suggest their attention was on Nurmi.

Imo, they saw it. Jurors are very mindful that everyone is watching them so they have learned how to see things when no one else thinks they acknowledged it.
I have a kind of O/T question... After this is over, if the Alexanders choose, can they go after the defense team for the slander of Travis? Since there is no factual evidence of him being a pedophille, ECT... I know darn well that even Nurmi and Willmott knew Jodi was lying about it, as her story has changed over the years. Or can they go after Jodi for wrongful death, or is that off the table since she has been convicted? Not sure what they would gain from that though... she has no money.
Let's light it up for Travis and keep it going until we have a verdict

Back in 2011, when my nephew was on life support for 10 days after his father was charged with his injuries (and ultimately his death), someone here started the candle page for Brandon (who is my Avatar, btw)...speaking from personal experience, it was of such comfort to go on to the page and read the comments and see the posts from around the world...enough so that I also sent the link to Brandon's great grandmother, so she could read them.

I don't know if Travis' family knows of the gratefulness candles, but it DOES mean a lot to family members. :)
I pray we have peace by the end of this week for Travis, his family and all his friends.
Along with Juan and the entire prosecution team. They make me proud to be from Arizona.
:seeya: Good Morning, Y'all !

:drumroll::drumroll::drumroll: Almost VERDICT WATCH !

:happydance::happydance::happydance: NEVER EVER thought this day would come !
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