Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 40

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I wish the jurors strength. This is no simple task. I think a lot of them might be tempted to vote for LIFE since it's the easy/simple choice. I don't know how they will vote, it's impossible to predict but the small petty part of me just does not want JA to "win" anything, even it's a useless victory, I do not want her to win.
This is how I feel. I know her life will be hard no matter the sentence so I can be content with that. But there's been a f u in her actions that needs to be slapped off her face and I want to see it happen. I'm a bad bad girl!
Present and correct.
Big day today! Id love nurmi to be finished by lunch and the jury to be back by usual finishing time.

Could it really be as easy as them going in taking 1 vote and all agreeing on the DP? Yeah I'm dreaming
I think JM will give an interview after all of this is done. Can't wait.
Hi all, love Curious in Indiana's post on previous thread before it closed.
ugh. I don't feel the same. She will be just fine with LWOP. I believe she will consider it a victory. She is pretty (of course that is debatable, but let's just say that she wont have a lot of competition in the looks department) so she will be popular in prison, I don't care what anyone says. She will plenty of sex and get to feed her narcissism. Which is her ultimate goal, no matter how she gets it. This (LWOP) will not make me happy at all.

This is how I feel. I know her life will be hard no matter the sentence so I can be content with that. But there's been a f u in her actions that needs to be slapped off her face and I want to see it happen. I'm a bad bad girl!
Good morning, everyone!

I predict a verdict late Friday afternoon. The jury will want to look at evidence and so forth. I hope a vote is taken first thing just to see where they all stand.

If we are lucky, this may be the last time we have to hear Nurmi or Willmott drone on and on. I have absolutely heard all I want to hear from them!

Juan did a great job in his closing yesterday, IMO. Thank goodness for Juan and Detective Flores!

Verdict watch coming up!
Good morning, everyone!

I predict a verdict late Friday afternoon. The jury will want to look at evidence and so forth. I hope a vote is taken first thing just to see where they all stand.

If we are lucky, this may be the last time we have to hear Nurmi or Willmott drone on and on. I have absolutely heard all I want to hear from them!

Juan did a great job in his closing yesterday, IMO. Thank goodness for Juan and Detective Flores!

Verdict watch coming up!

Do you think they will convene on Friday since they didn't usually have court that day?
This is how I feel. I know her life will be hard no matter the sentence so I can be content with that. But there's been a f u in her actions that needs to be slapped off her face and I want to see it happen. I'm a bad bad girl!

I'm a bad girl with you! LOL

I am okay with either the DP or LWOP...why? Because the most important part is already done, she was found guilty on an extremely cruel murder and won't be free. Juan already WON!!!!

Do I, personally, hope that they come back with a DP recommendation? Yes, but primarily because that is what Travis' family wants. Also, because she really does deserve it for her cruel slaughter of Travis. Depraved in the worst way, Jodi is.

However, there are pros and cons to both the DP and LWOP...I will focus on the "Pro's" for whatever she is sentenced to, and be happy with those.

I want her to just go away and yes, stuggle in her future environment, whichever it is (in gen population after awhile, or solitary). Yes, I'm bad.

But if she and her DT get a LWOP verdict, they perceive it as a "win," and that will be hard to swallow. Ugh.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is IF she "only" gets LWOP, while it may sting for awhile, remember she has already LOST in the big picture. Hugs to everyone here that has been here, struggling to get through Nurmi and JW's slime highway, just to see justice done for Travis and his grieving family.

P.S. Thanks to all who have kept up with tweets and reports throughout this, making it easier for those of us who could only "peek" during the day :)
And also thank you to Tex-Mex for her posts throughout, with photos of Travis...always bringing it back to why we are all here.

Do you think they will convene on Friday since they didn't usually have court that day?
I think they will. Pretty sure they deliberated on Friday in the original trial. The courthouse is open even if regularly scheduled trials are not held on that day.
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Oh, one more thought, LOL

My Central Texas community came through yesterday with their guilty verdict in Chris Kyle's trial.

Did you hear that his wife walked out of the Defense's closing statements yesterday, just like the Alexander family did yesterday.

***Praying for a 2 hour deliberation, just like in Chris' trial ****
I am torn on what I think the appropriate verdict should be, I think she deserves the death penalty, however that comes with an automatic appeal and I feel she will remain in the courts for years to come. If she gets LWOP she has to fund her own appeal and we all know that she couldn't come up with the money or a decent lawyer to represent herself. I am sure she would try another shot of my own attorney since she thinks she has the law all figured out and can argue with JSS. So in that sense, she would be in the media again fumbling thru an appeal attempt as her own attorney. She would get followers and enemies in prison in general population.
Good Morning all. I won't be here until this afternoon, ugh. Hoping to follow by phone and am excited to await the verdict with you guys. Just wanted to put out a couple of things before I head out.

Juan Martinez, you are a brilliant and honorable voice for victims of violent crimes. Travis and the Alexander family are very, very fortunate (under the most heinous of circumstances) to have you speak for them with such passion, eloquence, persistence and loyalty. You sir, are a true warrior for truth and Justice!

I am positively joyous for the Alexander family, Travis, Juan Martinez, and Det Flores--this is the day that marks the end of hearing JA or her DT spew their vile lies, blame and re-victimize TA, and subvert justice!!!!!

My thoughts and prayers are with the family today--especially Hillary. May they soon find some measure of peace in their lives.

Also, may the jurors be guided by truth, clarity of purpose, courage in the face of adversity, and steadfast commitment to justice for the victim.
Good Morning Y'all,

Soon the jury will have the case ( of course it all depends on how long nurmi will drool on ).

Tonight the only woman on death row in GA will be executed. I wonder if little Miss Priss will get wind of this.

I too, think, that it will be tomorrow that we get a verdict. Please Lord from my thoughts to their hearts.
This Jury has been through so much, time taken away from their lives. Just other victims of Little Miss priss.

CMJA didn't show one ounce of remorse, it had to be her way or nothing. Travis paid dearly for that. His family has paid dearly for that.

I will except the Jury's decision. Either way, she will never ever get to hurt anyone again. I just hope it's true if she gets life, that she is put in solitary for years until she earns her way into gen pop. That's the way I have read it.

<mod snip>

I have my grandbaby today and being nearly 2, you know how that goes LOL. I will be here with you all in spirit and if she takes a nap I'll stop in. I'll be around for verdict watch tho.

Lifting you all up as well as the Alexanders, The Jury, Juan, and yup even her family. (yes I know, they are all in denial). But like I told my daughter, if she ever was in this place, I would love her, and stand with her, but if she was guilty, she better stand up and be a woman and except her fate.

It's all about Justice, and Travis, Your Justice is upon us.

Justice for Travis
idle thought:
- some friends of the family need to get a refresher course in "silent support'
- power, even on a message board, causes people to think they are larger than they really are.
- we are at the end stretch. did we ever think we'd see the finish line? I applaud the jurors, the attys, and the judge for making it to this end. I am smart enough to know I have absotootly no power in this trial but I am also dumb enough to continue thinking I can in someway send extra vibes that way. No matter the outcome, the Jodi-Arias press tour ends soon. Her 5 minutes are about to run out. She will be reduced to a number, no longer important. Someone who will show up on an episode of 'Women who kill' with plenty of clips of her nuttiness. Her followers will need a new drama fix and her family will move on with weddings, babies, deaths, milestones. Jodi will lose her power and those around her will be well versed on con games.
- well done Mr Martinez. You've done your best for Travis.
- well done Judge Stephens. You tried to keep balance the best you could, even when we disagreed.
but at the same time,
-well done Mr Nurmi. You somehow managed to defend Ms Arias, even against herself.

we're almost there. I do not envy the jury. They have to take the Slime Highway to Accusation Alley, go right past Liars Lane and somehow merge onto Justice Street. They've had one heck of a ride.
This thread is for court session discussions only. If you wish to discuss BK's forum please do so on the thread we have created for comments on the BK site. This thread could get filled up long before the end of the day so please split off to other threads for unrelated discussions. Thanks

ooops I was writing while you posted this, hope I didn't step out of bounds to much.
Slapping my own hand, I don't need the wooden spoon I promise!!
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