Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 7

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As a point of comparison. How many posters actually think about and worry how Scott Peterson spends his time in San Quentin? He's in there for life, he's finishing his 12th year on death row, he will never be executed. He socializes with a compatible group of DR inmates, he's out of his cell for many hours each day. Do you give him any thought at all? Lacey's family sure doesn't.

I'm for the DP, btw, but it's really more like LWOP.

Once Arias is put away forever that will be the end of her and all this focus on her.

Hopefully. But I kinda WANT that DP sentence to be handed down. Just as a final: WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU KILLER, AND THIS IS THE WORST THING WE CAN HAND DOWN, SO HERE IT IS. It's hard to explain, but I just WANT her to be slapped in the face with that.
I love that the appeals court judge stopped KN, and said "Let's back up a moment, here..."
I don't love that he said every mitigation witness was threatened - Daryl gave an interview same day, and Patty soon afterwards.
He then said ALL defense witnesses had been threatened - they weren't -IIRC.
The trial is not being broadcast, and the people aren't even permitted to know why the people cannot be present....ridiculous.
The same Constitution that protects the defendant, also protects the rest of the citizens ..IMO, JMO
Hopefully. But I kinda WANT that DP sentence to be handed down. Just as a final: WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU KILLER, AND THIS IS THE WORST THING WE CAN HAND DOWN, SO HERE IT IS. It's hard to explain, but I just WANT her to be slapped in the face with that.

Same here. I want to hear the words 'We, the jury, fix the punishment at DEATH.'
That's really none of the public's concern and, IMO, the public really needs to get over worrying how Arias will feel or react or adjust to her surroundings in state prison.

The judge doesn't dictate how prisons are run and that is not their perview. Once Arias is sentenced and at Perryville, it's not up to the judge where she spends her time or how she spends her time.

As far as the public is concerned, their only consideration should be if they (the public) are safe. And yes they are with Arias in prison for the rest of her (and many other people's) lives. This constant need for revenge and torture is not the definition of justice. Justice is making sure this killer will never be able to prey on the public again. And that is assured and it's forever.

Everyone here is the public. And with all sincere respect, personally I never allow anyone to tell me how or what I should think.

There is no justice for Travis, IMO. He stays dead no matter what. I care about what TA's family wants, but their preferences don't drive the system and shouldn't.

How the public views murderous freaks like CMJA does ultimately drive policy and legal reform, as it should.
As a point of comparison. How many posters actually think about and worry how Scott Peterson spends his time in San Quentin? He's in there for life, he's finishing his 12th year on death row, he will never be executed. He socializes with a compatible group of DR inmates, he's out of his cell for many hours each day. Do you give him any thought at all? Lacey's family sure doesn't.

I'm for the DP, btw, but it's really more like LWOP.

Once Arias is put away forever that will be the end of her and all this focus on her.
It is more like LWOP, but no it won't be the end and the focus. Scott's appeal is coming up and that brings back memories. Once her appeal comes up she will be back in the news. Heck even old Jeffrey MacDonald is still trying to say he's innocent...and he still makes the news trying to win new trials, new appeals. No matter what happens, she won't be forgotten sadly. People like her always find a way to make themselves relevant somehow.
I'm sure he was nothing like back in the trial, but can't you picture the old Nurmi?

Court: "You have ten minutes Mr Nurmi."
Nurmi: "Thank you Justice (whoever). I want to address this important matter with you. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Oh carp! I'm down to nine minutes!!"
That's really none of the public's concern and, IMO, the public really needs to get over worrying how Arias will feel or react or adjust to her surroundings in state prison.

The judge doesn't dictate how prisons are run and that is not their perview. Once Arias is sentenced and at Perryville, it's not up to the judge where she spends her time or how she spends her time.

As far as the public is concerned, their only consideration should be if they (the public) are safe. And yes they are with Arias in prison for the rest of her (and many other people's) lives. This constant need for revenge and torture is not the definition of justice. Justice is making sure this killer will never be able to prey on the public again. And that is assured and it's forever.

Respectfully, I totally disagree. It is the public's concern. That's why she is sentenced by a jury of her peers. It's not that we're out for revenge, but the people want her punishment to fit her crime. That's what justice is, and that's why it is SO important to consider what her life will be like in prison.
MaryEllen Resendez ‏@maryellenabc15 5m5 minutes ago
Correction: #JodiArias retrial 2resume now - media appeal 2stay in court 4 mystery witness (now more than 1) expected later 2day
I'm NOT OK with LWOP. I want the DP - not especially because I want her put to death (although she absolutely DOES meet the criteria) - she will never be put to death before the end of her natural life - but because I want her on Death Row, with all the limitations that comes with that. In LWOP - she's allowed to mingle in the prison population, with certain privileges. Psychopaths/sociopaths are able to adapt & thrive in any circumstance. That's what they DO. They adopt personalities according to their situation. Jodi will thrive in prison. She'll be a celebrity/pin-up. She'll MAKE it work for her. On Death Row - she'll be shut down. Nobody to manipulate. Nothing to control. NO sense of empowerment whatsoever. And she'll languish & die there. THAT'S what I want.

This exactly. This is my exact thought as well. I want her privileges to be bare bones. I don't want her to continue to torture Travis's family with tweets and media interviews. She won't be able to do that on Death Row.
I'm sure he was nothing like back in the trial, but can't you picture the old Nurmi?

Court: "You have ten minutes Mr Nurmi."
Nurmi: "Thank you Justice (whoever). I want to address this important matter with you. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Oh carp! I'm down to nine minutes!!"

I never knew Nurmi could speak so quickly! I think from now on he should be given a time limit. We could cut weeks off of this trial.
Is that a digital clock (in red) to keep the lawyers to their 10 mins?


But David Bodney didn't even get to read from his paper. I guess the judges have received the info on paper but I still find the way the judges can just interrupt so weird!

I like it, though, because otherwise you have no idea what the judges are thinking or what issues they are most interested in hearing you address.

Nurmi and Martinez at the same table.

* * *

Asking delicately ... what is the speaking/hearing difficulty of one of the judges? TIA

I can't recall exactly--muscular dystrophy maybe? He's an excellent judge, though, and when he was a lawyer argued before the U.S. Supreme Court several times.
Or how one responds. That's exactly it. Coming into this case so long ago, I could never reconcile why Jodi would go back...of course, why does anyone? That, we know, is a very complex answer - but never have I met an abuse victim with Jodi's particular set of circumstances to have gone back. Never have I met a victim who stalked her abuser and slashed his tires (dear fate - can you just imagine the wrath harming an abuser's possessions creates!?!) or threaten a prospective girlfriend or cyberstalk or any of the other coercive, manipulative, and controlling things she did to 'keep' Travis.

But I've known abusers aplenty to pull those kind of antics.

For a "victim", Jodi had it made. She had an abuser apparently willing to allow her to date others and relocate to another state; he wasn't even calling her hundreds of times a day, cyber-stalking her, or downloading images of her house via google earth. She was relatively independent; had the support of her family; didn't have children or a mortgage to be concerned over; wasn't controlled financially; had access to a vehicle and was employed. She had what so damn many victims only wish they did - the power and means to leave and stay gone.

Bingo! Can you mail this to Alyce LaViolette??? :please::please::please:She needs it.
MaryEllen Resendez ‏@maryellenabc15 5m5 minutes ago
Correction: #JodiArias retrial 2resume now - media appeal 2stay in court 4 mystery witness (now more than 1) expected later 2day

How hard it is to understand these tweets. Did we get an education only to write '2resume' and '2stay in court 4'... I know, I know, it can't be helped on Twitter.
Same here. I want to hear the words 'We, the jury, fix the punishment at DEATH.'

YES. I was ecstatic at the 1st degree pre-med murder verdict, because they were basically saying: "WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU." If they hand down a death penalty here, they will be saying "NOTHING YOU SAY MAKES WHAT YOU DID OK. WE STILL DON'T BELIEVE YOU." I know she will never be executed in her or our lifetimes, but I WANT her to be told that: "NOBODY BELIEVES YOU. KILLER." That's what I want. That's what she deserves. Then lock her up & let her arse rot.
Watching the youtube. Judge Orozco sounds nervous. :)
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