Revenge or justice? Does anyone feel guilty of their behavior

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I don't feel guilty for my anger at Casey and her family, and wanting justice to prevail for Caylee. It numbs the mind to think that strangers who never knew Caylee, have come together from all over the country and the world seeking justice for a child when her own family hasn't sought justice for her. Instead, they support the murderer who took Caylee's life.

Casey and her family arrouse a strong sense of injustice in all of us for the way they've behaved. Casey, for killing Caylee and leaving her body in a garbage bag on the side of the road like yesterday's trash, and then partying like there was no tomorrow. Then, when finally confronted, she insults our intelligence with a preposterous lie. Even when her lies are exposed, she still clings to them, expecting to dodge responsibility for her horrific crime.

Cindy for perpetuating Casey's lies even when she knows the truth, attempting to manipulate the investigation into Caylee's death in a bid to steer the investigation away from Casey, withholding evidence from LE, and her willingness to blame innocent people for Caylee's death.

George for being spineless and allowing his wife to manipulate him into an attempt to cover up the truth.

Lee for lying when he knows the truth and for his arrogance that he, his sister, and his parents, are above the law.

I don't feel guilty and I hope and pray that someday the truth will be known and justice will prevail. We are a society of laws and Caylee deserves that justice.
Do I fell guilty? H3ll NO~~

Would I pull the switch on the electric chair given the chance? H3ll YES ~~

Would I insert and push the syringe for the lethal injection? H3ll YES~~

Caylee paid the ULTIMATE PRICE for that family's evil.
For me, it's not about revenge at all. It's ALL about justice. I just happen to feel that when you intentionally take the life of another, you deserve to lose your own (unless of course it's somewhere along the lines of self defense).

What makes this case worse is, the very person who should be the first in line in your defense is the one doing the harm. Murder is one thing, but infanticide is an entirely different ball of wax, IMO (unless you've gotten a well documented form of mental illness - Andrea Yates). Your child/children are truly the first person/people you love more than you love yourself. This love is supposed to be unconditional. IMO, you should be willing to die for them without a moments hesitation. So when they're the ones doing the harm, I think that raises their crime to a level WELL about the Scott, Michael and Drew, Petersons of the world, and even the John Coueys, Joseph Duncans, and Joseph Smiths. Yes, they are the scum of the Earth, but they're not harming the person that 100% depends on them for every aspect of their being (and I most certainly am NO fan of any of the above).

From my prospective, it appears that Casey Anthony felt that since she brought Caylee into this world, she had every right to take her out WITHOUT consequence. She seems to feel that her rights far exceeded the rights of any child that she'd bring into this world and all laws to the contrary be damned. I'd imagine, she probably didn't feel Caylee had any rights at all.

While I do not condone the actions of the Anthonys (and I am pretty repulsed by most of it), at least they are trying to fight to protect their daughter. Too bad some of that didn't rub off on Casey when it came to her own daughter.

I want justice and for me, justice would be the death penalty and nothing less.
KC's behavior is my main question of concern and why I have followed this case.
If she had acted differently, this case would no longer be in the mainstream media.
The only 'revenge' I want is justice for Caylee--her killer imprisoned, put away for at least 30 years for what she did to that precious little baby. I'd also like to see Caylee's grandparents who she seemed to adore want justice for her more than I do, but have given up hope that will happen since the Anthonys seem hell bent on defending little Caylee's murderer for some sick reason I'd never be able to understand.

I think Caylee's GPs will come around.....this has been too bizaare....
Sorry my posts aren't always pithy, LOL

I just wanted to add to my above post a bit. I know many people are opposed to the death penalty, but IMO, when we stand and say, the life you took is so valuable that it rises to the level that your life will be taken, we are actually sending a stronger message out that we DO VALUE human life. We value it so much that if you CHOOSE (has to be premeditated) to take a life, it will cost you your own.

Not seeking death screams that the perp's life is more valuable than the life taken, IMO.

I know there are other issues that come into play, such as it not being sought equally, the cost etc...., but on principle alone, executing is saying that we value life more than not executing, IMO.
Good question Frenchvixen. I know that I have huge anger towards casey. I don't want to see her suffer but I do get upset at the thought that she and people like her are not too bothered by being in jail. That is very upsetting to me.
I can somewhat understand the bloodthirst surrounding casey and her family, although I do not feel blood thirsty towards her and especially not her family.
I think the murder of an innocent immediately enrages society. When the accused acts smug and arrogant, seems as if they had it all and took that for granted, seems as if their needs are much more important than those of their little child, appears as spoiled as can be and to top it off has an insulting, cocky, arrogant defense attorney, all of that really makes the anger boil. So, I understand the bloodthirst.
But, I have felt the mob mentality on this board before about this case (from some, not all) and I do not like it a bit. Especially when it is towards the parents who, despite all of their flaws, have lost their beloved grandchild. It has actually upset me to the degree that I felt reluctant to participate.
Bottom line, I think we as a society have a responsibility to put the pitchforks down, channel our anger into the protection of innocents and justice for them, by sleuthing, speaking out, signing petitions, advocating and ensuring that the legal system runs effectively, such that child murderers get convicted and stay convicted of the crimes they have committed. This to me is the opposite of bloodthirst. But, private society (like us), giving people like casey the benefit of the doubt, is not part of that equation, IMO. That's a job for her jury and I won't be one of them.
I get angry when I think of all the thousands of man-hours spent by volunteers and LE to find this baby, the huge cost to taxpayers for the costs of the searches and the OT for LE, and the genuine stress and heartache that KC caused to so many people who truly cared about Caylee and devoted so much of their time and efforts to find her. I think about the thousands of men, women and children who went missing in this country who haven't had the spotlight of a nation shined on their searches, who might have been discovered had they only had the resources directed to their cases that were used on Caylee.

And all the while the searches took place, one very smug, sociopathic young woman sat mute, taking it all in and only offering red herrings to be thrown into the mix, never anything useful, never anything truthful. I agree that there are people involved who may be seeking vengeance and not justice, but I think that it is understandable in this case where emotions run so high. Look at what has crawled out of the woodwork re this case. Look at the attention *advertiser censored* and blood profiteers seeking to make a dirty buck on a poor, innocent child's mouldering bones. Caylee's disappearance and death have made some people a lot of money, and the end is not yet in sight. My fervent wish is that justice indeed be meted out in this case and that those who seek to profit from a baby's death be denied the opportunity.
When it's all said and done, I think society is reverting back to medieval times. It's not justice when the suspect is found guilty by a public who has taken on the role of judge, jury and wanna-be executioner. You may not feel guilty, but you should feel like you've regressed in time.
I am not blood-thirsty regarding her. She murdered her innocent baby and she should have the same done to her. An eye for an eye and all that.
I am blood thirsty and have no guilt about it. I want her to be tortured in jail endlessly. I want her to have an option of white or brown dry bread and water for her food. I want her to sleep on 2" foam on a cold cement floor and not have air conditioning in the dead of summer. To have to sleep with one eye open. To have the voice of Caylee whisper all night long "why mommy?" And I could go on....

But this is also my wish for every person that kills a child, not just KC.

We are far too humane for those who are completely INHUMANE to a child.
Justice? Revenge? The difference is inconsequential in this case. If she were a rabid dog that bit the face off of a 3 year old, there wouldn't be a moments hesitation in immediately euthanizing the rabid beast. Society doesn't tolerate rabid dogs going around attacking people. Even people who love dogs realize that sometimes you just have to put an animal down.

The fact that KC killed her own daughter, threw her out like trash, lied about it and continues to lie about it makes her no better than a rabid dog that needs to be put down. The person that brought you into this world should be the one person that loves and treasures you forever, not throw you out like a sack of trash. Since she feels no remorse about snuffing out the life of the person that loved her the most, I feel no remorse in feeling that her punishment should be swift, severe and final. Sometimes the rabid dog just needs to be put down.
I found myself wondering why am I so blood thirsty for this woman to be punished. I am starting to feel embarrassed about my behavior when KC has a hearing or when I hear bad news for the defense. This is not the first time that someone has committed such a horrible crime but what is it about KC that makes us act in a way that looks like revenge instead of justice?

French: to me it really matters not what name you give it.....I am following this in respect to Caylee Marie. Casey WILL rot in he!! - of that I'm certain. I think that I am so attached because I cannot wait to see Casey dig herself deeper - and that seems to be happening (smug) all the more so with the help of The Great Baez. :woohoo:
Because she deserves it. She deserves to live the rest of miserable life in agony and under public scrutiny. Period!
She deserves to have a miserable life from here on out and I don't feel bad that I feel that for a baby killer. I know that I am basically a good-hearted person and loving wife and mother. That last point, being a loving mother, is what makes me completely enraged about this animal. When you become a mother, I think you not only will protect your own like a mother lion, but you feel like that for all children. I hope she dies a painful, slow death at the hands of a fellow inmate. Karma's a .
It's not vengeful or blood thirsty to desire justice be served to the fullest extent of the law against the perpetrator of this crime.

Caylee deserves just once for her mother to have to face a consequence for her actions since, her Grandparents obviously skipped that part of parenting with KC.
I don't hate KC now that the baby was found. I hated her when she wouldn't tell where Caylee's body was. Now, I know what she is and knowing that, I also know she can never be free to walk amongst us again because she will kill again, it is just a matter of time. I also know she can't help the way she is. There is no therapy to cure her problem. She is damaged goods so we have to store her somewhere forever so she can't get out.

I don't hate KC now that the baby was found. I hated her when she wouldn't tell where Caylee's body was. Now, I know what she is and knowing that, I also know she can never be free to walk amongst us again because she will kill again, it is just a matter of time. I also know she can't help the way she is. There is no therapy to cure her problem. She is damaged goods so we have to store her somewhere forever so she can't get out.


I most respectfully must disagree. She perhaps cannot help whatever flaw it is that causes her to feel things less or differently than your average person but she most certainly can help what choices she makes and what actions she engages in. She is full well aware of right and wrong and makes a conscious decision to engage in whatever actions she so chooses. Make no mistake-she may have been born without the appropriate "feelings" and empathy that she should feel for her fellow human beings, but she was NOT born without the knowledge and the control to decide whether to do right or to do wrong. She made her choice and her choice ended Caylee's life. For that she should lose her own in restitution for the one that she CHOSE to take.
I have no guilt, I just want justice served for Caylee.

I also feel due to her not calling 911 immediately, she had to be forced to by CA. All her lies/partying, throwing innocent people out there as having a motive to murder Caylee, trying so hard to blame anyone other than herself.

I also feel anger that the Anthony clan is backing their daughter who stands accused of the murder of her child, seemed to have turned away from Caylee. They, well, CA went from, KC what have you done? It smells like a dead body has been in that damn car! All those false Caylee sightings, to KC is innocent, just boggles my mind.

I feel the Anthony family has abandoned Caylee in her time of need. Now all I want is justice for Caylee and the more KC claims she is 100% innocent the more I want her found guilty, all in the name of justice, no revenge...

I feel the same way. It doesn't bother me that GA and CA are supportive of KC, but it DOES bother me a great deal that they have lied, stonewalled and outwardly NOT questioned anything KC said about Caylee being missing. I would be asking my daughter "Why aren't there any pictures of Zanny?" or any zillion of other unasked questions by the A's. That's what makes me mad about the family, and will keep me mad about them until one or more of them step up to the plate for Caylee.

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