Revenge or justice? Does anyone feel guilty of their behavior

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Oct 12, 2008
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I found myself wondering why am I so blood thirsty for this woman to be punished. I am starting to feel embarrassed about my behavior when KC has a hearing or when I hear bad news for the defense. This is not the first time that someone has committed such a horrible crime but what is it about KC that makes us act in a way that looks like revenge instead of justice?
I found myself wondering why am I so blood thirsty for this woman to be punished. I am starting to feel embarrassed about my behavior when KC has a hearing or when I hear bad news for the defense. This is not the first time that someone has committed such a horrible crime but what is it about KC that makes us act in a way that looks like revenge instead of justice?

I have felt this way before--only this time there is more info out there--

I think part of the reason is how cocky the defense and a's seem to be--how they feel that what they say is law and above no other---they are the first to be put thru this and that--the blame and spinning cycles--Just how bold they are--appearing at the crime scene expecting to be allowed in to view and critique LE/FBI collection of evidence--all their media blitz's---the lies and belief it's okay to hold things back when investigating a crime--the fact they have made this more about them than that poor little baby..she only seems front and center when money is to be made then it's back to ????:furious: I could go on--but I just want someone to realize that there was an innocent baby that is no longer with us and her mother failed to contact or even call the police....
because we have been seeing little caylee everyday more so in videos which makes her seem like she is alive yet .. and because casey gave everyone hope by insisting she was ok and alive .. we kept
hopeing and hopeing she was alive ..seeing videos of that precious little angel everyday is going to make people grow to love her
and hate the one who took her life .then the evidence was released the pictures of duct tape and hearts and her little clothing skeletal remains light colored hair =yes it is the remains of little caylee anthony .. it broke all of our hearts ..and casey is to blame for that and HELL NO I DONT FEEL GUILTY FOR HATING CASEY one damn bit !! i hate her guts for killing that beautiful little girl...
I found myself wondering why am I so blood thirsty for this woman to be punished. I am starting to feel embarrassed about my behavior when KC has a hearing or when I hear bad news for the defense. This is not the first time that someone has committed such a horrible crime but what is it about KC that makes us act in a way that looks like revenge instead of justice?

Her nonchalance. "(day 1)I think I'll dispose of my dead child...oh wait...maybe I should just pack her in the trunk until after movie night, after all, I should have been at Blockbuster 5 minutes ago. (day 2) Shoot, she'll just have to stay in the trunk another day, tonight is a hot body contest, can't exert myself if I wanna be ready to play. (DAY 3) Well, I'm glad that's over, let the party begin!" (just an example, not accurate timeline of events)

I guess most of the cases we follow don't have that 31 day gap between incident and 911 call, so the perp is caught sooner, or somebody comes up with evidence of death sooner. Then you don't have a month of party pics to peruse. I must admit, though, I have even more disgust in my heart for the mother of "baby grace"---I've decided it may be better to NEVER KNOW the details of Caylee's demise thanks to THAT case!
For me, three things.

One, her age...she just made it harder for young parents anywhere to be trusted.

Two, her relationship with Caylee...she just made it harder for parents everywhere to be trusted when their kid goes missing.

Three...Her attitude and her blatant ridiculous lies, the fact that she takes the rest of the world to be idiots that would believe her blatant falsities.
I hardly ever post just lurk but I have wondered this myself. I think for me its her utter in your face disregard for everyone: Caylee, her family, her friends, the many dollars and resources that was spent trying to locate little Caylee when everything points to her knowing full well where she was the entire time. Her obvious disdain for everyone connected to her unless it benefits her, her body language drives me crazy, she comes off as someone that is intitled to everything and has done nothing but left a path of distruction.
I understand what you're saying. She definitely deserves punishment if she murdered Caylee but it does seem that many of us wish more than that for KC. I wish that every bad thing that could ever happen to this witch does. I don't feel guilty for this either because I don't feel that any punishment the justice system could mete out would be enough to make her pay for what she's done.

It's true what you say though. Others have committed crimes just as heinous but don't garner the blood thirsty attention KC has. I think there are people that you just love to hate. KC is one of those for whatever reason. Have you ever met someone that you couldn't stand from the very first introduction for no reason at all? If I'd met KC prior to this she would've been one of those people for me.
What you perceive as possible desire for vengeance, I see as possible impatience for justice. It is so clearly needed and deserved in this case.

No one likes being lied to or about, at least not anyone I know. The constant lies from KC and team KC are an affront to our collective senses.

The wheels of justice turn slowly and in the meantime, our impatience to see justice served may at times be misinterpreted. It may also be heightened as more and more evidence is released, further solidifying already solid opinions. "What's the hold up?" "Why can't justice be served now?" "Why must we continue to be subjected to this insult to our intelligence as well as our sense of basic right and wrong?" It is a bit frustrating to wait for justice. Justice delayed is justice denied, they say. But then again, he who laughs last...

But in answer to your question, in this one instance, I am not unlike KC. Totally remorseless.
Perhaps because her family is so he!! bent on defending casey, we the public are he!! bent on getting justice for Caylee.

Casey has been sheltered by cindy from any wrongdoing her entire life, it's about time she faces the consequences of her actions.

I can honestly say i've never followed any case this closely...ever.
Many who have become exposed to this case have had strong and at times even extreme reactions. I think the line between revenge and justice can be easily crossed when feelings about this case become internalized. I try to look at this case with compassion and understanding and do my best to match my actions to my intentions.
That was very honest of you, Frenchvixen. Yes, I do feel guilty regarding my behavior and how I have reacted to KC and this case. KC's attitude toward her missing/dead child, LE and even her parents, just galls me. So do the people that have attached themselves to this case. I'm waiting and watching, hoping they all go up in flames -- and I'll be sorely disappointed if they don't. I'm not proud of it, but there it is...
I think what makes me so bloodthirsty for justice in this case is the lack of support poor Caylee has. The very people Caylee was closest to and loved the most, are standing behind her murderer. It definitely makes me angry and determined.

ETA: I'm proud and stand behind Caylee.
Hi just had to chime in (long time lurker first time poster!) I felt I had to say that I too feel guilty sometimes, when I wonder if I am being fair and should I be giving this "person" the benefit of the doubt. I wonder is it because I am I just so full of hate that I can't see how some people actually can defend or believe her? Do you think there are really people out there that believe her or are they just the type of people that need 120% in your face guilt before they will believe she's guilty? I think we have PLENTY of evidence to her guilt... It just confuses me that others find it harder to connect the dots. I think she is blatantly defiant, narcissistic, self absorbed and foul- and people that take her defense confuse me. Then I go back to feeling guilty for having no understanding of her or them!
There's also the fact that her statements to friends make it pretty clear that she had no intention of stopping at little Caylee. If, God forbid, she pulls an O.J., it will only bolster her confidence. I'd give her less than 31 days before we'd be seeing GA and CA being wheeled out of their house by the coroner. I'm not trying to be morbid, but I would sincerely worry for their well being should that child be sent home to them!
Yet another event used by the Anthony family to assuage their guilt was the memorial service. The church and their performers were sincere, but the A's...that whole sham makes me ill. IMO.
Perhaps because her family is so he!! bent on defending casey, we the public are he!! bent on getting justice for Caylee.

Casey has been sheltered by cindy from any wrongdoing her entire life, it's about time she faces the consequences of her actions.

I can honestly say i've never followed any case this closely...ever.

Exactly sumbunny! Think about the money Casey has stolen from family. Cindy came to her rescue to protect her from the grandparents having her, Casey prosecuted for theft! This " protection" of sorts seems to be the norm in the Anthony Home among family members.
While we do not have access to the most damning information against Casey that the prosecutors office is privvy too, we all can certainly read into the information that has been publicized. The lies, the ficticious stories, non reactions from the accused, just some of our observations.
Casey has this martyr complex which keep some from seeing the truth of what she really is! The world has to revolve around Casey if you haven't realized that by now from the tapes we see on the newshows night after night.
Caseys attorneys actions are too close for comfort also . Jose Baez is not acting in a professional manner and should be removed from the case. He is a fool! Perhaps there is more to this " bond" between attorney and client. Baez certainly protests too much. Is Casey holding anything over Baez's head?

It's time the prosecutors get their ducks in order and incarcerate Casey Anthony for the rest of her life for the murder of her daughter Caylee. If Baez says KC is not guilty not one of us have seen evidence to attest to her innocence. Baez is just blowing smoke and I wouldn't be surprised if KC has threatened with her lies to bring down his career.
I like everyone else here wants Justice for Caylee and I want to see KC rot behind bars for the rest of her life for killing her daughter. No death penalty. Let her live with her guilt until the day she dies.
Any guilt feelings I had were quickly gone when I read all the evidence of the horrific way in which Caylee's little body was disposed of, right down the block from KC's home.
I don't feel guilty at all. Casey still doesn't show any remorse or emotion for what she has done. It's been reported that the video of her and Baez shows him wiping tears away, while Casey has her arms crossed in defiance and not looking at Baez. It's all about her; always was and always will be. She is pure evil imo. Justice for sweet Caylee is all I care about.
I have been trying to figure out myself why this case brings out the worst in me. I know of many child murders. I know that people loose control. So here is I why I think I have such hatred for her and her family:

They left her in the woods to rot. No other way to put it.

They are not taking any kind of responsibity. Not even if for just LETTING this happen to her. I have never heard CA say one bad thing about KC NOT reporting her for 31 days.

The defense is abusing the court system. They are acting like this is a game and they are getting together all the of the smoke and mirrors that money can possibly buy.

KC pleaded innocent to the check writing charges and SHE WAS CAUGHT ON VIDEO DOING IT. I know that is stupid compared to her other charges but this is one chick that will NEVER take responsiblity for anything.

The family has obstructed justice, lied, and has protected a murderer. What a message to all of you family members that have a murderer in your home. Cover up all you want to. No charges will be filed and you may even be good enough at it to keep YOUR murderer out of jail!

And finally, if you can believe them, they chose to not tell the father of Caylee that he had a daughter. What a cruel and selfish thing to do. They act as if he had no right to know. Caylee might have been saved if her father had been in her life.

whew. MOO
For me, I'd feel more guilty if i didnt react emotionally. But I do think the intensity of our emotions is dictated by the emotions of the accused. If KC showed remorse or guilt we all would be less intense with our reactions. But with KC being totally devoid of any feelings concerning anyone but herself, our reactions go sky high.

It isn't so much about her being guilty, its about her lack of caring that I think we respond to. Can't comprehend, don't understand, frustrates us.

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