Revenge or justice? Does anyone feel guilty of their behavior

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I don't feel an iota of guilt for any thought I have posted or privately held in regards to Casey. No remorse from me either on that aspect.

I do still teeter-totter in my thoughts on compassion and justice both for the rest of the Anthony's. That is much more difficult for me to reconcile clearly and absolutely as an either/or opinion. Juggling both is difficult and I struggle with it.

Most of the time, I am angry with them - very angry. But, I can't help but feel great sorrow for them at times, too. Especially for George.
Well I am sure by now you all know my feelings..certainly those that have been here since Nov.
I don't feel blood thirsty , I don't want Revenge, I don't want her to burn in hell, I Don't want her to be given the needle , burnt at the stake..

I just want the truth...

I want to hear what happened , I want to know what happened ... The trouble I have is that this girl does herself no favours. Because if just say IF it was a accident of any sort..why not come forth and say I am a terrible person I kileld my child , It was a accident and I was so frightened I lost it and partied and got rid of the body...

That for me is my biggest gripe..why not come forward with the absoltue truth now..

There are two things I see

1) she has dissasociated and does not believe she has done this to her beatuiful daughter


2) I just cant go there - I just cant believe that anyone could purposely murder that SWEET LITTLE BABY GIRL
I was so glad to see this thread before starting a similar one. I have felt strongly from the first time I heard about Caylee missing that this case would grip the nation. I think it first grabbed me because it was the "All American Family" and these things SHOULDN'T happen in homes where there is enough money to provide the basic necessities of life. The home didn't appear abusive, drugs did not appear to be a problem, no OBVIOUS dysfunction existed. So I was grabbed because this nightmare could happen to ANYONE if it could happen to this family.

Then I heard the 911 calls and the A family and KC spin. I WAS MAD! That kept me glued to this case. HOW DARE this family try to pull one over on the public when it is public resources that would solve this case?

WE are THE PEOPLE v. Casey Anthony. The public deserves for the Anthony family to behave as law abiding citizens because the failure of any citizen to do so is a threat to US, WE THE PEOPLE. So I take their BS personally. HOW DARE THEY.

Now on a more human note, it is impossible for me not to feel horrible for this family's loss and even once in awhile I feel sorry for the pathetic wretch that I perceive KC to be. But I am glad to see the public cling to this case and hold this family under the fire until they start behaving as WE would expect them to. It is our mob mentality that keeps us in line to begin with. If I wasn't personally afraid of public scrutiny and reprisal why on earth should I conduct myself properly?

As a public WE expect everyone that is mentally capable to conform or go somewhere else where their behavior is more acceptable. KC and the rest of the A's behavior has been unacceptable and yes the town has grabbed its torches and stood on their doorstep and let them know that their behavior was not going to be tolerated.

I was so glad to see this thread before starting a similar one. I have felt strongly from the first time I heard about Caylee missing that this case would grip the nation. I think it first grabbed me because it was the "All American Family" and these things SHOULDN'T happen in homes where there is enough money to provide the basic necessities of life. The home didn't appear abusive, drugs did not appear to be a problem, no OBVIOUS dysfunction existed. So I was grabbed because this nightmare could happen to ANYONE if it could happen to this family.

Then I heard the 911 calls and the A family and KC spin. I WAS MAD! That kept me glued to this case. HOW DARE this family try to pull one over on the public when it is public resources that would solve this case?

WE are THE PEOPLE v. Casey Anthony. The public deserves for the Anthony family to behave as law abiding citizens because the failure of any citizen to do so is a threat to US, WE THE PEOPLE. So I take their BS personally. HOW DARE THEY.

Now on a more human note, it is impossible for me not to feel horrible for this family's loss and even once in awhile I feel sorry for the pathetic wretch that I perceive KC to be. But I am glad to see the public cling to this case and hold this family under the fire until they start behaving as WE would expect them to. It is our mob mentality that keeps us in line to begin with. If I wasn't personally afraid of public scrutiny and reprisal why on earth should I conduct myself properly?

As a public WE expect everyone that is mentally capable to conform or go somewhere else where their behavior is more acceptable. KC and the rest of the A's behavior has been unacceptable and yes the town has grabbed its torches and stood on their doorstep and let them know that their behavior was not going to be tolerated.


Wow.. there are so many interesting issues in this post. Thanks! I love meaty posts!

First of all, I'm sure we all know it's a mistake to believe that just because a family has financial resources that it will be immune from dysfunction. All money provides is a means to deal with it, to get help for it, but the family has to recognize there's a problem to begin with.

The Anthony family has dynamics that have been working for them for a long, long time. They apparently don't see it as a problem. And perhaps it isn't.

It's easy to blame the family - but at this point, I'm not convinced that *any* family can produce a sociopath. Some time in the distant future, we'll probably find out that sociopathy is genetic or biologically determined in some other way. It's too easy a temptation to "blame" a family when something goes wrong with one of its members. Perhaps I'm just too much of a biological determinist. I believe the family is rarely responsible. We're all responsible for ourselves.

Revenge has no place in this. The most important thing is that we as a society are protected from people like Casey Anthony, if in fact she's found guilty. Put her in prison, treat her humanely (as any society should do) and protect us from her.

That's what matters most.

~Jai Yen
I don't hate KC, I want justice for Caylee. I don't understand the claim of an accident and the duct tape with a heart sticker... - no accident.. it was homicide. Caylee deserves justice.. I don't feel bad for wanting justice for that sweet innocent helpless baby who trusted her own mother. JMO :-)
Man evolved in clans. In clans we hung together for survival. One of the reasons that our feelings get very hurt when people reject us is because deep down we don't want the clan to leave us behind when they leave to move the clan to a better location! You are hardwired to want to be with the rest of the clan! Remember that next time some person who shouldn't matter to you manages to hurt your feelings.

In order to be one of the clan ....even way back then as had to abide by unwritten "rules". You know, standards like never steal another caveman's grub! Don't rape this caveman's wife! And here is likely the biggest rule of all....protect and nuture all children! (Don't kill them!). These are rules that made it so we could live together. When some caveman would break the rules he was ostracized for sure! What kind of society would say...oh, you killed a child, no problem? Nope..what we are all experiencing..this outrage is normal. It is part of every human's "genetic code" to deeply care and protect children. There are exceptions, of course...but by and large, people will always be "naturally" livid against people who harm children.
I most respectfully must disagree. She perhaps cannot help whatever flaw it is that causes her to feel things less or differently than your average person but she most certainly can help what choices she makes and what actions she engages in. She is full well aware of right and wrong and makes a conscious decision to engage in whatever actions she so chooses. Make no mistake-she may have been born without the appropriate "feelings" and empathy that she should feel for her fellow human beings, but she was NOT born without the knowledge and the control to decide whether to do right or to do wrong. She made her choice and her choice ended Caylee's life. For that she should lose her own in restitution for the one that she CHOSE to take.

Yes! Ultimately, we are responsible for our choices. Casey *chose* the actions she took. Unless she was a babbling psychotic, there's not much room for excuses.

~Jai Yen
I think we all have good intentions, and for the most part we are here to be the voice for little Caylee Anthony, because her family only cares about Casey. I have no regrets!
I have no doubt that KC is troubled and grew up in a troubled environment. But I truly believe she is guilty and should be brought to justice. I really feel sorry for the State of Florida and all the money this case has and will cost them. Thank goodness they are willing to do the best job they can to bring Caylee's murderer to justice. Unlike the Defense, they don't seem to be focused on cutting corners.
Perhaps because her family is so he!! bent on defending casey, we the public are he!! bent on getting justice for Caylee.

Casey has been sheltered by cindy from any wrongdoing her entire life, it's about time she faces the consequences of her actions.

I can honestly say i've never followed any case this closely...ever.

AMEN Absolutely agree with all you wrote here especially bolded words. :behindbar:
When it's all said and done, I think society is reverting back to medieval times. It's not justice when the suspect is found guilty by a public who has taken on the role of judge, jury and wanna-be executioner. You may not feel guilty, but you should feel like you've regressed in time.

To me the "regression" was when Cindy allowed KC to act like a 12 year old and not only get her way all the time, but to cover up for her lies, stealing and other crimes. Even heathern societies do not live with no consequences for hedonistic actions.

She KILLED a 34 month old baby. Yes, she was still a baby. She had NO DEFENSE when KC decided to kill her. She had NO ONE to take up for her against the monster her mother had been allowed to become.

We are one of the few societies today which even allows a jury by peers to rule on a heinous crime like this. Most societies have a judge who just hands out the death penalty and it is over. If you steal, you lose your hand, if you lie, they cut out your tongue, if you kill, you are killed in the public square. That is NOT medieval, but modern day justice in most countries in the world.

People here in the US have become so darned obsessed with the killer's rights they totally dismiss the RIGHTS OF THE ONE MURDERED. That is what is appalling to me in this case.

NO ONE seems to talk about CAYLEE HAD A RIGHT to LIVE.
The Caylee forum opened very soon after Caylee went missing. We didn't KNOW what happened to her. The nanny angle was sleuthed six ways from Sunday. People did everything they could to find photos of a living, kidnapped Casey..

Then the nanny story fell apart like a house of cards. Then Casey's partying photos while her daughter was said to be missing ( but was worse- most likely already dead) came to light, along with her MySpace comments about her " Snotty little brat".

The magnitude of Casey's own actions are what turned the public, including WS members against her.
The PHYSICAL evidence which points to murder found in trunk of the car Casey was driving at the time helped most of us who might have been fence-sitters jump right off the fence.
NOTHING can erase hair with death bands on it, or maggots and flies in the trunk, or the human bodily fluids said to be found on the carpet ( we still don't know the specifics but we will).

IMO, NO ONE was out " to get" Casey. Casey cooked her own little goose with her Internet searches on child abductions, ways children are murdered, on Chloroform.
Casey helped us make up our minds with her huge lie about a real person who is now sueing for defamation. ZG.

I think we had all rather that a live child had been found. I think that we had all rather a stranger pedophile abducted Caylee one night and Casey reported her missing the next AM, frantic with worry heartsick at the loss of her baby.
It didn't happen that way.

We have SEEN the real Casey Anthony, and what we see is a person with such strong anti-social personality traits that she appears to be the rare female psychopath. I use the term " appears to be" because I cannot do an armchair diagnosis. However, her behavior was and still is consistent with absolute lack of remorse, empathy for others, insight into actions, lack of impulse control in multiple areas.. In other words, Anti-social. Add in infanticide and you have AS Personality with Sociopathy. Commonly called a Psychopath.

I want justice for Caylee in this world and in the world to come. That's all. It wouldn't matter who the killer is except that mothers who murder their trusting, innocent babies are the lowest of the low.
It has always been so in the history of the civilized world.
What you perceive as possible desire for vengeance, I see as possible impatience for justice. It is so clearly needed and deserved in this case.

No one likes being lied to or about, at least not anyone I know. The constant lies from KC and team KC are an affront to our collective senses.

The wheels of justice turn slowly and in the meantime, our impatience to see justice served may at times be misinterpreted. It may also be heightened as more and more evidence is released, further solidifying already solid opinions. "What's the hold up?" "Why can't justice be served now?" "Why must we continue to be subjected to this insult to our intelligence as well as our sense of basic right and wrong?" It is a bit frustrating to wait for justice. Justice delayed is justice denied, they say. But then again, he who laughs last...

But in answer to your question, in this one instance, I am not unlike KC. Totally remorseless.

Indeed. The idea that Baez could get this woman off - this I must get a killer off at any cost defense idea, makes me physically ill. What in the world has happened to us. The idea is to make sure people's rights are protected and they get a FAIR trial.

If there was any possible idea that Casey is innocent, the defense would have already told it to get her out of jail and get the real killer behind bars. This hasn't happened and there is no explaination for the 31 days and the partying and all. The real killer is behind bars already and the idea that she will ever leave outside of a coffin infuriates me. I don't feel guilty or bad for feeling this way. I sincerely hope that anyone wanting to free this monster feels bad, but, somehow I doubt people like Baez or Baden, et al feel much.
I found myself wondering why am I so blood thirsty for this woman to be punished. I am starting to feel embarrassed about my behavior when KC has a hearing or when I hear bad news for the defense. This is not the first time that someone has committed such a horrible crime but what is it about KC that makes us act in a way that looks like revenge instead of justice?

I don't want revenge, but I do want justice for Caylee. Casey deserves a fair trial and I hope she gets it, but Caylee deserves the entire country calling for her murderer to be sentenced to life in prison. I just hope the evidence is enough to sentence Casey to life.
I'm not happy when JB messes up, because I don't want Casey to have grounds for an appeal and I fear that is where this entire thing is headed.
Now for Casey. I guess her smug look makes me want to wipe it right off her face. She has an attitude. A MAJOR ATTITUDE! She has never been a grieving mother and I don't believe she has ever been a loving mother.
I think saying we want "revenge" is buying into Casey's attitude that the D.A. is mad at her because she wouldn't take a plea deal. It's not personal, other than Casey's arrogance and her lies, and her family covering for her, just like Scott Peterson. We and LE want justice done. Noone is calling for Casey to have a tortuous death.
Caylee was light and beauty of her Creator and the EVIL in that family had to destroy her.

The rest of the evil ones will fall one by one, because EVIL KILLS and the strongest will destroy the other ones before it is over. Lets just hope the one left standing is DESTROYED by their own evil within.
I am blood thirsty and have no guilt about it. I want her to be tortured in jail endlessly. I want her to have an option of white or brown dry bread and water for her food. I want her to sleep on 2" foam on a cold cement floor and not have air conditioning in the dead of summer. To have to sleep with one eye open. To have the voice of Caylee whisper all night long "why mommy?" And I could go on....

But this is also my wish for every person that kills a child, not just KC.

We are far too humane for those who are completely INHUMANE to a child.

As a jail inmate, KC has no choice of bread. It's crappy white processed bread only. Water comes from a barely working nasty little spout. Neither hot or cold. No wonder she's spending her commissary money on bottled water (as NG likes to remind us). Sleeping on a 2" foam mattress covered in hard cracked plastic. Spending her days sitting on a hard metal bench or a concrete floor. Jail is WORSE than you can ever imagine! Will make you scratch your head and say "no, not in AMERICA, it can't be THAT bad". Well, it is!!! American jail is NOT humane. So don't worry about KC having it too good. NG likes to make snide comments about KC's "private" cell where she eats chocolates and sips on bottled water. NG doesn't mention that over half of the items one orders on their weekly commisarry list are not delivered cause they are "out-of-stock". Then the inmate can't try to reorder for a full week. There is NOTHING pretty, humane or comfy about JAIL!
KC IS suffering while awaiting trial. Rejoice in that and take comfort in the fact that KC's life SUCKS.

Do I feel any guilt for wishing this life upon KC. HELL NO.
I think saying we want "revenge" is buying into Casey's attitude that the D.A. is mad at her because she wouldn't take a plea deal. It's not personal, other than Casey's arrogance and her lies, and her family covering for her, just like Scott Peterson. We and LE want justice done. Noone is calling for Casey to have a tortuous death.

:wave: I am. At least as tortuous a death as the one she inflicted on her own daughter.
i don't feel particularly vengeful toward casey. i feel more like i want to understand how terrible crimes like this happen, what drives women to kill their own children--and what we could do as a society to prevent these crimes.

ultimately, yes, casey is responsible for her actions...but that doesn't mean it's not worth considering how we can all come together to prevent things like this. and the first way to prevent IMHO is to understand. so i am here to learn and understand.

also, i've never found it confusing why the anthonys are standing behind the "murderer." in this case, the murderer is their own flesh in blood, their own daughter. it's not an easy situation by any means. i'm not defending them, but i do think it's actually pretty normal (i.e. there are many, many stranger things about them than the fact they won't throw casey under a bus here).

and justice for caylee? sure, i believe in justice. but she is dead no matter what. i'm sure the anthonys know that better than anyone. and from that vantage point, what sense does it make to nail her mother to a wall and treat her brutally and hatefully? it won't bring caylee back. if casey is guilty (which i have no doubt she is), she should serve her time, most likely LWOP. but she should be treated humanely IMO, if for no other reason then out of compassion for her family, who are losing a granddaughter and effectively losing a daughter in one fell swoop.

think of it this way, would beautiful little caylee want us to villify her mother, whom she loved? even if she killed her?

so yes, i agree with the OP. justice is one thing, vengeance another. there is no place for vengeance here IMO; it does nothing to honor caylee.

i know that's not going to be a popular stance around here, but that's my :twocents:

Yet another event used by the Anthony family to assuage their guilt was the memorial service. The church and their performers were sincere, but the A's...that whole sham makes me ill. IMO.

That memorial was all a show for Casey who they knew would be watching with Baez (the Weeble) ..
What a joke! :sick:

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