Revisit Photo of Caylee Crying in Red Shirt - was it the last ever taken?

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Good find, but that supports a theory that if this is the last picture taken of Caylee, then it was not taken after Casey left the Anthony home with Caylee, else how would the shirt have found it's way back to the Anthony's home to become part of the shrine?

Unless, it was also in the Pontiac or one of the bags in the Pontiac. Or unless Casey snuck it back into the Anthony home during the period of June 16 - July 15th.

:whistle: :wink:

I think I have to go watch the interview Greta did at the house and see if it is hanging on the wall then or put up after..
LP said he saw her pacing in a hotel parking lot on the 16th?

I remember the story, my question is was it substantiated?

Well, so far most of the things he has told like that has turned out later to be true. Something like that would be easily disproved and I have heard none of the Anthony apologists saying it was incorrect, so it most likely is valid.

That was on a number of times, and I believe there was even some discussion of the FBI having the tape now.
Are you saying she was wearing that shirt when she was killed? If so, how are you arriving at that conclusion? Is it because she is crying? Did Casey take the shirt off and hang it up after? I am trying to tie this together.

I am firmly in the camp of the striped shorts. I believe the striped shorts found with Caylee are what she was wearing at the time of her death.

I do wonder though, if Caylee could have been wearing this shirt on the night of the 15th, after the fight. The rumour was that there was not only surveillance tape of Casey in the motel parking lot, but that a couple walking had also seen her. (No link - all LP stuff, IIRC).

If there is a local motel nearby (pings) and it is the one LP referenced it is still very possible that this is the last photo taken of Caylee by Casey perhaps on the night of the 15th.

100% on the fence, just trying to see what arguments can be made.
I have to say that I feel both pics of Caylee in this shirt (to me) look like they were both taken in the A's home, and perhaps, the same day even. I don't personally see a pic of a child crying all that unusual or alarming, although the nature of what we are discussing
(child homicide) will lend itself to .... all sorts of speculation. I must admit, it is hard to view this picture, knowing what we know *sigh*
LP said he saw her pacing in a hotel parking lot on the 16th?

I remember the story, my question is was it substantiated?

Hah! The million dollar question. Maybe LP will discuss this in his depo.
I don't believe anyone other than LP and maybe Rob spoke about this.
Hopefully, they turned over everything to LE and this info will be included in the 'bucket' of evidence.

Nice to revisit the idea, tho.
Leonard also said Casey was pacing up and down in the parking lot.

Yes. I thought we'd even heard the name of the specific motel at one point. If we had that, we could check the address & ping tower.

I'd bet JWG and BJB have already debunked this rumour though.
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.....Where did this pic come from? I have never seen it.....was it part of the doc dump?? It is so haunting!!! I think I am going to cry.

too late. as soon as i clicked on it i started with the water works. that poor was she really treated?
Ping records have Casey at her parents home on Sunday of Father's day night. ALL NIGHT.

at her parents home or in the vicinity of the tower closest to her parents?
There was a lengthy discussion a few months ago by someone who works for the cell phone tower company on one of the news shows. They said the way the towers were in that area, that her phone would ping from the Anthony's house, Lee's house, and a circular pattern around that area.

There was a hotel not far from that tower. I don't remember the name now, but LP and another person also made reference to her being in a hotel parking lot early in the morning of the 16th texting Tony.

Similar discussion here at WS from poster QuietStorm, here:


SNIPPED: "... might also mention that if the call or text message is incoming rather than outgoing and no outgoing activity is seen, it may mean (but not prove) that the phone was in one place and she was in another. Also, the tower which is pinged during a certain activity might change due to how many calls are flooding the area at that time as well as distance from phone to tower. Lots of variables to consider.)"

So it appears that this poster didn't/doesn't (they could've changed their mind since that post, I know) think that the pings alone conclusively establish where Casey was.
I just watched the Greta interview.. First thing I notice is the room has been totally transformed and it doesn't even look like the same room. The furniture was moved and the rug was gone. No shirt hanging on the wall. The Greta interview was done in August and when the evidence pics was taken I have no idea so now I have to go find

Here is the link for the Greta interview:
I think Caylee looks younger in this photo...I don't think it's one of the last ones taken.
Here's what I've found so far about the hotel/motel sighting: Post #188, by Origrammi, refers to LPadilla and the hotel/motel, but with NO supporting link... so I'm still searching.

I remember the statements LP made about "Witnesses" seeing Casey in a parkinglot but I'm wondering how that turned into ....

"Casey was video taped in a Motel Parking lot on June 15th & the tape hasn't been released yet"

I thought maybe I missed something....

As far as I'm concerned that would be a Huge "Bombshell" & I thought maybe I missed something.

Since the source is LP I'll take it with a grain of salf like I do most of what he says

P. S. Thanks for the link
I remember the statements LP made about "Witnesses" seeing Casey in a parkinglot but I'm wondering how that turned into ....

"Casey was video taped in a Motel Parking lot on June 15th & the tape hasn't been released yet"

I thought maybe I missed something....

As far as I'm concerned that would be a Huge "Bombshell" & I thought maybe I missed something.

Since the source is LP I'll take it with a grain of salf like I do most of what he says

P. S. Thanks for the link
Bolded added by me.

I like things to be taken "with a grain of salt" ;)
Bolded added by me.

I like things to be taken "with a grain of salt" ;)

Me too..

But you have to admit that this statement from POST #27 is misleading

"KC was taped in a motel/hotel parking lot later that night. What has not been revealed is if Caylee was with her or not at that time. ?

After reading it I assumed that there is a Tape of Casey in a Motel parking lot on the night of June 15th when in fact it's just pure speculation based on a statement made by LP several months ago.
Thank Katrina. Is this speculated because she is crying? or am I missing something? truly not trying to be contrary or argumentative. Just trying to understand where this is coming from.

The crying just sends chills down my spine and really got me to thinking. THAT same shirt is hanging within that shrine. There are NO other shirts of Caylee's that I see hanging up. Why that shirt?! What is the signifigance of that shirt? It is the SAME SHIRT we see Caylee visibly upset and crying in.
And again.....if CA is twisted enough to put a HEART STICKER over the duct tape upon the baby's mouth...why the he** not hang up a shirt that the baby wore during just before or just after her murder???? Make sense?
Me too..

But you have to admit that this statement from POST #27 is misleading

"KC was taped in a motel/hotel parking lot later that night. What has not been revealed is if Caylee was with her or not at that time. ?

After reading it I assumed that there is a Tape of Casey in a Motel parking lot on the night of June 15th when in fact it's just pure speculation based on a statement made by LP several months ago.

Posters here at WS who have been posting since day #1 have speculated based upon a whole lot less, I can tell you that.
:wave: QuietStorm - can you help us out re: discussing cell phone pings on this thread? We're discussing how accurate (or not) they are in terms of pinpointing Casey, and I'd recalled some earlier posts of yours discussing this.
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