Revisiting Haleigh's home

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How do we know that Haleigh didn't just disappear like Adji while playing outside that night after dinner?
It's only Misty's story that said Haleigh was taken out of the trailer in the middle of the night! Just another theory
I'm beginning to think the dead bolt door, concrete block is a ruse.
I'm thinking Haleigh never was in bed that night. Evidence of a bath?
Shirt found in dirty clothes...........
Was it a nice night?
Misty eating on porch at 7, did dishes.......Haleigh missing then?
and I'm sorry, JR story isn't right either.
Something wrong. And grandma drove by to see if kids were ok?
Did she leave the clothes and take Haleigh???
Hiding her?
Why is the screen door's window half opened IF they only use the side/back door to take out the trash and to vacuum the car? I guess it could be jammed but if that's the case & it were me, I would've bought some WD-40 and fixed it so it would shut....especially if it was on a door that I barely used. Maybe I just have a weird phobia about open windows so it seems odd to me.
about the back door, am I the only one that does this or... if you have a door you "Never" or even "Rarely" use... a door always locked - wouldn't you lock the screen/storm door as well? I do.
How do we know that Haleigh didn't just disappear like Adji while playing outside that night after dinner?
It's only Misty's story that said Haleigh was taken out of the trailer in the middle of the night! Just another theory

We were told that a neighbor saw Haleigh outside playing at 5:30 pm. Last time someone outside the family saw her.
A/C guy left at same time. Brother, neice and nephews left around 5:45 pm.
Ggm dropped some clothes off at 7 pm, and says she saw Haleigh and Jr. eating supper out on the porch.
However, it was dark by then and so her story doesn't ring true to some. But we have no known reason to distrust her at this point.
From 7pm to 3am only Misty is known to see her and Jr. unless there was a cousin in the home that evening which was reported very early in the case. If there was a cousin there, I don't know that anyone knows who that cousin is, to my knowledge. jmo :)
about the back door, am I the only one that does this or... if you have a door you "Never" or even "Rarely" use... a door always locked - wouldn't you lock the screen/storm door as well? I do.

YES, I would keep it locked at all times too. It would be locked and the window kept shut.

I use to have a storm door on my front door. Even though I went in and out of it all the time, I kept the thing locked...habit I guess. And if it was a nice day and I wanted to let in some fresh air, I'd open the door window and then shut it later on when I decided to close the regular door.
that door appears to me to be a screen/storm door. I think thats what they call them. The window should close and lock. It appears to be open half way. Why isn't it locked? The screen door should be locked so it doesn't blow open in the wind. Doesn't it get pretty windy down there?
about the back door, am I the only one that does this or... if you have a door you "Never" or even "Rarely" use... a door always locked - wouldn't you lock the screen/storm door as well? I do.

I'm the same way!!! People swear I have ocd because I am so anal about making sure all the doors are ALWAYS locked. It's just habit to me that when I close a door I lock it, so I'm right there with you on a door that is rarely used should be locked. Honestly, what is it gonna take for people to realize that this world is not a safe place.
I think this is just a young naive couple who did drugs and had lots of company all the time. If someone outside of the family did take the child, he probably just went in there and did it. No planning, no lock-picking. He/she knew the dad was at work and Misty was probably passed out and not responsible to make sure all of the doors were locked. (A lot of people who live in the country don't lock their doors.)
I just want to bump this thread up because I think there is good info and it is GROUND ZERO.:)
I just want to bump this thread up because I think there is good info and it is GROUND ZERO.:)

Yes, ground zero! I"m so perplexed by my overall lack of instincts in this case-- it seems everything I learn negates what I thought I knew... so, back to square one with questions I never fully formed early on when the momentum was so frantic.

--Where the children were sleeping. Is this the normal arrangement? Seems to me it may have been an exception...aren't there three bedrooms and this the master?

--If so, is it possible that Misty laid them down in there (pulled the small mattress in) so they could watch TV/the movies she mentioned? And, if so, did she close the door so that whatever she was doing in the main rooms wouldn't keep them awake? This makes sense to me.

--If Misty is typical for her age, I have always wondered about the noise level of her entertainment-- stereo, bigger TV etc., and of course the ruckus of cleaning-- washing machine, dryer running, vac, water running in the bathroom, if in fact she was doing any of those things.
With all that in mind, it seems possible that someone (who knew Ron wasn't home and was watching/listening to the house) could have even entered through the front door and removed Haleigh while Misty was home and much earlier in the evening without being noticed.

With that in mind, I'd like to know that LE has thoroughly explored the idea that the front door was the point of entry and exit, and that it may have occurred right under her nose. idk. jmo. today
Yes, ground zero! I"m so perplexed by my overall lack of instincts in this case-- it seems everything I learn negates what I thought I knew... so, back to square one with questions I never fully formed early on when the momentum was so frantic.

--Where the children were sleeping. Is this the normal arrangement? Seems to me it may have been an exception...aren't there three bedrooms and this the master?

--If so, is it possible that Misty laid them down in there (pulled the small mattress in) so they could watch TV/the movies she mentioned? And, if so, did she close the door so that whatever she was doing in the main rooms wouldn't keep them awake? This makes sense to me.

--If Misty is typical for her age, I have always wondered about the noise level of her entertainment-- stereo, bigger TV etc., and of course the ruckus of cleaning-- washing machine, dryer running, vac, water running in the bathroom, if in fact she was doing any of those things.
With all that in mind, it seems possible that someone (who knew Ron wasn't home and was watching/listening to the house) could have even entered through the front door and removed Haleigh while Misty was home and much earlier in the evening without being noticed.

With that in mind, I'd like to know that LE has thoroughly explored the idea that the front door was the point of entry and exit, and that it may have occurred right under her nose. idk. jmo. today

Welcome, Quiche! I believe the dogs trailed Haleigh out the back/side door. Hope this helps
Quiche - welcome. You mentioned a washer and dryer going as part of normal noise. I have to wonder though if there is a washer and dryer since Mrs. Sykes mentions in this video that she gave Misty clean clothes the evening before Haleigh was taken. Ladonna posted this link in the media thread above :

Not that having a washer and dryer or not makes any real difference. it might to smoe as some think perhaps Misty washed some clothes that evening. It just raised a question in my mind about if a washer and dryer are really there in the house. Details :)
Quiche - welcome. You mentioned a washer and dryer going as part of normal noise. I have to wonder though if there is a washer and dryer since Mrs. Sykes mentions in this video that she gave Misty clean clothes the evening before Haleigh was taken. Ladonna posted this link in the media thread above :

Not that having a washer and dryer or not makes any real difference. it might to smoe as some think perhaps Misty washed some clothes that evening. It just raised a question in my mind about if a washer and dryer are really there in the house. Details :)

Hi raisin,

I was JUST thinking the same thing ... after reading that article.

Here's what I wanted to point out:

In this article, Annette S, Haleigh's great-grandmother, was the first to go back into the home, to clean up before media came in. The article said this:

Though a painful task, she said she wants the home to look like the last time she saw Haleigh,
at 7 p.m. before the night the child disappeared


"They put their plates down and came and gave me a hug and a kiss. I gave Misty the clean clothes and she carried them in the house. Then, I left. I kissed her goodbye, and I left," Sykes said.

Sooo ... I take this to mean that Haleigh's great-grandma saw her that night. It was she that dropped off clothes, read the second statement.

She states 'she' gave Misty 'clean clothes'. Hmmm?? I thought Misty washed a blanket. Do they even have a washer and dryer? Why did AS give her 'clean' clothes? She must have washed them for her elsewhere, or Ron's mom washed them and gave them to AS to bring over to Misty.

I don't think they were 'new' clothes or 'additional' clothes, it sounds like they did her laundry for her, and dropped them off.
Hi raisin,

I was JUST thinking the same thing ... after reading that article.

Here's what I wanted to point out:

In this article, Annette S, Haleigh's great-grandmother, was the first to go back into the home, to clean up before media came in. The article said this:

Though a painful task, she said she wants the home to look like the last time she saw Haleigh,
at 7 p.m. before the night the child disappeared


"They put their plates down and came and gave me a hug and a kiss. I gave Misty the clean clothes and she carried them in the house. Then, I left. I kissed her goodbye, and I left," Sykes said.

Sooo ... I take this to mean that Haleigh's great-grandma saw her that night. It was she that dropped off clothes, read the second statement.

She states 'she' gave Misty 'clean clothes'. Hmmm?? I thought Misty washed a blanket. Do they even have a washer and dryer? Why did AS give her 'clean' clothes? She must have washed them for her elsewhere, or Ron's mom washed them and gave them to AS to bring over to Misty.

I don't think they were 'new' clothes or 'additional' clothes, it sounds like they did her laundry for her, and dropped them off.

hmmm....interesting. The statement "my blanket was in the van" and "they took the van" might have a little more meaning, or it might be nothing. But good catch. I wonder if Ronald had a working washer and dryer in the house. I wonder if Grandma did the laundry or if Misti did the laundry. Hmmmm...I think there is a clue here but I can't put my finger on it.
< respectfully snipped>

She states 'she' gave Misty 'clean clothes'. Hmmm?? I thought Misty washed a blanket. Do they even have a washer and dryer? Why did AS give her 'clean' clothes? She must have washed them for her elsewhere, or Ron's mom washed them and gave them to AS to bring over to Misty.

I don't think they were 'new' clothes or 'additional' clothes, it sounds like they did her laundry for her, and dropped them off.

I agree, it sounds as though AS returned laundered clothes. There seems to be a rumor that Misty's blanket was found in the blue van, perhaps there is a not so sinister reason why. Just thinking.

Guess we will find out when they allow the press in on the media tour.
From day one I have constantly wondered what Misty meant when she said "my blanket was in the van, you know, the one that they took". There is a reason she was stumbling on the blanket situation, yet I can't pinpoint it. I just have a feeling it means SOMETHING! Also why do you wait to wash "WET BEDDING" up until bedtime? This all should have been done prior to bed time. She also stumbles all over this blanket thing about taking one off of the window, for what? Sorry if OT. New here.
According to Misty, she washed the blanket herself:

Okay, I put her to bed about, you know 8:00 'cause that's her bedtime--she has school. I put her to bed and--her blanket and my blanket. My blanket was in the van that they took. So we had a blanket hanging on the window and I had to wash that. and her blanket----her blanket was-- was-- she had peed on her blanket the night before, i guess. And I was gonna put it on her but it smelled like pee. So I washed her blanket and I gave her a little sheet to cover up with (voice breaks) and she fell asleep and I went--come in there and put her blanket on her and then I laid down.

From day one I have constantly wondered what Misty meant when she said "my blanket was in the van, you know, the one that they took". There is a reason she was stumbling on the blanket situation, yet I can't pinpoint it. I just have a feeling it means SOMETHING! Also why do you wait to wash "WET BEDDING" up until bedtime? This all should have been done prior to bed time. She also stumbles all over this blanket thing about taking one off of the window, for what? Sorry if OT. New here.

Exactly, gypsyblue. The wet blanket would have been discovered that morning because Haleigh would have been wet and would have needed cleaning up.

This would have been even more obvious if someone else was sleeping in the bed with her.

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