Reynolds, Chad Eugene *RSO*

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I am not the best person to ask about transferring pics. I can do it, but I cant explain it very well....I was wondering if you get a sense about the general "feeling" in your area about what people think happened to haleigh? Thanks In advance if you can answer. If not, thanks for being here and sharing what you can

Do you have a photobucket or other picture hosting service? If so you can put the photos there and then link them here.
So strange,Chad's sister Danyell,that passed away had a bf named Crystal,no relation to Haleigh's family...

Crystal,danyell's bestfriend
she has a pic of Chad's Mom Debbie,who remarried last year,so won't have Reynolds name.After reading all the comments on different ones involved on thier connected sites,Danyell was well loved by everyone and many are having a hard time with her death.Maybe Chad just wanted to get away from all of this and has nothing to do with this case,just thinking.I just keep getting swayed towards Misty's family,for some reason.I do however,feel all SO's are a danger forever and don't change,so him being out there is a danger to any child or family.IMO
Maybe Chad got captured or attacked by a victims family member?? A lot of people who get children molested get revenge I would imagine. I hope it is not he who took Haleigh though!
On Sunday, I read an article on the Ocala Star-Banner webpage re: Chad Reynolds, missing child predator.

I then viewed Chad Reynold's myspace page. [It has since been removed I understand.]

Apparently his girlfriend is this person: . She looks very, very young in the photos that were posted on his page. [I saved a couple and will post them later, but all of this cutting and pasting gets me completely off-kilter.]

In his myspace photos he also had one which was labelled "Aunt Sunday". That is a pretty unusual name, at least around here [Putnam County, FL].

Earlier in the day, I had notice by a woman with the same first name in a Florida Times-Union article on the web. ["Turning to Prayer in Search for Haleigh", originally dated 2/15/09, link here .] Her name was SUNDAY CAIN. Again, that is a very unusual name in these parts, and that is the only reason that I connected the two in my mind.

I did an Intellius [or similar] search for "Sunday Cain" and found one with an address in Florahome, which is also in Putnam County on Highway 100 West. Further west of Florahome is the town of Interlachen. Chad Reynolds graduated from Interlachen High School.

Simply coincidence?

Good job!!! :clap:

I wonder just how many coincidences there are going to be involving CR and HC before it starts getting annoying. :crazy:

- I'm still not convinced or anything that CR had anything to do with Hayleighs disappearance but it's all still very weird.
On Sunday, I read an article on the Ocala Star-Banner webpage re: Chad Reynolds, missing child predator.

I then viewed Chad Reynold's myspace page. [It has since been removed I understand.]

Apparently his girlfriend is this person: . She looks very, very young in the photos that were posted on his page. [I saved a couple and will post them later, but all of this cutting and pasting gets me completely off-kilter.]

In his myspace photos he also had one which was labelled "Aunt Sunday". That is a pretty unusual name, at least around here [Putnam County, FL].

Earlier in the day, I had notice by a woman with the same first name in a Florida Times-Union article on the web. ["Turning to Prayer in Search for Haleigh", originally dated 2/15/09, link here .] Her name was SUNDAY CAIN. Again, that is a very unusual name in these parts, and that is the only reason that I connected the two in my mind.

I did an Intellius [or similar] search for "Sunday Cain" and found one with an address in Florahome, which is also in Putnam County on Highway 100 West. Further west of Florahome is the town of Interlachen. Chad Reynolds graduated from Interlachen High School.

Simply coincidence?

LFlorida, WELCOME! :blowkiss: Thanks for such great sleuthing! Glad to see you on here. Thanks for such a great contribution...Jersey
I e-mailed the photos to myself at my gmail account. How do I get them copied and posted onto this thread?

And, Yes, I did send the info to LEO via a friend who works for the county at 11 pm Sunday. I forgot that the next day, Monday, was a holiday. She received it Tuesday a.m. and forwarded it to Jeff & Rick at PCSO. -lol, thought I was going to stay anonymous. Nice try, dummy.-

Sorry not very savvy.

Here ya go LFlorida:

Open the picture in your email and right click
Click save to desktop (easiest to find)
Now go to the thread and click Post Reply on the bottom of the page on the left
Type your message and when ready to insert the picture click the paperclip to the right of the smiley face above.
Another window will open, click Browse
Yet one more window will open, click Desktop on the left side, find your picture and click it once and click Open.
Now you are back to the first window. Click Upload (it only takes a minute). When it's done click close this window.
Now you are back to your post. Click the paperclip again. Woo! There is your picture!. Click it and it will be inserted in your post. You won't see the picture, just what it says is inserted - that's OK, it will be there.
Scroll down and click submit reply.

Sorry mods for this not being in the how you do it thread, I just wanted to help out LFlorida for this thread - know you understand and we may need to call on you again (wink wink) if the margins blow!
Sorry for the delay. Flu has been sweeping the area, now thunderstorms are about to roll in. I cooked a quick dinner for kids and conked out. Usually I am quite the nightowl.

I don't see a paperclip next to a smiley face, so is it okay to just e-mail them directly to Tricia? I'm going to try it nevertheless and then I'll get back to the local mood and scuttlebutt.
I am not the best person to ask about transferring pics. I can do it, but I cant explain it very well....I was wondering if you get a sense about the general "feeling" in your area about what people think happened to haleigh? Thanks In advance if you can answer. If not, thanks for being here and sharing what you can

lol - I do feel like I am being interviewed here by one of the hordes of media in town.

All of the towns in Putnam County are small, Peyton Place -like communities, with overlapping asoociations between people. I am in the biggest town, Palatka. The Satsuma community is across the river and to the south. The Interlachen community is south and west of us. Both of those communities border on the Ocala National Forest, more on that later.

On Facebook, there is NO chatter about the case amongst the current and former residents of the area that I have seen. I have posted several things about Haleigh and only one person responded.

One of my relatives did e-mail the Amber Alert out to everybody. And Trish [who I sent my "Aunt Sunday" info to] participated in the ground search which she told me about, but otherwise it's as if we are all avoiding the subject.

Here's what I have heard via the grapevine -
Misty, the 17 yr old girlfriend, had been kicked out of the home by the father due to her drug use. She had only recently moved back in with him and the kids.

Most of us initially thought Misty and/or the dad were the culprits. At this point, I personally do not believe that she is smart enough to have killed the kid and gotten rid of the body without a trace.

There was talk about the possibility that Haleigh had been left unattended, or Misty was inattentive [passed out, partying, whatever], or that Misty and Haleigh were having a bit of a stand-off, Haleigh "ran away" and Misty was trying to wait her out.

I really thought that Haleigh would be found in the St. Johns River. It is a very large body of water [that flows north, btw] so it may still turn out to be so.

Few of us knew anything about Chad Reynolds, much less that he was a predator who had absconded. After reading about him in the Ocala Star-Banner and viewing his myspace page, I'm wondering if he and Haleigh might both be found in the Ocala National Forest which is huge. There are countless hunting camps in there, parts are restricted because it is used for military training [dropping bombs from aircraft - we used to sneak out there for keg parties and the fake bombings were scary but exciting.]

As such a rural area, kids around here are used to being highly mobile. I drove my kids out to the Cross Florida Barge Canal yesterday [another teen keg party hangout] and was surprised at just how far we would drive every Friday and Saturday night to party. And we thought nothing of driving 30-40 miles to the beach the next morning. Chad Reynolds is probably even more used to driving quite a ways to do stuff.

He may have nothing to do with it, but it is pretty difficult for someone raised in the digital era to just vanish - unless they are hiding out in the Ocala National Forest. Pure speculation, of course, but maybe he anticipated flunking his drug test the week after the Super Bowl.

We in Putnam County don't know what to think at this point. I am rapidly losing confidence in our newly elected sheriff - who I didn't vote for, btw.

I'm sure this is way more than anyone wanted to know, but there you have it.
lol - I do feel like I am being interviewed here by one of the hordes of media in town.

All of the towns in Putnam County are small, Peyton Place -like communities, with overlapping asoociations between people. I am in the biggest town, Palatka. The Satsuma community is across the river and to the south. The Interlachen community is south and west of us. Both of those communities border on the Ocala National Forest, more on that later.

On Facebook, there is NO chatter about the case amongst the current and former residents of the area that I have seen. I have posted several things about Haleigh and only one person responded.

One of my relatives did e-mail the Amber Alert out to everybody. And Trish [who I sent my "Aunt Sunday" info to] participated in the ground search which she told me about, but otherwise it's as if we are all avoiding the subject.

Here's what I have heard via the grapevine -
Misty, the 17 yr old girlfriend, had been kicked out of the home by the father due to her drug use. She had only recently moved back in with him and the kids.

Most of us initially thought Misty and/or the dad were the culprits. At this point, I personally do not believe that she is smart enough to have killed the kid and gotten rid of the body without a trace.

There was talk about the possibility that Haleigh had been left unattended, or Misty was inattentive [passed out, partying, whatever], or that Misty and Haleigh were having a bit of a stand-off, Haleigh "ran away" and Misty was trying to wait her out.

I really thought that Haleigh would be found in the St. Johns River. It is a very large body of water [that flows north, btw] so it may still turn out to be so.

Few of us knew anything about Chad Reynolds, much less that he was a predator who had absconded. After reading about him in the Ocala Star-Banner and viewing his myspace page, I'm wondering if he and Haleigh might both be found in the Ocala National Forest which is huge. There are countless hunting camps in there, parts are restricted because it is used for military training [dropping bombs from aircraft - we used to sneak out there for keg parties and the fake bombings were scary but exciting.]

As such a rural area, kids around here are used to being highly mobile. I drove my kids out to the Cross Florida Barge Canal yesterday [another teen keg party hangout] and was surprised at just how far we would drive every Friday and Saturday night to party. And we thought nothing of driving 30-40 miles to the beach the next morning. Chad Reynolds is probably even more used to driving quite a ways to do stuff.

He may have nothing to do with it, but it is pretty difficult for someone raised in the digital era to just vanish - unless they are hiding out in the Ocala National Forest. Pure speculation, of course, but maybe he anticipated flunking his drug test the week after the Super Bowl.

We in Putnam County don't know what to think at this point. I am rapidly losing confidence in our newly elected sheriff - who I didn't vote for, btw.

I'm sure this is way more than anyone wanted to know, but there you have it.

Thank you so much! Anything and everything you're willing to share is really appreciated!!
lol - I do feel like I am being interviewed here by one of the hordes of media in town.

All of the towns in Putnam County are small, Peyton Place -like communities, with overlapping asoociations between people. I am in the biggest town, Palatka. The Satsuma community is across the river and to the south. The Interlachen community is south and west of us. Both of those communities border on the Ocala National Forest, more on that later.

On Facebook, there is NO chatter about the case amongst the current and former residents of the area that I have seen. I have posted several things about Haleigh and only one person responded.

One of my relatives did e-mail the Amber Alert out to everybody. And Trish [who I sent my "Aunt Sunday" info to] participated in the ground search which she told me about, but otherwise it's as if we are all avoiding the subject.

Here's what I have heard via the grapevine -
Misty, the 17 yr old girlfriend, had been kicked out of the home by the father due to her drug use. She had only recently moved back in with him and the kids.

Most of us initially thought Misty and/or the dad were the culprits. At this point, I personally do not believe that she is smart enough to have killed the kid and gotten rid of the body without a trace.

There was talk about the possibility that Haleigh had been left unattended, or Misty was inattentive [passed out, partying, whatever], or that Misty and Haleigh were having a bit of a stand-off, Haleigh "ran away" and Misty was trying to wait her out.

I really thought that Haleigh would be found in the St. Johns River. It is a very large body of water [that flows north, btw] so it may still turn out to be so.

Few of us knew anything about Chad Reynolds, much less that he was a predator who had absconded. After reading about him in the Ocala Star-Banner and viewing his myspace page, I'm wondering if he and Haleigh might both be found in the Ocala National Forest which is huge. There are countless hunting camps in there, parts are restricted because it is used for military training [dropping bombs from aircraft - we used to sneak out there for keg parties and the fake bombings were scary but exciting.]

As such a rural area, kids around here are used to being highly mobile. I drove my kids out to the Cross Florida Barge Canal yesterday [another teen keg party hangout] and was surprised at just how far we would drive every Friday and Saturday night to party. And we thought nothing of driving 30-40 miles to the beach the next morning. Chad Reynolds is probably even more used to driving quite a ways to do stuff.

He may have nothing to do with it, but it is pretty difficult for someone raised in the digital era to just vanish - unless they are hiding out in the Ocala National Forest. Pure speculation, of course, but maybe he anticipated flunking his drug test the week after the Super Bowl.

We in Putnam County don't know what to think at this point. I am rapidly losing confidence in our newly elected sheriff - who I didn't vote for, btw.

I'm sure this is way more than anyone wanted to know, but there you have it.
Thanks! It is good to get a lay of the land so to speak, and a theory from someone with local connections. I wonder also, if poor Haleigh will be found in the river. It sure flows quickly, and it was an area the dogs tracked to. As for Reynolds, I am on the fence....
LFlorida, thank you so much for your insight, and welcome to WebSleuths! :)

I see that,she says my Mom and brother,so I wonder if Bill is saying Chad is his brother,because he was going to marry Danyell or did.She said she misses Chad under the pic,he was in prison.So,he was in prison when she died,seems like it might have been cancer or something,because one of the comments on her page said he had just seen her and she was looking better.

:newbie:This is my first post. I have been around for a long time, but with the no AOL thing, I couldn't register. Anyway, just wanted to post a link on Danyell. Apparently, she was killed in car crash. I have not been able to find online obituary.
:newbie:This is my first post. I have been around for a long time, but with the no AOL thing, I couldn't register. Anyway, just wanted to post a link on Danyell. Apparently, she was killed in car crash. I have not been able to find online obituary.

Welcome to Websleuths!

Thanks for the link. I didn't realize she had passed away a year ago. I thought it was a lot more recent. Anyway, I found the online obituary, but you have to pay to view the archive and view it (on I'll see if I can find a free version somewhere.
Welcome to Websleuths!

Thanks for the link. I didn't realize she had passed away a year ago. I thought it was a lot more recent. Anyway, I found the online obituary, but you have to pay to view the archive and view it (on I'll see if I can find a free version somewhere.

:wave:Thanks for the welcome!
Haleigh's family life unstable from start
by Dana Treen [who has covered the Putnam County area for most of my adult life. Pretty good journalist, IMO.]

I do NOT recommend the Palatka Daily News. None of the reporters have been here very long and they are not worth their salt regardless. [Again, imo.]

The account of how Ronald & Misty met is curious. Is the 3 yr old Haleigh's brother?

Saw on another site that Chad Reynolds' grandparents live on Lake Crescent - that is right there next to Haleigh's home. [See google map.]
Haleigh's family life unstable from start
by Dana Treen [who has covered the Putnam County area for most of my adult life. Pretty good journalist, IMO.]

I do NOT recommend the Palatka Daily News. None of the reporters have been here very long and they are not worth their salt regardless. [Again, imo.]

The account of how Ronald & Misty met is curious. Is the 3 yr old Haleigh's brother?

Saw on another site that Chad Reynolds' grandparents live on Lake Crescent - that is right there next to Haleigh's home. [See google map.]

Fabulous inside info, I'm impressed! Do we know if the car LE investigated was the same one stolen by Chad Reynolds?

The close proximity of Grandparents is uncanny and cannot be overlooked. Is there a way to talk to a reporter over there and mention your findings???

Maybe volunteer searchers can start next with the Ocala Forest?

insert>He may have nothing to do with it, but it is pretty difficult for someone raised in the digital era to just vanish - unless they are hiding out in the Ocala National Forest. Pure speculation, of course, but maybe he anticipated flunking his drug test the week after the Super Bowl. >insert

Chad is a huge RED flag. Taking the gun from the home and everything points in his direction. Ron Cummings temper may have provoked him...
Fabulous inside info, I'm impressed! Do we know if the car LE investigated was the same one stolen by Chad Reynolds?

Is there a way to talk to a reporter over there and mention your findings???

Maybe volunteer searchers can start next with the Ocala Forest?

Chad is a huge RED flag. Taking the gun from the home and everything points in his direction. Ron Cummings temper may have provoked him...

Please catch me up - did Chad steal a car? Did Chad take the gun? [Sorry, I can find random stuff, but I'm unorganized as hell0.]

As a matter of fact, I did send the info to a reporter for the Fla T-U who I had corresponded with last week re: Marianna Florida Industrial School for Boys [bad, bad institution]. He was the one who wrote the article with the quote by Sunday Cain, btw. His reply was patronizing at best, when he finally got around to reading my e-mail.

I don't know how many square miles the Ocala Nat'l Forest is, but it is HUGE. Unless a friend/fam member of Chad tells the authorities about a particular spot, no way will a search be attempted. And hunting season is a long way off [how most bodies are found out there.]

Other desolate areas down there include "Mondex" and "10,000" [as in 10,000 acres.] They are big parcels of land purchased in the 1970s +/-, subdivided and sold to unsuspecting Yankees and foreigners, stereotypical "swampland in Florida" I can sell ya. There are plenty around Satsuma, too, including "Hoot Owl Ridge". Some lots are not even accessible on the ground; you'd need a helicopter to get to them without trespassing on someone else's property.

Ahhh, yes, life in paradise, an offer you can't refuse.

Latest rumor sez: case will "come to a head" today or tomorrow. [I don't buy it; PCSO is showing their incompetence in the press conferences now, imo.]
Please catch me up - did Chad steal a car? Did Chad take the gun? [Sorry, I can find random stuff, but I'm unorganized as hell0.]

As a matter of fact, I did send the info to a reporter for the Fla T-U who I had corresponded with last week re: Marianna Florida Industrial School for Boys [bad, bad institution]. He was the one who wrote the article with the quote by Sunday Cain, btw. His reply was patronizing at best, when he finally got around to reading my e-mail.

I don't know how many square miles the Ocala Nat'l Forest is, but it is HUGE. Unless a friend/fam member of Chad tells the authorities about a particular spot, no way will a search be attempted. And hunting season is a long way off [how most bodies are found out there.]

Other desolate areas down there include "Mondex" and "10,000" [as in 10,000 acres.] They are big parcels of land purchased in the 1970s +/-, subdivided and sold to unsuspecting Yankees and foreigners, stereotypical "swampland in Florida" I can sell ya. There are plenty around Satsuma, too, including "Hoot Owl Ridge". Some lots are not even accessible on the ground; you'd need a helicopter to get to them without trespassing on someone else's property.

Ahhh, yes, life in paradise, an offer you can't refuse.

Latest rumor sez: case will "come to a head" today or tomorrow. [I don't buy it; PCSO is showing their incompetence in the press conferences now, imo.]

Did you post something yesterday about someone named "sunday"...the name was unusual...I found her on myspace and she is Chads cousin...
Unfortunately I cant get into her myspace!
Sunday is Chad's aunt . She said she was missing her nephew Chad . That was a good find though, hopefully we can find out more about her somehow .
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