Ron C. # 11

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Here is a screenshot of the individual I wanted to know whether or not was RC. If someone can manipulate it without distorting the image I would appreciate it. I was unsuccessful.


  • Is this RC.JPG
    Is this RC.JPG
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thanks! OT~ my eyesight has gotten progressively worse now that I'm middle aged and even with glasses on ~ I just couldn't tell. I appreciate it!
Here is a screenshot of the individual I wanted to know whether or not was RC. If someone can manipulate it without distorting the image I would appreciate it. I was unsuccessful.

What are those red things in their hands?
On that fateful day, Misty says they took Haleigh to school, then returned and went to bed, woke up at noon and R got ready for work. JR was sleeping, so Misty couldn't go to pick up Haleigh so R did.

Would somebody tell me who was watching jr while they slept?
And I was always told that rc worked hard all that day landscaping.
We also were led to believe that M visited her father in the hospital that day.
So they slept in the bed that day and I guess a maid service arrived and made the bed again because according to the article, if true (and it says LE verified) rc said Misty never slept in the bed, it was still made.

.....I should not let these little things bother me....but they do!

Very good question's! I would like to know the answer to those question's and more as well.


Investigator: How long have you known Haleigh?

Misty: A year.

Investigator: I want to back up to February 9th, before you went to sleep, you were at the trailer?

Misty: Yes sir.

Investigator: And Haleigh was at the trailer and you went to bed?

Misty: Yes sir.

Investigator: Okay, tell me about that evening.

Misty: Umm…Well, Ronald woke up, we got her <Haleigh> ready for school…

she didn’t have the clothes she wanted to wear so we had to come all the way to Welaka to get the outfit she wanted to wear.

We took her to school, I walked her into the school, took her to her classroom…we come home, we leave the school, we come home, we probably go back to sleep till probably 11 or 12,
I don’t know what time it was. Um, then Ronald gets up and gets ready for work.
He picks Haleigh up from the bus stop I stay at home with Junior because he was sleeping…then Ronald goes off to work.
Not related to thread, totally. Mods remove if need be. Although, you might break my heart.
My son left 3 weeks ago. Second tour in Iraq. My friends know how much I need to keep busy and healthy while he is deployed. Together we are walking imaginatively using our own roadways and hiking trails to Iraq and back. It is a 13,000 mile hike. We are giving ourselves the duration of his tour to accomplish which is about a year.
It will help me condition for the breast cancer walk I hope to do in the future.
Thank you for noticing my walking! That's what I need to keep going. Hats off to you too!

You deserve a big THANKS, and my deepest respect! I will say prayers for your son to come home safe and sound.
JMO but I don't really see how TN or RC would benefit from the red rose. Supposing the red rose is a real lead that leads to finding Haleigh, it makes the family look weird because then they need to explain how Misty knows about it when they've been adamant that she knows nothing and is completely innocent from any involvement. And supposing the red rose is a sham, again it makes the family look weird because then they need to explain why Misty who they said is the perfect stepmom who would do anything to help find Haleigh makes up stuff to mislead the searchers.

Oh, Donjeta, you said it so well. This "incredible" lead along with the failed polygraphs, the voice stress analysis and the "hypnosis" and revision #I don't know what revision, I've lost count, makes the entire Cummings family look alot more than weird. I couldn't really come up with the perfect word either, so I'll just support you with the word, weird. Thanks. :D
On that fateful day, Misty says they took Haleigh to school, then returned and went to bed, woke up at noon and R got ready for work. JR was sleeping, so Misty couldn't go to pick up Haleigh so R did.

Would somebody tell me who was watching jr while they slept?
And I was always told that rc worked hard all that day landscaping.
We also were led to believe that M visited her father in the hospital that day.
So they slept in the bed that day and I guess a maid service arrived and made the bed again because according to the article, if true (and it says LE verified) rc said Misty never slept in the bed, it was still made.

.....I should not let these little things bother me....but they do!

I'm with you on this Whisperer, these "little" things bother the total Heck out of me too. It seems every other day, the story changes. "banging head against wall".............:banghead: I really do not understand how anyone can believe a word these two say. GGMS and TN are staying away from the general public right now. I guess so..........eventually all of the Cummings will get together and maybe try to come up with a story that will somehow explain all these lies. This is getting down right ridiculous..........
That IS Ron on the video:

Here is a blown up shot


WOW, did he get skinny. He looks like skin and bones.
It looks like Ronald but he doesn't look well, in my opinion.

We've heard reports that he has lost a lot of weight and is not sleeping nor eating since HaLeigh disappeared.

He looks like he is fading away.

If my child disappeared in the middle of the night, I imagine the same thing would happen to me. How in the world does a person function from day to day not knowing where his or her baby is and if she is alive? I would probably be locked up in the loony bin by now.
That IS Ron on the video:

Here is a blown up shot


WOW, did he get skinny. He looks like skin and bones.

I don't remember seeing him wear a watch before though...there are many reasons for weight loss if it is him....stress is one but there are others....
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