Ron C.

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In all other cases, LE would have to obtain new SWs to gather more evidence which is specific to the case. This is giving them carte blanche and I don't see how it is legally being done.

I wonder if it is because this is not a solid home with a foundation and is considered then like a vehicle? We do know they can hold onto a car or RV for evidence as long as they want.

SS, I wish I had an answer to your question regarding the legality of this.
I can say that I don't think they can hold it as a vehicle. Generally, once a mobile home is tied down and/or wheels removed it is no longer considered mobile.
If Ron hasn't been ruled out by police it makes him a potential suspect also. I'd think that LE would have said by now they've ruled Ron & Misty out as potential suspects??? something weird in that they haven't.

the leaving the scene of an accident & trespass, for me, correlates to his propensity and ability to take matters into his own hands in the event of an accidental death or unintended death. Much like you might leave the scene of an accident to avoid drunk driving or possession charges - you might fake an abduction and hide a body to avoid manslaughter charges.

the trespass & hunting related charges bring to light he would obviously know his way around the back country - at night - and have no fear of entering into those type of areas alone in the dark. As opposed to Misty who I could see accidentally hurting the child but not taking a body and going out into the FL bush to dispose of it.

of course they are not accused of a crime at this time, and until LE says otherwise they are "Victims" but in my mind this must be considered because the REAL victim Haleigh needs to be found.

(bold mine) Could not possibly have said this w more clarity and wisdom. These are not "trumped up charges" there are reasons for all the laws he is charged w breaking and the point here is what this all reveals about character. How a person is apt to respond in emergencies, in situations where a person's been injured, if faced w taking responsibility for accidents or injuries, whether they can be trusted to respond w honesty or integrity, or will take the low road. Trespassing charges illustrate boundary issues, plainly and simply and further laws are broken re firearms. None of which paint the portrait of someone who can be relied upon to handle a crisis or critical situation and face consequences. JMO

I've known a couple verbally/emotionally/physically abusive men - and they do not respond the same way to someone who can hit them back (a grown man), as to a defenseless child or woman. So I don't think his response proves anything one way or another. just sayin

I have known a few myself... and not only are they much less threatening w those they can not intimidate, frighten, dominate, control or abuse... but are clearly entirely different people when in the public eye, than when behind closed doors. Never are they so charming and self-controlled as when they know that others are watching. And that was w/out LE's scrutiny, a national spotlight, case workers, child support and custody all to act as incentive. JMO
You know, this isn't about Ronald and what he did two months ago even...this is about Haleigh. How do those past charges figure into what took place in that home on Feb. 10th? Is a muzzle loader part of the abduction? Was there a traffic citation which played into this? Seriously...there is nothing that indicates a tie to this case unless we can connect them.

Originally Posted by kikid
If Ron hasn't been ruled out by police it makes him a potential suspect also. I'd think that LE would have said by now they've ruled Ron & Misty out as potential suspects??? something weird in that they haven't.

the leaving the scene of an accident & trespass, for me, correlates to his propensity and ability to take matters into his own hands in the event of an accidental death or unintended death. Much like you might leave the scene of an accident to avoid drunk driving or possession charges - you might fake an abduction and hide a body to avoid manslaughter charges.

the trespass & hunting related charges bring to light he would obviously know his way around the back country - at night - and have no fear of entering into those type of areas alone in the dark. As opposed to Misty who I could see accidentally hurting the child but not taking a body and going out into the FL bush to dispose of it.

of course they are not accused of a crime at this time, and until LE says otherwise they are "Victims" but in my mind this must be considered because the REAL victim Haleigh needs to be found.

We're on the same wavelength, kikid. ITA with your post. I also believe that LE is being supremely careful (and has probably been advised) not to set off a powder keg of violence here.
Aside from the obvious coaching in this interview, I have always wondered about the part where both Ron and Misty state that there's no possible way the door could have been opened without picking the lock. Neither gives any room for mistakenly leaving the door unlocked.

If the lock shows no sign of being picked, these two are kind of painting themselves into a corner.

Good point Indigo. It would be simple to see if the back door lock was messed with or picked. I'm sure it has been inspected and dusted for prints by the LE.
But, Ron and Misty seem steadfast on that door being locked. Wonder why that is so important to them?
The coaching by Ron also bothers me. What is he afraid of her saying?
I think this is VERY VERY Strange...... why are they STILL holding the home? CSI has been in there.... all the evidence should have been collected by now!

Anyone else heard of them holding the home so long?

Holding the home so long? Could be LE tatics. Hold the house to make those possibly involved (unnamed suspects) squirm a little under the pressure.
Sorry - but I disagree. Body language followed up by a physical response from another, both of which were in view of the camera , are subject to interpretation. IMO His parents are protective, he solicited that protection because he felt threatened. No surprise there.

Yep, no surprise. if GR had been up in my face like that, my daddy would have step in and knocked Mr. Rivera into the next county.
Weighing in here on the hunting infractions: Hunting deer at night is dangerous--and anyone who disregards this law can be a danger to himself or others. I live in the heart of hunting country and a night hunter recently hit our neighborhood--just a few houses away. I can't tell you how angry we all were.

I grew up in a house with hunters and guns and boys/men who didn't respect the rules. My experience is that if you disrespect guns and gun laws you are disrespecting general safety and life. As a child I saw one life lost due to this attitude and another (very recent) near loss of life. It's no joke.

Sorry to spout off.

He wasn't hunting at night. He used the wrong gun to hunt during muzzle loader season.
Weighing in here on the hunting infractions: Hunting deer at night is dangerous--and anyone who disregards this law can be a danger to himself or others. I live in the heart of hunting country and a night hunter recently hit our neighborhood--just a few houses away. I can't tell you how angry we all were.

I grew up in a house with hunters and guns and boys/men who didn't respect the rules. My experience is that if you disrespect guns and gun laws you are disrespecting general safety and life. As a child I saw one life lost due to this attitude and another (very recent) near loss of life. It's no joke.

Sorry to spout off.

Not spouting, you make an excellent point. I have to heartily agree w your risk assessment here... makes me cringe.

it looks like the "hunting at night with spotlights" charge also had the same date as the charges with a bunch of different drugs. i'd guess that he got caught hunting at night, and LE searched his vehicle and found the coke, meth, heroine, ghb, xstacy, pot, or whatever he had exactly (it was atleast 5different things i think). i can't imagine that he'd be using all those drugs at the same time, but i also can't imagine that he wasn't using any of them at the time either. my guess is that he was either dealing, or he just kept all of his stash in his car because that was the safest place to him. i'd say most likely dealing, though.

all this COULD be completely irrelevant to haleigh's disappearance, and it is an unfortunate side-effect.

i'm not saying that they should have, but IF LE would have cleared ron already, then geraldo's interview would have never happened. just saying........

also, i think haleigh's bus stop was probably very close to the rr tracks. i think the bus probably dropped everyone in their little subdivision off there to save time and stay on the main road. i could be wrong, though.

The inherent risks to any child whose parent is using and being impaired by drugs, along w the reckless endangering of their having drugs near, or in child's environment (much less risk of associations to which parents indirectly expose children) are serious issues in and of themselves.

The innate dangers of weapons in a home where an adult fails to observe safety or is found in reckless violation of laws should require no explanation.

But the combination of drugs along w firearms recklessness shows such blatant disregard for life and the safety of children that it is making me wonder how a court could possibly have awarded custody or have ever deemed such an environment as suitable for children, not to mention causing me to reconsider my entire theory... :rolleyes: JMO

You mean he cheated ?

I don't know if you would call it cheating or not since I don't know the circumstances. He must of have had a license or that would have been notated too and different counties have different rules. I know someone that recently shot a mule deer and freaked out because they thought he was shot out of season (didn't realize is was a mule deer till he got to the deer) upon looking further at the hand book he was in another county and not the one he lived in. that was the last day of mule deer season. Not making excuses but sometimes mistakes like that happen.
I had a very long wait at the doc's office today and I got to thinking.

Now, I know that Ron has said he will not be able to go back in the trailer. I could see that if his child had been killed there, but as of now, that trailer is the last place his child was known to be. Even knowing that CSI has checked every inch of that place, I wouldn't be able to stay out of it, once it was released. I would have to fine tooth comb the whole place myself.
Does anyone else feel the same way, or is it just me?
He wasn't hunting at night. He used the wrong gun to hunt during muzzle loader season.

Cajun, I think Indigo is referencing this hunting incident:


Date # Docket Description


I had a very long wait at the doc's office today and I got to thinking.

Now, I know that Ron has said he will not be able to go back in the trailer. I could see that if his child had been killed there, but as of now, that trailer is the last place his child was known to be. Even knowing that CSI has checked every inch of that place, I wouldn't be able to stay out of it, once it was released. I would have to fine tooth comb the whole place myself.
Does anyone else feel the same way, or is it just me?
Yeah, fine toothed comb, finding out for myself what clothes may be missing, finding other pictures to show the media, looking for things that would make me feel closer to her like stuffed animals, I dont know, maybe getting my own clothes, taking a shower in my own home, different shoes, finding addresses I might need and on and on
I had a very long wait at the doc's office today and I got to thinking.

Now, I know that Ron has said he will not be able to go back in the trailer. I could see that if his child had been killed there, but as of now, that trailer is the last place his child was known to be. Even knowing that CSI has checked every inch of that place, I wouldn't be able to stay out of it, once it was released. I would have to fine tooth comb the whole place myself.
Does anyone else feel the same way, or is it just me?

Oh definitely!!! I would too. Especially since he hadn't been in it much (I assume) since this all started.. I would want to see if anything stuck out.
I had a very long wait at the doc's office today and I got to thinking.

Now, I know that Ron has said he will not be able to go back in the trailer. I could see that if his child had been killed there, but as of now, that trailer is the last place his child was known to be. Even knowing that CSI has checked every inch of that place, I wouldn't be able to stay out of it, once it was released. I would have to fine tooth comb the whole place myself.
Does anyone else feel the same way, or is it just me?

Ron said he wouldn't be able to go back into the trailer? Do you have a link handy for that interview, not_my_kids?
Cajun, I think Indigo is referencing this hunting incident:


Date # Docket Description



Thank you, alwaysonmymind. I never would have been able to find that again.
Can you show me where in all the mess it is proven that Ronald is an abuser?

So far, people have him categorized as a drug dealer/user, snitch/informant, pedophile, liar, abuser, law scoffer, spoiled, and incompetent man who should have his remaining child ripped away before his head goes on a platter to be served up to the media likes of Geraldo.

I see a man whose little girl was taken away from him in the middle of the night, broken, angry, cooperating fully with LE, focusing on Haleigh, begging, pleading, and doing his best not to disparage his ex or her family. I see a victim.
Ron said he wouldn't be able to go back into the trailer? Do you have a link handy for that interview, not_my_kids?

It was NG, he said it and then later on in the show, his mom repeated it.
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