Ron C.

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Bio mom comes off with a pretty cavalier attitude toward all this. No wonder she didn't have custody of Haleigh.

Bio-mom & her mom have some GALL to accuse RC of "faking tears" when neither one of them, from all I've seen, have yet to shed many if any..There's been little if any attempt to even squeeze them out during their way too many on-camera interviews..That goes right along with their cavalier attitude & obvious mission to turn the tables on everyone but themselves! :rolleyes:
He could be 99% sure of who took Haleigh and state it, but it wouldn't mean anything if LE has no proof. I don't see the big deal if he said it or not...but since he says he didn't...I believe him. I don't see him having a reason to buddy up to Chad at all to even talk to him.
In this whole mess, the only one I believe is Ron. Which is odd for me, becuase my first instincts in any case like this would be "Daddy did it."
But after that disgusting interview with the mother last night, Ron gained mega points in my mind. Not just by comparison, but by his reactions. Crystal trashed him, he defended himself without trashing her. Geraldo got in his face and out of the whole Cummings group the most violent one was the man that I think was Ron's dad. Not Ron. I can't see an abusive short tempered man holding back when another man is in his face asking if he was abusive or an addict. When he did make a threat against the mom and company, it was the threat of legal action, not bodily harm.
The end of the interview with Ron was cut, intentionally IMO, to make it sound worse than it was ( the comment "I'll believe she's alive until they find her"). Geraldo didn't get the reactions he wanted or expected from Ron and that made him mad. I am glad that he has been banned from the area. It's about time.
RC said he left at 3:45 that day of the disappearance.

I think RC looked more frightened,like he could not believe GR was saying this in public,especially if he is an informant and this is why LE is keeping tight lipped.What if they have been watching people to see if it can lead them to Haleigh and Mr MediaCircus just blew it all to he.. I think GR seriously impeded himself in an investigation and it could put Haleigh and now the family in more danger.He didn't care about Haleigh or Jr,just ratings for a show.
RC said he left at 3:45 that day of the disappearance.

I think RC looked more frightened,like he could not believe GR was saying this in public,especially if he is an informant and this is why LE is keeping tight lipped.What if they have been watching people to see if it can lead them to Haleigh and Mr MediaCircus just blew it all to he.. I think GR seriously impeded himself in an investigation and it could put Haleigh and now the family in more danger.He didn't care about Haleigh or Jr,just ratings for a show.

Although I believe in freedom of the press, I also believe in charges like impeding a criminal investigation. If LE is PO'ed enough to ban GR from the area, I hope that that pursue some form of tougher action against GR. I really do. I think if Haleigh still had a shot, it was gone at airtime last night.
Her "Best", by comparison, shot now is to actually be with an SO, they might keep her alive now, thinking that all the attention is diverted in other directions.
If Crystal thought it was helping them and GR was being on thier side,it doesn't look it in the article he wrote.I wonder if she feels today like she shouldn't have done it?Maybe she felt like RC was looking good to the public and she was looking bad,so she wanted to show he has an abusive and drug past.With the media asking her why she had lost custody and her having to say her past,maybe she wanted the public to know his,who knows.
Although I believe in freedom of the press, I also believe in charges like impeding a criminal investigation. If LE is PO'ed enough to ban GR from the area, I hope that that pursue some form of tougher action against GR. I really do. I think if Haleigh still had a shot, it was gone at airtime last night.
Her "Best", by comparison, shot now is to actually be with an SO, they might keep her alive now, thinking that all the attention is diverted in other directions.

He could be brought up on slander charges,because since showing that pic of Haleigh in the last couple of days,people coming to help and media coverage has pretty much stopped.GR knew when he showed that pic for sensationalism the school had already said it happened at school.So,to me that's slander.
Ron reminds me of my brother who also had children with 3 women (possibly he had more kids with more women that I don't even know about). The oldest boy stayed with his mother who was a good mother. The next two children were passed back and forth between him and his ex-wife on a constant basis. The last one he abandoned and left with another ex-wife to run off with yet another woman.

While he had custody of the middle two kids (a girl age 2 and an infant boy) he was (as usual) constantly drunk and on drugs. Unlike Ron he did not womanize at all--no girlfriends live in or otherwise so I did my best to help him out and provide a mother figure for the two babies. You'd think he'd be grateful but he wasn't. He was petty and critical and jealous of anything I did if it resulted in the kids showing affection towards me. It was almost as though he viewed their loving me as some sort of rejection of him.

Needless to say a person with a substance abuse problem is often extremely verbally abusive as was my brother. Not only vulgar language but constant physical threats against anyone including the two babies as they grew older and did things that annoyed him. When the boy Jack was 3 he came to my house with a bruise fading just under his eye, I naively thought he'd just bumped into something. My mother phoned me and told me to ask Jack how he got the shiner. Both he and his sister at the same time said "Daddy hit me (him) in the face with a metal serving spoon."

I have no idea if my brother was sober or high or if he was aiming for Jack's behind and he boy moved the wrong way...what he'd done appalled me. My mother and I reported him to CPS who said they investigated but we were never contacted and nothing changed except my brother cut me and my mother completely out of the two babies' lives forever.

The bottom line point I wish to make is that I have absolutely NO doubt my brother loved his kids. He said he did often and I could see he sincerely meant and felt that he did BUT his love was not normal. It was toxic, dangerous, possibly lethal. I thank God neither of those kids died in his care but I don't know how else they may have suffered at his hands (and at his cruel and nasty mouth) after he cut me out of their lives.

So when Ron says he loves his kids I believe this BUT at the same time I believe his idea of love is not normal or what normal people view as love and loving behavior and I would never defend him in anything he's done based solely upon his declarations of love for his kids.
Nothing would make me happier than for Geraldo to get sued by Ron and his family for the damage done last night. He also put Ron et al in jeopardy by insinuating he could be an informant. These things do not go unnoticed by people in the drug trade. It was a very serious accusation.
GR asked Ronald if he had ever been involved in the drug trade. Ronald said no. I believe Ronald's rap sheet implies differently. Ronald had such a variety of drugs in his possession. He also had drug paraphernalia in his possession.

IMO, Ronald had been involved in the drug trade. You can be a buyer or a drug seller. Still drug trade. It depends on how anyone wants to define 'drug trade'. So, IMO, Ronald lied last night. JMO, and I've a right to it!!!
Ron reminds me of my brother who also had children with 3 women (possibly he had more kids with more women that I don't even know about). The oldest boy stayed with his mother who was a good mother. The next two children were passed back and forth between him and his ex-wife on a constant basis. The last one he abandoned and left with another ex-wife to run off with yet another woman.

While he had custody of the middle two kids (a girl age 2 and an infant boy) he was (as usual) constantly drunk and on drugs. Unlike Ron he did not womanize at all--no girlfriends live in or otherwise so I did my best to help him out and provide a mother figure for the two babies. You'd think he'd be grateful but he wasn't. He was petty and critical and jealous of anything I did if it resulted in the kids showing affection towards me. It was almost as though he viewed their loving me as some sort of rejection of him.

Needless to say a person with a substance abuse problem is often extremely verbally abusive as was my brother. Not only vulgar language but constant physical threats against anyone including the two babies as they grew older and did things that annoyed him. When the boy Jack was 3 he came to my house with a bruise fading just under his eye, I naively thought he'd just bumped into something. My mother phoned me and told me to ask Jack how he got the shiner. Both he and his sister at the same time said "Daddy hit me (him) in the face with a metal serving spoon."

I have no idea if my brother was sober or high or if he was aiming for Jack's behind and he boy moved the wrong way...what he'd done appalled me. My mother and I reported him to CPS who said they investigated but we were never contacted and nothing changed except my brother cut me and my mother completely out of the two babies' lives forever.

The bottom line point I wish to make is that I have absolutely NO doubt my brother loved his kids. He said he did often and I could see he sincerely meant and felt that he did BUT his love was not normal. It was toxic, dangerous, possibly lethal. I thank God neither of those kids died in his care but I don't know how else they may have suffered at his hands (and at his cruel and nasty mouth) after he cut me out of their lives.

So when Ron says he loves his kids I believe this BUT at the same time I believe his idea of love is not normal or what normal people view as love and loving behavior and I would never defend him in anything he's done based solely upon his declarations of love for his kids.
Very well said. I agree with your post, and think it is very insightful. FWIW
GR asked Ronald if he had ever been involved in the drug trade. Ronald said no. I believe Ronald's rap sheet implies differently. Ronald had such a variety of drugs in his possession. He also had drug paraphernalia in his possession.

IMO, Ronald had been involved in the drug trade. You can be a buyer or a drug seller. Still drug trade. It depends on how anyone wants to define 'drug trade'. So, IMO, Ronald lied last night. JMO, and I've a right to it!!!
Yes, and what about the "have you ever had a brick of marijuana in your trailer?" question. Geraldo wasnt talking about previous drug use, it sounded like he heard something that was more recent IMO
Ronald denied this as well. It may only be a rumor, but GR sure asked him and Ron sure denied it.
RC said he left at 3:45 that day of the disappearance.
That is interesting. According to LFlorida, it would take longer than 15 mins. for him to get to work. I have read he has a 3pm to 3am shift--although he did make it home by 3:27, but, if he does have a 12 hr. shift, I guess he was late that day?
While I do understand people's opinions are largely based on personal experiences, it is too often we judge others because of family, someone we had contact with, or the like.

Ron could be nothing like my cousin, uncle, or brother, but if he reminds me of one of them it could be clouding my judgement. We have to also remind ourselves that we do not know anything about this man except what we read or see in the few minutes of air time.

I prefer to give Ron the benefit of the doubt right now. The scales are tipped in his favor by his actions. He does not come across to me as this monster who harmed Haleigh in any way. He does not appear to me to be anything except a grieving, worried father whose main concern is finding Haleigh. He has handled himself in a way that most men I know probably would find impossible under the circumstances and fly off the handle.
GR asked Ronald if he had ever been involved in the drug trade. Ronald said no. I believe Ronald's rap sheet implies differently. Ronald had such a variety of drugs in his possession. He also had drug paraphernalia in his possession.

IMO, Ronald had been involved in the drug trade. You can be a buyer or a drug seller. Still drug trade. It depends on how anyone wants to define 'drug trade'. So, IMO, Ronald lied last night. JMO, and I've a right to it!!!

Well, then I guess I have spent a lot of time involved in the drug trade. :rolleyes:
Me and half the high school students in the country.

However by the wikipedia definition I am in the clear: the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of illegal drugs.
I would also like to point out that in this country, it is illegal to sell drugs and illegal to possess drugs, but there are no technical laws against buying them.
Well, then I guess I have spent a lot of time involved in the drug trade. :rolleyes:
Me and half the high school students in the country.

Well, I don't know about half the high school students in the country. I would like to think that couldn't be.
GR asked Ronald if he had ever been involved in the drug trade. Ronald said no. I believe Ronald's rap sheet implies differently. Ronald had such a variety of drugs in his possession. He also had drug paraphernalia in his possession.

IMO, Ronald had been involved in the drug trade. You can be a buyer or a drug seller. Still drug trade. It depends on how anyone wants to define 'drug trade'. So, IMO, Ronald lied last night. JMO, and I've a right to it!!!
From the court records, I don't recall where it shows that he bought or sold those drugs...only that he was present where they were at the time. (I will have to go back and look at it.) He spent no time in jail and that speaks volumes for not being directly responsible for those drugs being there, imo. So no...I don't think you can say he lied about anything. And that is my opinion. He stated he does not do drugs currently.
I don't think for one second that Ron had anything to do with Haleigh going missing. However, I do think that the man Crystal has described on Geraldo, is what give Misty the motive for doing whatever she did to Haleigh.
This is a very interesting subject, natsound. Chad claimed that Ron was 75% sure who had Haleigh. I don't see this as implicating Ron in any way. If true, it shows that Chad believes somebody else took Haleigh. Why would Chad make up a lie that implicated some unknown stranger?

I don't know what Chad's intentions were. If it were true, I wonder if he tried to get Ron to elaborate, or told police if he indeed suspected something. Maybe he just told GR.

My feeling is that a lot of the folks directly and indirectly involved in this story have little vendettas against each other for one reason or another. There's probably a lot of general immaturity, even when the stakes are this high.
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