Ron C.

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From the court records, I don't recall where it shows that he bought or sold those drugs...only that he was present where they were at the time. (I will have to go back and look at it.) He spent no time in jail and that speaks volumes for not being directly responsible for those drugs being there, imo. So no...I don't think you can say he lied about anything. And that is my opinion. He stated he does not do drugs currently.

SS, I do have a great respect for fellow posters and their opinions. We will just have to agree to disagree on this one.

Anybody care to check rons moms criminal background? I just spent the last 2 hours reading at some other forums and someone mentioned her background.
Yes, and what about the "have you ever had a brick of marijuana in your trailer?" question. Geraldo wasnt talking about previous drug use, it sounded like he heard something that was more recent IMO
Ronald denied this as well. It may only be a rumor, but GR sure asked him and Ron sure denied it.
And maybe that is why LE still has that trailer seized and roped off as a crime scene?
Did RC say he wasn't doing drugs currently? I listened to the videos today and really don't want to go listen again. Wasn't it just something like "I don't do drugs". Thanks!
And we are talking about a record that was back in 2002 before the kids were born and he was younger.

You are right, SS. But the record has nonrelated (not drugs) infractions dated as recently as 2008. IMO, Ronald has a disregard for laws. Albeit a hunting infraction, it is still on his record.
I have known people working for the S. O. who's son was convicted of a felony. Ronald's Mom has not done anything and would not be penalized, IMO.

Oh No..I dont think she has-was just curious!
I'm a little curious to know, after watching GR's latest interview with Ron, why it is that Ron knows so specifically HOW he is permitted BY DCF to discipline his child. That sounds to me like something you're told on the tail end of an incident in which you were reported for improperly disciplining your child. KWIM?
Oh No..I dont think she has-was just curious!

Oh, I know! LOL I also had just meant that IF her son had ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony it would not jeopardize her job, IMO. Now if Ms. Neves ever even wrote so much as a bad check, then she could lose her job. It would be fair to say she has no record as she is still employed by PCSO.

I should have been more clear on what I meant!

With all due respect, we are talking about a 25 year old man here, not high school students.

Two sayings come to mind...

Judge not, lest ye be judged.
Let he is without sin cast the first stone.

Seeing as how I am an admitted sinner, I think it's time to agree to disagree.

As far as the link, I was just proving that this "subculture" is much more the norm than many people would like to believe, and stretches across ALL age groups and ALL walks of life.
I'm a little curious to know, after watching GR's latest interview with Ron, why it is that Ron knows so specifically HOW he is permitted BY DCF to discipline his child. That sounds to me like something you're told on the tail end of an incident in which you were reported for improperly disciplining your child. KWIM?

here in MI they tell you those sorts of things, regardless of what you were reported for. They tell you how you can discipline them, what you can discuss with them, the appropriate lengths of time outs, anything you can think of, regardless of the source of the referral.
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