Ron Cummings Arrested 2009.08.06 RE: Battery involving brother-in-law

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OT...lets forget Haleigh for just a sec and independently look at this crime.....btw it is a crime, doesn't matter how big or small you perceive it do you justify Ron coming back out and reaching in the car to fight again.....time and time again he is given a break.....enough already, IMO I hope the courts give him what his momma never I'm just humming "be my me little baby...""da da da....
Given that we weren't there and don't know what was being said or done, and they obviously were still on the property after being told to leave, I am not at all surprised. Sounds like they showed up looking for trouble, and found it. I guess they are lucky nobody took it further than that.
I predict, for Ronald, this too shall pass. He has too many people covering for him...cheering for him....enabling him....all charges will be dropped against him and the big, bad people who upset him will be charged. He and Misty can go back their victim status and Haleigh will not be mentioned by the media again until someone else "upsets" Ronald.

I hope Haleigh never upset him!
Eight out of the nine excuses for Ron have been used so far.
PLEASE stick with the arrest factor and not all the stuff that has been discussed over and over again on other threads.
RC was not arrested for assaulting Misty, nothing in the report indicates he assaulted Misty. Yes RC should not have hit Hank JR, I do feel like charges should be made against Hank JR as well.
They just have to decide if they want to lose 10% up front or pay the entire bond and get it all back when he goes to court.
well I now believe LE should haul them all in for questioning on this matter, polygraph them, take evidence and take months to process it....then maybe conclude that they dont know if or what crime was committed.....and just leave it open till one of them cracks....not sure but the main parties have played their roles before GGM, Misty, Ron
LOL, yeah they are all well rehearsed!!!
my thoughts are this, For every action there is a reaction..(famous words of my

let's start with:

what was the action that caused the Croslin crew to go to AS home?
the reaction is them going there.

putting myself in those shoes, MC called her family for a reason, what that reason was i suppose we might never know, but if i had to take a guess, RC & MC either had a verbal or physical fight.
So the Croslins are leaving town and want Misty to go with them to Massachusetts.

I never have seen people move so much in my life...what's wrong with them?...oh, nevermind!
RC was not arrested for assaulting Misty, nothing in the report indicates he assaulted Misty. Yes RC should not have hit Hank JR, I do feel like charges should be made against Hank JR as well. Hopefully by the time the SA reviews the file and makes their decision her parents wont be back out of state and Hank JR long gone.

"Back out of state"? Where does it say in the police report that they live out of state at all? From what I read, Lisa Croslin states: "She said that they had received a phone call from her daughter Misty screaming and crying. She said that she was worried about her daughter and went to the residence to check on her."

I'm impressed she's able to drive out of state to respond so quickly.
cute name calling

Given that we weren't there and don't know what was being said or done, and they obviously were still on the property after being told to leave, I am not at all surprised. Sounds like they showed up looking for trouble, and found it. I guess they are lucky nobody took it further than that.

what name calling? and I read the police report so my opinion is based on that and the law....tsk tsk he shouldnt have gone back know that by watching judge
my thoughts are this, For every action there is a reaction..(famous words of my

let's start with:

what was the action that caused the Croslin crew to go to AS home?
the reaction is them going there.

putting myself in those shoes, MC called her family for a reason, what that reason was i suppose we might never know, but if i had to take a guess, RC & MC either had a verbal or physical fight.

We could all make guesses I imagine.
cute name calling

Given that we weren't there and don't know what was being said or done, and they obviously were still on the property after being told to leave, I am not at all surprised. Sounds like they showed up looking for trouble, and found it. I guess they are lucky nobody took it further than that.

We weren't there- agreed
Don't know what was said or done- agreed

Obviously the Croslin's were instructed to leave, refused, and came looking for trouble?!?!?!?!?!!? How do we know that, how is it obvious, but everything Ron allegedly did is unknown and unverified? Did I miss a police document? Has a video surfaced?

And they are lucky nobody took it further. I am glad you acknowledge Ron's propensity to escalating violence and the danger they were in. <irony intended>

And Ron is lucky it didn't go further since after a first degree felony there is nowhere to go except a capital felony. And if people are screaming about his bond now.....
RC was not arrested for assaulting Misty, nothing in the report indicates he assaulted Misty. Yes RC should not have hit Hank JR, I do feel like charges should be made against Hank JR as well. Hopefully by the time the SA reviews the file and makes their decision her parents wont be back out of state and Hank JR long gone.

Link to them being out of state, please????
We weren't there- agreed
Don't know what was said or done- agreed

Obviously the Croslin's were instructed to leave, refused, and came looking for trouble?!?!?!?!?!!? How do we know that, how is it obvious, but everything Ron allegedly did is unknown and unverified? Did I miss a police document? Has a video surfaced?

And they are lucky nobody took it further. I am glad you acknowledge Ron's propensity to escalating violence and the danger they were in. <irony intended>

And Ron is lucky it didn't go further since after a first degree felony there is nowhere to go except a capital felony. And if people are screaming about his bond now.....
I believe the police said Great Granny pushed them out of the house and told them to leave, looks like they didn't. I don't acknowledge any nonsense about Ron having a propensity. I understand there is Castle Doctrine in Florida, Great Granny could have shot them I suppose. Someone who accused her grandson of trying to kill him shows up at that late hour and starts a fight and then they wouldn't leave? That's looking for trouble in my opinion. Not sure why it says Ron wanted to swear what happened and no charges are showing against the Croslins. Perhaps that and restraining orders will come, no idea.
I find it highly odd that Misty's explanation for contacting her brother was to find out why he was calling her all day. He then said he wanted to come over and she declined sighting the lateness of the hour. BUT then she says her brother insisted and eventually showed up. (with their parents)

Why doesn't Misty explain what was so important to make the whole family come on out at that time? There is no clarification in that. There is no sense in Misty's explanation as to why all parties converged at GGS's home. "Well officer, he just insisted on coming over to see me and bring the folks for a little visit at almost 11:00 PM, then they my dad and brother hit me in the face when I was trying to break up the crazy fight that broke out"

Misty is the only one to mention getting hit. Neither Granny or Ron give any explanation as to why these people showed up at their house and began supposedly fighting.

It it would have just been the brother it would be a little more acceptable to me, but when you load everyone up to go to Misty, it seems more than just wanting to hang out in spite of being told no.

When you compare it to the "story" told by her brother, that they went to pick her up because she wanted to leave. That IMO seems much more plausible. It at least makes sense, that you would pick up your relative at a late hour in an emergency and certainly bring family if you might be going into a potentially volatile situation. Even trashy families have been known to stick together in certain situations.
I can't believe how blood-thirsty everyone is against Ron. Seems like a lot of folks here want to see him arrested and thrown in jail, reguardless of the fact he may innocent. He may be just a man defending his wife, does that make him a bad guy?

No, it doesn't and yes he was protecting her. I hope Gma Sykes and Misty have charges filed on her brother today.
It appears as if he was attempting to leave at the time, if he got into his car to go. Do we know that the assault charges stem from what happened to the brother, or could they be for what had happened to MISTY previously that caused her family to come to rescue her?

I don't for a minute believe that TC is doing this to get his 15 minutes of fame, as someone has accused him here! He could have gotten HOURS of fame before now by talking to the media at any time over the last 6 months and he has completely kept his mouth shut. Now would be a good time for him to spill what he knows, MISTY too, and the rest of the family. Enough already, such a precious child needs someone to speak up for her.

Nothing happened to Misty earlier. The senior Croslins had already moved.
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