Ronald Speaks from Jail #1

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I'm really surprised no one here has discussed a certain comment made by Ron in his interview from jail. This one popped right out at me....
I mean, the 911 call -- I haven`t changed my mind about the 911 call since the minute it was made.

IMO Ron used this interview to get certain messages out to certain people. He hasn't changed his mind about the 911 call? Why even bring the 911 call up in conversation when talking about your daughter? In a true moment of panic most people wouldn't even know what they said to 911...let alone use it for future reference in an interview. Sounded to me like he was saying the 911 call was their story and everyone should stick to the story told to 911. He was letting them know that he hasn't cracked and he will not say anything otherwise. All JMO...
It does seem to be a statement spoken for Misty, and some of the others possibly, more than anything else. You are correct, why bring up the 911 call at all ? I believe it was also because he has done nothing, since then, to find Haleigh or her abductors (he knows the answers here). It's sad that the 911 call is the only thing he has to bolster his claims that he's interested in finding his daughter. We now know he has been busy dealing drugs and spending time with ex-wife, Misty. Ron's actions are so very different from his words and in judging his involvement in Haleigh's disappearance, I'll pay attention to his actions.
A problem I have with Ron's threats to kill whomever took his daughter.

1. He must assume his daughter is already deceased, how would he know this for sure, no body has been found?

2. One would think on the outside possibility that Haleigh is still alive, the last thing would be to shoot someone who might know her where abouts and let the family and himself go to closure.

3. Why would anyone come forward with information leading to Haleigh's discovery with someone like Ron ready to deliver "Mans law" upon them.

One would think there would be mention of the reward and not the punishment for info leading to Haleigh. Suppose Misty did have something to do with Haleighs demise. Is she afraid RC will kill her if he finds out she did?

Is this repeated threat intended to keep her silence in a cover-up?

His threats have no value but to impede the investigation.

So if Ron thinks she's deceased, what makes him think so?
Great points Peliman. I think that most parents, of missing children, will hold out hope they are alive unless presented evidence to the contrary. Ron seems to be more intent on killing the person responsible. This is a man that knows his daughter is no longer alive.
IMO In those first days when they claimed Haleigh was "stolen" you see Ron crying to the media just the way Susan Smith did and then you see him as cool as a cucumber smoking cigarettes AND then he's buying (?) a ring for Misty, on one knee proposing in front of the media and marries Misty. I ask you who does that when they have a child missing? Yes. Casey Anthony.
IMO he is the person who caused Haleigh to be missing "stolen".
I have to stop now or I will get booted out of here.
IMO In those first days when they claimed Haleigh was "stolen" you see Ron crying to the media just the way Susan Smith did and then you see him as cool as a cucumber smoking cigarettes AND then he's buying (?) a ring for Misty, on one knee proposing in front of the media and marries Misty. I ask you who does that when they have a child missing? Yes. Casey Anthony.
IMO he is the person who caused Haleigh to be missing "stolen".
I have to stop now or I will get booted out of here.
And, we also have the statement..."I would give my life to have my child's life back". That was concerning from the get go.
You're so right Em! It makes perfect sense that Ronald, unlike a genuinely panicked parent, would recall his words in the 911 call AND revert back to them as those words were Ronald's very first part of his script in the story... JMHO -

A script that, so far, has worked.

To me, by repeating that he is saying, "I must be innocent because I said that during the 911 call, that is a statement expected from an innocent distraught father in a similar situation."

And, "that statement made me look innocent during the 911 call, it will make me look good now that I'm up to my head in doodoo."
You're so right Em! It makes perfect sense that Ronald, unlike a genuinely panicked parent, would recall his words in the 911 call AND revert back to them as those words were Ronald's very first part of his script in the story... JMHO -

nomoresorrow, LOL, I didn't figure that out, lynnb did..
A script that, so far, has worked.

To me, by repeating that he is saying, "I must be innocent because I said that during the 911 call, that is a statement expected from an innocent distraught father in a similar situation."

And, "that statement made me look innocent during the 911 call, it will make me look good now that I'm up to my head in doodoo."

Exactly Lipin.
And, we also have the statement..."I would give my life to have my child's life back". That was concerning from the get go.

Thats when I knew he knew Haleigh was gone..And from what I have detected from his actions in the past year that was and has been his ONLY moment of truth...JMO
CUMMINGS: "That still remains that it don`t matter, 40, 50 years from now, if I find out whoever done it before they do, you know, whatever might be done, whether they took Haleigh because they lost a child or whatever the case might be, you know. Yes, if I find out who or however, there`s two people, three people, whatever did it, whatever took my daughter wherever, then when I find out, if I find out before the police, it`s going to be done for them, done dealing. I`ll have satisfaction knowing that I got the person who stole my daughter from me."

A simple "I'll kill whoever is responsible for Haleigh's disappearance" would have done the trick. Why does he need to use so many words to get one point across ? Why is he so nervous talking about this subject ?

(bbm) RC be perserveratin... re everything thruout entire inteview. Instead of simply "Can you get me a newspaper," it's "Can you get me a newspaper so I can read it?" :waitasec: (and then continues for another three or four mins re paper lol) Would there be some other purpose for a newspaper? Vs lining eg his cell w it (like an animal cage, or dog kennel?) As opposed to eg doing a paper mache project in jail w it? Or perhaps he needed to distinguish it was not for wrapping fish and chips... :confused: He goes on at length because he's so used to lying and disguising his motives this way that he rambles even re the most simple, straightforward facts.

Ronald seems to know who took Haleigh

His "I'll kill him" statement.

IMHO.. No one took Haleigh, she was not abducted. And he knows that. He also knows he is the one who is responsible for whatever it is that happened to Haleigh...No one stole his child as he is still claiming..JMO

AGREE Em--the entire lengthy convoluted rambling monologue from that point on is all based upon a faulty premise IMO. He thinks he's slick lol. If you can't dazzle em w your brilliance, baffle em w your B$... get em so confused and twisted around they don't know if they're comin or goin... lead em down such a bunny trail they don't even remember there's no evidence of forced entry or abduction nor any indication LE's been working this as an abduction for months! :crazy:

It's like urban legend lol, just keep sayin it often and persistently enough, and maybe one day someone will start to actually believe it.

He saw "three" far as the justifiable homicide, he has had a lot of time to watch TV.

Too funny lone! ...he's probably forgotten where 3 fits in his story, so he throws it out in everything..just for safe measure! :loser:
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