Roy Kronk suing Casey Anthony

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I don't think it would be possible to duct tape a drowning victum as the tape would not stay on. JB never mentioned them drying her off and applying the duct tape. By the time the mystery person would have found Caylee, the jaw would have dropped significantly and we would not have seen the same results. I hope Dr. G. explains all this on her program. jmo

Exactly. Because she didn't drown. Dr. G explained it in court and hopefully the peeps that didn't understand what she was saying have the chance to watch her special. Perhaps they'll pay attention to what she says this time. I have a great respect and appreciation for Dr. G. and her work.
As I stated upthread - Kronk has no chance of winning a suit against Anthony, so little of a chance it is about equal to the chance Anthony would have against Kronk for a wrongful death. I have never suggested that Anthony should sue Kronk, and if she did, would have any chance of winning.

Casey Anthony has as much chance to file and win a "wrongful death" suit against Kronk, as he does to win his suit against her. Maybe now is the time for her to persue Kronk.

What, then, does your second bolding (by me) suggest?
Sneaking in to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to all and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!:seeya:
What, then, does your second bolding (by me) suggest?
I'd really like to know the answer to that...'cause Casey's own attorneys said that Caylee drowned. It doesn't really matter though...Casey would never civilly sue would require her to speak. And, we know she's not willing to do that.. Of course, if someone paid her to that's a different story.
I'd really like to know the answer to that...'cause Casey's own attorneys said that Caylee drowned. It doesn't really matter though...Casey would never civilly sue would require her to speak. And, we know she's not willing to do that.. Of course, if someone paid her to that's a different story.

Well yes, for $$$ she would 'talk' but she wouldn't say anything true or worthwhile to listen to.
It would be great if everyone sues her and keeps her life going as miserable as can be.
I hope everyone wins their suits against her for all the misery she gave everyone around her!
Go Roy Kronk and Zenaida Gonzalez, the unsung heroes of Caylee's case!!!:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
Well yes, for $$$ she would 'talk' but she wouldn't say anything true or worthwhile to listen to.
Ya know, I've been thinking...I truly think that Casey still believes her own BS.

ETA:...and keeping her hidden could very well be the DT's way of making sure she keeps her mouth shut. You're right...all we would hear are lies...she can't help herself.
My "sleigh" is all loaded with gifts to take to friends and family today. I will be spending a splendid few days enjoying the warmth of friendships long cherished.

Think about that, OCA!

Happy Christmas Day to all.

I'd really like to know the answer to that...'cause Casey's own attorneys said that Caylee drowned. It doesn't really matter though...Casey would never civilly sue would require her to speak. And, we know she's not willing to do that.. Of course, if someone paid her to that's a different story.

She still wouldn't speak and besides, who would believe her if she did?:floorlaugh:
Me thinks Casey joined the wrong forum. :innocent:
I guess you do not understand the meaning of the word "death" in wrongful death. Whether suing a tobacco company for the wrongful death of a of a relative, or suing anyone for the wrongful death of a two year old baby, there is a death involved. Are you saying that the death of a two year old is more "law suitable" then that of anyone else? The tobacco company was/is/are being sued for wrongful death. Seriously, read before you respond. A death is a death.

I don't believe a single poster here does not understand that a death is a death so I'm not getting your point. Kronk's suit is not about death, it's about defamation. Casey's defense team publicly defamed Kronk, even going so far as to accuse him of harming Caylee. However, they also claim that Caylee accidentally drowned in the A's swimming pool, indirectly admitting that all the accusations against Kronk were horrible lies. I think Kronk has an excellent chance of winning his case - much more so than Z?G or TES. The idea of Casey filing a wrongful death suit against Kronk, even if it is a jest, is totally ridiculous and is nothing but a diversion from the subject of this thread, IMO.
I don't believe a single poster here does not understand that a death is a death so I'm not getting your point. Kronk's suit is not about death, it's about defamation. Casey's defense team publicly defamed Kronk, even going so far as to accuse him of harming Caylee. However, they also claim that Caylee accidentally drowned in the A's swimming pool, indirectly admitting that all the accusations against Kronk were horrible lies. I think Kronk has an excellent chance of winning his case - much more so than Z?G or TES. The idea of Casey filing a wrongful death suit against Kronk, even if it is a jest, is totally ridiculous and is nothing but a diversion from the subject of this thread, IMO.

The day George Anthony files a lawsuit against his daughter is the day I will be convinced he grew a set.

I wish Roy Kronk the best of luck and I hope he gets some money. He found the body, FGS, and they tried to imply he was involved in the crime.

This defense team is despicable, every last one of them. Cheney Mason and his finger should have been reported to the bar too...darn shame!

May Dorothy Simms and her ranch never find any peace...because I believe she is housing her "friend" on the property.
I don't believe a single poster here does not understand that a death is a death so I'm not getting your point. Kronk's suit is not about death, it's about defamation. Casey's defense team publicly defamed Kronk, even going so far as to accuse him of harming Caylee. However, they also claim that Caylee accidentally drowned in the A's swimming pool, indirectly admitting that all the accusations against Kronk were horrible lies. I think Kronk has an excellent chance of winning his case - much more so than Z?G or TES. The idea of Casey filing a wrongful death suit against Kronk, even if it is a jest, is totally ridiculous and is nothing but a diversion from the subject of this thread, IMO.

... Chilly Willy you deserve credit for this great post.

The day George Anthony files a lawsuit against his daughter is the day I will be convinced he grew a set.

I wish Roy Kronk the best of luck and I hope he gets some money. He found the body, FGS, and they tried to imply he was involved in the crime.

This defense team is despicable, every last one of them. Cheney Mason and his finger should have been reported to the bar too...darn shame!

May Dorothy Simms and her ranch never find any peace...because I believe she is housing her "friend" on the property.

Good post. Karma will eventually met up with the DT. I hope Kronk wins his suit. I think he has better chance than ZFG.
I haven't kept up on this suit. Is Kronk claiming they said something defamatory about him OUTSIDE the courtroom? Because he can't sue for what was said inside the courtroom.
I haven't kept up on this suit. Is Kronk claiming they said something defamatory about him OUTSIDE the courtroom? Because he can't sue for what was said inside the courtroom.

As I understand it, RK is suing for all of the things they claimed in the media about him. The DT went on tv and claimed there was as much evidence that he did it as KC, that he liked to use duct tape on women, that he had a questionable character, as well as "leaking" very edited videos of RK's ex-wife saying he was abusive and tied her up with duct tape and how she thought he had been the one to kill Caylee. LKB was even on one of the morning show talking about how RK was likely involved. They said plenty of nasty things about him both inside and outside of the courtroom.
As I understand it, RK is suing for all of the things they claimed in the media about him. The DT went on tv and claimed there was as much evidence that he did it as KC, that he liked to use duct tape on women, that he had a questionable character, as well as "leaking" very edited videos of RK's ex-wife saying he was abusive and tied her up with duct tape and how she thought he had been the one to kill Caylee. LKB was even on one of the morning show talking about how RK was likely involved. They said plenty of nasty things about him both inside and outside of the courtroom.

I do remember LKB saying, on National Television, that there is just as much evidence against Roy Kronk as there is evidence against Casey Anthony in Caylee's death.
[ame=""]Attorney on Caylee Case Suspect - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]casey anthony /Defense Says Kronk May Have Killed Caylee - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]kronks ex wife - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]kronks ex wife part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Allegations Against Roy Kronk and MORE - YouTube[/ame]

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