RULED OUT: Have we found Anna? Possible match to NamUs case UP 9597 - *NO MATCH*

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
This is the only reference to any discussion on the amount of rainfall the day Anna disappeared.

Carried over from another thread.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Theory #4: All Other Theories

While it appears the amount of rain did not fall in the immediate area of Anna's home, the rain from other area's had to go somewhere. While the roads in the immediate vicinity of Anna's home may have been passible, the creeks, streams and rivers in the area likely were carrying the rain water which fell in other area's.

This post was made on March 26, 2006. The same day the remains were found. More chills.
Anna's family is in my heart and thoughts today.
As much as I want closure for everyone involved, I do not want this to be Anna.
I don't know why, but it never entered my mind that she might be deceased.
I thought I would chime in on the condition of the creek that day as, aside from my Mom, I might be the only one on the forum that was actually there.
The news yes, has been devastating in many ways. We are all anxious to see the results. Although the outcome is not what we would have hoped for, it would enable us to close this chapter of our lives after 41 years (next Monday). That being said the loss of my beloved sister is still very real and even more present with this news..

The creek:

I personally searched the creek that week all of the way to the ocean with a troop of boy scouts and my Dad Joe that week. We found the rooster that many people conjectured Anna was looking for (she was curious after its neck had been rung and it was tossed into the creek ) within several hundred yards of where it had been tossed over the bridge. I searched over the next several years the creek on at least 10 occasions all of the way from the farm to the ocean where there was a waterfall onto rocks. On most of those searches we took apart all of the log jambs if possible. There were very many curves, obstructions, shallow sections. After it subsided it was down to a small stream that was just a few feet across and very shallow.

The creek was very swollen at the time of the disappearance. It was perhaps 8 feet deep in sections and fast moving but still very obstructed.

That day of the disappearance or the day after there were divers that dove the deeper section by the bridge. At one point during this procedure I had a very very strong feeling that they had found her and was inconsolable.

I had come to the conclusion after all of this information and hands on experience that it was virtually impossible for her to have fallen into the creek.

Obviously, perhaps our assumptions have been flawed.
I lit a candle here for Anna and the search for the truth of her whereabouts. My heart goes out to Annasmom and Anna's brothers and their extended family in this time of TGIDNK ("The-Great-I-Do-Not-Know," as coined by Annasmom many years ago.)

As for the creek that day, I remember it was like a raging river the color of chocolate milk. At one point, while standing on the bridge that led over to the horse barns and chicken coop, Annasmom told me something a neighbor (Bud) said to her about looking at a swollen river or stream, that the rush of the water is hypnotic and that even an adult can be sucked in, to always be aware and to hold on tight to the railing. So, thinking on that, imagine a 5-year-old gazing into the flooding creek...

For all these many years since little Anna disappeared, I've pretty much always felt that she was picked up on the road that afternoon, and didn't go down to the creek to check on Hulkie the rooster's demise. Especially since professional divers, Annasbro, Joe, and all the search parties found no sign of her, no clothing, nothing to indicate she'd been in the creek at all.

But now, I'm not so sure, now that we know partial remains were found so close to where Purisima Creek meets the ocean. I now wonder, if on that day, she'd been picked up on the road by the mailboxes, and then later was able to escape and ran into a field and perhaps fell into the creek further down the road. Or, that she did fall into the creek up at the farm, and was hidden in the tangles for months or years and a subsequent flooding released her. We can speculate forever, and we will never know what exactly happened. We just don't know.

On the other hand, it's hard to imagine something as small as a jaw fragment surviving thirty-some years in the ocean's tides and storms and still remaining in close proximity to the spill-out of Purisima Creek into the ocean. Couldn't the bone have arrived from anywhere?

I just can't wrap my head around these new developments, and the heart-breaking devastation reaped upon the family yet again. I hope Anna someday will be found. Or that dna can somehow tell us what we need to know for closure.

Hugs to all for your amazing work in sleuthing.

It's so wonderful to see how many of the old posters on Anna's forum have heard the news of this find and come back to express their thoughts and feelings.

Like almost everyone that has posted on here, Anna's forum was the first one I read on WS and there was something about it that just touched my heart.

Anna's forum has been so quiet for such a long time and I feel very guilty about that myself. We all get caught up in our own lives and forget about other things outside our lives that are also very important to us, like Anna and her family.

I have been very torn in the past few days about whether or not I want this to be Anna and I have decided that I really don't want that. I now hope that this is not Anna and this has been "sent" to us as an inspiration to get our backsides back here and start re-reading, researching and posting.

This is just how I feel. Not meant to upset or offend anyone.
It's so wonderful to see how many of the old posters on Anna's forum have heard the news of this find and come back to express their thoughts and feelings.

Like almost everyone that has posted on here, Anna's forum was the first one I read on WS and there was something about it that just touched my heart.

Anna's forum has been so quiet for such a long time and I feel very guilty about that myself. We all get caught up in our own lives and forget about other things outside our lives that are also very important to us, like Anna and her family.

I have been very torn in the past few days about whether or not I want this to be Anna and I have decided that I really don't want that. I now hope that this is not Anna and this has been "sent" to us as an inspiration to get our backsides back here and start re-reading, researching and posting.

This is just how I feel. Not meant to upset or offend anyone.

i feel the same way if this turns out not to be anna then we will all be back in the search at full force. maybe we need to re look at everything that has been sleuthed so far.? maybe we missed something that was in between the lines or someone new here posting with fresh eyes see something we didn't think the pieces would have fit together.
maybe we need to re look at everything that has been sleuthed so far.?

I think this is an excellent idea, smile22. A review of what has been looked at, and what the results were, would help us focus; it would also enable us to finish projects that were started upon and then forgotten. Who knows, maybe one of the avenues that someone began to explore will lead us to Anna, or Anna to us.

Mushy as this may sound, I keep thinking that Joe Ford knows now, and he might show us the way, or give us a sign.
Respectfully, I don't think any of us wants a deceased Anna. As Dr. Doogie stated up thread, whatever happened in 1973 is whatever happened in 1973. We along with the family came together to learn the truth about what became of Anna.

Rather than wish for either way, my wish is for the family to know they are not alone in this wait. That we are all here eagerly and anxiously awaiting the answer, whatever the outcome. I pray that the answer comes quickly. Unfortunately, the wait is beyond our control. I've seen results come in 3-4 months and others a full year only to find the dna sample was too degraded and another avenue had to be sought and the wait continues.

I want the family to know we are here and if there is any way we can shoulder some of the burden of the wait, we are here to help.

What a wise person you are CUBBY. My husband has to remind me, occasionally, to "Put the Pen Down". This incredibly heart wrenching story was written by God, not us, and we know that, as Dr. Doogie said, what happened in 1973, happened, now we must wait for the last chapter to be written. I think about all the other searches and discoveries that have been influenced by the in creditable work done by this group over the years. Other "solutions" found because WS folks raise the questions and comb the databases for the answers. It does seem incredible that this could be that last chapter... yes, put the pen down, and wait for the answers. I just Thank God that I could follow and be a minuscule part of the lives of everyone here. Anna Christian Waters will always be special in my heart, not only because we share the first name, but because her spirit has brought together so many fine people.
So, I cannot access that particular Namus case, the link gives a 404 error, am I to assume that they have been identified as someone?

I'm just asking, I know it's not my computer, I checked from my desktop too, and the link simply is not accessible. I hope that this means the remains have been identified, whether it is Anna or not.
So, I cannot access that particular Namus case, the link gives a 404 error, am I to assume that they have been identified as someone?

I'm just asking, I know it's not my computer, I checked from my desktop too, and the link simply is not accessible. I hope that this means the remains have been identified, whether it is Anna or not.

No. It looks like NamUs has updated all of the links again.

There is now an /EN/ before cases in all of the links that I have found so far....
No. It looks like NamUs has updated all of the links again.

There is now an /EN/ before cases in all of the links that I have found so far....

Thank you Wanting2Help. NamUs must have just updated the links within the last hour or so because the links worked earlier this morning.

I'll go ahead and ask the mods to update the link in the opening post.
Thank you. I hadn't noticed that the links were updated. Now I feel :blushing:
Thanks for letting me know.

I thought the same thing on another case!! I had just talked to the ME though so I knew something was wrong... NamUs updated both the Missing and Unidentified links...
I thought the same thing on another case!! I had just talked to the ME though so I knew something was wrong... NamUs updated both the Missing and Unidentified links...

Wanting2Help, I hope you mean the ME on a case other than Anna's. Dr. Doogie is the contact/liason between the family and all agencies involved in Anna's case. The last thing we want is too many hands in the pot and a bunch of people calling the agencies involved with Anna's case. That could hamper their cooperation with us, so I am hoping you meant a ME on another case.

Thank you,

Wanting2Help, I hope you mean the ME on a case other than Anna's. Dr. Doogie is the contact/liason between the family and all agencies involved in Anna's case. The last thing we want is too many hands in the pot and a bunch of people calling the agencies involved with Anna's case. That could hamper their cooperation with us, so I am hoping you meant a ME on another case.

Thank you,


I do not have adequate words to thank all of you for your good wishes, your prayers and support. Especially I want to thank Annasbro and Suza, who were there the day Anna disappeared. I know it was difficult for them to write. As regards agencies, I'm afraid I have not followed Cubby's advice. I have written to the coroner's office twice, to NaMus several times, to a lawyer friend, my parish priest, the editor of Coastsider, and Jerry Brown, governor of California. And NOW I'll put down my pen and wait. Thank you, WSers.
To Annasmom, Annasbro and all others so intimately involved. My thoughts and my prayers are with you. I find that my prayers are mixed, which would be best to finally get resolution, yet that resolution be an ending, or to have it ruled out meaning that nothing is resolved, nothing changed, it stays ongoing for you. So my thoughts and prayers are to find out whatever is best for you.

I haven't followed this regularly, but have popped in from time to time. And I have to say that I never saw a child so loved. I could tell from the way you all talked about her, about the memories. I also saw a strong determined family. After all the ups and downs. All the years. All the horrific possibilities. The determination to find out has continued. Whatever the answer, you guys will be ok. That same strength and determination that you used in the search will support you as a family. You guys are awesome.

You aren't alone in the wait, though I am sure sometimes it seems like it. You have each other. You have offline friends and relatives. And you have made a lot of online friends. So always remember you aren't alone. If you need someone whether it's a virtual shoulder to cry on or a virtual hand to hold just reach out.

Dr. Doogie I always associate you with this case and hate that you are having difficulties getting online at this time. But it is good to hear that you are still there offline, still working it.

Cubby you too. And all the rest. You guys are awesome. It is an incredible journey. You've been places, found things that I would have thought were impossible.

I have been aware of this, but not as closely involved as others. But even I feel anxious, wanting an answer yet afraid to know. I can't imagine what the rest of you have have spent so much time are feeling.
Just wondering if now would be a good time to re-contact the media.

Annasmom, I know how difficult this would be on you and your family but as Cubby has said, it could take months, even a year to get the DNA results and this time could be used to bring Anna's case back to the public's attention and if, hopefully, this does not turn out to be Anna we could gain new interest in Anna's case.

Just a thought.
Wanting2Help, I hope you mean the ME on a case other than Anna's. Dr. Doogie is the contact/liason between the family and all agencies involved in Anna's case. The last thing we want is too many hands in the pot and a bunch of people calling the agencies involved with Anna's case. That could hamper their cooperation with us, so I am hoping you meant a ME on another case.

Thank you,


I have not contacted the ME/LE regarding Anna's case. I wouldn't jump in and contact the ME/LE on a case someone was actively already working on. I have not followed Anna's case and only became aware of the case after the remains were found. I posted a thread for the remains the day that they were listed in NamUs for the public to view. I did send an email to the ME the day that they were made public regarding a possible match to another case. You were kind enough to let me know that there was a question about the DNA and about Anna's case. I have not done anything other than that and I haven't even posted here other than to let not_my_kids know that the link had been updated and to respond to her post... Sorry if my original post was not clear...

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