RULED OUT: Have we found Anna? Possible match to NamUs case UP 9597 - *NO MATCH*

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DNA Solves
I am sorry another year has now went by with no answers for Annasmom and the rest of the family. Not a day goes by that Anna isn't in my thoughts and prayers. Every time I come here, I hope to see she has been found. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and the many WSs who care for her.

Forty years.
I spoke to the DOJ lab and they refused to provide any info. Looks like we just continue to wait... :furious:
I honestly think we, the ME and the DOJ are all simply at the mercy of the private lab. There are jurisdictions and people all over the country waiting for info from these private labs. There is more forensic evidence to be tested than there are labs to handle the demand. :sigh:

So, we continue to wait.
This is a recent article in SFGate - It is interesting in the proximity to the site of Anna's disappearance. They don't indicate any estimated age or sex of the remains:

Thank you, Annasbro. I saw this a day or two ago and it was one of the cases I was going to keep an eye on. There is so little information about these remains at this point, similiar to the tiny article Dr. Doogie and I recall seeing a few years ago about the bone found on the beach, we want to keep an eye until we at least get an age range.

I made the mistake last article by assuming they were adult remains if they were not indicated as that of a child. I won't make that mistake again.

IMO, the proximity is very interesting, especially being 2 miles west of Skyline Blvd. However, I imagine these trails are frequented by many many hikers. My first thoughts are missing hiker and since we know many MP's get a paragraph at most, if that, I am going to search for info on Missing hikers in that area.
yes, I heard from the person thatI got that linkfrom, that a year or two ago a car was left at the trail head near there and the hiker was not found - I can't verify though.
yes, I heard from the person thatI got that linkfrom, that a year or two ago a car was left at the trail head near there and the hiker was not found - I can't verify though.
There are several disturbing things about this news story. First is that every one of the ten or so versions I read about it locally simply copied each other, a result of the failure of investigative reporting. Second, however, was one story's quoting the acting San Mateo County coroner as saying there were no reports of people missing in the county. We know from our own research that this is not the case, and besides, a Facebook post from someone who frequently hikes the Purisima trail mentioned a hiker who went missing about a year ago. The hiker's abandoned car was found in the parking area. One report also quoted a sheriff's deputy as saying that clothing found near the skeletal remains would indicate that they belonged to a male.

There has been no follow-up whatsoever on this story.

The Purisima hiking trail is about a mile east of our old house (in 1973 this was still a wilderness area, privately owned.) There is no parking at any point along the trail. Cars must park at the junction of Purisima Creek Road and Higgins Canyon Road. Purisima Creek runs alongside much of the trail, but this is upstream from the part of the creek which ran near our old house. It seems extremely unlikely that these remains could have any bearing on our case. I do wish that the news people, sheriff's deputies and coroner could be a little more forthcoming.
I have been following Anna's case for years, but have never posted on the threads. I am praying that there will be news any day now from the lab.

Was it determined that it was Bode Technology that is doing the analysis?
I have been following Anna's case for years, but have never posted on the threads. I am praying that there will be news any day now from the lab.

Was it determined that it was Bode Technology that is doing the analysis?

Yes, Anna's case worker at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children did use that term, but I thought it was a technique rather than a specific lab. Do you know anything about it?
Yes, Anna's case worker at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children did use that term, but I thought it was a technique rather than a specific lab. Do you know anything about it?

Bode Technology is a private forensics lab. I only know that because it was Bode Technology who did the DNA testing in the West Memphis 3 case, don't know anything more about them, sorry.

(I do remember that the DNA tests in that case took ages though, and also that Bode are reportedly very expensive and have a hefty waiting list).
Bode Technology is the name of a private lab. We were given this name from NCMEC. It has not been confirmed with the ME this is the lab being used by the CA-DOJ for this particular case. I don't know that the ME would have given that information to the case worker at NCMEC.

I have heard from LE in another area and another case, that Bode specializes in degraded samples. Though it would be just a guess at this time if this is in fact the lab handling this case.
This is a recent article in SFGate - It is interesting in the proximity to the site of Anna's disappearance. They don't indicate any estimated age or sex of the remains:

Mysterious bones discovered last week at the Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve likely come from a middle-aged man who died around 2010, according to a new analysis by the San Mateo County Coroner’s Office.

New article dated 02/25/13. Glad to know with certainty these are not Anna.
Yes, Anna's case worker at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children did use that term, but I thought it was a technique rather than a specific lab. Do you know anything about it?

I mostly know about Bode because they are located down the road from me and I had applied for a couple of positions there, when I was out of work. I do know they do a lot of work with degraded samples.
I received a nice letter from the supervising deputy coroner today saying that the remains found recently in Purisima were those of an adult male. She also says that the DOJ was not able to "amplify DNA results" from the specimen submitted in 2006, that the "outside agency" which presently has the sample has a backlog, and that her office will notify me when they have any results. I think we know most of this already (except for the "amplify" part), but I took it kindly that she answered my inquiry in such a civil way.
this wait is so frustrating...i can't imagine how annasmom is feeling!
I have had a really bad day today. Some stranger got my home telephone and called me with this story of a serial murderer in Purisima Canyon. I have never heard of the case he mentioned. As soon as I understood what he was saying to me, I suggested he call Dr. Doogie (sorry, Doug) and said that it was too hard for me to listen to that kind of thing. How he got the phone number and why he thought I needed to hear his theories is beyond me.
I have had a really bad day today. Some stranger got my home telephone and called me with this story of a serial murderer in Purisima Canyon. I have never heard of the case he mentioned. As soon as I understood what he was saying to me, I suggested he call Dr. Doogie (sorry, Doug) and said that it was too hard for me to listen to that kind of thing. How he got the phone number and why he thought I needed to hear his theories is beyond me.

I'm so sorry, Annasmom. :( (((hugs))) Some people are just determined to rack up as much bad karma as they can in one lifetime. Cruel.
I'm so sorry you had to endure that call, (((Annasmom))). I'll never understand why anyone would call the crime victims family with information like that.

Tips should go to LE.

LE contact information is located at Anna's NamUs profile:

(on an OT note, I noticed Anna's NamUs case file is #44. There are those 4's again).

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