Russia Attacks Ukraine - 23 Feb 2022 #6

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MAR 11, 2022
Meet The Obstetrician Delivering Bomb-Shelter Babies In Kyiv - Video
Obstetrician-gynecologist Kyrylo Ventskivskiy was working a night shift when Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24. He delivered the first baby born in wartime Ukraine. He's only gone home once since then. The work of his perinatal center in Kyiv has moved to the more primitive conditions of a bomb shelter. He spoke to Current Time about that first night and the work he is doing now.

Kyiv Volunteers Get Last-Minute Training On Powerful Anti-Tank Weapons ( - Video
In the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, instructors are giving last-minute training to members of the 112th Territorial Defense Brigade as the Ukrainian military prepares to defend the city from Russian attack. Some of the trainees are new recruits with no previous military experience. The training on March 9 included how to operate anti-tank weapons provided by Western allies.

RFE/RL Reporter Injured By Russian Attack ( - Video
RFE/RL Ukrainian Service journalist Maryan Kushnir suffered a concussion and hearing loss during a Russian attack in the early morning hours of March 11. With blood streaming from his head, he recorded a short video immediately afterwards, saying: “I don’t know where I am exactly. This is what the situation looks like near Kyiv. We’ll try to get out of here.” Kushnir plans to return to covering the war as soon as he can.
I would love to hear how everyone feels about what, if anything, should be done. I just don’t know. I want to know what each person here thinks.

Oh, @gitana1, for me the answer is I don't know, and I'm so torn up about it!

My cousin and I were discussing this today. She firmly believes that we Americans have to keep out of any direct fighting so as not to start WWIII. Most of my friends and family agree.

I am more ambivalent. I think I've posted before that I don't want to see WWIII, but that IMO we are already in it.

I don't think Putin will give an inch. I think after he destroys Ukraine, and either kills Zelenskyy or sends him to Siberia, Putin will continue on to conquer other former Soviet states. Sooner or later he'll attack a NATO country and then the NATO countries will have no choice but to get involved. So on that level, I think that I think we should be intervening now. Either by supplying planes or by NATO declaring a no-fly zone, even though I know that means shooting down Russian planes.
Which means getting the Americans and military of other Western countries killed, perhaps. So I am just torn up!

In the 25 years I taught 8th grade, in inner-city NYC, our union always warned that if kids were physically fighting, we should summon help but should NOT physically intervene. If we did so and got hurt, the union would not protect us.
Gangster 14-year old boys are no joke when they are fighting. However, I broke that rule all the time. It was impossible for me to just call security and then stand back and watch them punch each other, whip each other with belts, throw desks at each other and so on. Most of the kids were taller, bigger and stronger than me, but any time that happened I did physically get between them. They would always stop when I did that because they didn't want to hurt me (or as they said, Mrs._____, move away, I don't wanna violate you).

Amplify that by a factor of a billion, and that's how I feel just standing by and watching Putin utterly destroy innocent civilians. I feel that unquenchable impulse to intervene and stop the fight.

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NEXTA on Twitter - 2 hrs ago, Video
The village of Yatskovka in the #Kharkiv region now looks like this.

NEXTA on Twitter - 1 hr ago
At least eight explosions were heard in #Vasylkiv. Presumably, #Russian aviation bombed the local airport.

NEXTA on Twitter
#Dnipro on this morning.

NEXTA on Twitter
As a result of shelling by #Russian troops, a frozen food storage warehouse caught fire in the #Brovary district. According to preliminary data, there were no casualties - State Emergencies Service.

The Kyiv Independent on Twitter - 21 min ago
Explosions reported in Dnipro. The city’s mayor Borys Filatov says Ukraine’s air defense systems repelled the early morning attack. No casualties were reported.

The Kyiv Independent on Twitter - 8 min ago
Russia begins mobilizing troops in Donbas and Crimea. According to the head of Ukraine’s military intelligence Kyrylo Budanov, Russia is also transferring new units from the central and eastern parts of Russia to replenish reserves.
But putting that aside, I can understand how Russia in general would feel about having NATO military forces installed at yet another border with them. Just like we would feel if Russia or Russian allies amassed military installations in Canada and Mexico along our border.

So instead of allowing that to happen, he’s utterly destroying the nation and its people while the world watches.

I would love to hear how everyone feels about what, if anything, should be done. I just don’t know. I want to know what each person here thinks.
IMO, a similar situation for the US would have to be a complete collapse of the US economy and political integrity, with some states breaking away and forming alliances with neighbouring countries, which are becoming much wealthier and more vital in terms of innovation and values, and forms of government. At some point, as a desperate measure to try to return to the good old days, the US might invade one of these former states, and they might win temporarily, but if the will of the oppressed citizens is against them, it will not be possible to impose control for long.

Maybe. But maybe it’s not about imperialism. I know it’s long but the YouTube video I posted above gives a different take on the causes of this. And thus the ways to end it. I’m not sure. But it does match what I learned in history class a couple decades ago about the balance of power before each past world war. When the balance between differing factions becomes weighted one direction, or appears to be, it causes aggression.

What that professor said in the video I posted that made some sense is he talked about the Monroe Doctrine and what would happen if China forged an alliance with Canada and Mexico and thus began installing military sites in those nations, what would our response be?

Inviting Ukraine and Georgia to join NATO was that sort of threat to Russia, he says.

Of course there’s a huge difference- Russia isn’t a democracy. But we did nothing when he invaded and took Crimea. We did nothing when he aided the maniac in Syria in order to prevent democracy from spreading there. He invaded Georgia and committed gross human rights against the people there just as he did in Crimea and Syria We did nothing.

So why would the West step in now?

I don’t know. It seems hopeless to me. We are just sitting here watching a nation and it’s people be destroyed.
Zelensky has said in recent talks with Russia that Ukraine is willing to stop the pursuit of joining NATO with security guarantees from Russia and a third sovereign country. He also said he’s open to discussion about the breakaway regions. Putin apparently hasn’t been willing to accept this compromise.

In nod to Russia, Ukraine says no longer insisting on NATO membership

"I have cooled down regarding this question a long time ago after we understood that ... NATO is not prepared to accept Ukraine," Zelensky said in an interview aired Monday night on ABC News.

"The alliance is afraid of controversial things, and confrontation with Russia," the president added.

Referring to NATO membership, Zelensky said through an interpreter that he does not want to be president of a "country which is begging something on its knees."

He said these two regions "have not been recognized by anyone but Russia, these pseudo republics. But we can discuss and find the compromise on how these territories will live on."

"What is important to me is how the people in those territories are going to live who want to be part of Ukraine, who in Ukraine will say that they want to have them in," Zelensky said.

"So the question is more difficult than simply acknowledging them," the president said.

"This is another ultimatum and we are not prepared for ultimatums. What needs to be done is for President Putin to start talking, start the dialogue instead of living in the informational bubble without oxygen."
Oh, @gitana1, for me the answer is I don't know, and I'm so torn up about it!

My cousin and I were discussing this today. She firmly believes that we Americans have to keep out of any direct fighting so as not to start WWIII. Most of my friends and family agree.

I am more ambivalent. I think I've posted before that I don't want to see WWIII, but that IMO we are already in it.

I don't think Putin will give an inch. I think after he destroys Ukraine, and either kills Zelenskyy or sends him to Siberia, Putin will continue on to conquer other former Soviet states. Sooner or later he'll attack a NATO country and then the NATO countries will have no choice but to get involved. So on that level, I think that I think we should be intervening now. Either by supplying planes or by NATO declaring a no-fly zone, even though I know that means shooting down Russian planes.
Which means getting the Americans and military of other Western countries killed, perhaps. So I am just torn up!

In the 25 years I taught 8th grade, in inner-city NYC, our union always warned that if kids were physically fighting, we should summon help but should NOT physically intervene. If we did so and got hurt, the union would not protect us.
Gangster 14-year old boys are no joke when they are fighting. However, I broke that rule all the time. It was impossible for me to just call security and then stand back and watch them punch each other, whip each other with belts, throw desks at each other and so on. Most of the kids were taller, bigger and stronger than me, but any time that happened I did physically get between them. They would always stop when I did that because they didn't want to hurt me (or as they said, Mrs._____, move away, I don't wanna violate you).

Amplify that by a factor of a billion, and that's how I feel just standing by and watching Putin utterly destroy innocent civilians. I feel that unquenchable impulse to intervene and stop the fight.


I’m very torn too.
Zelensky has said in recent talks with Russia that Ukraine is willing to stop the pursuit of joining NATO with security guarantees from Russia and a third sovereign country. He also said he’s open to discussion about the breakaway regions. Putin apparently hasn’t been willing to accept this compromise.

In nod to Russia, Ukraine says no longer insisting on NATO membership

"I have cooled down regarding this question a long time ago after we understood that ... NATO is not prepared to accept Ukraine," Zelensky said in an interview aired Monday night on ABC News.

"The alliance is afraid of controversial things, and confrontation with Russia," the president added.

Referring to NATO membership, Zelensky said through an interpreter that he does not want to be president of a "country which is begging something on its knees."

He said these two regions "have not been recognized by anyone but Russia, these pseudo republics. But we can discuss and find the compromise on how these territories will live on."

"What is important to me is how the people in those territories are going to live who want to be part of Ukraine, who in Ukraine will say that they want to have them in," Zelensky said.

"So the question is more difficult than simply acknowledging them," the president said.

"This is another ultimatum and we are not prepared for ultimatums. What needs to be done is for President Putin to start talking, start the dialogue instead of living in the informational bubble without oxygen."
Zelensky has said in recent talks with Russia that Ukraine is willing to stop the pursuit of joining NATO with security guarantees from Russia and a third sovereign country. He also said he’s open to discussion about the breakaway regions. Putin apparently hasn’t been willing to accept this compromise.

In nod to Russia, Ukraine says no longer insisting on NATO membership

"I have cooled down regarding this question a long time ago after we understood that ... NATO is not prepared to accept Ukraine," Zelensky said in an interview aired Monday night on ABC News.

"The alliance is afraid of controversial things, and confrontation with Russia," the president added.

Referring to NATO membership, Zelensky said through an interpreter that he does not want to be president of a "country which is begging something on its knees."

He said these two regions "have not been recognized by anyone but Russia, these pseudo republics. But we can discuss and find the compromise on how these territories will live on."

"What is important to me is how the people in those territories are going to live who want to be part of Ukraine, who in Ukraine will say that they want to have them in," Zelensky said.

"So the question is more difficult than simply acknowledging them," the president said.

"This is another ultimatum and we are not prepared for ultimatums. What needs to be done is for President Putin to start talking, start the dialogue instead of living in the informational bubble without oxygen."

Man. That was news to me. In that case, I sort of see no choice except to step in. And quickly.
I agree that Ukraine poses no threat to Russia. But it may pose a threat to Putin. Why did he aid the Syrian dictator in squelching the revolution there? Because democracies, especially strong ones, show his own people how things could be. Ukraine was doing well and getting better every day- economically, politically. Having that so close to him threatens his own status as ruler.

But putting that aside, I can understand how Russia in general would feel about having NATO military forces installed at yet another border with them. Just like we would feel if Russia or Russian allies amassed military installations in Canada and Mexico along our border.

So instead of allowing that to happen, he’s utterly destroying the nation and its people while the world watches.

I would love to hear how everyone feels about what, if anything, should be done. I just don’t know. I want to know what each person here thinks.
This makes me question the safety of anyone anywhere in the world. My opinion is based totally on emotion because I know nothing about political science or war strategy. I will say I wish we had better leadership involved in making decisions that determine my safety and life and the lives of others I know and love. It is a no win situation for Ukraine and should never have happened. Egos have gotten in the way of finding a resolution.
Here’s another article about what Zelensky is (and is not) willing to comprise.

Where Zelensky is open to "compromise" on Russia's 4 demands to end war

He acknowledged that NATO is not "ready to accept Ukraine" and that he has no plans to beg for admittance. However, Zelensky won't give in to every demand Russia has and so far, peace talks have yielded few results.

"I'm ready for a dialogue," Zelensky told ABC News. "We are not ready for that capitulation because it's not about me, this is about the people who elected me."

Russian officials put out four demands for Ukraine, many of which aren't surprising because they've been on Russia's wish list for years. To end the war, Ukraine must not pursue NATO or European Union membership, acknowledge Crimea as Russian territory and recognize the Lugansk and Donetsk regions as independent states.

Zelensky told ABC News giving in to Russia's demands regarding the areas isn't as simple as it may seem. He said it's "important" for him as president to consider how the people in those territories will live, including those who want to be part of Ukraine.

The fourth demand on the list is that Ukraine stops all military action. Peskov said Russia is committed to "finishing" the demilitarization of Ukraine and if Ukraine ceases its military, "then no one will shoot." However, it's unlikely Ukraine agrees to giving up its military because it's the main reason the country's been able to mount a resistance to Russian forces.

When asked if he understood the position of the United States, Zelensky told ABC News that Ukraine is a "zone of freedom" and that if his country falls, other countries will be next.

"Everyone thinks we're far away from American and Canada," Zelensky said. "The more this beast eats, he wants more and more and more."

(While unfortunately true, that last line was pretty great.)
Man. That was news to me. In that case, I sort of see no choice except to step in. And quickly.
Putin is only concerned with one thing, IMO, being Vlad the Destroyer. He wants to level Ukraine to rubble and then some.

There is a second thing, IMO, he surely doesn't want to give back the Zaporizhzhia power plant either.

This makes me question the safety of anyone anywhere in the world. My opinion is based totally on emotion because I know nothing about political science or war strategy. I will say I wish we had better leadership involved in making decisions that determine my safety and life and the lives of others I know and love. It is a no win situation for Ukraine and should never have happened. Egos have gotten in the way of finding a resolution.

But I’m not sure what decisions could have been made up to now that were wrong. Or that leadership could have known at the time were wrong. (Except maybe cozying up to the enemy). This is very complex.
But I’m not sure what decisions could have been made up to now that were wrong. Or that leadership could have known at the time were wrong. (Except maybe cozying up to the enemy). This is very complex.
I think the time for Ukraine to have started acquiring more defense for it's borders was right after Putin rolled into Crimea. I think the West not helping with that back then was a mistake. It could have been done indirectly and without invoking wanting to join NATO.

Where I was so afraid of is already happening. I feel so empty and sad...I want to curse, but that isn't going to help much. Begging...stop this war...stop this from happening.

Children going missing amid chaos at Ukrainian border, aid groups report

Children going missing amid chaos at Ukrainian border, aid groups report

Cases of human trafficking and exploitation also reported as more than 2.5 million refugees try to escape fighting.

Children are going missing and cases of human trafficking are being reported by aid groups and volunteers along Ukraine’s borders amid the chaos of the refugee crisis triggered by the Russian invasion.

Charities and rights groups working in neighbouring countries to receive refugees said they had seen cases of trafficking, missing children, extortion and exploitation as more than 2.5 million people crossed into neighbouring countries to escape the escalating violence.

Karolina Wierzbińska a coordinator from *advertiser censored* Faber, a human rights organisation based in Lublin, Poland, said the charity had seen cases of children being sent alone by desperate parents to meet relatives or friends across the Ukrainian border and arriving without anyone to meet them.
Where I was so afraid of is already happening. I feel so empty and sad...I want to curse, but that isn't going to help much. Begging...stop this war...stop this from happening.

Children going missing amid chaos at Ukrainian border, aid groups report

Children going missing amid chaos at Ukrainian border, aid groups report

Cases of human trafficking and exploitation also reported as more than 2.5 million refugees try to escape fighting.

Children are going missing and cases of human trafficking are being reported by aid groups and volunteers along Ukraine’s borders amid the chaos of the refugee crisis triggered by the Russian invasion.

Charities and rights groups working in neighbouring countries to receive refugees said they had seen cases of trafficking, missing children, extortion and exploitation as more than 2.5 million people crossed into neighbouring countries to escape the escalating violence.

Karolina Wierzbińska a coordinator from *advertiser censored* Faber, a human rights organisation based in Lublin, Poland, said the charity had seen cases of children being sent alone by desperate parents to meet relatives or friends across the Ukrainian border and arriving without anyone to meet them.
Beyond words
Italian police have seized a superyacht from Russian billionaire Andrey Igorevich Melnichenko

Sailing Yacht A, which has a price tag of 530 million euros ($578m), has been sequestered at the northern port of Trieste, the government said.

Melnichenko owns major fertiliser producer EuroChem Group and coal company SUEK.

Russian troops push towards Kyiv, key cities blockaded
I'm working on a picture collage of "crying mothers" for quite a while adding Ukrainian and Russian mothers.......Can't work on it for long, it's ripping my heart apart and have to stop because I have to cry....

The Russian Foreign Ministry reiterates the warning that a Swedish accession to NATO will lead to "retaliatory measures". It writes the news agency TT with reference to the Russian news agency Interfax.

Prior to the invasion of Ukraine, Russia demanded that NATO not approve new membership applications, including from Sweden.

"It is clear that Finland's and Sweden's accession to NATO, which is primarily a military organization, would have serious military and political consequences that require a revision of the entire scale of relations with these countries and retaliatory measures," said Russian diplomat Sergei Belyaev. to Interfax.”


Kriget i Ukraina
Italian police have seized a superyacht from Russian billionaire Andrey Igorevich Melnichenko

Sailing Yacht A, which has a price tag of 530 million euros ($578m), has been sequestered at the northern port of Trieste, the government said.

Melnichenko owns major fertiliser producer EuroChem Group and coal company SUEK.

Russian troops push towards Kyiv, key cities blockaded

Critically, Russia is also a major exporter of fertilizer, the price of which has already been soaring. Significant disruptions of Russian exports could see that price jump more — further driving up the cost of food production globally.

Flour rationing in Lebanon, grain hoarding in Hungary: How the Ukraine war is lurching the globe toward a new food crisis
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