Russian passenger plane crashes in Sinai, Egypt Prime Minister says, 31 OCT 2015

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The situation with ISIS and with Syria is really getting out of hand.

US is war weary but sometimes enough is enough and world powers need to team together and stop ISIS with a global front.

If the global powers would just team up and go against ISIS then they can be squashed like the vermin they are. Make quick work of it and then get out. It always sounds easier on paper though.

But what a mess so far.

-Assad fighting all rebels
-ISIS fighting other rebels + Iraq
-Rebels fighting Assad + ISIS
-Russia bombing Rebels against Assad
-US bombing ISIS rebels
-Iraq, Kurds trying to fight ISIS

What a mess. Global powers need to meet and decide how to handle and just end it.

I just so agree with you this am video report, no idea who what when where , but watching it it just occured to awful this is, they wake up hopefully brush their teeth and then hop on a Toyata truck and drive around with shooting at homosapians................peroid.........what a drag

go read a book or something ............
I don't think Putin really needs an excuse to do anything he wants. How would he be stopped and by whom?
As I slowly learn more about this stuff, Putin has a big mouth , but at the end of the day its all about money-- and aprently western folks are in control of that .......

so he is drowning right now, waiting for the folks (west) tell him what he can, cant or better do as it relates to this pathetic situation..........................the curruptness and $$$ is numbing .......depressing actually................
BREAKING: Mikhail Lesin, creator of "Russia Today" news channel now known as RT, found dead in Washington hotel - ABC

Any chance these are linked?
France's air accident investigation agency, the BEA, told CNN that Egyptian officials will make an announcement about the crash investigation within the next 24 hours.

Meanwhile, an Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman said on Twitter that the Egyptian Ministry of Civil Aviation will hold a new conference at 5 p.m. local time (10 a.m. ET) Saturday. The Foreign Affairs Ministry did not provide any detail about the topic of Saturday's media briefing.
I am unfortunately one of many unlucky Brits stuck in the middle of this mess.. My flight on Thursday was cancelled, my rescheduled flight for Sunday has now also been cancelled. Myself and family have received shocking treatment from the airline and also package holiday supplier.. We have had to pay over 1000 pounds for extra days accomodation till Sunday out of our own pocket and now we can't even reschedule flight again as no flights are available.. Rescue flights were not allowed to land today and were re-routed. We are not been told anything.. Internet in hotel keeps getting shut off.. Frustrated and p***ed off.

Thanks. Yeah it sounds like he was sick for some time so it seems no foul play.

Its good to question though ever since the radiation poisoning of Alexander Valterovich Litvinenko.

We need to keep our eyes and ears open from now on because I have a feeling things are going to escalate before they get better. Putin is really mad and there is no telling what he is going to do in retaliation.

I really do wish the world powers would team up and tackle ISIS. If all countries agree ISIS is bad then I don't see why we cannot try to make lemonade out of lemons. ISIS gives us a common enemy and world leaders could work together and be friends for a change.

I have even thought of a battle plan for them. LOL

Whenever ISIS is controlling a town, then have everyone come in from all directions and surround them and squash them as they will have no way to flee. Russia could come from the North. US from the South. Britain from the East. And the Kurds and IRAN from the West.

Then surround the town and squeeze them out. Then just rinse and repeat as each ISIS controlled area is tackled.

I realize it sounds simple on paper but I think it is a good opportunity for some peace between nations for a change. We have a common enemy that most do not like with ISIS.
The countries that had to take all the refugees sure don't like ISIS.

Who would have ever thought that the US, Russia, Iraq, Kurds, Saudia Arabia, and even Iran could work together for a common cause for a change. I know it maybe pie in the sky dreaming but I think it is doable.

Isnt NATO supposed to be an organization like that which is supposed to help out in situations like this. Oh yea, I forgot. NATO just likes to do the "Sanction" thing. :)
Rescue flights were not allowed to land today and were re-routed.

There were supposed to be 29 flights today to get people repatriated. Egypt only allowed 8 of them to operate, claiming that they didn't have anywhere to store the baggage of any more passengers.
Unfortunately nearly all of those flights had already left the UK, en route to Sharm, when the announcement was made and they had to re-route. A friend of mine works in ATC at Larnaca in Cyprus, and several planes were diverted to them completely unexpectedly on short notice.
I hope they sort it out for you soon!
I am unfortunately one of many unlucky Brits stuck in the middle of this mess.. My flight on Thursday was cancelled, my rescheduled flight for Sunday has now also been cancelled. Myself and family have received shocking treatment from the airline and also package holiday supplier.. We have had to pay over 1000 pounds for extra days accomodation till Sunday out of our own pocket and now we can't even reschedule flight again as no flights are available.. Rescue flights were not allowed to land today and were re-routed. We are not been told anything.. Internet in hotel keeps getting shut off.. Frustrated and p***ed off.

Sorry to hear you are stuck in middle of this. So many people are affected over there.

Wonder why they did not let rescue planes land. There seems to be some very poor decisions being made that is making the situation worse for the holiday travelers. How hard is it to just do extra screening and let people board planes. What a mess.

Stay Safe is main thing. Good Luck getting home soon.
There were supposed to be 29 flights today to get people repatriated. Egypt only allowed 8 of them to operate, claiming that they didn't have anywhere to store the baggage of any more passengers.
Unfortunately nearly all of those flights had already left the UK, en route to Sharm, when the announcement was made and they had to re-route. A friend of mine works in ATC at Larnaca in Cyprus, and several planes were diverted to them completely unexpectedly on short notice.
I hope they sort it out for you soon!

That sounds so strange to claim storing baggage is an issue. If it is a rescue flight it should have been an empty plane with no baggage?

Wonder if we are being told the truth on some things.

This is a classic case of something getting worse than it needs to be.
The rescue flights is a great idea and it just needs executed better. Have the plane come empty and Egypt needs to let the darn thing land so it can take home some people.
I am unfortunately one of many unlucky Brits stuck in the middle of this mess.. My flight on Thursday was cancelled, my rescheduled flight for Sunday has now also been cancelled. Myself and family have received shocking treatment from the airline and also package holiday supplier.. We have had to pay over 1000 pounds for extra days accomodation till Sunday out of our own pocket and now we can't even reschedule flight again as no flights are available.. Rescue flights were not allowed to land today and were re-routed. We are not been told anything.. Internet in hotel keeps getting shut off.. Frustrated and p***ed off.

That is terrible. I cannot imagine your frustration.
Please stay safe!
Intelligence intercepts picked up chatter between ISIS operatives boasting about taking down an airliner after the Russian Metrojet passenger plane crashed in the Sinai last weekend, killing all 224 aboard, U.S. officials told NBC News Friday.

ISIS operatives in the Sinai and ISIS leadership in Raqqa, Syria, were "clearly celebrating" the takedown of the commercial airliner, one official said. Details about how the plane was brought down were also intercepted, but the officials wouldn't specify what information was shared between the militants.

Another intercept picked up a signal from an ISIS-affiliated group in the Sinai Peninsula before Metrojet Flight 9268 went down. The communications warned of "something big in the area," but didn't specifically mention a plane, officials said.
Intelligence intercepts picked up chatter between ISIS operatives boasting about taking down an airliner after the Russian Metrojet passenger plane crashed in the Sinai last weekend, killing all 224 aboard, U.S. officials told NBC News Friday.

ISIS operatives in the Sinai and ISIS leadership in Raqqa, Syria, were "clearly celebrating" the takedown of the commercial airliner, one official said. Details about how the plane was brought down were also intercepted, but the officials wouldn't specify what information was shared between the militants.

Another intercept picked up a signal from an ISIS-affiliated group in the Sinai Peninsula before Metrojet Flight 9268 went down. The communications warned of "something big in the area," but didn't specifically mention a plane, officials said.

Its getting pretty convincing now that a bomb was used.

I am going to go out on a limb and bet it was a baggage handler that was also an ISIS sympathizer. Egypt had better be giving lie detector tests to all its airline employees.

I had hoped to someday visit the Great Pyramids but this incident has convinced me to never consider that again.
The rescue planes are coming in empty. They just need to be able to land. Not many flights were seen yesterday in the skies as we are only 20mins from airport. However a military aircraft flew over us just after midnight. Fingers crossed that phoning the airliner at 8am will bring some good news of a flight home. Shelm airport live flights had most flights rerouted cancelled or delayed yesterday. Hopefully today things will run smoother.
Its getting pretty convincing now that a bomb was used.

I am going to go out on a limb and bet it was a baggage handler that was also an ISIS sympathizer. Egypt had better be giving lie detector tests to all its airline employees.

I had hoped to someday visit the Great Pyramids but this incident has convinced me to never consider that again.

That's what most MSM is reporting.

"US and British authorities suspect that ISIS-affiliated terrorists planted a bomb in the luggage hold of Metrojet Flight 9268, which went down in the Sinai Peninsula Saturday, killing all 224 people aboard."
Its getting pretty convincing now that a bomb was used.

I am going to go out on a limb and bet it was a baggage handler that was also an ISIS sympathizer. Egypt had better be giving lie detector tests to all its airline employees.

I had hoped to someday visit the Great Pyramids but this incident has convinced me to never consider that again.


I hope, with time (and peace), you will reconsider. Egypt is an incredibly beautiful country rich with history and culture. You will really be missing out.
That sounds so strange to claim storing baggage is an issue. If it is a rescue flight it should have been an empty plane with no baggage?

Wonder if we are being told the truth on some things.

This is a classic case of something getting worse than it needs to be.
The rescue flights is a great idea and it just needs executed better. Have the plane come empty and Egypt needs to let the darn thing land so it can take home some people.

I think the baggage problem stems from the fact that the passengers have to leave their checked bags behind. They are only allowed carry on bags on the "rescue" flights. I would imagine there isn't enough secure storage at the airport.

I hope, with time (and peace), you will reconsider. Egypt is an incredibly beautiful country rich with history and culture. You will really be missing out.

Your right as I think I am just having a knee-jerk reaction to this terrible tragedy.

I really do hope to someday be able to visit the Great Pyramids. I have wanted to see them ever since a small child. It must be really amazing to stand in awe beside them.
I have learned a lot about them by reading literature and watching documentaries about them.

I think that is one of the reasons I am so upset with ISIS is they have destroyed so many irreplaceable artifacts and old history museums. Its bad enough they kill people but when we heard about them destroying the old artifact structures and museum pieces it is so sad. Its really time countries ban together to stop them.
Hi Mom

WOW! I am stubburn not sure who or what entity (NTSB!) needs to confirm!! BEA . But from your link Putin is docking flights to Ehypt it gets bigger and bigger everyday
“if there is one point of agreement between pundits in Moscow and Washington these days, it is that U.S.-Russia relations are at a post-Cold War nadir.”
Eight months on, what was a troubled relationship is now on life support, and the deterioration has taken place in the most existentially perilous area of arms control, specifically nuclear weapons.
.............—NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is reportedly concerned that Russia is now “using nuclear rhetoric and more nuclear exercises as part of their defense posturing.”
...., describing Russian President Vladimir Putin as “out of tune with the times and the way responsible leaders have conducted themselves [on the nuclear threat].”
The reasons for concern include Russia’s proposal to add some 40 intercontinetal ballistic missiles to its arsenal, increase flights of nuclear-capable bombers over NATO’s eastern flank countries, and deploy missile launchers in Russia’s westernmost enclave of Kaliningrad, with the potential to reach Baltic and Eastern European capitals.
Sobering stuff, indeed, but, as always, this is not the whole story. It takes two to ratchet up the pace of the lethal race, and from Moscow’s point of view these are defensive measures necessitated by a strategic series of moves to virtually encircle Russia’s western flank.....
The crisis of arms control is both multifaceted and comprehensive. The United States has abandoned the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty [ABM] and no longer accepts any restrictions on its missile defense deployments.

It has not ratified the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty [CTBT] almost two decades after negotiations concluded. For the foreseeable future, there is little prospect of the United States accepting new obligations.

At the same time, the United States has accused Russia of violating the [Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces] INF Treaty. As a result, Republicans in the U.S. Congress have argued for retaliating by renouncing the treaty and even by withdrawing from New START.

Russian officials, for their part, have openly questioned the value of the INF Treaty and also raised the possibility of withdrawing from it.
At the same time, nongovernmental political and strategic analysts in Russia have discussed the possibility of abandoning New START and the CTBT.

The most radical voices among them have gone so far as to propose that Russia withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty [NPT] in order to sell and service nuclear weapons abroad.
To summarize: two pillars of nuclear arms control have been shelved—and here it should be noted that U.S. policy on CTBT and ABM long predate the current iciness of relations with Russia—and all others are under severe stress.
Arbatov concludes thus:
“The history of nuclear arms control has endured periods of stagnation and setbacks before, and some of these were quite lengthy …

But the current period of disintegration is unprecedented, with literally every channel of negotiation deadlocked and the entire system of existing arms control agreements under threat.....


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