S.B.T.C ... The real meaning ?

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"Backed up" how? She didn't have the note in front of her. It was on the floor, with John crouching over it. He was positioned outside the kitchen, at least a few feet away from the phone. She gave statements several time regarding this sequence of events, and never states that while on the phone, she walked over to JR, leaned over his shoulder and finished reading the note, or looked specifically at the "signature." She always states she didn't read the whole thing.

One could suppose that's the reason she doesn't realize there are all those warnings about not contacting anyone.

It makes sense to me. Again as someone how had their child go missing. I can tell you the panic and the thought process is completely different. You can not think rationally. Nothing makes sense and it is all jumbled.

I don't see anything here other than her just remembering the last word on the note first and then backing up.. JMO
It makes sense to me. Again as someone how had their child go missing. I can tell you the panic and the thought process is completely different. You can not think rationally. Nothing makes sense and it is all jumbled.

I don't see anything here other than her just remembering the last word on the note first and then backing up.. JMO

I know you've mentioned several times that one of your kids went missing. Idk if you've ever posted your story, or of you want to. I know you seem to feel empathy for the Rs b/c you've been in a similar situation. So I've just wondered.

Anyway, re: the note...how can she remember the "last word" when she states she didn't read the whole thing? I understand that's its a chaotic situation, but it's not like she only recounts the story once, and that's it. Doesn't make sense to me.
I know you've mentioned several times that one of your kids went missing. Idk if you've ever posted your story, or of you want to. I know you seem to feel empathy for the Rs b/c you've been in a similar situation. So I've just wondered.

Anyway, re: the note...how can she remember the "last word" when she states she didn't read the whole thing? I understand that's its a chaotic situation, but it's not like she only recounts the story once, and that's it. Doesn't make sense to me.

I don't have empathy for them because of that, I understand some reactions because of that. If I felt they had killed this girl, it would not matter to me what they said. But her reactions fit with what I know happens in those first panicked moments. We were at a family party all the kids were playing and it was too loud for him. His brother saw him run out the back door of the club house and we went looking for him and he was just gone. We were not anywhere near home and he was only 4. It was February and cold and he had no coat. It was getting dark and it was the most horrid experience of my life. The place we were at backed up to a creek and a highway.

What we did not know is that he had run around the club house went into a back door and hid in the bathroom. He was found there 30-40 mins later? In the back of the bathroom. He said it just got to loud for him and he just wanted some quiet.

I tried to talk to 911 but from the beginning of me calling, I could not get any real words out. They asked me where I was, I blanked. They asked me what he was wearing, I blanked.. His birthday escaped me.

Im pretty good at picking out liars and fakers. I always have been. It drives my DH nuts but I can't help it. I can pick people within moments of knowing them.

When I listen to that call I know what I hear. I am not saying I am an expert or a truth detector.. But I know that for me, What I hear, That panic that fear is real. I have heard other calls and knew they were not real from other "panicked" people calling for help. But this one, I read as real. That is something everyone needs to figure out for themselves and I am not saying,that because I believe that every one has to.

But for me, there are things that make sense and don't. Some things about this case will never ever make sense. But the call, The way it occurs, how she sounds, How she talks. That is familiar to me. In a horrible way.

I don't think you need to read the whole thing to pick up the first and the last.
Why did you say in the IDI thread that your son went missing for a year?
Why did you say in the IDI thread that your son went missing for a year?

I never said that. We were talking about how long the panic or blacking out of details could last. Not how long my son was missing. It was about how emphatic patsy was about there being no pineapple.

There are still details people tell me from that night that I have no recollection of even though people says I was right there when something was happening and said.

Even now while talking about it that panic and horrible angst can reappear. When you are that panicked. That scared that overwhelmed with grief and pain you don't have clear recollections was the point I was making in that thread. You have to go back and read well before that to catch the meaning.

Forgive the autocorrect. Tapatalk has a mind of its own. :)

We've probably all had our kids go missing, briefly, and know how gut wrenching it is.

However, I must ask you - important point - did you search for your child and call his name BEFORE you dialled 911?

My daughter vanished at 18 months, I called her name, realised the door was open and she might've gone through it, ran out said door, out the front gate, and saw her at the corner just about to put her foot onto the main road.

If I'd sat in the house dialling 911 instead of calling and looking, she would be dead.

We've probably all had our kids go missing, briefly, and know how gut wrenching it is.

However, I must ask you - important point - did you search for your child and call his name BEFORE you dialled 911?

My daughter vanished at 18 months, I called her name, realised the door was open and she might've gone through it, ran out said door, out the front gate, and saw her at the corner just about to put her foot onto the main road.

If I'd sat in the house dialling 911 instead of calling and looking, she would be dead.

It is not the same. You did not have a note staring at you saying they had your daughter. It was a gut first reaction for her. All I would have to do is read the line and I would most likely have called the police too. I called 911 The first thing. I was in no shape to do anything else.
It is not the same. You did not have a note staring at you saying they had your daughter. It was a gut first reaction for her. All I would have to do is read the line and I would most likely have called the police too. I called 911 The first thing. I was in no shape to do anything else.

So...you called and looked for your own son? Or not at all?
So...you called and looked for your own son? Or not at all?

It is blur. I don't remember everything. I remember being on the Phone with 911. I remember other people looking but I did not go searching. I was on the phone with 911 as soon as I realized he was gone.

There is no right or wrong here. There just isn't. You start functioning on Instinct. Right or wrong you just do what the adrenaline makes you do.
I see. I misread your post.

No problem! I was so concerned that I had not been more clear. I would never mislead someone about that.

I feel fortunate that it was all okay. I can not even imagine the alternative.

Forgive the autocorrect. Tapatalk has a mind of its own. :)
As a mother, I can imagine your fears in a situation like that. Thank God he was ok.
As a mother, I can imagine your fears in a situation like that. Thank God he was ok.

I have a grown child and two younger. Sure my kids have panicked me over the years but not like that day. That was like having the breath sucked from my body. It is truly paralyzing and I could not function.

We all use our own experiences to weigh info and come to conclusions. When I hear 911 calls now I weigh them against what I was feeling.

Forgive the autocorrect. Tapatalk has a mind of its own. :)
I don't have empathy for them because of that, I understand some reactions because of that. If I felt they had killed this girl, it would not matter to me what they said. But her reactions fit with what I know happens in those first panicked moments. We were at a family party all the kids were playing and it was too loud for him. His brother saw him run out the back door of the club house and we went looking for him and he was just gone. We were not anywhere near home and he was only 4. It was February and cold and he had no coat. It was getting dark and it was the most horrid experience of my life. The place we were at backed up to a creek and a highway.

What we did not know is that he had run around the club house went into a back door and hid in the bathroom. He was found there 30-40 mins later? In the back of the bathroom. He said it just got to loud for him and he just wanted some quiet.

I tried to talk to 911 but from the beginning of me calling, I could not get any real words out. They asked me where I was, I blanked. They asked me what he was wearing, I blanked.. His birthday escaped me.

Im pretty good at picking out liars and fakers. I always have been. It drives my DH nuts but I can't help it. I can pick people within moments of knowing them.

When I listen to that call I know what I hear. I am not saying I am an expert or a truth detector.. But I know that for me, What I hear, That panic that fear is real. I have heard other calls and knew they were not real from other "panicked" people calling for help. But this one, I read as real. That is something everyone needs to figure out for themselves and I am not saying,that because I believe that every one has to.

But for me, there are things that make sense and don't. Some things about this case will never ever make sense. But the call, The way it occurs, how she sounds, How she talks. That is familiar to me. In a horrible way.

I don't think you need to read the whole thing to pick up the first and the last.

Funny, BBM I am too in real life as well. In both interviews with Patsy I've had the same reaction, both the 911 call and the interview with the cops. I know she comes across strange in the television interviews but I think it's because she's annoyed because she knows she didn't do it. She even asks a guy once "tell me how you think I did it, spell it out" and I think that aggression makes people not like her. She should be simpering and weak.

I don't know for sure one way or another who did this. I will say that I completely understand that point of view that a faked Ransom Note or any sort of staging is designed to throw suspicion off people inside the home. This is why I have my doubts about Amanda Knox as well.

But I'm tired of people who come up with "hinky meter" answers instead of letting the facts lead them.

Like saying "Patsy definitely wrote the ransom note" That's not a fact. If it was and it was obvious she would have been arrested. The cops were waiting to find one shred of evidence to nail this couple. And they didn't.

Again I understand why people look at them. But most of the rationalizing of why they are guilty is based on emotional resentment, jealousy, judgment etc etc etc.

In every theory on this topic you see people doing the same thing. Heck I'm even doing it to a degree. But when you string together a series of "hunches" and "circumstantial evidence" and don't have any actual facts or evidence to back it up it gets crazy and conspiracy theory like.

Here's an interesting example of an analysis of the Ransom Note below

I don't agree with all of it. But it does kind of make sense if you realize that the Ransom Note was written by someone who did this to hurt John Ramsey. Not to actually kidnap JonBenet. (THIS IS JUST AN IDEA!! NOT MY THEORY) They fully intended John not to call the cops, to run to the bank and take out the money. They intended to watch him do all these things, full well knowing that his daughter was dead in the basement. It was just a game.

If this is the case, then this is not premeditated but rather some psycho who gained access to their house during the Christmas party and hid and stalked them and then killed his daughter and mutilated her body and then decided it wasn't enough. They wanted to see him running around.

Some things that make me consider this as a possiblity

A. The Christmas Party
B. The way they switch from Mr. Ramsey to John in the letter
C. The fake SBTC (that observation of the phone company is spot on)
D. Her head injury is one of the worst I've ever seen on a kid's skull. She wasn't accidentally killed. Whoever hit her like that, intended to kill her.
E. The specifics in the letter linked below.
F. The obvious hostility towards John in the letter
G. The fact you can easily tell the letter was not a real ransom note.
H. The fact that note was not written previously to coming to the house.



Funny, BBM I am too in real life as well. In both interviews with Patsy I've had the same reaction, both the 911 call and the interview with the cops. I know she comes across strange in the television interviews but I think it's because she's annoyed because she knows she didn't do it. She even asks a guy once "tell me how you think I did it, spell it out" and I think that aggression makes people not like her. She should be simpering and weak.

I don't know for sure one way or another who did this. I will say that I completely understand that point of view that a faked Ransom Note or any sort of staging is designed to throw suspicion off people inside the home. This is why I have my doubts about Amanda Knox as well.

But I'm tired of people who come up with "hinky meter" answers instead of letting the facts lead them.

Like saying "Patsy definitely wrote the ransom note" That's not a fact. If it was and it was obvious she would have been arrested. The cops were waiting to find one shred of evidence to nail this couple. And they didn't.

Again I understand why people look at them. But most of the rationalizing of why they are guilty is based on emotional resentment, jealousy, judgment etc etc etc.

In every theory on this topic you see people doing the same thing. Heck I'm even doing it to a degree. But when you string together a series of "hunches" and "circumstantial evidence" and don't have any actual facts or evidence to back it up it gets crazy and conspiracy theory like.

Here's an interesting example of an analysis of the Ransom Note below

I don't agree with all of it. But it does kind of make sense if you realize that the Ransom Note was written by someone who did this to hurt John Ramsey. Not to actually kidnap JonBenet. (THIS IS JUST AN IDEA!! NOT MY THEORY) They fully intended John not to call the cops, to run to the bank and take out the money. They intended to watch him do all these things, full well knowing that his daughter was dead in the basement. It was just a game.

If this is the case, then this is not premeditated but rather some psycho who gained access to their house during the Christmas party and hid and stalked them and then killed his daughter and mutilated her body and then decided it wasn't enough. They wanted to see him running around.

Some things that make me consider this as a possiblity

A. The Christmas Party
B. The way they switch from Mr. Ramsey to John in the letter
C. The fake SBTC (that observation of the phone company is spot on)
D. Her head injury is one of the worst I've ever seen on a kid's skull. She wasn't accidentally killed. Whoever hit her like that, intended to kill her.
E. The specifics in the letter linked below.
F. The obvious hostility towards John in the letter
G. The fact you can easily tell the letter was not a real ransom note.
H. The fact that note was not written previously to coming to the house.




BBM. You are incorrect. The cops did have evidence, the Grand Jury agreed and indicted both John and Patsy Ramsey. The cops had absolutely no control over DA Hunter's decision not to sign the true bill.

OK So list the evidence with links to back it up.
OK So list the evidence with links to back it up.

Nah. It's much more beneficial to do your own homework. That's like selling term papers. You learn so much more when you do the research yourself.
The problem with that is that there's so much crazy conspiracy theory to wade through that it is helpful to get direction from more knowledgeable people. "What's a reliable source?" is a fair question.
Ok I swear I posted on another topic about this the other day but I just found out SBC - southern Baptist church. Probably tons of you already mentioned that but when I saw it, really gave me gosebumps
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