S.B.T.C ... The real meaning ?

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She's By The Cellar! In all seriousness, Saved By The Cross is the most likely translation of the acronym.
She's By The Cellar! In all seriousness, Saved By The Cross is the most likely translation of the acronym.

The note contained lines from Speed and Ransom. Apparently SBTC features in Crimson Tide, where it means Signed By The Captain.

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The note contained lines from Speed and Ransom. Apparently SBTC features in Crimson Tide, where it means Signed By The Captain.

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Wowww.. JR looks alot like Gene Hackman in the film Crimson Tide (1995) and his name is Captain Frank Ramsey in the film:eek:

Wowww.. JR looks alot like Gene Hackman in the film Crimson Tide (1995) and his name is Captain Frank Ramsey in the film:eek:

View attachment 100344

Yep. I think the note was a suburban housewife's attempt to sound like a criminal mastermind, and is thus littered with movie dialog. So I wouldn't be surprised if SBTC was something she'd seen on screen.

Just as an aside: I'm obviously in the RDI camp but I have nothing but empathy for a family trying to protect their own. I do think they did it but I don't think they're necessarily villains.

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The references to films are the weirdest part about the note. Would Patsy have time to be making cinematic references in a note just after the death of her daughter?
The references to films are the weirdest part about the note. Would Patsy have time to be making cinematic references in a note just after the death of her daughter?

I think she wanted it to sound real. And her only reference point was badasses from the movies. Makes sense...

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It is just so weird to me that someone was able to think of phases from movies to put into a ransom note, especially one that (supposedly) was not planned in advance. Your mind would already be racing from the fact that your 6-year-old daughter was dead. Maybe I am not enough of a movie buff but I could not think of appropriate movie lines off the top of my head.
It is just so weird to me that someone was able to think of phases from movies to put into a ransom note, especially one that (supposedly) was not planned in advance. Your mind would already be racing from the fact that your 6-year-old daughter was dead. Maybe I am not enough of a movie buff but I could not think of appropriate movie lines off the top of my head.

Yeah of course. It's so bizarre. Although consider the alternative: instant arrest, Burke taken into care, etc. So I suppose the kidnap plot is just pure desperation, with patsy grasping at whatever movie BS she could to make it look authentic. Makes sense I suppose...

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The note contained lines from Speed and Ransom. Apparently SBTC features in Crimson Tide, where it means Signed By The Captain.

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Wowww.. JR looks alot like Gene Hackman in the film Crimson Tide (1995) and his name is Captain Frank Ramsey in the film:eek:


Wow. Now that would be some coincidence, wouldn't it?
Yep. I think the note was a suburban housewife's attempt to sound like a criminal mastermind, and is thus littered with movie dialog. So I wouldn't be surprised if SBTC was something she'd seen on screen.

Just as an aside: I'm obviously in the RDI camp but I have nothing but empathy for a family trying to protect their own. I do think they did it but I don't think they're necessarily villains.

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I'm with you, doris5. Even good people make terrible mistakes.
I think that it means Salvation Before Thee Christ. The twisted mind of the author may have tried to justify their actions through seeking some sort of redemption.



That's certainly possible. Did not Jesus suffer and die horribly for the sins of mankind, a sacrifice for redemption? Maybe the author was going for that. And I'm Catholic, so I'd know. I eat flesh and drink blood every Sunday.
The sunroom, tv room, and solarium are all the same room.

"Her friends have kept her in the TV room at the back of the house." Now I find this confusing. The body was just moved from the basement to a location near the door at the top of the stairs. It was then moved to be placed in front of the Christmas tree in the living room. So John is saying that Patsy is at the back of the house when the tree is next to the sunroom. He also said that at some time (not in DOI) Patsy was at some time "back in the study with Barbara and Fernie". In DOI he says that he put the body under the Christmas tree (without setting her down in the entry).

He just puts JBR's body in front of the tree and he says Patsy's at the back of the house when she's in a room a few feet away. The phrase "at the back of the house" implies distance from where the person who made the comment is located; otherwise, he'd say, "I was at the back of the house and Patsy was in the next room."

The solarium had 4 chairs each facing each other. 2 of those had high backs that you could disappear into. This was a relatively small room and TVs weren't flat screens and mounted on walls at the time. So I ask you, where did they put the TV? One wall was the entry to the living room. One wall had a doorway to the dining room with french doors. Another wall had an exit to the house and a line of windows. And one wall had the same type of windows that almost covered the entire wall.

I believe that when John was talking about the TV room, he was referring to the kids play room. Half of that room had the play area and the other half had a sofa facing a TV. That would be on the 2nd floor behind Burke's and JAR's room (at the back of the original house).

I admit that I can be absolutely wrong about the sunroom not being a TV room, but in this case you would have 2 chairs facing a TV in a relatively small room. With a family of not just 4 but 6, you'd have 2 high-back (kind of formal) chairs facing a TV. The solarium was also next to the formal dining room and the living room. Patsy loved formal entertaining. Unless you can point me to some evidence, I don't believe that the solarium (sunroom) was a TV room.

Compliments of PWoodward we have a video tour of the Rs CO home as filmed by OG. Both feel the Rs are innocent.


And, then, there is this schematic.


Scarf Bracelet Tiara Cat are items buried with JB.
Wow, that was from an old post. I had moved-on.

The walkthrough of this house didn't leave me with many surprises. I had most of it blocked out in my head. I finally got a chance to see the sink by the spiral staircase. I wish they would have gone into the garage.

The PMPT movie blocked-out the home fairly well, but there were subtle differences. There was no counter top lip for the stools to slide under. The small vertical storage area next to the stove on the right was gone. There weren't double stack ovens in the kitchen and I don't remember there being a microwave in the wall in PMPT movie. The furniture was completely different especially the layout of the back study. I've studied the ACR photos and there are photos from the movie mixed-in with the photos of the house. That was cause for a little confusion when I was trying to get a grasp on what was where.

My understanding is that Patsy first sat in the Southeast chair the sun room. At some time, John and Patsy had a chance to talk in private at the dining room table (although I would need to check my references for this). She was moved to the back study where there was a sofa to lay down. This was also where LA tried to corral everyone. Seeing JR sitting despondent and alone at the dining room table, LA sent JR off with FW and JF to search the house. JF for whatever reason didn't go downstairs with them. The body was found and moved to the living room. LA covered JB's lower body with an Avalanche jersey from the sofa. John found a blanket to cover her. Patsy stayed seated in the study and then needed help to take her to see her daughter's body.

"They were all to remain on the first floor, in the rear study—behind the kitchen, breakfast, and dining room area. Before Patterson left, he declared the rest of the house off-limits to everyone." Schiller, Lawrence. Perfect Murder, Perfect Town (p. 14). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

Of course, PMPT goes on to explain that LA was having trouble keeping everyone in the study especially John. "Later that morning the Ramsey's friends were still in the back of the house consoling Patsy...."

Patsy's description of what happened during a Larry King interview for DOI is a little different from this. She claims that her friends held her back when the body was found. She also makes it seem like she was in the sunroom; although, she's not specific about her location so this can be misleading. At what point did Patsy find her way back to the sunroom? She was at the back of the house where she was throwing-up, crying out and being comforted by friends.

Was there something I missed?
Just watched the videos and found the spiral staircase to look dangerous. Any chance she could have been pushed/fallen/etc down those stairs?
Good point. I always wondered if she could have been climbing on the railing over the spiral staircase and then fallen (or was pushed if you believe there was a sleep-over). None of that leads to strangulation. You call for an ambulance. Accidents happen. Why cover it up?
Just watched the videos and found the spiral staircase to look dangerous. Any chance she could have been pushed/fallen/etc down those stairs?

There are some people who believe that, INTN. This facebook poster, for one: https://www.facebook.com/jonbenet.mystery.solved/

One thing that's always stood out to me is that Patsy claimed when she came down those stairs that morning, she spotted what turned out to be the "ransom" note pages and hopped (that might not be her exact word) over them on her way down. But when the police tried to replicate that movement, they found that the stairs were too precarious to do it. Not one of them could do it.
Good point. I always wondered if she could have been climbing on the railing over the spiral staircase and then fallen (or was pushed if you believe there was a sleep-over). None of that leads to strangulation. You call for an ambulance. Accidents happen. Why cover it up?

I agree. It's one thing to have an accident that IS an accident. You don't know how bad it is, and you call for help. It's another thing altogether to directly cause a terrible injury, even without intention. Because then it's YOUR fault. "I did that." But, as I think happened in Patsy's case, you're too self-absorbed or just too much of a perfectionist to admit it, to anyone else or yourself. You don't think she's still alive or that there's any hope. And even if there is, what kind of life will she have from here on? A wheelchair-bound invalid unable to feed herself for the rest of her life? She'll never win any pageants that way. And you could have a recurrence of cancer any time. And what if she does regain consciousness? What if she blabs what happened?
Add to that finding out that your baby was broken in another way, which adds a practical reason for a coverup.

I didn't mean to get so graphic, but I had to speak my mind.
Exactly, SuperDave. When I watched the footage of the staircase and the description that it was a metal staircase with padded steps, I got a sinking feeling. The only reason not to call an ambulance is because her fall and blow to the head was caused by an aggressive action by someone in the home (my guess, Patsy). She would not call for help for all reasons you listed. Probably why they could live with themselves because they think it was an accident and wanted to cover it up. They must have been running on extreme emotions and no sleep and the note and staged abduction was their best idea.
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