S0, is JB looking for a plea deal now

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Lin: Jolynna' post is excellent work - but it all hinges on evidence that the jury will have to hear and truly understand. I have the feeling that if this goes to trial and the jurors find themselves listening to 'dueling experts, they will cancel each other out and the jury will just ignore the scientific evidence. While in my heart I believe KC murdered her daughter, I am just not sure a jury will go for the DP. We know what she did after Caylee died - she wrapped her up and threw her away, like so much trash. What we don't know is what she did TO Caylee and that is where the rub is, in my opinion. I am a little cynical, I admit. I would rather assume the worst and be pleasantly surprised when it doesn't happen! I am just throwing the thought out there that 25 to life is not beyond imagination as a plea offer. Let's hope I'm wrong.

Thanks for the reply and since you invited it, I will happily hope you're wrong. :)

I understand your position and know others who seem to prefer to be well prepared for the worst. Too often, in my opinion, so I've developed a habit of misquoting Mark Twain. For you, however, I actually looked up the quote and found a few others that I may have to learn to misquote as well:

Some of your hurts you have cured,
And the sharpest you still have survived,
But what torments of grief you endured
From the evil which never arrived.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened. ~Mark Twain

My life has been full of terrible misfortunes most of which never happened. ~Michel de Montaigne

If you see ten troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you. ~Calvin Coolidge

Some men storm imaginary Alps all their lives, and die in the foothills cursing difficulties which do not exist. ~Edgar Watson Howe

How much pain they have cost us, the evils which have never happened. ~Thomas Jefferson

I know, I know --- easy for me to copy and paste but you see, I don't assume the defense will find credible experts and I'm not sure there are experts that are as expert in that particular field as is Dr. Haskell. ;)
As interesting as it would be, for the sake of the taxpayers, I'd rather see her get life and take the plea. Once this current round of attempts by defense to have the case dismissed, the top charges dropped fail, maybe, MAYBE Casey will be a little more resigned to her fate. Up until now, she truly seemed to believe she was going to get off on a technicality, she had been assured the dream team was on board and all of Andrea's law students were coming to the rescue working to find loopholes. One by one , each motion is getting laughed out of court and seeing her dad on the stand the other day, she seemed a little closer to being resigned to her fate, for the very, very first time. I wouldn't be a t all surprised however, if she did take it all the way and then later try to kill herself if she is found guilty. I am still reeling over the commentator on Nancy's show saying that George had planned to kill Casey and then turn the gun on himself. I wonder if she has heard that little gem.

As a taxpaying Florida resident, I'll pay extra for this trial (literally) rather than agree to take anything less than lwop with full, public allocution that has been tested by the state prior to the hearing.
I think most of Badens comments were on GVS, before she gave up on doing crime and court stories and started doing "ALL SARAHOBAMAPALIN!! ALL THE TIME!!"

And I so used to look forward to her show prior to the elections... you know... back when she would cover things like this 'plea deal' discussion...

(How was that for keeping it on topic?!?)
The one thing that is lurking in my mind is that whatever sentence she ends up facing, she will possibly dump Baez right before going to Trial, and sue him for malpractice and delay the trial for eons..
If you read any of the motions, comments from the SA, or from Legal Panelists on the multiple shows that cover this story, it certainly seems to a Lay person (me) that he is incompetent.

She may have that fantasy but it wouldn't work that way in the real world, in Judge S's courtroom.
Well now, CA might like to think she will have that last word. But I do believe in my heart of hearts that little Caylee Marie Anthony will have it. And her voice will be from Dr. G, YM, every agent (LE and FBI) that has worked this case and the states attorney. Then Judge Strickland will throw down the gravel and Caylee will have spoken.

So CA, keep speaking and spewing your lies. Karma is a witch and will getcha everytime.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Post of the thread!

ETA: Maybe of the entire forum. Well done!
Re bold above... This is just my two cents, but I've always thought KC invented that excuse because she was ready to dump JG and escape the wife-and-mother role the Grunds would force her into. I think she knew d@mn well that Jesse was completely in love with/besotted with her, so she came up with a clever excuse that neatly shifted the blame for the breakup onto Jesse (for loving Caylee, too) and onto Caylee (for being too loveable). That freed "poor little KC" to return to dating and related activities, while leaving Jesse baffled and blaming himself (and Caylee) for his being dumped. Ingenious, really.

That said, I need to add that I 100% believe KC was insanely jealous of Caylee--I just don't think that's what KC dumped Jesse.

I thought so too until I listened to the TMc audio tape.
Re bold above... This is just my two cents, but I've always thought KC invented that excuse because she was ready to dump JG and escape the wife-and-mother role the Grunds would force her into. I think she knew d@mn well that Jesse was completely in love with/besotted with her, so she came up with a clever excuse that neatly shifted the blame for the breakup onto Jesse (for loving Caylee, too) and onto Caylee (for being too loveable). That freed "poor little KC" to return to dating and related activities, while leaving Jesse baffled and blaming himself (and Caylee) for his being dumped. Ingenious, really.

That said, I need to add that I 100% believe KC was insanely jealous of Caylee--I just don't think that's what KC dumped Jesse.

I agree, Friday. KC always had a "new" and "better" guy, waiting in the wings, while she dumped the last one.
Re bold above... This is just my two cents, but I've always thought KC invented that excuse because she was ready to dump JG and escape the wife-and-mother role the Grunds would force her into. I think she knew d@mn well that Jesse was completely in love with/besotted with her, so she came up with a clever excuse that neatly shifted the blame for the breakup onto Jesse (for loving Caylee, too) and onto Caylee (for being too loveable). That freed "poor little KC" to return to dating and related activities, while leaving Jesse baffled and blaming himself (and Caylee) for his being dumped. Ingenious, really.

That said, I need to add that I 100% believe KC was insanely jealous of Caylee--I just don't think that's what KC dumped Jesse.

IMHO, KC was also ill-suited to the religious zeal of the G family.
IMHO, KC was also ill-suited to the religious zeal of the G family.

Quite true. Because unlike her own family, they would have demanded honesty and accountability. Here was JG, ready to take responsibility for a child that was not even his own, yet KC was never able to do the same. She played the "role" for awhile but found it to be too tedious and inconvenient.
IMHO, KC was also ill-suited to the religious zeal of the G family.

Spot on that opinion. KC types can't be satisfied with status quo relationships of loving one another. Conflict is what they require; normally with them doing the inflicting of drama, manipulation as well as the good ol' standby for the A's --------- deflection. We have seen only a part of what that clan is capable of dishing out. Brini, me, you and many others here only know too well their scenarios.

CA and KC's motto should be "You ain't seen nothing yet!". Oh heck, though JB in that mix too.

Believe that JB threw out the "plea" word, double heck, he probably pre-arranged with GR to "discuss" the "plea" possibility to deflect his inabilities to actual perform work. Then it was off to the boat and sail away, drowning his ego for the weekend. Wonder who else was on that boat excursion????
Sniff sniff?????????........Do I smell a plea? Perhaps.

Do I think the Ant's are going to escape and go to the Planet 'Never never land' when all of this is done. For sure.

I feel as most of the residents of Florida have indicated, IMO...that a plea at this point would be yet another slap in the face to poor Caylee.

Off screaming now.
Thanks for the reply and since you invited it, I will happily hope you're wrong. :)

I understand your position and know others who seem to prefer to be well prepared for the worst. Too often, in my opinion, so I've developed a habit of misquoting Mark Twain. For you, however, I actually looked up the quote and found a few others that I may have to learn to misquote as well:

Some of your hurts you have cured,
And the sharpest you still have survived,
But what torments of grief you endured
From the evil which never arrived.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened. ~Mark Twain

My life has been full of terrible misfortunes most of which never happened. ~Michel de Montaigne

If you see ten troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you. ~Calvin Coolidge

Some men storm imaginary Alps all their lives, and die in the foothills cursing difficulties which do not exist. ~Edgar Watson Howe

How much pain they have cost us, the evils which have never happened. ~Thomas Jefferson

I know, I know --- easy for me to copy and paste but you see, I don't assume the defense will find credible experts and I'm not sure there are experts that are as expert in that particular field as is Dr. Haskell. ;)

Lin: I so hope you are right and I am wrong! I love all those quotes and have copied the one from Ralph Waldo Emerson - I will repeat it to myself often in the coming months, it just might make me a little more hopeful about the outcome of the trial - if it does get to trial.
1) So CA wouldn't be able to weald taking Caylee away as a weapon (though, KC didn't really want her). KC just didn't want CA to win the "tug of war" over Caylee.

2) KC was royally torqued at CA. I think the fact the the baby LOOKS like CA may have made matters worse.

3) The baby was a hindrance to KC's social life. A lot of guys don't want a ready made family. Especially guys in their early 20s.

4) Making the baby vanish would stop CA's complaints re: KC's lack of mothering skills.

5) CA wanted KC home, taking care of Caylee. CA was getting a little tired of always being on duty. The baby's disappearance would've shut off CA's excuse for demanding that KC be home, more often.

6) KC was jealous that Caylee got more attention than she did. And, it appeared to KC that Caylee benefitted from more of the family assets than KC did. (Most mothers would DELIGHT in attention to their children.)

That house is matriarchial. CA and KC are two cats in a bag. And, both have personality disorders, IMHO. (CA- borderline, KC- sociopathic)

The two hens are fighting for rularship of the chicken house while the roosters, er,... "chicken out."

And, that's why she did it, IMHO.

Instead of feeling fulfilled and proud of her child, KC felt replaced and restricted. She felt "imprisoned."

What KC did NOT anticipate was that even if she had got away with it, the tug of war would've continued, but with a different "rope."

NOT TO SELF: Check with the Vedics on our astrology thread re: any work they might've done comparing CA's chart to KC's. To see whether there is something karmic going on.
Aw, Brini...all that and a lot more I'm sure. I just need to hear it from her mouth. I want to hear her answer that question...but know I never will I'm afraid.
Might I just add CBS' decision to air the 10/17 episode makes me sick...here's my thoughts that...

I am disgusted by the funhouse spin the A's put on the accounts of the circumstances. I'm also sick of this families blatant sense of entitlement and the fact that everyone turns a blind eye to the mockery they've made to the grandchild/nieces tragic and horrific demise. I pray that those who have the authority to attach consequences to this family's behavior will do so. Without that, we are outright enabling criminality and minimizing and desensitizing a nation that they make the rules.
On CBS plans to air this episode. They have blood on their hands and in my may as well issue a statement to this effect...
{Enter CBS Exec} "Hey, who gives a **** - about the blood on my hands. That's what soap is for. I mean think about it - I:
A. Ride the "Poor Caylee" wave which is a great "story" or
B. Dedicate the 60-minutes to featuring a handful of the 800,000 children missing with a plea to the country that they might just know something that can reunite a child with their family.
And Bob what's the answer...duh, A. Who cares about those missing children - they don't have the money, celebrity, looks or psychosis that baffles. Translation: they don't rate, matter and won't get the ratings. Screw em - they don't meet the criteria of what sells.
It's all about money baby!" {End CBS Exec}
CBS scum sat around a conference table brainstorming on how they could ride the wave of capitalizing on this tragedy. And to the public, that is a very ugly person.

I have better things to do that particular evening:
1. Scrub the toilets.
2. Put more bleach in my hair.
3. Blog, because I'm still a whannabe
4. Not watch CBS because my calendar is sooo darn full of other stuff!
The one thing that is lurking in my mind is that whatever sentence she ends up facing, she will possibly dump Baez right before going to Trial, and sue him for malpractice and delay the trial for eons..
If you read any of the motions, comments from the SA, or from Legal Panelists on the multiple shows that cover this story, it certainly seems to a Lay person (me) that he is incompetent.

I would have to agree with you except for the fact KC also has AL, a Top Notch DP attorney most of us would be hard pressed to even get a meet and greet with, KC also has Henry Lee on her team, not the very best but renowed in his own right, LKB, the jewel in this crown, she is in fact, famous for her expertise in lawyerin' and considered one of the best. So with National News Media calling KC's Defense Team, the Dream Team and other little names and such it will be very very hard for her to prove malpractice, ineffective council etc. and thanks to Judge S. and making KC appear in court for each and everything, KC is fully aware of what is taking place with her case.JMO of course.
Isn't that what KC said that CA and GA should tell the kidnappers, "They forgive them"?. That is what CA/GA would prolly think appropriate punishment for KC, forgiveness, promise and pinkie swear she'll never do it again.

I can hear CA saying " After all, she only did it once."
I just got on here tonight so please forgive if this was brought up before in this thread.

In JB's interview with Geraldo I found these words very strange:

"it's her that has to do the time and it's her life at stake here"

He's admitting that she'll have to do time?? Freudian slip?????
I can hear CA saying " After all, she only did it once."

And I can hear the SA saying (from the movie Tombstone)-
You called down the thunder, well now you've got it!
The law is coming! You tell them I'm coming . . . and Hell's coming with me! You hear?! Hell's coming with me!!
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