S0, is JB looking for a plea deal now

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Excellent observation. Are JB and the Anthony's having a contest as to who can screw Casey the most?

Poor kc? The only one screwing kc is kc. she did the crime, what ever happens to her after that is all of her making. She wanted to be "free." Wanted to party, and killed her daughter so she could have her "beautiul life." Well, she's got it now.
Reasons to have a trial, no plea deals:
#1 - The People demand justice for Caylee!!!
#2 - Reveal the truth in a court of law - the evidence speaks volumes
#3 - KC wants to 'go to a neutral place'. A courtroom is a neutral place. All the mounds of evidence at hand (since she won't share the truth with LE) can be weighed on the scales of justice, and she can seize the opportunity to speak the truth (but won't) before she gets locked away and silenced forever
#4 - Allow the KC Dream Team an opportunity to disprove ALL the evidence in a court of law instead of the court of the major networks and be done with it. After all, they insist the truth will be told at trial.
#5- CA/GA must be made to speak and hear the facts and be silenced of their enabling lies forever
#6 - Permit LA to use his subpoena to its fullest and finally answer to all that he knows
#7 - Allow LE, TES et al an opportunity to speak to the facts/truth/evidence in a court of law

July 22/08 video of CA saying she is a 'Nurse of Decomposition': YouTube - Cindy Anthony 7/22/08

OMG...Thanks for posting that video. I had never seen that before. Just WOW! GA didn't look too happy with his wife's ramblings, did he?
One thing that occurred to me when I heard about JB's appearance on Geraldo's show: the Defense wants the Prosecution to offer them a plea so that they can (a) turn it down publicly and (b) state publicly that the State's case is weak, hence the plea. IMO, it would be the smart thing for the Defense to approach the Prosecution and request a deal citing the length of trial, mitigating factors, expense for the state, yada yada yada ...any number of things. But they have already burned down those bridges and inroads...

My mom always told me to never burn your bridges. She also told me to fight for justice. To tell the truth. And that when I did something wrong to expect and ACCEPT the fact that there will be consequences.
IF the state does entertain a plea deal, I am afraid it will disappoint a lot of people, especially here. The defense would not consider LWOP a 'deal' as they probably think they could get this at trial - I would have to agree too. DP is a nice thought, but I just don't see it happening. Please don't jump on me, it is just my opinion. I don't like the fact that I don't think the DP will happen, but I am trying very hard to be realistic. As to what the State would offer - I am pretty sure it would be something along the lines of '25 years to life' with the possibility of parole. I DO think the state would consider a plea deal, just from the standpoint of what a trial would entail - change of venue, length of trial, costs, people involved, complexity of evidence, etc.

When it comes to a plea deal, both sides work to come up with a deal that is agreeable to both sides. How we, the public feel, may be taken into consideration (especially in a high profile case like this) but not always. I think we all need to brace ourselves for the possibility of a '25 years to life' deal, IF any deal is worked out. I can see KC waiting until the very last moment (during trial) to ask for a deal - but that would not be to her advantage. I think that would be the only time the state would suggest a LWOP deal. I guess we will all just have to wait and see, won't we?

Please check out [ame=http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4232259&postcount=351]Jolynna's excellent post here.[/ame]

If the new witness, JT, turns out to be correct, it would add a lot of weight to the sleuthing Jolynna has done, narrowing the timeline quite a bit and making it more probable, imo. If this is the case, I don't see her getting any sentence other than death penalty. "Heinous, atrocious and cruel" just doesn't quite cover what it is starting to seem like KC actually did to that poor baby.
Please check out Jolynna's excellent post here.

If the new witness, JT, turns out to be correct, it would add a lot of weight to the sleuthing Jolynna has done, narrowing the timeline quite a bit and making it more probable, imo. If this is the case, I don't see her getting any sentence other than death penalty. "Heinous, atrocious and cruel" just doesn't quite cover what it is starting to seem like KC actually did to that poor baby.

Thanks for spreading that post around, lin - it's been like the high point of my whole week! She done gooooood!
Thanks for spreading that post around, lin - it's been like the high point of my whole week! She done gooooood!

Me too, cecybeans. And when I checked out Dr Neal Haskell that Dr Vass refers to as his entomologist friend (that he wants OCSO to send the flies to) ~ WowZa ~ his credentials are over the moon! Pretty much a pioneer, wrote books, etc and even "helped inspire the tv show CSI." Now, that's someone good to have on your team!


25 Years would be good to me. She would be about 50 years old, past child bearing age, and her folks would be old enough by then, that her next punishment will be taking care of Cindy and George as they grow old.

Oh no no no! Then it would be all too easy for her to 'off' her parents to get the house.:crystal ball:

She is never going to be a safe person to let out into society again. KC must never go free. Never.
Hey Brini, I posted this in the "Cindy is still looking for Caylee?" thread yesterday. CA admitted in an interview with FBI agents she lied about the three 911 calls.

WOW! Thanks! Kewl!
One thing that occurred to me when I heard about JB's appearance on Geraldo's show: the Defense wants the Prosecution to offer them a plea so that they can (a) turn it down publicly and (b) state publicly that the State's case is weak, hence the plea. IMO, it would be the smart thing for the Defense to approach the Prosecution and request a deal citing the length of trial, mitigating factors, expense for the state, yada yada yada ...any number of things. But they have already burned down those bridges and inroads...

My mom always told me to never burn your bridges. She also told me to fight for justice. To tell the truth. And that when I did something wrong to expect and ACCEPT the fact that there will be consequences.

Exactly! That ship has not only sailed.. it sailed away and sank!
Poor kc? The only one screwing kc is kc. she did the crime, what ever happens to her after that is all of her making. She wanted to be "free." Wanted to party, and killed her daughter so she could have her "beautiul life." Well, she's got it now.

Yep! She wanted to be unencumbered.

She's unencumbered, all right! She doesn't even have to worry about where she'll sleep, or what to fix for dinner!
IF the state does entertain a plea deal, I am afraid it will disappoint a lot of people, especially here. The defense would not consider LWOP a 'deal' as they probably think they could get this at trial - I would have to agree too. DP is a nice thought, but I just don't see it happening. Please don't jump on me, it is just my opinion. I don't like the fact that I don't think the DP will happen, but I am trying very hard to be realistic. As to what the State would offer - I am pretty sure it would be something along the lines of '25 years to life' with the possibility of parole. I DO think the state would consider a plea deal, just from the standpoint of what a trial would entail - change of venue, length of trial, costs, people involved, complexity of evidence, etc.

When it comes to a plea deal, both sides work to come up with a deal that is agreeable to both sides. How we, the public feel, may be taken into consideration (especially in a high profile case like this) but not always. I think we all need to brace ourselves for the possibility of a '25 years to life' deal, IF any deal is worked out. I can see KC waiting until the very last moment (during trial) to ask for a deal - but that would not be to her advantage. I think that would be the only time the state would suggest a LWOP deal. I guess we will all just have to wait and see, won't we?

I dunno, honey.

The state doesn't have to beg or bargain. The state has ALL the winning cards.

The state has a mountain range of circumstantial, forensic, and behavioral evidence, JUST that we've seen! God knows what they have that we haven't seen!

The defense has... a case of straws that another w/s sent them. They are SO flailing! And, every, single time the family or JB acts out, it gets worse.
Oh no no no! Then it would be all too easy for her to 'off' her parents to get the house.:crystal ball:

She is never going to be a safe person to let out into society again. KC must never go free. Never.

I'm thinking off a husband for his assets/insurance.
Leila and Countzero (couldn't figure out how to get both of your remarks from last post in my reply)...
I completely agree with you guys. CBS' announcement that they plan to air a segment featuring CA and Get-A-Set A's "funhouse spin" has created quite an uproar - many have posted that they wouldn't watch the episode and thought it very distastful that they would choose to air this.

I've stopped watching CBS when the announcement was 1st made and won't be watching this episode. I truly hope and pray that those who've stated they would not watch it on CBS' website, meant that because I think the uproar could really have a dismal effect on ratings. Night Girlies :)

On the other hand, if they DO air it... Every time that family opens their mouths, they hammer another nail in the coffin.
Sadly that would be a best case scenario, where all is proven at trial however -- the prosecution will be very selective on the evidence so as not to overwhelm the Jury and, the Defense is going to raise reasonable doubt by throwing up everything and anything.

I for one would be thrilled if the 'truth' does come out or if this case is totally proven but, a finding of guilty can/will leave a LOT of un-answered questions and doubts.

I don't think we will ever know the 'truth' unless KC cracks and spills, but even then it can still be a more favorable version. The true horror of this story is something we will never know, maybe that's for the best. I am sure it is worse than we can ever dream.

Well, unlike most of the population, I think we DO know most of the truth. We may be missing some tiny details. But, we pretty much know what happened between about noon on the 16th, and the visit to the video store.

We also pretty much know why.

My guess is that on the nearly impossible occasion that KC spilled her guts-- she wouldn't say anything that we hadn't anticipated.
I would prefer a plea over trial to be honest.

Yes, Money being part of the reason. Sorry but this is my opinion. I would rather there were more trials than fewer but very expensive trials and I think there are far too many people that don't even make it to trial due to the expense and get off too easy.

But mainly because If convicted I don't think she will get DP and honestly don't think if convicted she will even get LWOP. If you check various websites, the majority of convicted murderers appear to get paroled not life.

25 Years would be good to me. She would be about 50 years old, past child bearing age, and her folks would be old enough by then, that her next punishment will be taking care of Cindy and George as they grow old.

Isn't 25 years really about nine years, though?
I don't know if the truth will be enough for me. I want to know "Why?"

1) So CA wouldn't be able to weald taking Caylee away as a weapon (though, KC didn't really want her). KC just didn't want CA to win the "tug of war" over Caylee.

2) KC was royally torqued at CA. I think the fact the the baby LOOKS like CA may have made matters worse.

3) The baby was a hindrance to KC's social life. A lot of guys don't want a ready made family. Especially guys in their early 20s.

4) Making the baby vanish would stop CA's complaints re: KC's lack of mothering skills.

5) CA wanted KC home, taking care of Caylee. CA was getting a little tired of always being on duty. The baby's disappearance would've shut off CA's excuse for demanding that KC be home, more often.

6) KC was jealous that Caylee got more attention than she did. And, it appeared to KC that Caylee benefitted from more of the family assets than KC did. (Most mothers would DELIGHT in attention to their children.)

That house is matriarchial. CA and KC are two cats in a bag. And, both have personality disorders, IMHO. (CA- borderline, KC- sociopathic)

The two hens are fighting for rularship of the chicken house while the roosters, er,... "chicken out."

And, that's why she did it, IMHO.

Instead of feeling fulfilled and proud of her child, KC felt replaced and restricted. She felt "imprisoned."

What KC did NOT anticipate was that even if she had got away with it, the tug of war would've continued, but with a different "rope."

NOT TO SELF: Check with the Vedics on our astrology thread re: any work they might've done comparing CA's chart to KC's. To see whether there is something karmic going on.
1) So CA wouldn't be able to weald taking Caylee away as a weapon (though, KC didn't really want her). KC just didn't want CA to win the "tug of war" over Caylee.

2) KC was royally torqued at CA. I think the fact the the baby LOOKS like CA may have made matters worse.

3) The baby was a hindrance to KC's social life. A lot of guys don't want a ready made family. Especially guys in their early 20s.

4) Making the baby vanish would stop CA's complaints re: KC's lack of mothering skills.

5) CA wanted KC home, taking care of Caylee. CA was getting a little tired of always being on duty. The baby's disappearance would've shut off CA's excuse for demanding that KC be home, more often.

6) KC was jealous that Caylee got more attention than she did. And, it appeared to KC that Caylee benefitted from more of the family assets than KC did. (Most mothers would DELIGHT in attention to their children.)

That house is matriarchial. CA and KC are two cats in a bag. And, both have personality disorders, IMHO. (CA- borderline, KC- sociopathic)

The two hens are fighting for rularship of the chicken house while the roosters, er,... "chicken out."

And, that's why she did it, IMHO.

Instead of feeling fulfilled and proud of her child, KC felt replaced and restricted. She felt "imprisoned."

What KC did NOT anticipate was that even if she had got away with it, the tug of war would've continued, but with a different "rope."

NOT TO SELF: Check with the Vedics on our astrology thread re: any work they might've done comparing CA's chart to KC's. To see whether there is something karmic going on.

Brini...as always, well stated. Great post
Please check out Jolynna's excellent post here.

If the new witness, JT, turns out to be correct, it would add a lot of weight to the sleuthing Jolynna has done, narrowing the timeline quite a bit and making it more probable, imo. If this is the case, I don't see her getting any sentence other than death penalty. "Heinous, atrocious and cruel" just doesn't quite cover what it is starting to seem like KC actually did to that poor baby.

My God, that poor child. I think Casey might have just pulled a Couey but instead of dirt she threw her in her trunk to suffocate.

The SA filed their notice of intent to seek the DP on April 13th, 2009. Is it possible that's when they recieved, at least verbally, the results of Haskell's report? Interesting.
CA deserves nothing more than finding herself old and incapacitated and taken care of by her chitty daughter. Now that sounds just about right to me!

1) So CA wouldn't be able to weald taking Caylee away as a weapon (though, KC didn't really want her). KC just didn't want CA to win the "tug of war" over Caylee.

2) KC was royally torqued at CA. I think the fact the the baby LOOKS like CA may have made matters worse.

3) The baby was a hindrance to KC's social life. A lot of guys don't want a ready made family. Especially guys in their early 20s.

4) Making the baby vanish would stop CA's complaints re: KC's lack of mothering skills.

5) CA wanted KC home, taking care of Caylee. CA was getting a little tired of always being on duty. The baby's disappearance would've shut off CA's excuse for demanding that KC be home, more often.

6) KC was jealous that Caylee got more attention than she did. And, it appeared to KC that Caylee benefitted from more of the family assets than KC did. (Most mothers would DELIGHT in attention to their children.)

That house is matriarchial. CA and KC are two cats in a bag. And, both have personality disorders, IMHO. (CA- borderline, KC- sociopathic)

The two hens are fighting for rularship of the chicken house while the roosters, er,... "chicken out."

And, that's why she did it, IMHO.

Instead of feeling fulfilled and proud of her child, KC felt replaced and restricted. She felt "imprisoned."

What KC did NOT anticipate was that even if she had got away with it, the tug of war would've continued, but with a different "rope."

NOT TO SELF: Check with the Vedics on our astrology thread re: any work they might've done comparing CA's chart to KC's. To see whether there is something karmic going on.

There was an interview somewhere, I forget if it was LE or a news one, where JG said one thing that summed it all up in one sentance. When describing why he and KC broke up. "She felt he loved Caylee more than her". It all comes down to that one simple thought. Everyone loved Caylee more than KC.
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