S0, is JB looking for a plea deal now

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Hmmmm. On the one hand I would say that KC is so vehemently focused and stubborn about never fessing up on her mistruths that she'd go to the needle still affirming her story -- however -- at the last motion hearing KC seemed very emotional. While some of that was acting for the future Jury, I think reality was starting to slap her in the face.

While KC can choose to believe she will one day get off, at her low times she must be fearful of the DP --- it has an emotional and pyschological impact/weight. I would not be surprised while the last thing KC wants is LWOP it is so much better than the DP. As confidence peaks and troughs and AL pours cold water on it all -- KC must realize her best/only option is a plea.

I truly believed that (the bolded paragraph above) at one time too, but I am amiss to try to determine KC's attitude at this point in the game. She has been locked in a glass cage (like one of those reptiles at the zoo!), no contact that we are aware of (doubt Baez is making his daily visits anymore), and no idea what type of media reports she has access to.

But I would venture to say that the personality and thoughts of KC have changed over the last year. I also thought she looked like she was trying to bond with AL in a motherly type of way at the last two hearings AL was at, so AL may have some influence with her.

I still think they (the defense) are almost at the point where everyone is on the same page in regards to a plea (which would also explain why they have not turned over any discovery yet?) and are just about to approach SA to see if the opportunity is available...

So you local people.....how do you feel about a plea to avoid trial? I know this is an extremely expensive case for the state, and it is very easy for me to yell GO TO TRIAL when my butt is in Georgia, but how do you feel as a taxpayer??
I'd rather see Plea accepted than trial.

Trial: Long, drawn out. Results in Death Penalty that never gets enforced as appeal after appeal is filed, mostly paid for by tax dollars, and we never get the truth.

Plea: KC gets life without chance of parole (same end effect as DP, but cheaper for the public), and we get a full confession which lets us finally know what really happened, and possibly use such knowledge to help prevent future crimes.

JB/Geraldo said last night if a plea was accepted it would most likely be 15 years.
I'd rather see Plea accepted than trial.

Trial: Long, drawn out. Results in Death Penalty that never gets enforced as appeal after appeal is filed, mostly paid for by tax dollars, and we never get the truth.

Plea: KC gets life without chance of parole (same end effect as DP, but cheaper for the public), and we get a full confession which lets us finally know what really happened, and possibly use such knowledge to help prevent future crimes.

I think that if there is a plea KC will explain to the Judge what she did privately but that it will be sealed and the Defense will use the, KC is really innocent but given everyone is Biased (Baezed against Baez) against her, including the media and that she has been basically framed then the only option was to take a plea -- martyrdom -- for the sake of the family, Caylee, SODDI, etc. She wants to protect the perp, inferring family.

I don't think we will ever know.
and what happened to the high profile experts that were brought in.We saw a little bit of Henry Lee,what do the others have to add?I think they also,told JB it didn't look good for KC.

I have been asking that for a while. All that big hubaboo about Henry Lee having to fly down and not getting access to the car, blah, blah....where is HIS report in defense to prosecution discovery???

And LBK's husband....didn't he claim to be part of the defense team on NG early on in the case???
"But Sweetheart, I don't know what your involvement is..."
"What do you mean Mom - you don't know what my involvement is?!?!?!"

Yep, I sure would be interested in that full disclosure required as part of plea deal. I'm wondering what other 'full disclosure' would also be surfaced about the other 'players' aside from Casey?

Hmmm. I semi-local, I'd accept a deal for LWOP...
JB/Geraldo said last night if a plea was accepted it would most likely be 15 years.

My apologies in advance to the FL tax payers, but that statement above is why I am 100% against a plea deal. 15 years just doesn't cut it. Not nearly enough, and not 'justice' in my books. Not for Caylee.
I'd rather see Plea accepted than trial.

Trial: Long, drawn out. Results in Death Penalty that never gets enforced as appeal after appeal is filed, mostly paid for by tax dollars, and we never get the truth.

Plea: KC gets life without chance of parole (same end effect as DP, but cheaper for the public), and we get a full confession which lets us finally know what really happened, and possibly use such knowledge to help prevent future crimes.

If she were to accept a plea deal, would we really learn all the details we so anxiously want?? I thought all she has to do is change her plea to guilty in a court of law (hearing) and it is a done deal?

But I do agree with you. The only reason I want a trial is to try to get as much of the truth as possible, and I also prefer to think of KC as LWOP as opposed to DP. I would much rather see Timothy McVey trying to avoid other prisoners right now for the rest of his life, as opposed to him having been given the option to end his life at the earliest convenience to him...but that is another story.
JB/Geraldo said last night if a plea was accepted it would most likely be 15 years.

That sounds like they were floating that as their opening low ball versus the LWOP or SA's xx years, so we get to 20 or 25?
My apologies in advance to the FL tax payers, but that statement above is why I am 100% against a plea deal. 15 years just doesn't cut it. Not nearly enough, and not 'justice' in my books. Not for Caylee.

They're both full of $*%&!

I do NOT see that happening, thanks to duct tape.

Bet that was their way of trying to insinuate that Caylee's death was just an unfortunate accident (without saying it.....again, laying the groundwork....) and I bet they can prove that too.
If that WERE the case, unfortunate accident, I can see a defendant getting a 15 year sentence in a plea. But I in NO WAY think that is what happened in this case!!!
Last thought....but it just occurred to me....

Do you think it is possible that THIS is what TP was alluding to with the "big news"???
Last thought....but it just occurred to me....

Do you think it is possible that THIS is what TP was alluding to with the "big news"???

If they are starting to seed and float an accident theory, that's why they need to eliminate the duct tape -- then maybe.
Ok, now this is just a theory and only a theory. What if KC agrees to a plea that Caylee died in an accident with both KC and CA present and rolls the bus wheels over CA saying CA placed the duct tape over Caylee to make it appear it was a kidnapping? KC telling Judge Strickland that is why she has been afraid of telling the truth.
If they are starting to seed and float an accident theory, that's why they need to eliminate the duct tape -- then maybe.

Ok. Yes. Tracking along with this thought...

So, are we extrapolating this to think they're floating the idea of a plea with lesser sentence (i.e. the 15 years,) based on 'accident'? And then wrapping it up all neatly with, "Casey's compelling reason for not reporting the accident was because she feared for her life from her Mom if she found out?"

^ I am only half kidding there, as I do think they'll still try to lay blame elsewhere even if she does plea out.
Ok. Yes. Tracking along with this thought...

So, are we extrapolating this to think they're floating the idea of a plea with lesser sentence (i.e. the 15 years,) based on 'accident'? And then wrapping it up all neatly with, "Casey's compelling reason for not reporting the accident was because she feared for her life from her Mom if she found out?"

^ I am only half kidding there, as I do think they'll still try to lay blame elsewhere even if she does plea out.

Yep, I was kidding too, but who knows what can happen with this bunch? I am not about to rule out anything including the "what the hell-o did they just say happened" song and dance. The more I discover about CA the more I can see just how dangerous of a person she really is.
I'd rather see Plea accepted than trial.

Trial: Long, drawn out. Results in Death Penalty that never gets enforced as appeal after appeal is filed, mostly paid for by tax dollars, and we never get the truth.

Plea: KC gets life without chance of parole (same end effect as DP, but cheaper for the public), and we get a full confession which lets us finally know what really happened, and possibly use such knowledge to help prevent future crimes.

If she were to take a plea deal (if one was ever offered) then she would not be required to make a confession. Unless it was a condition of the plea deal. In my opinion, no way would KC take a plea deal where she had to admit out loud what she did to Caylee. No way ...
JB/Geraldo said last night if a plea was accepted it would most likely be 15 years.

No way a plea deal would only be 15 years. I can only envision the SA offering LWOP.
Ok, now this is just a theory and only a theory. What if KC agrees to a plea that Caylee died in an accident with both KC and CA present and rolls the bus wheels over CA saying CA placed the duct tape over Caylee to make it appear it was a kidnapping? KC telling Judge Strickland that is why she has been afraid of telling the truth.


On "The Early Show", co-anchor Maggie Rodriguez asked Macaluso and fellow Casey Anthony defense attorney Jose Baez how they will "explain the fact that Casey did not report her daughter missing for a month, that she was out partying when Caylee was supposedly missing, and that she lied to investigators trying to help her find Caylee?"

Baez responded, "We feel that Casey has a very compelling reason for her actions, and we plan on laying them out at trial. That's the proper place for us to lay out a defense."

A compelling reason? She has a freakin' "compelling reason" for not reporting her daughter missing for 31 days?! O please let this go to trial. I just gotta hear the "compelling reason."

Exactly, I think that no matter how much they want to focus on attacking each piece of evidence as 'being' junk science.. which is going to be difficult and tedious and is probably going to insult the average juror. In the end, if they don't address the 31 days, hiding the fact that Caylee wasn't around, lying to LE, partying, tattoo etc sufficiently (which I doubt they can) it's game over. There isn't any compelling reason or they would be hollaring it out from the roof-tops to get KC out of jail. moo
I think it might be possible that JB's trying to let the SA know that they might entertain a plea deal. They're trying too hard to get the DP off the table. And I think the defense team got SOMETHING in the last round of discovery that has sunk any any all avenues for their defense strategy. Call it a gut feeling. But this last media blitz was a calculated move.

But if the "dream team" is waiting for a plea deal, I certainly wouldn't hold my breath if I were them. I think the SA wants to take this to trial.

I agree. Interesting that JB blinked, though!
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