S0, is JB looking for a plea deal now

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If she were to take a plea deal (if one was ever offered) then she would not be required to make a confession. Unless it was a condition of the plea deal. In my opinion, no way would KC take a plea deal where she had to admit out loud what she did to Caylee. No way ...

By the same token, I cannot imagine the SA offering any plea deal that did not include the condition requiring full disclosure. No way...

I'm going off to search for older plea deal threads. I think there was even a poll way back when.
Last thought....but it just occurred to me....

Do you think it is possible that THIS is what TP was alluding to with the "big news"???

TP said it wasn't about KC. It was about someone else.
I think it might be possible that JB's trying to let the SA know that they might entertain a plea deal. They're trying too hard to get the DP off the table. And I think the defense team got SOMETHING in the last round of discovery that has sunk any any all avenues for their defense strategy. Call it a gut feeling. But this last media blitz was a calculated move.

But if the "dream team" is waiting for a plea deal, I certainly wouldn't hold my breath if I were them. I think the SA wants to take this to trial.

I can certainly understand the SA wanting to take this to trial and win big. What I would like to know from those legal out here is if a plea is entertained by the SA and it includes everything the SA wants in return for LWOP does the state have to consider the expense it will cost to go to trial over getting the plea that will answer all questions for them?

Did I explain myself?
As a tax paying resident of Florida... I would rather this go to trial if it mean't the plea only gave her 15 years. LWOP, I would deal with, if it came to a plea... nothing less.
At the end of the Geraldo video, Geraldo asks him point blank why not go for a plea deal? He makes it pretty clear that his client doesn't want one. I'm no fan of Baez, but to borrow a phrase from JB his "hands are literally tied" when making a plea bargain decision because his client still thinks that she has a mystical ability to lie about anything and the public will buy it. Sadly for her, the only ones even willing to "try" to play that game are her parents. If I were her lawyer, Iwould do my best to scare the crap out of her to get her to plea. As JB says at the end of the video, she is the one that is going to do the time, it's her life. Telling words...
The plea ship sailed a LONG, LONG time ago. No way in hell is one going to be offered. The state KNOWS that the perp viciously murdered her own sweet little daughter. They know she tossed her little body out like it rubbish. They know she waltzed in and out of the A home (while G&C were out) without a care in the world, all the while KNOWING that her baby was rotting away just around the corner. They have rock solid proof that she partied, tattoed, and slept her way around orlando while Caylee was wrapped up in duct tape and garbage bags in a swamp.

The state will NEVER accept nor offer "accident" as a valid explaination of this evidence.

JB may be trying to pave the way for it but its not going to happen. Ever.

JMHO of course :)
IIRC. Last we heard CA was pi$$ed that KC wasn't getting communications from them and JB was indicating he wasn't covertly carrying any. CA was going to go direct.

There may be two faces here, one where CA supports the Defense strategy and partners with them; the other more realistic reality that KC is guilty, CA does NOT trust JB and, wants to at least save KC from DP.

Finally, AL had publicly stated that the A's should be allowed to visit KC in jail but we never heard anything more about that. Was that just talk?

They have always been allowed to visit the jail- it is Casey who refuses to see them:behindbar,,
Baez has his hands tied here. He knows that his client is guilty. In my opinion, he tried to get KC to agree to a plea deal long, long ago. But KC said no way, I'm innocent. As her attorney, he can do nothing more that regurgitate (sp?) what his client says. As you can see, he has difficulty doing that with conviction.

Now that Caylee has been found, poor baby, Baez knows he doesn't stand a chance in court. The best he can hope for is that he can convince a jury not to fry her. Until KC realizes that though, I don't think there is a chance in you know where, that a plea deal, if offered, would be accepted. Not gonna happen.



I'll go you one better-- not gonna be offered!
I can certainly understand the SA wanting to take this to trial and win big. What I would like to know from those legal out here is if a plea is entertained by the SA and it includes everything the SA wants in return for LWOP does the state have to consider the expense it will cost to go to trial over getting the plea that will answer all questions for them?

Did I explain myself?

I would think that IF Casey were to take a plea... even LWOP she would have to give some explanation of what happened? Would it be the truth? I doubt it.

I really don't think we will ever know the whole truth... but, Casey behind bars for the crime she has commited and never being able to bring harm to another child she may have... is good enough for me.

If this does go to trial... she won't talk. If this doesn't go to trial... she may talk... but, we will never know the full truth. IMO
Here are a few of the old Plea threads, including the one with the poll. Interesting to see how people's thoughts have changed, and how many have remained the same:

Will KC Plea In Light Of GA's Suicide Attempt

Poll: Do you think Casey will go to trial or plea out?
(circa Dec. 15, 2008 just before Caylee was positively IDed)

IF KC Were to Plea - Reactions/Ramifications?

(LOL CyberBorg - you're opinion hasn't changed a wit since Dec 07/08 - mine either. Some good reading there.)

Funny you should post those threads.
My opinion of Casey was formed the moment she walked out in handcuffs with the blue hoodie on. She saw the cameras, started to smile, then thought better of it and smirked. She loved the camera on her as she strutted out the door and I'm sitting there thinking ...... she thinks this is amusing and her child is missing ?
I could see exactly what she was made of at that point and I have never wavered.
I hauled this over from an older thread, as it raises another interesting series of questions - which charges would KC plea to? Some or all of them? And how would it impact the sentence?

If there were a plea deal on the violent crimes alleged, or some form of lesser included, I doubt that JB would do it as anything but a "complete package deal".
This would include all the economic crimes and pretty much everything she has pending which carries any potential jail time. Part of his job is to "wrap up the cases" so to speak.

Defense counsel's selling a package to the client who wants to know specifically how much time they will be doing, down to a nanosecond.

If felony charges such as the string of check charges, are left out of the deal, that leaves Casey exposed to a ton of on & after time.

Nothing says any cases handled after a plea on the violent crimes would be sentenced as running concurrent with time now being served, if the theft crimes ended in jail time while Casey was serving time for Caylee's death.

Nothing would prevent her being sentenced to many years, with that sentence to be imposed only after the sentence for the violent offenses has been satisfied and served. i.e. time on & after.

Even if that scenario occurred and the time was sentenced as concurrent, that starts the time running concurrent from the day of the subsequent sentencing.
Concurrent time generally does not automatically relate back to the original date of sentencing on the crime which already has the defendant in prison.

Whether or not the second concurrent sentence relates back in time, so as to start from the day the first sentence was imposed, is a separate issue and is not legally guaranteed.

If the economic crimes were not packaged in, Casey would have to be advised that the time to which she was pleading was not necessarily all the time she was going to get.

She could get a fantastic deal on manslaughter, for example, and end up getting more time for the check stuff than for the violent offenses.

I cannot imagine a plea deal which does not include everything would be accepted.

Of course this is a wild case with wild twists and turns so nothing is certain.
Just wanted to offer my humble opinion on whether or not it would be an all or nothing scenario for the defense. :)

FL Stat:
921.16 When sentences to be concurrent and when consecutive.--

(1) A defendant convicted of two or more offenses charged in the same indictment, information, or affidavit or in consolidated indictments, informations, or affidavits shall serve the sentences of imprisonment concurrently unless the court directs that two or more of the sentences be served consecutively. Sentences of imprisonment for offenses not charged in the same indictment, information, or affidavit shall be served consecutively unless the court directs that two or more of the sentences be served concurrently.
Any of you familiar with Law / Florida / plea deal arrangements.

If, as it appears, the accumulation of evidence mounts up to look insurmountable for the defendant, do the attorneys have an obligation to encourage her to take a plea?

What parties are involved in the plea deal? ? SA? Judge? With the defense team & defendant?

What / who determines amount of time ( years) for the plea?

Are there rules / laws about if defendant has to admit what happened or can that be sealed?

Are financial considerations usually a part of the issue?
Ok, now this is just a theory and only a theory. What if KC agrees to a plea that Caylee died in an accident with both KC and CA present and rolls the bus wheels over CA saying CA placed the duct tape over Caylee to make it appear it was a kidnapping? KC telling Judge Strickland that is why she has been afraid of telling the truth.

I entertained this thought too immediately after the "But Sweetheart, I don't know what your involvement is..."
"What do you mean Mom - you don't know what my involvement is?!?!?!" exchange. And in light of CA's behavior throughout this entire case it really isn't out of the question, now is it?

I can only think of one reason someone would defend KC the way CA has and that's if the person doing the defending, knows she herself is either guilty or was involved.:waitasec:
Maybe we are putting the cart before the horse...

maybe JoseBGood is just HOPING KC would entertain a plea to get himself out of this mess he has created???
I saw JB with his good buddy Geraldo last night and I was floored when I heard JB say that a plea deal was not out of the question.
My question is, Hey JB you told us approx 659 times that your licorice lovin' client is innocent.............what could she possibly plea TO?
Any of you familiar with Law / Florida / plea deal arrangements.

If, as it appears, the accumulation of evidence mounts up to look insurmountable for the defendant, do the attorneys have an obligation to encourage her to take a plea?

What parties are involved in the plea deal? ? SA? Judge? With the defense team & defendant?

What / who determines amount of time ( years) for the plea?

Are there rules / laws about if defendant has to admit what happened or can that be sealed?

Are financial considerations usually a part of the issue?

I don't know the laws to cite (they're buried back on old threads), but I can fill in some answers based on the many discussions we had on previous threads about the legal procedures in which the legal eagles gave us a lot of information.

Essentially, the SA sets the amount of time based on reasonable limits already outlined in the Criminal Code. Then it is possible that JB and team will try to negotiate, but the SA does not have to. IIRC, the Judge might have the final sign-off and can decide not to accept a plea, even if both SA & defense agree, although it is rare.

Allocation is not mandatory, but the SE can demand it as part of a plea agreement. Likewise, JB could asked for Casey's statement to be sealed. BUT, majority seemed to believe that the SA would not agree to a sealed statement &/or with FL's sunshine laws, it would likely have to be released.

I don't recall anything in regards to financial considerations, but maybe someone else does.

The only way the public here in Orlando and FL will accept a plea for her instead of a trial is if we find out what happened. The SA is not going to offer a deal without the people of the state of FL knowing what she did.
The only way the public here in Orlando and FL will accept a plea for her instead of a trial is if we find out what happened. The SA is not going to offer a deal without the people of the state of FL knowing what she did.

Do you think she would tell the truth? Unless she has a video of it I won't believe anything out of her mouth, ever. It will always be self serving.
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