S0, is JB looking for a plea deal now

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She's not particularly forgiving of 'whannabe' bloggers like us.

Keeps me up at night, it does. :crazy:

I so don't want to be a "whannabe" blogger. I'm gonna keep practicing until I get it right. I've lost sleep plus it's drove me to drink....:shocked2::drink:
If you take a plea deal, don't you have to say what you did in front of the judge?

I really don't know.I just know CA and she'll never admit it.Kinda like the obviously pregnant KC at her brothers wedding.
I really don't know.I just know CA and she'll never admit it.Kinda like the obviously pregnant KC at her brothers wedding.

I think you are probably correct but nobody other than CA was wanting to kill KC at the wedding for the truth. The State of Florida wants to kill KC for what they think she did to Caylee, once she understands this maybe things wil be more clear for her.
I so don't want to be a "whannabe" blogger. I'm gonna keep practicing until I get it right. I've lost sleep plus it's drove me to drink....:shocked2::drink:

LOL, not buying it Sistah. Since when was an excuse required? :dance:
If you take a plea deal, don't you have to say what you did in front of the judge?

It isn't mandatory according to the old thread discussions, BUT the SA can include it as a condition of the plea agreement, which I suspect they would.
Keep in mind, Casey can plea right up until the case is handed over to the jury for deliberation. What if they take this right down to the wire? Go full on with the trial, then finally plea at the last possible second?

Sobering thought.
Do you mean plead guilty or plea deal? That guy who killed his ex-wife and tried to kill the judge,pled guilty in the middle of the trial!
It isn't mandatory according to the old thread discussions, BUT the SA can include it as a condition of the plea agreement, which I suspect they would.

I would hope they would make it a condition and make it public. The SA has maintained dead silence. Utmost professionalism, if a plea deal were to happen, this would be The States and Caylee's only voice in this whole horrible case.
I think you are probably correct but nobody other than CA was wanting to kill KC at the wedding for the truth. The State of Florida wants to kill KC for what they think she did to Caylee, once she understands this maybe things wil be more clear for her.
Hi Truth,
I meant what JB and family would say if KC pled guilty.In public they would continue to insist she was innocent,but wouldn't get a fair trial. jmo
Do you mean plead guilty or plea deal? That guy who killed his ex-wife and tried to kill the judge,pled guilty in the middle of the trial!

You got that one right! It was the Darren Mack trial. He pled guilty when the prosecution rested their case. He also tried to get his guilty plea reversed, but lost.
Do you mean plead guilty or plea deal? That guy who killed his ex-wife and tried to kill the judge,pled guilty in the middle of the trial!

Hi MissJames!

IIRC, and you might remember this from old threads, too, both apply. KC can change her plea to guilty right up until the case is handed over for deliberation. As well, I *think* the legal eagles taught us way back that changing her plea to guilty could also be part of a 'late breaking' plea deal. Although, I think if the trial was going really well for the State and JB approached that late in the game for a deal, SA would be less inclined to even consider it.

(xo Spud --> new hat)
Hi Truth,
I meant what JB and family would say if KC pled guilty.In public they would continue to insist she was innocent,but wouldn't get a fair trial. jmo

I understood what you posted, my post was not clear. I just meant the stakes were not as high at the wedding as they are right now. At the wedding they were lying about a baby. Right now they are lying and the state wants to kill KC because of what the State thinks she did to Caylee. If they continue to lie KC just might get the DPand may be the first woman in a long time to be put to death in the state of Florida. The sooner her lawyers and family make her realize this, the better.
If that is not any clearer then ya'll are just going to have to start reading my mind.....:crazy:
What I would have given to be a fly on the wall when the prosecutors heard about what JB said on Geraldo...

What I would have given to be a fly on the wall when the prosecutors heard about what JB said on Geraldo...


Oh goodie! We saw their response to the motion to dismiss today. Perhaps we'll soon see something unofficial about the potential for a plea. Maybe KB will jump all over this tomorrow?

*popcorn - get your candy-coated popcorn here*
Keep in mind, Casey can plea right up until the case is handed over to the jury for deliberation. What if they take this right down to the wire? Go full on with the trial, then finally plea at the last possible second?

Sobering thought.

As a Floridian, I would never put a price tag on our judicial system seeking justice for anyone that has been murdered. Yes, it would be a HUGE financial strain on the State of Florida for this case to make it all the way to trial only for it to end with an abrupt plea bargain... but, like I said, there is not price tag on seeking justice for those who have been murdered... especially our most innocent... our children.

I've seen cases that last up to ten years...one just as recently as this year here in Fort Myers, Florida and I waited years for this man to pay for murdering his baby only to finally see it happen. I remember clear as day when that babies body was found. I will also remember the day when her father was finally convicted of her murder.

LWOP is the only plea I would want to see for Casey... anything else is a WASTE... A HUGE WASTE.
Sounds like AL finally got KC to wake up to reality.

As a Florida tax payer, 15 years is not enough for murder. IF it was LWOP, then of course. Since that is most likely what she will get anyway.

The way she acted afterwards, shows that after killing her daughter, she was willing to live her life like killing the baby was nothing,. She has never showed remorse. Only pity for herself. The gaming for the cameras, twisting her butt, etc... That all goes into play. The way she lied to friends and family..

I really don't see her as a person who can be reformed. I'm not a doc or anything.. But seriously???? Sounds like she is the type we want locked up for life anyway. She needs long time, permanent time.
I am starting to wonder if some of this weeks grandstanding by the A's lawyer and the defense team is not specifically targeted at druming up a more favorable plea deal? I still can't think of any other reason for bringing out the FBI docs that chalenge the duct tape match in the media rather than saving it for trial? It seemed stupid at the time, but if it shakes public support or the SA's confidence in his case just enough to offer a plea and take the DP off the table it may actually make sense. Otherwise it is just incompetant grandstanding.
I think you are probably correct but nobody other than CA was wanting to kill KC at the wedding for the truth. The State of Florida wants to kill KC for what they think she did to Caylee, once she understands this maybe things wil be more clear for her.

That would require introspection. Nobody in that fam does that.
I would only hope to see a plea deal...if the truth comes out...otherwise would prefer a trial...where all is proven and this case is put to rest for the sake and justice of baby Caylee.
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