Saddam Likely to Be Hanged Before New Year, U.S. Military Officials Say

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Tom'sGirl said:
Huh, I'm so confuzzed, shish :doh:
Cooper was reading a statement from the Iraqi government and in the statement it said the other two were not hung - only Saddam - for historical reasons - they wanted Saddam to die alone. Also that there were no Americans present and Americans took no part in it whatsoever.

"State-run Iraqiya television news reported that Saddam's half-brother Barzan Ibrahim and Awad Hamed al-Bandar, the former chief justice of the Revolutionary Court, also were hanged. However, three officials said only Saddam was executed.
"We wanted him to be executed on a special day," National Security adviser Mouwafak al-Rubaie told state-run Iraqiyah."

Fox is also now reporting they, the other two, were not hung.
raisincharlie said:
Cooper was reading a statement from the Iraqi government and in the statement it said the other two were not hung - only Saddam - for historical reasons - they wanted Saddam to die alone. Also that there were no Americans present and Americans took no part in it whatsoever.

"State-run Iraqiya television news reported that Saddam's half-brother Barzan Ibrahim and Awad Hamed al-Bandar, the former chief justice of the Revolutionary Court, also were hanged. However, three officials said only Saddam was executed.
"We wanted him to be executed on a special day," National Security adviser Mouwafak al-Rubaie told state-run Iraqiyah."

Fox is also now reporting they, the other two, were not hung.
Goes to show even when an AP alert comes, it may not be factual. I just watched a video on CNN. They said some of the family members of those the pig murdered, or had murdered witnessed the hanging. says he was a broken man... you could see fear in his face.
Tom'sGirl said:
Goes to show even when an AP alert comes, it may not be factual. I just watched a video on CNN. They said some of the family members of those the pig murdered, or had murdered witnessed the hanging.
I think part of the problem is communications are not nearly as sophisticated there as what we are use to here. Things may change again before we know it.
:D And that puts a smile to my face! He fumbled all the way up there but composed himself later on. He was scared and I hope he thought of the fear he brought to thousands of people.

Becba said: says he was a broken man... you could see fear in his face.
These were on Fox news link;

Graphic...please scroll by if you are faint of heart;


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[url=",2933,240057,00.html"]Saddam Hussein Executed


Saddam Hussein is led into the gallows by his executioners and prepared for his hanging.

Former Iraq president hanged in Baghdad for role in killings of 148 Shiite men and young boys 25 years ago | VIDEO

• U.S. Forces Brace For Post-Execution Violence | Iraqi-Americans in Michigan Cheer Saddam’s Execution
• Obituary: Saddam Hussein, 1937-2006 | Brainroom: Saddam's Atrocities | Fast Facts: Saddam Timeline | PHOTOS [/URL]

Nice to see celebrations breaking out in both Iraq and here in the U.S.--many of them I'm sure had relatives who were tortured and murdered by this madman---Saddam apparently showed absolutely no remorse--no surprise there--
Peter Hamilton said:
Nice to see celebrations breaking out in both Iraq and here in the U.S.--many of them I'm sure had relatives who were tortured and murdered by this madman---Saddam apparently showed absolutely no remorse--no surprise there--
Saddam showed no remorse because in his eyes he could do exactly as he wished. I am glad he is gone. I will never forget the pictures of the murdered Kurd children. I see them still and truly believe that saddam was an evil man with no respect for life. Iraq needs to move on and with this despot gone there is hope for the many who have lived in fear of his return to power.
I'm relieved that it is over. The world is a better place without (as my husband calls him) SoDamn Insane.
Good morning all, history in the making.

I clicked all of the links guys and none of them worked for me, gave me 'page not found'.

I have found an OUTSTANDING slide show through, following SH life. Great LARGE sized pictures and you can click on each picture as it comes up to hear an audio.
Follows SH from about 10 years of age to the noose.

His mom was a widow at his age 9. She then married a man who was quite abusive to SH, he ran away from home to live with an uncle who was a school teacher, and SH went to school for the first time then.

Don't miss this SLIDE SHOW, it is a great group of historical pictures and information.

Here is the link for the SLIDE SHOW.
Click on picture of SH holding the rifle.

Since I am an artist with an eye for detail, I have been studying SH facial 'geography'. Listening to radio in the night there was a man saying HE did not believe the man that was hung was really SH.

Here we go again. SH did have a lot of SH 'look a like men' who presented themselves to the masses as 'SH'. Wonder where they all are, and IF they are alive and well today.

I do not have enough pictures to compare, to put in my 2 cents worth yet.

Camper said:
Good morning all, history in the making.

I clicked all of the links guys and none of them worked for me, gave me 'page not found'.

I have found an OUTSTANDING slide show through, following SH life. Great LARGE sized pictures and you can click on each picture as it comes up to hear an audio.
Follows SH from about 10 years of age to the noose.

His mom was a widow at his age 9. She then married a man who was quite abusive to SH, he ran away from home to live with an uncle who was a school teacher, and SH went to school for the first time then.

Don't miss this SLIDE SHOW, it is a great group of historical pictures and information.

Here is the link for the SLIDE SHOW.
Click on picture of SH holding the rifle.

Since I am an artist with an eye for detail, I have been studying SH facial 'geography'. Listening to radio in the night there was a man saying HE did not believe the man that was hung was really SH.

Here we go again. SH did have a lot of SH 'look a like men' who presented themselves to the masses as 'SH'. Wonder where they all are, and IF they are alive and well today.

I do not have enough pictures to compare, to put in my 2 cents worth yet.

And what I didn't know before last night, but found to be interesting is that apparently this uncle was a great fan of Hitler. Hmmm...

And- I sure it won't take long for the conspiracy theorists to come out in full force.
In 1937, when Saddam's mother found out she was pregnant,she was so upset that she decided to get an abortion--but her sister talked her out of it---too bad,huh?--a lot more people would be alive today if she went thru with it
Peter Hamilton said:
In 1937, when Saddam's mother found out she was pregnant,she was so upset that she decided to get an abortion--but her sister talked her out of it---too bad,huh?--a lot more people would be alive today if she went thru with it
That's very interesting. He was unwanted from the beginning, like so many who go on to do terrible things.
czechmate7 said:
It says this media has been removed on both of these links.
Interesting, I just watched them about 10 mins ago.
Originally it said there were so many hits it caused an error. I went back and it was fine. Maybe they took it down to keep the site from crashing.
southcitymom said:
That's very interesting. He was unwanted from the beginning, like so many who go on to do terrible things.

I saw an interview the other day with one of his boyhood friends who now lives in the U.S....he said Saddam was abused by the stepfather. However, I don't see his bad upbringing as an excuse for his crimes. Many people have abusive childhoods but don't turn into monsters. Many people DO, however. I feel sympathy for him for his sad upbringing but I do not excuse his horrendous actions as an adult b/c of it.
englishleigh said:
I saw an interview the other day with one of his boyhood friends who now lives in the U.S....he said Saddam was abused by the stepfather. However, I don't see his bad upbringing as an excuse for his crimes. Many people have abusive childhoods but don't turn into monsters. Many people DO, however. I feel sympathy for him for his sad upbringing but I do not excuse his horrendous actions as an adult b/c of it.
It's always interesting to me that while all adults who are abused and unwanted as children do NOT go on to abuse others, adults who abuse others were (with rare exception) abused as children.

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