Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat 100km NW of Melbourne, 4 Feb 2024 #5

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Good one age we can't say the accused's name but no one said we couldn't say he's the son of an ex AFL player and let people try and work it out themselves. Kinda makes the suppression order pointless. IMO his name shouldn't have been released until after he'd been to court today

You are right, but the media always try to get as much info into the public domain as they can, before court happens and suppression orders and sub judice rain down on them.

I didn't hear intentional, could you show me where that was said?

Deliberate could be classified as doing something and then taking the body/covering up the murder?

Police charge man with murder in relation to Ballarat woman Samantha Murphy | ABC News

  • at 5:28 - into the Live broadcast Chief Commissioner Shane Patton said:
"We are not looking for anyone else. It's not alleged at this stage that there are any accomplices."
  • at 06:07 - into the Live broadcast Chief Commissioner Shane Patton said:
"He has been charged with murder, which by its definition means that it was an intentional act."

EDIT, spelling, oh me oh my achilles.
I wonder if they’ve crossed paths on her run and she’s had a go at him about something “slow down!” “Look out mate!” Could this have been handed in as evidence from someone else?

He’s then lined her up and put the pedal down… a deliberate attack.

Gosh who knows!
It may have been an attack. The search for a car ‘with damage’ might not be related to cause Sam’s death, rather, may be to do with LE wanting info on a damaged car seen in area to corroborate other data (phone, trail cam, cctv) that they already have.
If, as mentioned here via posts of accused’s friend’s father, that he had previous history of wreckless driving etc, his vehicle may be already wearing specific/identifiable damage from the past.
In these sort of cases do the Police look at where the accused went to school (even though he is 22), and where the victim's children went to school? I know when asked at the press conference, when asked if accused may have known Sam, it was answered "I don't have that knowledge, I don't believe that to be the case". How far back do they go?
Now people know he's the murderer friends and acquaintances might start piecing together things he did that didn't seem suspicious at the time but with hindsight might seem important and worth mentioning to police.

This is a great way to generate more evidence IMO
I think there will be a few people in Scottsburn, probably young girls , who will come forward with some chilling tales of 'incidents' with this young man that were so hideous and so outrageous they could never speak of it before. Maybe even a few young men, as well.
Mr Tamanika said releasing the name could cause prejudice to his client, who had been suffering from poor mental health since he was arrested.
The defence lawyer asked for suppression order on above grounds.
OH! So, his mental health was ok *after* the alleged murder & *before* he was arrested!
Excellent news!
Thanks for the info DL Mr Tamanika.
Moving right along.....

In these sort of cases do the Police look at where the accused went to school (even though he is 22), and where the victim's children went to school? I know when asked at the press conference, when asked if accused may have known Sam, it was answered "I don't have that knowledge, I don't believe that to be the case". How far back do they go?
And sometimes people have ongoing links with their schools. Go back to coach sports for example. No idea if that was the case here.
I wonder where he put Samantha's phone?.. he obviously had enough smarts to steal it from her dead body, ( did she have a watch? earrings? ) so he has stashed that somewhere. .

Yes, Commissioner Patton didn't say that they hadn't found Sam's phone or watch or other evidence. I wonder if that is what the search warrants were about yesterday, where they searched "residences in the area of where the accused lives" (not exact words)

And I wonder if they have found them. Does anyone recall this being asked about in the presser? I might have missed it.

Difficult to believe he could work himself up to such a rage with a stranger. At 22, he has hardly experienced much in the way of such deep seated fury. Then again, it's just as likely he saw her as weak, a woman, someone who would not fight back, or could not do much damage to him , a perfect target, in that respect. Maybe he is a born psychopath, ( which I suspect ) and none of this matters, he merely wished to kill, today is the day. That's it.
You might be right. 22 is young it seems to harbour such rage unless there's something in his make-up. Most definitely there are some oddities in the world. I've had to deal with harassing calls from a very menacing individual who kept calling repeatedly despite my polite refusals. A complete stranger. We never met or had any other contact. From the very first call, he was off..I got evil vibes from him (I don't know how else to explain it). I went with my instincts and tried to terminate contact at the first instance. I stupidly wasn't cautious about giving out my number when I was younger.
Exactly right, no sympathy with the killer at all. And the “poor mental health” card is so overused. What about the mental health of Sam’s family and friends for goodness sakes!! You do the crime, you live with the full consequences IMO
Especially when his lawyer already had told the court he had no mental health issues … but he may develop them from being charged with murder!

the lawyer earlier told the court the man, who is in custody for the first time, had no mental health or drug issues.

“As you can imagine there’s significant seriousness to the allegation and some risk of self-harm,” his lawyer told the Ballarat Magistrates’ Court.

The lawyer also raised concerns about prejudice to the administration of justice, and the safety of the accused “where he may have significant mental health challenges that arise from being charged with murder”.

Sadly, for the victims …. it always pays to get a good lawyer…

This Lawyer doesn’t have Murder on his portfolio as yet ….

Paywalled for some
Yes, Commissioner Patton didn't say that they hadn't found Sam's phone or watch or other evidence. I wonder if that is what the search warrants were about yesterday, where they searched "residences in the area of where the accused lives" (not exact words)

And I wonder if they have found them. Does anyone recall this being asked about in the presser? I might have missed it.

I don't think it was mentioned. I am presuming he took them from Samantha, being tech savvy as much as the next kid, he probably thought he could finangle the phone somehow. and maybe he did exactly that, ... if it was dropped it would have been found at Mt Clear. So he took it. Thief as well as murderer.
Lawyer advised it’s the male’s first time in custody, so you can rule out the connection to those other cases in Melbourne.

We will get leaks etc over the coming months from the local community. We should know a lot more before it hits court, but will be slow with pieces coming out over time.

I guess the big question from many, is why. I’d expect some details to come out from others as mentioned above which might help us paint the ‘why’.
I think there will be a few people in Scottsburn, probably young girls , who will come forward with some chilling tales of 'incidents' with this young man that were so hideous and so outrageous they could never speak of it before. Maybe even a few young men, as well.
As a teacher myself, I can tell you that when details of criminal charges or other questionable behaviour regarding our ex-students arises, it is never a genuine surprise to us!
The man who is 22 years old and from Scotsburn, just South of Ballarat is believed to have been in attendance of the music festival near Mount Clear on the day Samantha went missing.

I think it's important to point out the suppression order is only temp, Most are approved initially and later lifted. They are a quick way for lawyers to try and slow down the flow of information until they can control the narrative better

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