Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #15

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There was a more recent photo of RM posted on the Fox news article, it said 2009, than the previous one I captured from local video back in August, so I updated my comparison of the composite sketch from the April 2009 attempted assaults in same area. I think it is better because the newer photo shows his 'hairline' better.

View attachment 21892

I don't think they resemble each other.
I don't think they resemble each other.

Other than a slight difference in the hairline, an obvious difference in the ears, a difference in the length of the noses, and the size of the mouth, the eyes are similar. :moo:

I don't think it looks JUST like him but the basics are there and no major contrasts, glasses, mustache, squinty eyes...enough so that I would hope LE would at least show those attempted victims his photo in a lineup and see what comes of it. Unfortunately I don't have faith MBPD has done that - they're too busy chasing down and arresting those hardened criminals, the pizza flyer distributors in hotel parking lots.

Sorry to sound down on MBPD. I do have faith in SLED though.
I just read in the paper yesterday morning about the tree planting. My family and I were in MB on Saturday but didn't know about it or I certainly would have attended. Best wishes to Brittanee's family. We are sure thinking about you and Brittanee. The plaque is beautiful.
(Thank you SeaNymph for posting about the tree planting. Wish I'd read here before going up to MB. :) )
now I'm seeing that some of the rest of you guys had posted about the upcoming tree planting too, thank you guys. And for all the other info and links.
So is the timeline, please correct me:

Apr 23 (?) Brittannee goes to MB by car with (how many?) girls from Rochester NY. These are more acquaintances than friends. Brittanee's boyfriend, who is older (they've been dating since she was 15, she is now 17) does not go on this trip due to work but states in interviews that he had urged her to go on the trip and have fun. He stays in contact with her by frequent texts while she is there. (Did police examine all his/her phone records, texts, pings, etc, and have these ever been released?) Brittanee's father had told her she couldn't go on this trip and her mother states she thought Brittanee was staying with a friend in town and also didn't know Brittanee had left town.

Brittanee and the girls stay at the Bar Harbour Hotel on Ocean Blvd. They run into other acquaintances in MB, including PB and his friends. At one point Brittanee goes to a teenage boy she doesn't know for help because some guys in a club are yelling at her (?), this is the young man who filmed her sitting in his hotel room where he was staying with his parents. When he saw TV coverage of the disappearance, he turned this film over to police.

Brittanee's boyfriend says that she had been telling him in texts that MB was beautiful but the girls she was staying with were partying heavily and using drugs and she's kind of lonely and on her own. He stated in interviews he urged her to try to enjoy her last days in MB and see you when you get back.

Brittanee goes to the Blue Water Hotel on the evening of April 25 to visit with the guys/acquaintances there, PB and 4 other guys (in what room number?) While there Britt receives a call or text from one of the girls at the Bar Harbour hotel asking her to bring back shorts that she borrowed.

9pm Brittanee is seen on Blue Water Hotel's surveillance video exiting the building. (Wasn't there also street camera video of her walking along the street texting?) Brittanee's phone pings head southward down Hwy 17 thru Surfside and on down, with last pings near a pier on the S. Santee River south of Georgetown (at what time, 2am?). This is about a 45 min drive from Myrtle Beach right? When did the pings start travelling southward?

Brittannee does not appear on Bar Harbor Hotel video entering the hotel (?). (Or was there any video from the Bar Harbour, was this just the statement of the girls that Brittanee didn't return?) (Were there any further phone texts or pings in her phone records showing that any of the girls had continued to call wondering where she was or were there no more calls from them when she didn't arrive with the shorts.)

The Blue Water group of acquaintances, PB and 4 others, left at 2am that night and returned to Rochester. (Did we hear that this was because someone's parents advised them to return immediately?) They left in such a hurry one of them left a swimsuit in the room. (I agree it's unusual they left at 2am. When in Myrtle Beach, especially when you're a young person, seems like ordinarily you'd be leaving at the last possible minute and dragging yourself out of bed in the late mornings, imo, rather than packing and driving out at 2am.) PB retains a lawyer (before or after being contacted by police?) The other 4 guys were not questioned by police?

I read someone posting somewhere that the girls at the Bar Harbour hotel moved to another hotel the evening of the 25th or the next day. Is that true? If so, what was Brittanee supposed to do when she got back to the hotel and they had checked out, and what did they do with her things, take her things with them? Were there calls/texts from them to her in the phone records during this time frame notifying her where they were going, asking where she was, etc?

Then the girls returned to Rochester when? Did they call Brittanee's mother or father and when? Did they call police and when?

April 26 3:21 in the afternoon: Raymond Moody gets a speeding ticket in north Surfside just off Ocean Blvd (which is just a few miles south of the Myrtle Beach stretch of Ocean Blvd where Brittanee was last seen.) Prior to this a woman identifying herself as Moody's girlfriend had stated she was with Moody and that they hadn't been anywhere near Myrtle Beach around the timeframe of Apr 25.

Police take forensics from Moody's motel room at the Sunset Lodge, Georgetown, in 2011.
So is the timeline, please correct me:

Apr 23 (?) Brittannee goes to MB by car with (how many?) girls from Rochester NY. These are more acquaintances than friends. Brittanee's boyfriend, who is older (they've been dating since she was 15, she is now 17) does not go on this trip due to work but states in interviews that he had urged her to go on the trip and have fun. He stays in contact with her by frequent texts while she is there. (Did police examine all his/her phone records, texts, pings, etc, and have these ever been released?) Brittanee's father had told her she couldn't go on this trip and her mother states she thought Brittanee was staying with a friend in town and also didn't know Brittanee had left town.

Brittanee and the girls stay at the Bar Harbour Hotel on Ocean Blvd. They run into other acquaintances in MB, including PB and his friends. At one point Brittanee goes to a teenage boy she doesn't know for help because some guys in a club are yelling at her (?), this is the young man who filmed her sitting in his hotel room where he was staying with his parents. When he saw TV coverage of the disappearance, he turned this film over to police.

Brittanee's boyfriend says that she had been telling him in texts that MB was beautiful but the girls she was staying with were partying heavily and using drugs and she's kind of lonely and on her own. He stated in interviews he urged her to try to enjoy her last days in MB and see you when you get back.

Brittanee goes to the Blue Water Hotel on the evening of April 25 to visit with the guys/acquaintances there, PB and 4 other guys (in what room number?) While there Britt receives a call or text from one of the girls at the Bar Harbour hotel asking her to bring back shorts that she borrowed.

9pm Brittanee is seen on Blue Water Hotel's surveillance video exiting the building. (Wasn't there also street camera video of her walking along the street texting?) Brittanee's phone pings head southward down Hwy 17 thru Surfside and on down, with last pings near a pier on the S. Santee River south of Georgetown (at what time, 2am?). This is about a 45 min drive from Myrtle Beach right? When did the pings start travelling southward?

Brittannee does not appear on Bar Harbor Hotel video entering the hotel (?). (Or was there any video from the Bar Harbour, was this just the statement of the girls that Brittanee didn't return?) (Were there any further phone texts or pings in her phone records showing that any of the girls had continued to call wondering where she was or were there no more calls from them when she didn't arrive with the shorts.)

The Blue Water group of acquaintances, PB and 4 others, left at 2am that night and returned to Rochester. (Did we hear that this was because someone's parents advised them to return immediately?) They left in such a hurry one of them left a swimsuit in the room. (I agree it's unusual they left at 2am. When in Myrtle Beach, especially when you're a young person, seems like ordinarily you'd be leaving at the last possible minute and dragging yourself out of bed in the late mornings, imo, rather than packing and driving out at 2am.) PB retains a lawyer (before or after being contacted by police?) The other 4 guys were not questioned by police?

I read someone posting somewhere that the girls at the Bar Harbour hotel moved to another hotel the evening of the 25th or the next day. Is that true? If so, what was Brittanee supposed to do when she got back to the hotel and they had checked out, and what did they do with her things, take her things with them? Were there calls/texts from them to her in the phone records during this time frame notifying her where they were going, asking where she was, etc?

Then the girls returned to Rochester when? Did they call Brittanee's mother or father and when? Did they call police and when?

April 26 3:21 in the afternoon: Raymond Moody gets a speeding ticket in north Surfside just off Ocean Blvd (which is just a few miles south of the Myrtle Beach stretch of Ocean Blvd where Brittanee was last seen.) Prior to this a woman identifying herself as Moody's girlfriend had stated she was with Moody and that they hadn't been anywhere near Myrtle Beach around the timeframe of Apr 25.

Police take forensics from Moody's motel room at the Sunset Lodge, Georgetown, in 2011.

I believe majority of this is overall correct! Concerning the times/pings of the phone as it was heading south towards Georgetown, I'm not sure if that's been released. I recall seeing a time stamp on the BW resort surveillance of like 8:46 or something? I don't believe the BH hotel has surveillance- a few years back, my fiancee & I stayed at it's sister hotel, and it is a complete dump! I couldn't see them taking the time to invest in something as important as that.

I also recall reading that the girls she traveled with did indeed switch hotels. (correct me if I'm wrong-), I believe I heard that the girls had switched hotels WHILE knowing Brittanee was missing.. Which made them look even more suspicious, which is most likely why they all lawyer-ed up as soon as they set foot in Rochester. Because that was going to be law enforcement's first question: What if Brittanee had actually returned, and no one was there waiting on her? I believe I heard that all of her items were still there (clothes, etc.), that the "friends" had just left it behind.. which is also another thing most people didn't understand.
I THINK when they switched hotels, it was the night Brittanee disappeared (4/25).. not sure how late it was, or what time it was just in general.. And I'm not positive that at that point they knew for a fact she hadn't returned from her visit with PB. However, if the timeline released is infact correct, the girls would have just HAD to known she was missing. According to the BF, before he even notified Brittanee's mom that she was missing, he had already been on the phone with the group of people she traveled down with, just to ensure that he wasn't going to get Brittanee in trouble if she had just not been picking up her phone or not.
I don't care how bad they were arguing with Brittanee, or how much drugs/alcohol they had in their system, leaving her things behind and not knowing for sure if something was wrong with her, or if something had happened, is completely unacceptable. They were older than her, and more "mature", they should have handled the situation appropriately.

I trust LE when they continuously explain to us that none of those girls, nor PB and his friends are considered suspects... but their stories are just so bizarre... I haven't heard anything like it!

Also, somewhat OT- I understand that Brittanee was seen clearly leaving the BW resort lobby to return to her own hotel. Is there any chance that the BW resort has a back side entrance/exit? Again, I know PB has never been named as a suspect, or even a POI.. but, if there is an exit somewhere around the back of the hotel (without surveillance, obviously), they could have went out that way. What if someone AT the BW resort saw Brittanee, and went around to exit around the back side somewhere, walked back around outside to the front, and abducted her? I've never heard LE address any kind of theory like that, so I'm not sure if it's even a logical question to be asking.
Also, I'd like to add a few more points to this:

PB is a good bit older than Brittanee, at least 3-4 years. If she was 17, and he was 20-21, why was he on Spring Break with a bunch of high schoolers? Here in Georgia, the college Spring Breaks and High School Spring Breaks are at least 3-4 weeks apart from each other. College is normally the last week of March, first week of April, and high school is typically the 3rd or last week of April. If the guys he was with were high schoolers, then I could see him making the trip with them- if not, why would they travel THAT far just to hang out with a bunch of kids who are way younger?

The kids he traveled with also changed their stories a few times, IIRC. If these boys were the same age as PB, why would any of their mothers be harassing them to come home early?! They would have left the next afternoon anyway! & I know that their families have money and what not, but who just leaves a $100 deposit behind?

& the guy that made the video of Brittanee in his hotel, what is he like? I know he's never been named as a POI or suspect, but I've just never heard much about him
I'm sure most of you feel the same, but even though that most likely there isn't anything new to report on Britt's case, I have to check the thread at least once a day. Whether I post anything, or even click "thanks" or not. She's become such a part of my life.

One day we'll find you Britt and bring you home. I promise.
but who just leaves a $100 deposit behind?

someone who has a ton of other money and doesn't care about $100?

anyways.. just posted on facebook:
"If any one that went down to myrtle with britt drexel knows any more information on britt being at club kryptinight with 2 ppl from rochester were gettong close from my understanding 2 ppl not saying named yet lured britt to a boat at the marina were getting close i need every pc of information and or pictures from that night at the club — with Dawn Drexel.
Like · · 11:04am (19 minutes ago) near Fairport, NY · "
Yea, probably not. It must not be a public page because I looked at some of the facebook pages for Britt yesterday after you posted that and couldn't find that comment.
Many of the hotels/motels on the beachfront have garages underneath them and multiple entrances thru the garages and the backs of the hotels etc, but I'm not sure about the Blue Water.

I was just watching the ID program on the case again. Sorry for my errors. The street video showing her walking along texting was on her way to the Blue Water, arriving there around 8:15. She exited the Blue Water (lobby door/front) at about 8:45, was texting with boyfriend saying she was hating it down there and wanting to come home, her last text or call to him was 8:58. It sounds like they know from pings she was headed northward to begin with but she never appeared on the street camera again so didn't get that far. There must have been a flurry of calls and texts from him to her phone then to her friends (?) then to her mom at 9:15 ish. It sounds like they got her cell records of course but no mention of them getting anyone else's cell records to verify their whereabouts. Hopefully they did get those.
Did they say her phone started heading southward from MB at 9:27 or that her calls pinged in Surfside at 9:27 ? the ID Discovery program made it sound like the phone travelled rapidly, last ping at the South Santee River /Pole Yard Boat Landing area, but I'm not clear from what I've seen and read if her pings show her in Surfside for any period of time or if the entire trip southward from MB all the way to the North Santee River was just a rapid drive. It's supposedly like 50 miles from MB to the place where the phone last pinged and last ping was 3 hrs later, right? if the phone was travelling fast down the highway I'm not clear where the extra time was, in MB before the pings head south or was there a rapid drive to Surfside, phone remains there for a period, then rapid drive southward again to where the final ping was.
Correcting myself again: The young man she asked for help in a club, the Inv Disc program said he was a college student from the midwest, no mention of his being there with parents, and he walked her to her hotel and filmed her there, it was 11:45pm April 24, the evening before the disappearance. And the PB group left at 2am on the 25th, leaving various items of their clothing (not just one swimsuit) and without claiming their deposit. I hope I've corrected all my errors. :)
I think the Investigation Discovery coverage said that she and the girls had stayed at 2 different hotels. I wonder if the girls did move again or what. Thank you guys for your posts.
I hope people do come forward with any pictures from club kryptonite then from that evening. Where is the club in relation to the Blue Water? Wonder if the marina has cameras? or other cameras anywhere in between these places.
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