Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #18

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I came here to post this EXACT same wording and link! ;)

That definition lends even more credence to the idea that the arrest is related.

(PS. FWIW---I sent my LEO friend a screenshot of the inmate in custody and the charges listed. He said he would ask his MB guy about it, and this morning he responded saying he would only say "the FBI is putting heat on them.")

Another familiar name arrested the next day DM. Keep-on, Keeping it on!

I have no idea...awaiting more details! Sounds like they're still trying to gather evidence?

Maybe an informant? Someone who was there that will testify for the prosecution?

I agree and maybe they have someone(s) willing to testify for the prosecution, but this person(s) may not (for whatever reason) may not be perceived to be credible so they want more? It could be many, many reasons that we don't know, but it does sound like LE knows a whole lot & are going after getting to the truth. I really think they are going to do it and it's much bigger than the public thinks IMO.
I agree and maybe they have someone(s) willing to testify for the prosecution, but this person(s) may not (for whatever reason) may not be perceived to be credible so they want more? It could be many, many reasons that we don't know, but it does sound like LE knows a whole lot & are going after getting to the truth. I really think they are going to do it and it's much bigger than the public thinks IMO.

How are you all finding these names. [emoji20]

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A lot of information that has been found out was said to have been by getting undercovers to talk to people in town in plain clothes, like they were locals.
the locals know who the locals are, lol.

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Been busy for a couple hours but Britt was never far from my mind.

I think both TDT and JRT both have a resemblance and I guess that makes since seeing as far as I can tell they are brothers.

But you know who it does sound like the description might match? RKT.

Thanks for keeping an eye on things. This girl has similar facial features as Brittanee, but I don't think it's her based on the fact that he refers to a Sabrina.

No, different last name. You can be booking date 7/13/2016 and find him.

You're right -- it could very well be unrelated. FBI and federal charges are applied to other cases as well. I just think it's coincidental they were brought in on the same day. I was looking at others because I don't think for half a second this guy is in on it alone. I was hoping they brought down more than one at the same time.

I can't find anything either. They clearly are not reporting on it and probably for good reason. The timing is very interesting seeing as he was arrested on the 13th and then that night a news reporter aired a special saying suspect had been identified.

TDT was arrested in January 2016 for marijuana possession and domestic violence. I googled him. It looks like he has been arrested a few times.
Wow, after reading more about direct indictment, I must say I'm really wondering if this arrest is related to Britt. Hoping we get some updates soon.
I wonder if they added those cameras because of Brittanee and the other young lady that was almost kidnapped?

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I had the same thought. Whether they did it in direct response to these instances or not, I hope they prevent further attempts. I wonder how far the cameras can see and with what quality.

I came here to post this EXACT same wording and link! ;)

That definition lends even more credence to the idea that the arrest is related.

(PS. FWIW---I sent my LEO friend a screenshot of the inmate in custody and the charges listed. He said he would ask his MB guy about it, and this morning he responded saying he would only say "the FBI is putting heat on them.")

I wonder how much MBPD would know given they aren't involved much anymore. Per the press conference, the current investigating agencies are Charleston County, Berkeley County, and the FBI. For whatever reason Georgetown County wasn't even represented there and we're not 100% sure on the reason. IMO they should have been seeing as that is one of the places B was said to have been held. Anyhow, when he says they are putting the heat on them, I wonder if that means they are simply looking at TDT as someone who has information not necessarily involved IYKWIM.

(This is so Holly Boboish, already mentioned I know...).


margarita, I followed Holly's case for the first few months but came back to B's case before Holly's remains were found and there were arrests made. If you don't mind, what are the similarities you see between the two cases?

A lot of information that has been found out was said to have been by getting undercovers to talk to people in town in plain clothes, like they were locals.

Is this fact or rumor?

Another familiar name arrested the next day DM. Keep-on, Keeping it on!


I saw that and wondered if there was a connection. There are so many last names in the area that it's hard to keep track of who knows who! FWIW, there's actually a young Rivers locked up too with murder charges. I couldn't help but wonder if any relation to HR (arrested in SM case).

How are you all finding these names. [emoji20]

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What I've been doing is browsing Facebook pages of locals who either have connections to previous-named POSs or have mentioned B's case. I then use those names and search to see if they have been taken in recently and what their charges are.

TDT was arrested in January 2016 for marijuana possession and domestic violence. I googled him. It looks like he has been arrested a few times.

<sarcasm>Seems like the entire family are model citizens, Kmiller. I really don't know what you're talking about.</sarcasm>

Wow, after reading more about direct indictment, I must say I'm really wondering if this arrest is related to Britt. Hoping we get some updates soon.

If we were betting on this I would bet that it is.
Iam really confused ..I listend to the press conference last night . How can they say for sure she is dead they havnt found a body or anything like that .Or have they ? . And I did not understand well one how do they know she was held and kept that long and took to different places .In the one town it sounded like they were saying they held her captive yet she was seen around town did they let her go out n do stuff but stayed right beside her and if thats the case why didnt someone in town call the cops i just dont understand how they know so much yet cant make an arrest . Can someone fill me in on how this all came about cause last i remember is that we all new what the cell phoned pinged but only just that she was still missing .so confused

CanManEh, I'm not sure when the last time you stopped in was since you say the last you knew was that the cell phone pinged. Are you familiar with SM (a woman abducted and murdered), her body found in the Francis Marion National Forest, and her car found burned in the woods near McClellanville? 5 men were arrest in her case and then let go citing lack of evidence. Despite the dismissed charges, they did have a confession that she had been raped and shot. It later came out at that the attorney representing at least one of the men in that case was caught up in the drug world.

Are you familiar with the attempted abduction in July 2010 along Ocean Boulevard in MB? It happened in the exact spot Brittanee is thought to have been snatched. The victim was able to get away by elbowing the guy in the face and she was able to recall his appearance and a sketch was released. After that, LE presented her with a photo lineup and she ID'd TST who is the brother of one of the men arrests in SM's murder. TST was later named a POI in Brittanee's case. Later, DD stated she had heard TST's name before (i.e. LE had been looking at him for a while).

All of that said, it seems LE knows which group of people they are looking at. There are A LOT of people in this area connected to the T brothers and their sons. The younger of TST's sons was arrested on attempted murder charges a few years ago and has been incarcerated ever since.

LE stated early on that they did not believe Brittanee was alive. I've been able to retrieve articles from as early as late 2009 where they mentioned that based on all evidence they had collected they considered B's case a homicide investigation. It wasn't until June 8, 2016 presser that they stated they knew B was held against her will for at least several days before she was murdered. No one knows for sure how they know that information but it has been speculated that there is someone in jail who is trying to make a deal (this is the theory I subscribe to). There are others who have thought outside the box that perhaps they have obtained photographic or video evidence placing Brittanee in the company of these guys after April 25, 2009. I say "these guys" because LE has stated that have 3-4 POSs, all of whom "know and understand" what happened to Brittanee. They've also stated that they all lived in/around the McClellanville community in 2009 and continue to do so.

CD did a radio show after the presser and said they B was held until the following Wednesday and that's when she was killed.

This is awful but what I have seen online is they found brain matter that matched her Dna in a barn. Another source said her body was fed to the gators. Disgusting people who need to pay for what they did.

This information is based on MSM news article comments and Facebook comments. Since it is considered rumor unfortunately it is against TOS to discuss it. This is what got some of our comments removed in the past. Needless to say, there are several local rumors. We did have an unverified poster post early on that local rumor was they had found B's remains in a barn near McClellanvile. This clearly has turned out to be false however it is very intriguing combined with the other rumor mentioned above. It almost seems like they found something there and have been keeping that info under wraps.

when i search i like to use BING because everyone uses google and bing will get the most up to date stories anyways this is what i just found on bring britanny home..

Suspects identified in Brittanee Drexel disappearance
FBI: Missing teen was killed in McClellanville area
Missing Teen’s Death Now Officially a Homicide
Brittanee Drexel Held For Five Days Against Her Will Before Murder
FBI offers reward in ’09 case of NY girl likely killed in SC

If they know as they do say that she was killed in mcClenanville how do they know that it has to be 1 of 2 things either they got a search warrant and found something or someone has come forword and i do not understand why they are wasting time those 2 things are the only way they could know she was killed there so why no arrest eye witness is pretty dam good reason to arrest these scum bags and the evidence they clearly have to know she was killed there so arrest these people the longer they wait the more time these people have to say the hell with it before they get me and light there house or barn on fire then u get no evidence and have to rely on just one eye witness if they do have one that is ,,something does not make sence to me ..if they have what they say they do then its time to arrest these people before they do what i suggested and they walk ...If your looking for some different updates i suggest doing your search on BING i find it way better......

BBM. I don't think they have to have a warrant to search public property and AFAIK, the local national forest is public. This is where SM was found and quite possibly where B is at too.

No one understands why they are taking so long, but I think it is because they are dealing with something much larger than any of us can imagine. These are bad people and, IMO, their connections stretch far and wide. They have done things like this before and had their charges dismissed. I hope they take as long as they need to get their ducks in a row so that these guys do not get off again! But I hope they do it before another girl is taken.

It's funny that you mention they might light their house or barn on fire.

I agree and maybe they have someone(s) willing to testify for the prosecution, but this person(s) may not (for whatever reason) may not be perceived to be credible so they want more? It could be many, many reasons that we don't know, but it does sound like LE knows a whole lot & are going after getting to the truth. I really think they are going to do it and it's much bigger than the public thinks IMO.

I think what you say has a good chance at being true except I wonder about the part where you say they are not perceived as credible. Perhaps they are credible however word-of-mouth is not enough to hold up in court? It can't be one guys words against everyone else's. IMO it sounds like they believe what they're being told to be true and, IMO, I think that's because they are able to back his story up with physical evidence. Hypothetical scenario: informant says, "she was held her captive in this particular vacant barn," so LE searches barn and finds DNA evidence that B was there. This would be enough for me to believe that story. But maybe that person doesn't know WHO held her...just that she was there. Or maybe that person says he knows B was killed in this abandoned warehouse and LE goes there and finds evidence of a crime scene (but no body). It seems like informant knows inside information but perhaps LE cannot make an arrest because either a.) informant doesn't know who it was or b.) informant is not disclosing that info or c.) informant has disclosed info but LE is looking for another connection so as to protect informant.
FWIW - the Francis Marion National Forest is huge. Highway 17, the main highway from Myrtle Beach to Charleston, runs directly through it. Other state roads run through it also, dividing it into many different areas. There are actually homes in some areas of the forest.

McClellanville has some absolutely beautiful historical plantation homes. Just like a lot of small southern towns, it is divided economically. So it isn't one small town where everybody knows everybody. There are million dollar summer homes, with substantially less less than a mile away. Unfortunately, the area relating to this case runs along the highway and a few roads back.

Such a shame that this breathtaking little historic town will be tarnished by the acts of a group/family/gang of degenerates.
It has become clear to me through recent Facebook searches that people being afraid to come forward isn't the only reasons we might be dealing with here. Several of these incredibly evil guys present themselves as being holy and religious. Many of them are married and/or have children. The following is complete speculation:

If the wives/girlfriends of these individuals have info that could be helpful to LE I feel that have talked themselves out of believing it could be related. They truly do not believe that their God-fearing husband could be capable of something like this. I'm betting that these guys are playing the victim. They are probably telling their wives about how they've been "wrongly accused" of crimes like this in the past (which is why charges were dismissed) and that is probably why they're being questioned again.

There are others in the community who know what happened and are very much part of the "no snitchin' culture." They may not be afraid to come forward as much as they don't want the reputation of being a snake among their friends.

I very much believe that most of these people are caught up in dealing and using drugs which is probably how they get a lot of their money. Other ways they get their money is probably from side jobs like this: <-thanks to the sleuth who sent me this link
Lllndsay, you're on point (IMO)

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It has become clear to me through recent Facebook searches that people being afraid to come forward isn't the only reasons we might be dealing with here. Several of these incredibly evil guys present themselves as being holy and religious. Many of them are married and/or have children. The following is complete speculation:

If the wives/girlfriends of these individuals have info that could be helpful to LE I feel that have talked themselves out of believing it could be related. They truly do not believe that their God-fearing husband could be capable of something like this. I'm betting that these guys are playing the victim. They are probably telling their wives about how they've been "wrongly accused" of crimes like this in the past (which is why charges were dismissed) and that is probably why they're being questioned again.

There are others in the community who know what happened and are very much part of the "no snitchin' culture." They may not be afraid to come forward as much as they don't want the reputation of being a snake among their friends.

I very much believe that most of these people are caught up in dealing and using drugs which is probably how they get a lot of their money. Other ways they get their money is probably from side jobs like this: <-thanks to the sleuth who sent me this link

Excellent synopsis Lindsay! I remember when TST turned himself in for the attempted abduction of RM. All the women in the family were on SM denying he was responsible and discussing church and so on and so forth.

Wow! Is that TST's towing service? No reviews? Wonder when he obtained a business liscense?
Excellent synopsis Lindsay! I remember when TST turned himself in for the attempted abduction of RM. All the women in the family were on SM denying he was responsible and discussing church and so on and so forth.

Wow! Is that TST's towing service? No reviews? Wonder when he obtained a business liscense?

The address of the business is the residence of the Taylor's so that's interesting. What else is interesting is the phone number does not connect to any known players in this case. I cannot make sense of it but I do know if I ever find myself needing a tow in the low country it will not be this company.
No business license on record &#55358;&#56596;. The aerial view of the compound shows a dozen or two junked autos, from what I can tell.

Wow! Is that TST's towing service? No reviews? Wonder when he obtained a business liscense?
Google the churches in the area - the number is astounding for such a small town with such a small population - even for the Bible Belt! (seriously, this town is so small the Mayor is a volunteer position, so to speak. No compensation)
I think if i was with the FBI I would be sending in a undercover male and female acting as a couple to rent a house in MCclenninville and get to know people .God only knows what you find out when you meet the right people ...
Should have asked this in my last post but i forgot.....Does that one guy PB know this clan in mccleninville or do any of the people that left and drove home to i think rochester know these guys..
Should have asked this in my last post but i forgot.....Does that one guy PB know this clan in mccleninville or do any of the people that left and drove home to i think rochester know these guys..

I would like to know this too

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