GUILTY SC - Five Jones children, ages 1-8, Lexington County, 28 Aug 2014 *Father Arrested*

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Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 4h4 hours ago
During the interview, Jones Jr. said he believed his son, Nahtahn, wanted to "cut him up and feed him to the dogs."

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 4h4 hours ago
At one point during the interview, investigators say Jones Jr. put his hands around his father's neck to indicate a choking gesture (but didn't actually try to choke him) when asked about the children.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 4h4 hours ago
While listening to Johnson talk about the interview on the stand, Jones Jr. starts to get emotional, hiding his eyes in his hands.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 4h4 hours ago
During the interview, Johnson says Jones Jr. told investigators "there's no way my father will love me now" after telling him what happened to the children.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 4h4 hours ago
Johnson says in a second interview (this time with South Carolina officials), Jones Jr. seemed like "night and day". He came across as calmer, more composed, "a different Timothy than the one I met the night before."

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 1h1 hour ago
Emotions ran high in the courtroom today. Timothy Jones Jr. breaks down in the courtroom, as did his father. Testimony begins tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. @wis10

Day three of the Timothy Jones trial features chilling testimony from investigators (with clip)
Jones was charged with the murders of his five children back in 2014

May 16, 2019

"LEXINGTON, S.C. (WOLO) — Testimony from investigators in Mississippi reveals what was inside Timothy Jones Jr.’s car at the time of his arrest, as well as his two conversations with law enforcement before he revealed where the bodies of his five children lay....

For 15 minutes, the forensic scientist read off a list consisting of several items including Bibles, children’s clothing, financial plans, and family photographs....

Eric Johnson of the MBI said in his testimony Jones Jr. believed his six-year-old son, Nahtahn, wanted to “chop him up and feed him to the dogs.” Jones Jr. says he was pushed to kill the children after hearing voices from his mother, who had been hospitalized with schizophrenia.

When his father, who was in the interrogation room during the first interview in order to comfort his son, told him that he would do anything to help his mental health, Jones Jr. said the only way to help him is to “put a bullet in his head.”...

The defendant, 37, started to tear up inside the courtroom when Johnson started to talk about the first interview. The trial continues Friday inside the Lexington County Courthouse around 9 a.m."

Day three of the Timothy Jones trial features chilling testimony
Timothy Jones Trial Day 3


Timothy Jones Jr. trial: testimony underway in trial of man accused of killing his children.

Streamed live on May 15, 2019

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 5h5 hours ago
Back at the Lexington County Courthouse for Day Four of the Timothy Jones murder trial. Yesterday, a forensic scientist and an investigator from Mississippi took the stand.

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 5h5 hours ago
Smith County Sheriff Charlie Crumpton takes the stand as the first witness of the day on the fourth day of the Timothy Jones Jr. trial. @wis10

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 5h5 hours ago
First up on the stand is Charlie Crumpton, the Smith County (Mississippi) Sheriff. Says it was unusual for them to interview a suspect with their parent in the room, says it's the first time he's ever seen happen.

Tim Jones Sr. was present when his son was first interviewed.

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 5h5 hours ago
Smith County Sheriff testifies every time investigators mentioned the name “Nahtahn” in the interview (Jones’ 6 year old son) Jones got very aggressive and angry. He didn’t react to any of the other children’s names that way, he testified. @wis10

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 5h5 hours ago
When describing Jones Jr. during the first interview, Sheriff Crumpton says he's never "seen anyone act like that before." He said Jones Jr. yelled a lot, thought he had something in his system at the time.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 5h5 hours ago
Crumpton says Jones Jr. got angry with him and yelled at him for mispronouncing Nahtahn's name as "Nathan". He says whenever he brought up his name, Jones got angrier.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 5h5 hours ago
Crumpton reiterates what MBI investigator Eric Johnson said in his testimony yesterday, saying Jones first told him that he left the bodies "between his house and the Wal-Mart" in West Columbia.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 5h5 hours ago
Sheriff Crumpton transitions to the second interview, saying there were more people in the room (including the FBI). He says Jones was "a completely different person" during the second interview; didn't sweat as much and seemed calmer.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 5h5 hours ago
As Sheriff Crumpton describes the day when they found the childrens' bodies, Jones Jr. starts to get emotional, taking off his glasses and wiping his eyes with a blue cloth.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 5h5 hours ago
Sheriff Crumpton says it took them three hours to get from Smith County to the site where Jones Jr. said the bodies were located in Alabama. Says they had four or five cars (one of which had Jones Jr. inside) driving there.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 4h4 hours ago
Sheriff Crumpton says they "followed the scent" and found the bodies in a rural wooded area in Alabama. He says all of them were in plastic bags, though one body was partly exposed.

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 4h4 hours ago
Smith County Sheriff says upon arriving near the scene of the bodies, deputies “followed the scent” to the bodies, which were in plastic bags. He testifies one was exposed. @wis10

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 4h4 hours ago
Solicitor Rick Hubbard wraps up his questioning. Casey Secor of the defense begins his cross-examination. Asks about Jones Jr. reading the waiver of rights, which leads to a sidebar.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 4h4 hours ago
Jury is sent out of the room for a brief recess while Judge Griffith talks with the prosecution and defense.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 4h4 hours ago
Judge Griffith walks out of the court room, but attorneys are still inside.
Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 4h4 hours ago
More gruesome testimony is expected today, after emotions ran high on Thursday. You can watch day 4 of the trial right here: @wis10

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 4h4 hours ago
Sheriff Crumpton steps down from the stand.

Next up: Keith McMahan, a forensic scientist from the Mississippi Forensics Laboratory who specializes in controlled substance examination.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 4h4 hours ago
McMahan describes the aluminum Starbucks energy drink can that authorities say Jones Jr. used as a smoking device and also the "Scooby snacks" (strand of marijuana) that they found inside his Cadillac Escalade.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 4h4 hours ago
McMahan: the Starbucks can contained a "residue amount" of synthetic marijuana
Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 4h4 hours ago
Prosecution wraps up its questioning of McMahan.

They call Lt. Dustin Smith to the stand. Lt. Smith is the Chief Toxicologist at SLED

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 4h4 hours ago

Lt. Dustin Smith, the chief toxicologist at SLED is now on the stand testifying about the ingredients in "spice," also known as synthetic cannabis. Two baggies of spice were found inside Jones' car when he was stopped in Mississippi. @wis10

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 4h4 hours ago
Lt. Smith goes into more details about synthetic marijuana, specifically the compound AB Pinaca. He breaks down the side affects, including anxiety, agitation, confusion, and paranoia.

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 3h3 hours ago
Lt. Smith says at higher doses, someone using spice could exhibit symptoms of agitation, sweating, high blood pressure and excited delirium. Many of those signs were described by law enforcement officers interviewing Jones after the was arrested. @wis10

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 4h4 hours ago
AB Pinaca is a synthetic cannabinoid that is commonly found in "Spice", which is what law enforcement officials said they found in Jones's car at the time of his arrest in Mississippi.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 3h3 hours ago
Lt. Smith says there could be strong withdrawal symptoms if someone becomes addicted to synthetic cannabinoids. Public defender Rob Madsen begins his cross-examination.

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 3h3 hours ago
Lt. Smith during cross-examination: "Spice can exacerbate the effects of mental illness." @wis10

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 3h3 hours ago
Lt. Smith says frequent use of synthetic cannabinoids could "exacerbate effects of mental illness", but says there haven't been too many tests outside of a controlled environment.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 3h3 hours ago
Lt. Smith steps down from the stand after explaining what a "half-life" is when it comes to synthetic marijuana.

Judge Griffith calls for a 15 minute break.
Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 3h3 hours ago
Keenan Frederick, who worked at the Lexington Walmart in the fall of 2014, is on the stand. He testified officers came to him to pull surveillance video of Jones buying saw blades, goggles, dust mask, etc on Sept. 3, 2014. @wis10

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 3h3 hours ago
After a brief break, Kennan Frederick, a Co-Manager of the WalMart in West Columbia, takes the stand.

Prosecution shows him the receipt from when Jones purchased muriatic acid and saw blades from his store. Officers wanted him to find surveillance video.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 3h3 hours ago
Prosecution starts to show surveillance video of when Jones stopped by his WalMart. He parked away from the main entrance, near the Garden Center.

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 3h3 hours ago
Surveillance video from Walmart shows Jones purchasing large bucket, saw blades Gatorade, googles and dust mask at register. Those items were found inside his car when he was apprehended, in addition to the original receipt. @wis10

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 3h3 hours ago
Video now showing Jones going through the checkout line. In the video, he is wearing a black baseball hat. Some of the things on the checkout counter are the blue bucket and an acid container.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 3h3 hours ago
Another angle of surveillance video shows Jones wearing a black hat and a red t-shirt, walking out of the store with the blue bucket firmly in his hand.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 3h3 hours ago
Prosecution starts to display some of the items Jones purchased on the screen, including the dust mask, the blue bucket, and the muriatic acid container.
Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 2h2 hours ago
Frederick steps down from the stand.

The prosecution's fifth witness of the day is Denise Atkinson, a cashier at the L&W Exxon Store in Camden, SC where Jones purchased cigarettes and mozzarella sticks.

Prosecution also puts up a receipt from Advance Auto Parts.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 2h2 hours ago
Prosecution displays surveillance video from when Jones entered in the Exxon store in Camden. In the video, he's wearing a plaid shirt and a pair of jeans.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 2h2 hours ago
After purchasing his cigarettes (which Atkinson says she ID'd him for and used his ID to compare with his credit card), video shows Jones waiting at another counter for his mozzarella sticks to be made.
Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 2h2 hours ago
After Atkinson wraps up her testimony, the State calls Marty Longshore to the stand. At the time, Longshore worked for the Lexington County Sheriff's Office.

Longshore went to the Dollar General where Jones allegedly shopped to see if items there matched the receipt.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 2h2 hours ago
At the Dollar General, Longshore purchased similar black garbage bags similar to those found in Jones's car at the time of his arrest.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 2h2 hours ago
Judge Griffith calls for a lunch break. Testimony will continue at 1:30.
Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 33m33 minutes ago
FBI Agent David Mackey on the stand recalling interviewing Jones on Sept. 8. When pictures of his children were laid on the table in front him, Mackey testifies Jones began crying and said "get them away from me." @wis10

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 1h1 hour ago
Jury comes back into the courtroom after a lunch break.

Prosecution calls FBI Agent David Mackey to the stand. He says the FBI was called in because there were initial concerns about Jones Jr. kidnapping the children.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 57m57 minutes ago
Mackey says Jones’s demeanor changed when he brought up his children during the interview. Says Jones told him that he was afraid his children conspired to collude against him.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 53m53 minutes ago
When investigators showed him pictures of his children, Jones Jr. pushed them away, saying he was afraid of them.

Mackey says Jones also initially told him that the blood (which tested positive as human blood) in the car came from an animal.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 55m55 minutes ago
Mackey said he asked Jones about the note about him wanting to burn the bodies. Jones said it was his handwriting, but he didn’t know what the note was about.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 48m48 minutes ago
At some point during the interview, Jones Jr. told investigators about the night of August 28. He made his son, Nahtahn, do pushups to get him to talk about how he blew out four outlets in the house.

He told them he did not plan to kill his son, thought he pushed him too hard.

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 29m29 minutes ago
FBI Agent testifies Jones said he "PT'd his *advertiser censored**" when disciplining 6-year-old Nahtahn after searching for answers to why four electric outlets were blown in the house, forcing him to do hours of pushups, squats and spanking him. Then, he sent him to bed. @wis10

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 41m41 minutes ago
Gut wrenching testimony right now. FBI Agent says Jones told them his two oldest children, Elias and Merah, struggled as they were being strangled by their father. @wis10

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 40m40 minutes ago
Jones told Agent Mackey the kids were afraid and something bad had happened with their brother Nahtahn. Right before he strangled his 8-year-old daughter, she said "Daddy, I love you." @wis10

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 39m39 minutes ago
Agent Mackey further testifies Jones told investigators had Nahtahn "come off of it" and told the truth about the electrical outlets, all of the kids would still be alive. Prosecutor asks if Jones blamed Nahtahn, Mackey responds "yes." @wis10

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 43m43 minutes ago
Mackey says Jones told him that the killed the two oldest children first. Then he says he went for the youngest children.

Since his hands were too big, he used a belt to strangle them.

Jones told them had Nahtahn told the truth about the outlets, none of the children would die.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 34m34 minutes ago
When asked if he felt bad about killing his children, Jones told investigators that part of him did since “no father should ever do that” but part of him didn’t since he said “*advertiser censored** it, they’re already dead.”

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 43m43 minutes ago
Mackey: Jones stated he wasn’t under the influence when he killed the children, but began taking spice to calm the voices in his head. Then he started developing a plan to dispose of their bodies. @wis10

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 41m41 minutes ago
Mackey: Jones said he bought supplies to get rid of the bodies, in line with the notes found on a clipboard, but told investigators he couldn't go through with it. @wis10

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 39m39 minutes ago
Jones told investigators, according to Agent Mackey, that he had "gotten used to the smell." He said Jones told them part of him felt bad for doing it, the other part said "fu** it, they're already dead." @wis10

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 33m33 minutes ago
Judge calls for the jury to take a ten minute break after the defense called for a sidebar.

Caroline Hecker‏Verified account @CHecker_WIS 32m32 minutes ago
Testimony is getting harder and harder to hear in the courtroom. Here are a few pictures. @wis10


Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 8m8 minutes ago
Prosecution now plays the audio from Timothy Jones's second audio with law enforcement. As the audio plays, Jones starts to cry.


Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 3m3 minutes ago
On the audio recording, Jones tells investigators he didn't plan to kill his children, but he just "*advertiser censored**ed up his life."
I cannot handle watching this gutwrenching trial live so I really appreciate your gathering the tweets here, YESorNO, thank you so much for doing that ~hug~

Your welcome.


This is hard to watch/listen to, IMO.

I don't understand what the father thought his 6 year old son was trying to do....:confused:

He's so paranoid about something. Is he schizophrenic?
Last edited:
Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 21m21 minutes ago
When asked about the smell in his car after leaving the bodies in there, Jones tells investigators that it smelled "stinky as s***."

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 18m18 minutes ago
Jones told Mackey on the tape that he was going to cut off Nahtahn’s leg, but he couldn’t bring himself to it. As this part of the tape plays, Jones starts to cry again.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 16m16 minutes ago
Jones says on the tape that he was on “an aimless path to Las Vegas” and that he wanted to stop in all the major cities on the way. He says that it “all blew up in his face” in Smith County (Miss.), where he was arrested.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 14m14 minutes ago
Jones told investigators on the tape that he used Spice to calm the voices in his head. Says he wasn’t sure what would come up in Nahtahn’s autopsy, but he said the other four died after being suffocated.

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 8m8 minutes ago
When asked if he thought about the law when he killed his kids, Jones told investigators “*advertiser censored** the law, my kids are dead.”

Tim Scott‏ @TimScottTV 2m2 minutes ago
Also on the tape, Jones tells investigators that he’s an “old school” parent and begins to talk about how he was concerned about kids bringing guns in school. Also revealed:

Jones says his nickname in high school was the “crazy white guy.”

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