SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #1

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Would Heather leave in the middle of the night to run to the store? Would the date have returned after he left? Was someone inside that home when she returned, and after she finished her conversation ...

So many scenarios run through my mind.

The store idea makes a ton of sense. She recently moved, her roommate was out of town; maybe there was a lack of food in her new place? (Possible scenario): She drives her vehicle to the store and that's when she vanished (IMO was abducted)? I wonder if Heather shopped at a 24 hour grocery store on a regular basis or if she bought items at a local convenience store? Locals, would you be able to give your help on the stores in the area/where she shopped? If it's a local store, maybe that's why the phone did not ping off another tower? O/T. (I make purchases at a 24 hour convenience store; I'm positive my phone would not ping another tower due to the close distance from my place to the local convenience store.)

I have looked at all the photos I can find of Heather. In those, I saw one that showed a "compass point" type tattoo on her left forearm. I also saw a long keychain with a large red heart and some sort of store discount tag attached. Of course, she had Dodge keys for her car, too. And in one photo from 2012, I saw a pink cell phone case on a smart phone (but not an iPhone).

CharlieJ, that is some awesome sleuthing right there! That is IMO, significant information the family needs to step forward and release (so it's MSM fact based or on the Missing Heather Elvis Facebook page). Would be helpful for the public just in case someone finds an item and is not sure it belongs to Heather. (Or if a woman in the local SC area receives a new jewelry item which resembles jewelry worn by Heather).

MOO. Terry should be frustrated with LE and media. The media cares about ratings. LE is overwhelmed and has not solved other disappearances in the area. I don't think LE is twiddling thumbs, personally, I think these men and women are busting their rear ends around the clock to bring Heather home. What's frustrating (IMO) is one person has been able to outsmart an entire police department and CUE for the last ten days. (ALL MOO, could be more than one person involved). How can one person outsmart all of these educated and experienced professionals? Boggles my mind and I say, "NO!". There must have been a "slip up" somewhere; it just hasn't been discovered yet. (By "slip up" I'm thinking the perp(s) purchased gas, groceries or something in HE's vehicle. Maybe pictured in the vehicle by a red light camera (if any exist). Possibly has scratches on their arms/face, detailed their vehicle or sold it, won't allow anyone in a storage shed, has unaccountable time on the 17th, or maybe a favorite item belonging to someone's boyfriend/brother/husband such as a knife, mysteriously vanished .. something along those lines).

This is the reason I think a private investigator should be hired. Not some yahoo (freak of the week just billing hours) either. A genuine professional with the family's best interests in mind and a long standing, successful track record. I'm 100% positive people would provide donations for the private investigator's services. Sometimes, people feel comfortable talking with a p.i. or leaving a tip with them, rather than contacting the police or the family. I think the sooner the family hires a reputable private investigator the better. Personally, if this was my daughter and LE advised me against hiring a p.i., I would kindly thank them for the advice and start searching for the best investigator immediately.

One more thing (I'm almost done here). Grocery/food stores and fast food places. Unless this person (or persons) is a farmer/hunter growing and killing their own food, they must go out to a store or fast food place to eat. IMO, it would be beneficial to make sure EVERY place which provides food has a flyer on the front door. Keep the pressure on.

I live 3 hours from there, and used to live a few miles from Myrtle Beach. It's a busy place with most going on about their business. I can't imagine Heather going out there to that landing alone, and I can't imagine she had no phone contact with anyone before this happened. I did see her poster on local FB pages in the last 2 days, so that's good.
Heather Cohen, sang a song that she had written at the candlelight vigil of the 2013 CUE national missing persons conference in Wilmington, NC. The vigil was held on the Cape Fear riverfront.

I would like to dedicate this song by Heather Cohen; 'Stay Strong', to the Heather Elvis family, her friends, the searchers, and the many new websleuths members that have joined to help in the effort to bring her home;
'Stay Strong' by Heather Cohen...

Cue Center for Missing Persons continues to search for Heather Elvi

Thanks much for the link, Foxfire! Sometimes these various articles confuse me. From your link......

Police say she was last seen at her parents house on Tuesday night and the last time her cell phone pinged was Wednesday, Dec.18 at 3 a.m.

So does this mean that there was no 3 am call and her phone just pinged off a cell tower. Has her phone been found? What time did she stop by her parent's home Tues night? And what was she wearing at that time? I have so many questions as I am sure does her family.

I wish the MBPD would be a bit more proactive in releasing info to the public like the Lafayette, LA LE was in Mickey Shunicks case. They pulled all the video along Mickey's route home and had footage of her riding her bike home and a suspicious white truck following her in a matter of days. The perp was a RSO and he took his truck to TX and burned it, claimed it was stolen and tried to rent a car. The lady at the rental car place noticed he had altered his license to cover his RSO status and that he had defensive wounds and notified authorities. The public really helped solve that case!

MB peeps please spread the word to BOLO for someone with defensive wounds, unusal behavior, someone who called in sick to work, etc. Somebody ought to take Heather's missing posters to all rental car agencies in the area and ask if anyone suspicious came to rent a car last Wed, Thur Friday. Car lots too in case someone made a trade in. This is my opinion but I don't have alot of faith in MBPD solving missing persons cases after following the Drexel case. They seem to be more interested in protecting their reputation as a safe family oriented beach. And some of those nightclubs are meat markets. I used to go every year with a group of friends and some men refuse to take no for an answer, even the married golfers. But our friends oath to one another was 'we all arrive together and we all leave together'.

I'm gonna check the MB weather for last week. If the weather was nice, some of those golfers who rent out those condos where Heather lives may have been in town. Is anyone familiar with CraigsList? I just wonder if there is any way to go back and check if any condos at Heather's complex were listed for rent last week.

I also think this case needs national attention. Perhaps we can get it trending by sharing on twitter and FB. Share with friends too, ask them to like her page, which is up to 13,545 likes, and maybe Nancy Grace or JVM will pick it up.

Just thinking and typing about covering bases and ways we can help to bring Heather home to her family.

I just woke up... And am not real clear headed yet... Haven't had enough coffee to help sleuth just yet... :coffeews: :giggle:

But I am so impressed with all these ideas for getting Heather's case out to the public... And for trying to track this elusive perp!

Sleuthers.... :yourock:
Here's a link to the weather in MB for last Wed., Dec. 18 2013. Looks like mild highs and low in the 30's with clear skies except some precipitation on Fri. (Click 'next page' or 'previous page' for other days)

Here's a calender of the highs and lows each day.

This is a calender of the Dec. moon phases. The moon was full on Tuesday and Wednesday last week! It was BRIGHT too. (from here in Southeastern NC)
I wish the MBPD would be a bit more proactive in releasing info to the public like the Lafayette, LA LE was in Mickey Shunicks case. They pulled all the video along Mickey's route home and had footage of her riding her bike home and a suspicious white truck following her in a matter of days. The perp was a RSO and he took his truck to TX and burned it, claimed it was stolen and tried to rent a car. The lady at the rental car place noticed he had altered his license to cover his RSO status and that he had defensive wounds and notified authorities. The public really helped solve that case!

MB peeps please spread the word to BOLO for someone with defensive wounds, unusal behavior, someone who called in sick to work, etc. Somebody ought to take Heather's missing posters to all rental car agencies in the area and ask if anyone suspicious came to rent a car last Wed, Thur Friday. Car lots too in case someone made a trade in.

WM. Gtk, I'm not the only person that thinks the community should be looking for the above mentioned behaviors/recent injuries. I see a huge similarity between Mickey's abduction, BD's disappearance and Heather's situation (although I understand MS was riding her bike, Brittanee Drexel was walking and Heather ..well we don't know). In regards to BD, IMO, I think she was taken by a RSO or unregistered sex offender.

It would be very helpful to have surveillance footage of Heather too, if any exists. Charlie (Mickey's sister) did such an outstanding job of keeping Mickey in the media, organizing searches.. basically everything. She was relentless and used Social Media to her advantage. I'm not sure how Charlie gathered the strength to fight for Mickey the way she did; one of the strongest people I've ever witnessed. I pray the strength CS exhibited is something the Elvis family can inherit during this time Heather is missing.

There are so many RSO's in the area Heather went missing. (Do these guys get some type of discount in MB?) Personally, to speed things up a bit, I think the MBPD should require all levels of sex offenders in the area to report to the pd or their parole officers for inspection. The ones that don't show up are the ones to check out first. All MOO.
WM. Gtk, I'm not the only person that thinks the community should be looking for the above mentioned behaviors/recent injuries. I see a huge similarity between Mickey's abduction, BD's disappearance and Heather's situation (although I understand MS was riding her bike, Brittanee Drexel was walking and Heather ..well we don't know). In regards to BD, IMO, I think she was taken by a RSO or unregistered sex offender.

It would be very helpful to have surveillance footage of Heather too, if any exists. Charlie (Mickey's sister) did such an outstanding job of keeping Mickey in the media, organizing searches.. basically everything. She was relentless and used Social Media to her advantage. I'm not sure how Charlie gathered the strength to fight for Mickey the way she did; one of the strongest people I've ever witnessed. I pray the strength CS exhibited is something the Elvis family can inherit during this time Heather is missing.

There are so many RSO's in the area Heather went missing. (Do these guys get some type of discount in MB?) Personally, to speed things up a bit, I think the MBPD should require all levels of sex offenders in the area to report to the pd or their parole officers for inspection. The ones that don't show up are the ones to check out first. All MOO.

<Sniped & BBM>

Tracking sex offenders - 3 Interactive RSO Maps Myrtle Beach, SC> - -
(Note absconded RSOs in the USA is at Epidemic levels from my research)

HORRY COUNTY, SC (WMBF) - Millions of tourists swarm to the sandy beaches of South Carolina on vacation each summer, but while everyone in town may seem like a stranger for four months out of the year, some are more dangerous than others.

When Enzor went to track down Mozingo at the address listed on his sex offender registry, it wasn't Mozingo who opened the front door. It was someone who never even heard of the man.

"We have roughly 5 percent of offenders who are non-compliant," said Horry County Sgt. Lori Avant. "More of those violations occur in the Myrtle Beach area because there are so many weekly rentals."

Avant says that tourists take away pieces of the puzzle in tracking down a sex offender. It is in the Myrtle Beach area where she says it is the most difficult to keep tabs on sex offenders because they constantly keep moving.

Because of this, local law enforcement often turn to the public for help in keeping track of those who commit such crimes. Avant says the public's help makes a huge difference because there are more eyes in the community than in local law enforcement.
I hope LE is focusing near her home too, instead of just the river area. I really think that whatever happened started there or near there--and that's when someone was more likely to see or hear something.

I wonder how occupied her condos were last week. Where I'm at, there's a lot of Coastal Carolina students and they had all pretty much cleared out by last Wednesday, leaving the generally half-occupied buildings even less so.
Just saw on Findheatherelvis FB page that "CUE has enough volunteers at this time. Please NO NOT just show up at the landing at this time! Thank you all for your help and willingness to help".

Sounds like either an overwhelming turnout or maybe something was found and they are deterring people from showing up. My opinion.
This is such a heartbreaking case (they all are). No family should have tone terrorized like this. The community must be proactive and send out the signal that snatching young ladies won't be tolerated. When someone's daughter is taken, everyone's daughter is taken. As far as RSO's, IMO they should have tracking chips implanted since there are too many to properly monitor them. Just knowing where they reside is not enough. We all must stand with the Elvis family and get them through this. Heather, come home!!
Does that mean someone(s) from that area reported suspicious person/vehicle?

Could Heather have had a stalker"


Yes, that's what it means, but given how many there were, I'm thinking it may be either due to people being vigilant because of recent crime in the area or indicative of drug activity.
Just saw on Findheatherelvis FB page that "CUE has enough volunteers at this time. Please NO NOT just show up at the landing at this time! Thank you all for your help and willingness to help".

Sounds like either an overwhelming turnout or maybe something was found and they are deterring people from showing up. My opinion.

Priscilla Prevette, with CUE, said there was a large turnout of boaters this morning -- more than they could use. So, they called off the request for assistance for today. Today's effort is focusing primarily on water areas. From what I've heard, they expect to switch more to ground search tomorrow, including trained dogs, etc.

I plan to be there tomorrow to assist with the search -- supposed to check in with CUE this afternoon after 3:00pm. I'll update WSers once I hear the details for tomorrow.
<Sniped & BBM>

Tracking sex offenders Interactive RSO Map > - -
(Note absconded RSOs in the USA is at Epidemic levels from my research)

HORRY COUNTY, SC (WMBF) - Millions of tourists swarm to the sandy beaches of South Carolina on vacation each summer, but while everyone in town may seem like a stranger for four months out of the year, some are more dangerous than others.

When Enzor went to track down Mozingo at the address listed on his sex offender registry, it wasn't Mozingo who opened the front door. It was someone who never even heard of the man.

"We have roughly 5 percent of offenders who are non-compliant," said Horry County Sgt. Lori Avant. "More of those violations occur in the Myrtle Beach area because there are so many weekly rentals."

Avant says that tourists take away pieces of the puzzle in tracking down a sex offender. It is in the Myrtle Beach area where she says it is the most difficult to keep tabs on sex offenders because the constantly keep moving.

Because of this, local law enforcement often turn to the public for help in keeping track of those who commit such crimes. Avant says the public's help makes a huge difference because there are more eyes in the community than in local law enforcement.

Well that explains the reason it's a sex offenders paradise in MB. Wow. Did not know that at all! Just wow, I'm amazed and shocked. One would think with the general increase of sex offenders across the country, our police departments would start a new task force/add more employees or something. That to me is such the "out of sight, out of mind" approach to keeping tabs on RSO's. IMO, that's a ridiculous approach to keeping the community safe. Personally, I think marking a RSO's license is small beans and more needs to be done to identify them and keep the public safe.

Still think a BOLO should be released to the public. JMO.
Priscilla Prevette, with CUE, said there was a large turnout of boaters this morning -- more than they could use. So, they called off the request for assistance for today. Today's effort is focusing primarily on water areas. From what I've heard, they expect to switch more to ground search tomorrow, including trained dogs, etc.

I plan to be there tomorrow to assist with the search -- supposed to check in with CUE this afternoon after 3:00pm. I'll update WSers once I hear the details for tomorrow.

Wow! That's great that CUE had such a large turnout this am. Good luck in helping with the search tomorrow and we all look forward to hearing from you!.

This is such a heartbreaking case (they all are). No family should have tone terrorized like this. The community must be proactive and send out the signal that snatching young ladies won't be tolerated. When someone's daughter is taken, everyone's daughter is taken. As far as RSO's, IMO they should have tracking chips implanted since there are too many to properly monitor them. Just knowing where they reside is not enough. We all must stand with the Elvis family and get them through this. Heather, come home!!

Great post and well said, EmmaRose.. Many folks are unaware of the silent epidemic until the darkness falls upon their community. Not only is the victim's family affected, but the entire community feels violated..

The missing victim's family and loved ones are involuntarily inducted into the fraternity of the new life's normal. This means that their lives will never be the same as it was the day before their loved one vanished.

'The Elvis family has a hole in their heart that only Heather Elvis can fill'...
When are these PD's going to realize that not giving the public information is bad?
We can help.
We can get the word out. Keeping it close is a horrible idea.

Please point the right way many people want you found.
OT, but it always surprises me how seldom phones and video actually help in these cases, despite our being told we are constantly being recorded, etc...jMO
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