SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #11

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My understanding was that it was the roommate and the date who were cleared.

Thank you.
Has anyone read this in MSM? I have seen it mentioned that date is cleared but not the roommate.
I DO NOT think she is involved and didn't necessarily think she needed to be cleared but if it has been stated by LE, it's interesting to me that she would be named cleared and date named cleared but no one else.
To me that is very telling. Not so much to back up my current theory but interesting that no one else would be cleared, NO ONE ELSE.
IMO, there are a lot of players in this case.
If she is deceased, which I believe she is, I think, unfortunately, the chances of finding her depends on the method and location of disposal.

Or whether somebody is motivated to talk.
But a real reporter probably would not tackle this SM stuff, whereas NG would have no qualms.

Wonder if Dr. Phil could help again like he did in Dylan's case? (I think he had MR pretty close to breaking....a few more minutes...jmo)
I think it was peterthomasfan who said they kept the originals incase they change info when they update them.. I thought it was in that article too, or the part 2 (original version) from crime feed. Maybe this info was removed on purpose and we need to drop it?

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As far as I am aware there has only been one article to this xojane site. No other article was written that I'm aware of so I do not think this is an update, I think this is the original.
Isn't the last phone activity at 6:00am?

These seem the most likely possible scenarios to me:

She was setup to be disposed of by someone close(or known) to her that wanted to make sure they couldn't be connected to it. Said person then has an alibi and is able to lure her to PTL.

She was abducted from her home at some point. One perp forces her to drive her car or drives it themselves to PTL while another either follows or takes her to a remote location...

She drives to PTL where she either meets someone and is abducted right there or gets into the car willingly.

Less likely but possible:

She is distraught and goes to PTL to clear her head. Wrong place wrong time kind of thing...

She was being stalked by a predator who followed her there.

Another scenario is where HE drove herself over to someone's house, apartment or other meeting place, where the crime took place
(not HE's apartment or PTL). Afterward both HE and her car were transferred by another or others to secondary locations.

LE is probably examining details of people who were in town and stayed in town, who left town on the 18th (let's say) or the 19th, or those who may have travelled by car in and out of the MB area during the timeframe HE disappeared.
After gathering all that info, LE might then try to figure out if any of those peeps had a vendetta/or motive against HE.
If she is deceased, which I believe she is, I think, unfortunately, the chances of finding her depends on the method and location of disposal.

Or whether somebody is motivated to talk.

BBM: I just don't know about this. There are SO MANY cases of missing people that are "cold" and have been for years. It's sad really but in this specific case, I truly hope that if HE was a victim of something horrible that it involved more than 1 person. If there are 2 perps IMO the chances of getting someone to talk is better than if 1 lonely person takes it to the grave. *IMO*
OT: Although I know what "VI" means...It took me until the last sentence to stop and think 'not "6" you dummy' OY!

LOL Aeronomy! I know what you mean, every time I see HE I have to keep saying its not he.
Didn't LE indicate at one time that they had her on film at a drive-thru of some type?
I think that if she did leave on her own, there's a high likelihood she doesn't know anybody is looking for her.
BBM: I just don't know about this. There are SO MANY cases of missing people that are "cold" and have been for years. It's sad really but in this specific case, I truly hope that if HE was a victim of something horrible that it involved more than 1 person. If there are 2 perps IMO the chances of getting someone to talk is better than if 1 lonely person takes it to the grave. *IMO*

Depends if perps are related...then you have to wait for divorces, deaths, etc...and no one likes to risk their own freedom, if they were involved in any way, or obstructed police, etc...I doubt anyone who could kill a young woman is in a hurry to confess, unless it was in a temper and they confess right away. JMO
Honestly, I'm feeling a little discouraged. What good is it to come with ideas of places to search for Heather if nobody searches them, lol.

I was under impression, suggested areas were being searched - I am curious as to what makes you think they are not?
Depends if perps are related...then you have to wait for divorces, deaths, etc...and no one likes to risk their own freedom, if they were involved in any way, or obstructed police, etc...I doubt anyone who could kill a young woman is in a hurry to confess, unless it was in a temper and they confess right away. JMO

Thinking this more and more everyday.
I think that if she did leave on her own, there's a high likelihood she doesn't know anybody is looking for her.

If this were true, she would have to have no relationship with her parents/family and her roommate. To disappear right before Christmas, not show up for Christmas, and not think her parents would look for her. Whether she is somewhere exposed to media or not I would think there is a high likelihood she would have a good hunch and "know" that someone is looking for her.
Unless I've overestimated her relationship to her parents and roommate.
Are you saying that she wouldn't "know" her parents or her roommate would look for her?

Edited: placement of roommate in sentence made sentence unclear-fixed that.
How many woman here have gone though the "affair" stage with the husband? I mean, how many here have known about your OMM having an affair with a younger woman? If you have, you know the rage that pulses through your veins every time he goes out, gets a text you can't read, or is late coming home from work. You are aging and she is young, pretty, running after your husband and getting the attention that you should be getting, wouldn't that be enough to make you so mad you would see red? You have a home, children, money, jobs and a life you built together, are you mad that a 20 something is trying to get that and take it away from you? The fact he finds another woman attractive and desirable, are you seeing red yet? You don't have to answer, but I can tell you, there is a line that is crossed and you have to keep your rage in check, and it is very easy to cross over into a place of no return. Just saying. I think the HE is a victim of rage, of uncontrollable jealousy and it will be some time before she is found.

Except if I was already in my mid to upper thirties (still young enough to remember what it was like to be twenty, lol), I'd kill OM not the twenty year old who is a stranger. I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around this scenario considering there are kids involved and afaik means of self support exist and already having dealt with past indiscretions by OM so recurrence wouldn't be THAT shocking. Anything is possible but it doesn't seem cut and dried to me. As far as the actions of OM, not certain about that as he too has a lot to lose - not sure if one twenty year old would do him in. Possibility remains on the table though if extenuating circumstances exited.

Which begs the question, did HE ever steal or cross the line with a boyfriend of one of her coworkers or girlfriends? Because, if she did, there's the potential or setup for peer related revenge.
Depends if perps are related...then you have to wait for divorces, deaths, etc...and no one likes to risk their own freedom, if they were involved in any way, or obstructed police, etc...I doubt anyone who could kill a young woman is in a hurry to confess, unless it was in a temper and they confess right away. JMO

I think this depends on incentive. If you have knowledge or were an accomplice in any way, you might well be willing to turn on other parties.

I've always felt like LE might be focusing on pressuring one to throw another or others under the bus.

I don't think anyone with actual involvement will have a Come to Jesus out of concern or compassion for Heather, but neither do I think such a person who faces severe consequences will take one for the team.
I think this depends on incentive. If you have knowledge or were an accomplice in any way, you might well be willing to turn on other parties.

I've always felt like LE might be focusing on pressuring one to throw another or others under the bus.

I don't think anyone with actual involvement will have a Come to Jesus out of concern or compassion for Heather, but neither do I think such a person who faces severe consequences will take one for the team.

I have been waiting for someone who knows something in the cases of Lauren Spierer, Haleigh Cummings and Kortne Stouffer, all who seem to have a group of potential POI's and those cases are from almost two to five years old now, with no one saying a word. People cover their own *advertiser censored**es, IMO, before anything else. Some of the POI's know the parents of victims, have heard their pleas, and apparently, remain unmoved. JMO
Depends if perps are related...then you have to wait for divorces, deaths, etc...and no one likes to risk their own freedom, if they were involved in any way, or obstructed police, etc...I doubt anyone who could kill a young woman is in a hurry to confess, unless it was in a temper and they confess right away. JMO

There are alot of Domestics this time of year. Bills coming in from from holiday spending. Then there is Super Bowl where people who do not drink, get drunk. Hopefully someone who knows something will slip.
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