SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #19**ARREST**

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I've been under the assumption that the M kids were very young. I saw in an MSM article they are 8, 12, 14. FTR, I would have no issues leaving my kids home alone at those (older) ages, and if they were sleeping, I'd leave a note that I'd BRB.

just my random thoughts....

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thanks for all your interesting posts snowyowl.

What i can't understand is the charge of obstruction. Obstructing what?
Was tammy advertising her wares on sex sites? Can't get my head around taking photos of her having sex and then distributing them. In my opinion she is very insecure
in her marriage and keeps having to prove that it is a really hot relationship.

Obviously it was not if he strayed. He has probably given her reason to be jealous in the past and this is why she has to be in control. Jmoo

and she is very very mentally twisted in my opinion -
I don't think the age difference is the issue, with Heather and SM. At twenty, she is an adult in most senses of the word, legally. Many relationships that are successful have twenty-year age differences (including an old friend of mine). It is always a great risk to get involved with a married person, though usually the risk is emotional. Heather just seems to have entered into a terrible situation, possibly with the classic vengeful spouse. JMO
Bolded by me

I feel that her age has much to do with this case. And I don't think I have to expound on that 'issue'.

But, she put it out in public, in writing, that she had a boyfriend before him. So, I think they would be 'Even Steven' on that issue.

That's what I keep thinking too. After reading so many of these posts where SM is labeled 'cheater', which he obviously was, why isn't TM considered a 'cheater' too? By her own admission it was several years ago, but still...a cheater is a cheater...
I don't believe there was anything open about their marriage as far as TM was concerned. She doesn't seem the type to ever willingly share her man. I believe she concocted the open marriage scenario to state how little she minded SM fooling around, and that she knew about it in a way. Her pride was seriously wounded, IMO, and she was trying to save face.

and throw suspicion in another direction... if she didn't care, why harm the girl?

whatever, she cared, she was livid.

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I just wanted to add, that, in terms of the whole rock star lifestyle groupie thing, that's not necessarily to be discounted. I am 23 and have met all of my friends through bands since I was 15. Some of them have gone on to do and are currently doing pretty big things, touring, etc. I was recently in a project with the singer of a very well known band, so it does happen. I guess that one of the member's of Carolina Liar also went to school with SM. (They are well known, they have a single that I instantly recognized from the radio "Show Me What I'm Looking For" and was really big).

Not to defend anyone but just saying it could not all be lies or exaggerations and it's really not hard to be part of the "music scene" if you're a photographer or simply friends with someone who knows someone, etc.
I am making no excuses for either one of them......they both disgust me. But it makes more sense to me that TM murdered Heather and spineless SM is covering for her. Maybe she did believe she was going to lose 'her man' to a beautiful younger woman who looked much better than she did, imo.

She seems to be the master manipulator and controller, imo.

I AGREE!!! I HAVE FELT FROM THE BEGINNING THAT SHE DID IT- I just think she had MORE MOTIVE and he just does whatever she tells him to do! PATHETIC BUNCH IN MY OPINION AND I ALSO THINK "DADDY" has something to do with it - who knows, maybe even "did it"?!!!!! JMO
Kinda OT, but who are all the people in the peanut gallery in the video/pics of the hearing? Family? Reporters? Both?
that's what i keep thinking too. After reading so many of these posts where sm is labeled 'cheater', which he obviously was, why isn't tm considered a 'cheater' too? By her own admission it was several years ago, but still...a cheater is a cheater...

i don't put much stock in anything tm says or has ever said in the past- narcissists seldom tell the truth !!!!!
Well I have checked all the local news sites as well as the Public Index, this morning. Nothing as of yet......Will today be the day??
Just curious..How can I take a look at these "dis boards" that everyone keeps mentioning??
Can I say something, and I haven't commented on this case at all. Although I find this couple disgusting, I think any time you enter into a relationship with a married man there will be trouble, sometimes its this type of trouble unfortunately. As a person who has been cheated on, it's very demeaning. If TM had any issues it must have been devastating to her, even if she sounds narcissistic, more than likely it is a cover up for deep insecurities. I always say women are each others worst enemies, and angry women are very scary. Did HE deserve this, or did her family deserve this, no way, and we really don't know what happened to her yet, but I don't think it's good. For the most part nothing good comes out of dating someone elses husband.
Does anyone know if SM had any male friends? I would think they would have been aware of his relationship with HE. Maybe he wasn't allowed to have any close friends. Most of the posts on his FB are from female friends of TM.
Kinda OT, but who are all the people in the peanut gallery in the video/pics of the hearing? Family? Reporters? Both?

Those are other people waiting for bond hearings..Everyone who was arrested as well. They all go together before the judge in a group; and the Judge addresses them one by one.
I cannot believe the amount of posts since the Friday arrest and search. I've only just now caught up and I had to skip several pages of posts to do it. AND the scenarios of what happened and who did it on the 18th. All of them seem likely to me.

I still can't see PTL as the crime scene. It always seemed to be a dump site for the car. Of course, we don't know what else the roommate told LE or if LE did, in fact, have an interview from someone nearby PTL that heard something early that morning. With that mobile home park nearby, I can't see that as being an ideal area to commit a crime. Unless, it was unplanned.
Exclusive new details on Heather Elvis case come out

"his own prime suspect based on phone records from the original police report. He confirmed what's in that report: months ago, Heather was romantically involved with a married man she met while working as a restaurant hostess. Terry says Heather's roommate told him it ended more than a month ago. Yet, according to witness statements to police and those same phone records, there were several calls back and forth between Heather and the married man the morning of Heather's disappearance. That same roommate told police Heather was talking to the man again, and that night, he called to tell her he was leaving his wife and wanted to be with her."

apparently in MSM report stated Heather & SM "boinked" SM "months ago" which ended "more than a month ago" (I guess that would be NOV,about the time Heather moved in w/roomie BW?
Apparently BW told police she was talking to SM again and "called to tell her he was leaving his wife and wanted to be with her."
IIRC this seems to be the same time frame that SM returned from his CA trip (prolly Disney) and maybe SM was coming to terms w/the fact that he was stuck w/the "OLD LADY" (TM)
or maybe he was pulling a fast one and would say anything to Heather to get back in the sack w/her?
IMHO, I bet TM was unaware of these statements & prolly stumbled across a text/convo? Maybe that made her upset ,especially so close to Xmas?? Maybe SM got her a Xmas gift & arranged to meet Heather "for old times sake"? What better way to try & get someone back than w/a XMAS gift?
I bet neither of them (TM/SM) counted on the fact she's keep her BFF (roomie BW) informed of any developments?? or Maybe TM might have enlisted the aid of others to do the dirty?? Since ex worked at HOB & TM,by her own admission on Disney boards,frequented that place-maybe they knew each other? Since Heather also worked there maybe that's where she FIRST ran into SM and when he did some work at TK she started posting all these comments on Twitter about SM? She DID know he was married.
Maybe after the 1st breakup she went private on Twitter,moved in w/roomie & left violent ex? She did seems to have lots of various bruises in some of her pix. While ex listed as violent in PR he still hasn't been ruled out according to LE as far as we know.
OUCH-my head hurts now!
Hoping this can come to a quick resolution B4 more get hurt.

I don't know the ins and outs...but honestly, I have to wonder if it is more simple than we are making it. SM had a lot of sucking up to do, and lets just say the FB pages are an example of throwing out to the world what a happy couple they were. But, shady/unhappy things happen behind closed doors. It could be as simple as TM telling SM how he needed to 'make' up the affair to her. When it didn't work, she didn't feel better, their marriage wasn't better, she decided the only way to make the whole thing disappear was to disappear HE. Lets face it, maybe SM was 'in love' with HE and that is the part that TM couldn't handle. Seems nothing in the sexual side of the world was off limits, but me thinks she tried a little to hard in that area kwim.

Hence, lets get back together, I am leaving my wife etc. But really was a set up, to get HE out of the house and alone.

It seems so simple to me that SM was in a precarious position. He literally has nada. Financially, he would be ruined..nothing is in his name. Family? TM doesn't seem the type that would let SM exercise his rights as a parent. He was looking at a long time of hell where that was concerned imho. The kids too. He has no relationship with his previous nuclear family.

IMO of course.

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