SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #23 **ARREST**

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Unless they won multi mullions, I still don't think it explains it. A million goes pretty fast when paying two mortgages, multiple car payments, extensive vacations....

Imo, folks are reading too much into the M's finances. The fact that they are both being represented by public defenders is an indication as too their financial situation; The M's were using the 'borrow from Peter to pay Paul financial strategy'.. Prolly had 16 tons of debt & owed their souls to the company store....

The M's were likely doing well til SM began thinking with the wrong head resulting in the loss of much of his income.. Their dominos began to tumble. Once they comitted the unthinkable crime on 12/18/2013, their small world of financial survival only became worse; TM also lost her income due to the taunting of the Elvis family and becoming the unamed suspects in HE disappearance via SM, imo..

Upon her arrest narcissistic TM stated to the judge, 'this has caused me to loose my job'...

Tennessee Ernie Ford - 16 Tons - YouTube
I am worried about how msm is going to portray this case and Heather. NG is going with the open marriage/threesome story.

she seems to be the only one. I hope the media continues to focus on the actual evidence.:twocents:
There are so many places and so many have searched. Its hard to imagine if it wasn't preplanned how they could get so lucky and not have the body found. The searchers found other bodies.

But like you said, maybe they had time to think about it and take care of it.


I definitely agree that they would have to be extremely lucky to be able to hide her so well that she hasn't been found yet, if it wasn't pre-planned. That's why I think maybe they had a place in mind and did dump her body there first, then when she hadn't been reported missing, they came up with a better place, a little farther away. What I'm saying is, I think it was pre-planned to a point, but they got lucky when HE wasn't reported missing when they thought she would, so they moved her. I don't think they planned to have two extra days to do what they wanted. I hope I make sense. JMO

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Personally I dont believe Tammy will be speaking or turning against Sidney. I think she genuinely believes she has been the victim in all of this. Since she was the one who was being cheated on, and its been tunnel vision since then. In my opinion

Actually, she was the victim in the cheating situation until she decided to physically harm & murder Heather. Now she's the monster who (allegedly) took a young woman's life, along with her husband.
I wonder if SM knew Heather's roomie had gone away. OR he may not have known Heather confided in her roomie. But would he have lured her out if both of them were home, knowing Heather may have said something about where she was going? This is IF he did ask her to come to PTL, which I think was the case.
TM has many traits of being a narcissistic sociopath. I don't think she will EVER tell the truth. If she did her entire reality that she has created would crumble. She isn't capable of letting that happen. NS cannot allow that to happen. Psychopath maybe, but not NS. I would be shocked if she confesses or admits to anything.
But confessing would still earn her a lengthy prison term, IMO. I just can't see her admitting to anything...she'll think she can win in court, IMO. Probably will even want to take the stand...jmo.

Possibly has false hopes of making a plea deal? I think she'll offer up something soon if she can figure out what will work best in her favor. She's stuck in there regardless right now without knowing how long it will be and for someone who plans out every detail of their life, I can only imagine it's hell for her. I think being away from her kids is mentally exhausting her. I can't imagine her lasting until trial. Of course, if they find HE without the Ms help, this will all be moot. Which makes me wonder if they do have a body but want a confession before letting anyone (including the Ms) know about it?? It would be a much better to get the details from the Ms directly to solidify the case. Is LE still conducting searches in the area? I haven't heard of any lately...

Also, JMO.
JMO that he probably got let go of whatever contract he had with TK. If he was an independent contractor to do maintenace there, then there usually is a contract written up for the work to be performed and the duration.

So if TK decided they no longer needed him then that contract probably was nullified and as always in TM + SM eyes , it is Heathers fault that happened because of course it is Heathers fault somebody kidnapped her and likely killed her. :banghead:

The way TM posted bond makes me think she was thinking this was going to be a walk in the park. Post bond and on your way. Would have liked to been a fly on wall when the reality struck she is not going anywhere for quite some time.

Its interesting that she had mentioned before in postings about when things start affecting her kids then that is going too far. Then how come she doesnt think about the true root cause and who may have done what to someone elses kids.

One theme that keeps surfacing is SELFISH. She did not care about others and she did not even care about her own kids to be jeapordizing them having to grow up without parents. That is sheer SELFISHNESS.

I wondered if bond being posted for TM alone indicated something about the mindset of whomever posted the bond for only half of the Moorer duo.
Wonder why she has a new one? Not that it matters, but what would be the point?

Most likely because of the new charges, she was rebooked and reclassified, thus needing a new mugshot. It's SOP in jails and prisons to update the mugshots with new charges. Interesting there's not a new photo of SM, though.
At the end of the day, it is what it is - a young girl having an affair with a married man.

They can't ignore the facts.

But hopefully the facts will be what they stick to ... and opinions, judgements and character assassinations won't come into it.

Change that to "a young woman" and then it's accurate. ;) A 20 year old is legally an adult.

I know many like to infantilize victims and call them children and young girls (or boys), but remember, if Heather had committed a crime she would be tried as an adult, because she was legally an adult. A young adult, but an adult nonetheless.
One more thought…I don't think we can forget about what a tiny frame HE has…(can't type past tense until they find a body)…coming up against TM if HE was physically assaulted in a fit of rage would do serious damage. I think this is a case of "what do we do now?" I'm surprised they've been able to cover their tracks so well up till now but I think this case will blow open soon. TM looks scared and confused in her most recent mug shot. On FB, her cousin mentioned she spoke with her kids yesterday or the day before. I hope LE is playing on her motherly sympathies. Of all the nastiness this woman is, her DIS page always conveyed her being a kind and caring mom to her 3 children. I think she'll break soon and as soon as she does, SM will be quick to follow and confess his involvement.

I'm not certain that she is capable of normal maternal feelings. I think she probably views relationships in her life as possessions.
I hope I'm wrong and there are some genuine maternal instincts in there to make her talk. JMO
I wondered if bond being posted for TM alone indicated something about the mindset of whomever posted the bond for only half of the Moorer duo.

Yeah, her daddy wants to get her out of this and to hell with Sidney. I bet her family is talking that way to her in jail also.
A private attorney that was brought in by the Public Defender's office. He's still working this case pro-bono.

ETA: Wait. I'm thinking of the first attorney she was appointed. McCollum, I think. What happened to him?

McCollum was replaced as representation for TM. He *was* the private attorney assigned to her via the PD office originally, but McLaughlin replaced him as her private attorney, stated in MSM as a "friend of the family."

ETA: Public defenders, even ones hired from private firms on behalf of the county or state, do not work for free in SC.

PD work is NOT the same as Legal Aid, pro bono, or community service on behalf of the attorney here in SC.
But confessing would still earn her a lengthy prison term, IMO. I just can't see her admitting to anything...she'll think she can win in court, IMO. Probably will even want to take the stand...jmo.

Oh I hope she takes the stand. she fits right with those that do.
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