SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #23 **ARREST**

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IMO, women are being shown in a more aggressive form and I feel this is due to the portrayal of them on reality tv programs. They are almost always fighting with each other and this behavior though not acceptable by most people is prevalent on these shows whether it be "Teenage Moms" or "The Women of (name the city) or " (name the sport) Wives".... Is this a reflection of our society ?

I agree. Definitely not the women of the Leave it Beaver days. Young women today are seeing women in their 40's and 50's living high on the rich life still fighting and gossiping etc. Back in the day, we believed our mothers when she told us what a lady acts like. There was no tv show to put that in question.

Reality tv is definitely not the role model our kids should have. They think being up in your face stupid is 'cool'


Good points! They will find out from their lawyers if they haven't been told anyway. I wish we could see both their reactions when they are told!

Good morning all! Catching up! The joys of morning coffee and cartoons.

My guess is that LE figured out TM wore the pants & TM's family enabled them to have the nice things they do. Especially with her father having money and SM's family not being around anymore. They moved TM to a nicer facility to make SM think that his wife has it better and HER family is taking care of her. I bet they are having a hard time making them talk so separating is best. JMO of course.
Do you think the other women in her cell block started singing M-I-C see you real soon- K-E-Y why? because you're gonna be here a long time M-O-U-S-E ?:floorlaugh:

This case has forever ruined all things Disney for me. When I'm in a store I cringe when I see Mickey or Minnie on a t-shirt.
I think of TM as Ursula singing "Poor Unfortunate Souls".
This case has forever ruined all things Disney for me. When I'm in a store I cringe when I see Mickey or Minnie on a t-shirt.
I think of TM as Ursula singing "Poor Unfortunate Souls".

Oh no, Ursula is my favorite villain..

I see her more as the Queen in Snow White..'mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all....cackle cackle'

Wouldn't take me 40 minutes from Murrells Inlet to MB in Dec. Maybe during the summer time, but I've done it from Murrells Inlet to MB in Dec in under 20 minutes.

It's only a 16.5 mile drive.

My family and I have done it in Dec many times coming from Murrells Inlet to Market Common to Coastal Mall to Broadway at the Beach all in one night.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk

I agree I could drive it faster.

The date stated that he left HE's condo between 2:00 and 2:30 - roughly 2:15 because he distinctly remembered arriving home at 3:00am.
It seems that with HE's 1:44 am call to BW everybody thinks he got the time wrong. Don't understand how he could've been that far off.

If he dropped her off before 1:45am, what took so long to get home, or was he that confused on when he arrived back home? Why say it at all if he wasn't sure about time?

Her hair looks darker in this picture. I guess maybe the quality/lighting is different than the 1st picture? Either way at least she isn't smiling although I have seen the "smirk" picture still out there which IMO both are good for the cause. When I look at a mug shot I want to see a scary looking person vs someone who looks "nice" that would make me question if they are guilty. Does that make sense? We all know the 1st picture with the smile was TM being TM but not everyone else may know about her personality.

Good morning all! Catching up! The joys of morning coffee and cartoons.

My guess is that LE figured out TM wore the pants & TM's family enabled them to have the nice things they do. Especially with her father having money and SM's family not being around anymore. They moved TM to a nicer facility to make SM think that his wife has it better and HER family is taking care of her. I bet they are having a hard time making them talk so separating is best. JMO of course.

Do we know that the other jail is nicer? It is still a jail.
My take on the article is they were saying the threat level would be lower in the other jail (which I do not believe) and therefore she could enjoy the privileges of being in general population sooner (tell me that's not an oxymoron)
I agree that this and everything else from here on out will be all about perception and mind games with TM and SM.
It was the Solicitor who requested separation. There's a reason.

Eta another thought
Her hair looks darker in this picture. I guess maybe the quality/lighting is different than the 1st picture? Either way at least she isn't smiling although I have seen the "smirk" picture still out there which IMO both are good for the cause. When I look at a mug shot I want to see a scary looking person vs someone who looks "nice" that would make me question if they are guilty. Does that make sense? We all know the 1st picture with the smile was TM being TM but not everyone else may know about her personality.


I think her hair is either wet or dirty/greasy making it look darker.
This case has forever ruined all things Disney for me. When I'm in a store I cringe when I see Mickey or Minnie on a t-shirt.
I think of TM as Ursula singing "Poor Unfortunate Souls".

Ahhh my daughter's all time favorite movie... even though I'm a middle aged (Ok , past middle aged) male I enjoy Disney as much (if not more) than my daughter(9 yr. old)..I would never allow a like TM to ruin my image of a place I enjoy with my family..just too many good memories (btw ,will be there for Easter, again,LOL)
While I understand the point above, and how parents can use this as a valuable preventative lesson to protect there children, and I mean that in all sincerity and please take no offense -just offering another perspective-I respectfully disagree in that parents telling there 17 y.o., 23 y.o., heck even 30 y.o., about the dangers of entering a relationship with a married person will make such an impact as to deter the "young adult" from following his or her heart, hormones, or emotional feelings. We don't know for fact how HE and SM's relationship started---her feelings for him could have been deep rooted when she realized he was married and had kids---she could have known from the start but felt so strongly for SM that at the time consequences were of no thought (and I don't think moments like that apply to any one age group). SM is the one that had a wife, SM is the one that has kids, SM is the one that needs to answer to his role in this, and I am disgusted that SM was/is not enough of a man to have stood up for HE....SM knew who he married, who TM is---how dare SM not protect Heather.

I wholeheartedly agree.

In the end, for all we know SM was feeding her lies upon lies. He couldn't leave because of the children. He couldn't leave because TM was sick and boo hoo. There is no way to know exactly. For all we know, he could have told her they were separated but living in the same house. I have heard that before from some girl who is in 'love'. Lets face it, HE was at an age where she was looking towards the future. At that age, it usually includes the man of your dreams who loves you more than anything. It takes a bit of maturity to know you can't change that man to be the man of your dreams.

I blame SM the most as well. HE was a little wild and crazy sure, but she was an adult. She gets to choose what decisions are best for her. But, I think in the case of the affair itself, she was naïve at best. Maybe she is the one who broke it off in the first place. There were a couple tweets that made me think she had started realizing she was definitely not going to be the wife anytime soon and it was not sitting well.

Do we know that the other jail is nicer? It is still a jail.
My take on the article is they were saying the threat level would be lower in the other jail (which I do not believe) and therefore she could enjoy the privileges of being in general population sooner (tell me that's not an oxymoron)
I agree that this and everything else from here on out will be all about perception and mind games with TM and SM.

I'll find the link but I read an article saying there were a bit more "amenities" at the new one.
I don't remember reading that they have surveillance of the PTL area. Could you or someone else be so kind as to provide a link to the article where LE says this?

Thanks! :)
You can try the one below. It makes a short mention of it.

Quote: Lt. Kegler noted that video surveillance camera footage from the area where Elvis' car was found was instrumental in leading to the search warrant for the house. Without giving any specifics, he said that the warrant followed evidence recently acquired.
I wasnt able to stay as caught up yesterday as I have been. Ironically, I'm having to have a couple of days worth of meetings in order to deal with issues involving my own sibling, whom I believe strongly has NPD (narcissistic personality disorder). In trying to catch up on reading the thread something occurred to me. It has to do with wondering about HE's belongings she had with her (purse, watch, ring, phone etc) possibly being kept by TM & SM. It would seem ridiculous to us for them to have kept anything of hers, thereby incriminating themselves easily if said items were to be found. But here's the thing: if TM does indeed have NPD, she very likely thinks herself to be way smarter than LE and didn't think she could be caught. She may have also had a compulsion to keep something of HE's and that compulsion combined with the "magical thinking" that she was too smart to get caught may end up being her downfall.

My sibling has this same superiority or "magical" thinking. She believes she is THE authority on everything. She also seems to have a compulsion to keep things that belong to others. She takes/steals/borrows things from others and keeps them. I read once where they almost consider them trophies of how superior they are. She has done this since we were all children and she is much older than I. As an adult she has borrowed things but will lie about having them and will not give them back. For instance, she borrowed a book I have that was very special to me (it had an inscription). I hesitated, because I knew very well that I might not see it again. I felt guilty for feeling that way and against better judgment I let her borrow it. When I called to ask for it back she informed me to search online, that I could get another copy. She never admitted to having it, but it was clear I was not getting it back. Our other siblings can relate similar stories. I believe that she has a compulsion to take things from us to get back at us for having normal stable lives. She feels she's supposed to be the one who is better/smarter/stronger and it isn't working out that way. I have no doubt that she would take other things if she had access to our homes, which she no longer does in any way.

Just thinking about why TM would dare keep anything related to the crime or the victim. My sister can't let go of much. She's also a hoarder. TM could be totally different. But I do wonder.

I agree with this Quill. TM's personality seems to point to a sense of entitlement. That coupled with the jealous rage she had for HE, I can see her feeling entitled to keep some possession of HE's just because she could.

And I'm awfully sorry about your sibling. The psychological abuse heaped on those connected to a narcissist is astounding. At least you have other siblings to confirm the abusive behavior. You don't have to wonder if it's all in your head as your narcissistic sibling would lead you to believe. It doesn't sound like you're allowing your sibling to control you either, so good for you. Stay strong!
I agree I could drive it faster.

The date stated that he left HE's condo between 2:00 and 2:30 - roughly 2:15 because he distinctly remembered arriving home at 3:00am.
It seems that with HE's 1:44 am call to BW everybody thinks he got the time wrong. Don't understand how he could've been that far off.

If he dropped her off before 1:45am, what took so long to get home, or was he that confused on when he arrived back home? Why say it at all if he wasn't sure about time?

There is an article in which LE says they believe the date was not quite right about the times he provided. They still do not think he is involved, he's been cleared, but they think it was just a genuine mistake.

I will have to find that article and link it for you.
I'll find the link but I read an article saying there were a bit more "amenities" at the new one.

I drove through Georgetown last week. If the prison is anywhere near the paper mill, it can't be that much nicer. There's no smell quite as bad as a paper mill. (JMO)
Any further connections found re: the latest TK girl being found dead?

No connections (yet) that I have found.

The other girl posted in Twitter pic looks super familiar though. I'm sure someone in "the know" could identify her though.

Wondering if TK girls transfer to other locations from time to time?

IIRC, Hooter girls do.

The latest with BR is that she died of asphyxiation. A POI is currently being sought. A man.

Her car was found 6 miles away at a W*ffl* H**se. Her license was also recovered.

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Wouldn't take me 40 minutes from Murrells Inlet to MB in Dec. Maybe during the summer time, but I've done it from Murrells Inlet to MB in Dec in under 20 minutes.

It's only a 16.5 mile drive.

My family and I have done it in Dec many times coming from Murrells Inlet to Market Common to Coastal Mall to Broadway at the Beach all in one night.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk

Driving from MB to MI is so not a big deal to a local. It's only 15 minutes, maybe 20. A lot going on the the Inlet, MB, NMB. Especially for young people. Just wouldn't think twice about it.
You can try the one below. It makes a short mention of it.

Quote: Lt. Kegler noted that video surveillance camera footage from the area where Elvis' car was found was instrumental in leading to the search warrant for the house. Without giving any specifics, he said that the warrant followed evidence recently acquired.

Thanks! :) I guess when I read this info earlier, I interpreted it to mean "from the general area" and not specifically the PTL landing itself.

Are there any locals here that can confirm there is surveillance AT the landing? Surveillance that would catch people driving into and driving out of that landing?
O/T: [url=""]Found Deceased SC - Briana Nicole Rabon, 18, Eligin, SC, 27 Feb 2014[/url]
I agree I could drive it faster.

The date stated that he left HE's condo between 2:00 and 2:30 - roughly 2:15 because he distinctly remembered arriving home at 3:00am.
It seems that with HE's 1:44 am call to BW everybody thinks he got the time wrong. Don't understand how he could've been that far off.

If he dropped her off before 1:45am, what took so long to get home, or was he that confused on when he arrived back home? Why say it at all if he wasn't sure about time?

JMO, the guy had no idea at the time that there was anything significant about this particular night, besides the fact that he'd just had a fun first date with a beautiful young woman. There wasn't any reason to make a mental note of the time he dropped her off, or what time he arrived home. And do we know that he went straight home after leaving Heather? Did he stop for gas or a snack or something along the way?

I'm pretty sure the date, who was the last person known to have seen Heather alive at the time he was questioned, would've been pressed hard for details by LE. I don't think they would've accepted "I don't know" for an answer, so the times he gave were his best estimates, as near as he could recall. If that was the situation, a difference of 15 or 20 minutes wouldn't surprise me that much.
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