SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #29***ARREST**

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SM was a handyman and probably was frequently paid in cash. Since the M's were hiding income, they probably kept the cash in the safe and often paid bills with cash, I would imagine, so the withdrawal might not have happened.

But the State SAID it happened.
I realize I have a question about this and I bet I'm not the only one, so I'm going to ask it here. Does this ban extend and encompass not even mentioning that the M's have children? I'm not talking about discussing the children or anything about them, but is it also not to be acknowledged they even have any?

And if yes, then what really confuses me about this policy is that in many other cases I've participated in on WS, discussions that mention children existing (of either victim or perp) occur a lot. And then, to make it even more confusing, some posters use pictures of their own minor children as their avatars, but WS TOS are that no pictures of minor children are allowed to be posted in any thread (unless the victim is a child). Well color me :confused: for sure.

Saying the Moorer's have children is fine but nothing more. We don't discuss minors here or post pics (unless its a victim as in missing etc.) So we are talking about the case, members can post pics of their children as avatars if they choose to do that. We don't want pics (as in this case) the Moorer's children, Mr. and Mrs. Elvis's daughter etc. Just because they are related doesn't mean they can be discussed or pictures posted of them.

Does that help at all? If any of you have questions please pm me.

There's a kangaroo with a payphone according to Google ... Not local so unsure ...

That kangaroo does have a pay phone (I checked there weeks ago after hearing a rumor about the pay phone call originating there). The phone is located on the side of the building that faces Oak Street.

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LOL! Sorry, not laughing at you, i'm laughing at the attorney. Does he REALLY think LE CAN'T PROVE IT? Smh. Aye, aye, aye. I HIGHLY doubt that the State would allege a high withrawl and not be able to prove it. Doesn't TM's attorney know anything about a little thing called a, "bank statement"?

I needed a giggle, i'm in that kind of mood.

Don't most banks have cameras, even at the drive-thru? Myrtle Beach is not that large, I bet if they regularly banked at the same branch, the teller would remember the transaction. I can somehow picture TM going in the bank like she owns it, making a big production out of withdrawing the money. And no, I don't think she would try to keep it quiet, she's proven, that ain't her style.
Hey, any twitterites out there want to tweet Marshall Staton to see if we can get his entire video of the bond hearing? WBTW sure doesn't have very much of it up.

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good idea. I have messaged all of the news station to see if they are going to post it, but I forgot about Marshall.
Something that has bothered me badly since yesterday - and makes me SO STINKING HAPPY the judge denied them bond yesterday was the information they gave about the journal TM was keeping on the Elvis family.

How weird, crazy, awful is that? Details of the other members of Heathers family.....


hoppy, do you have a link for this?

i don't know where we are here with the ie charges and connections to the murder of Heather, but, imo, if the M's had sex in public- near a conveniently placed surveillance video, after they murdered Heather and are using that as an alibi to say they were somewhere else, then we are dealing with more than murderers here, but with DEPRAVED human beings, the lowest of low!!!
Just bouncing off of this. What if HRE was not the one to call his phone. Is there not a break between him calling HE, her calling the pay phone and then (BREAK) the calls to his cell phone?
WHAT IF? the murderer went to HE apartment, and the meeting at PTL was after the fact, to pick up the actual murderer? Is there not time for that to have happened?
Just my opinion...but hair stood up when that ran through my brain.

I've wondered about a scenario like this.
Something that has bothered me badly since yesterday - and makes me SO STINKING HAPPY the judge denied them bond yesterday was the information they gave about the journal TM was keeping on the Elvis family.

How weird, crazy, awful is that? Details of the other members of Heathers family.....

With that being said, I wonder what messages TM found on SM phone between him and Heather when she found out. It makes me wonder if SM attorney saying that "he had no motive, he liked Heather" was an understatement. Maybe SM was in love with Heather and TM freaked so bad that anger turned into obsession and then into the ultimate revenge for "taking what was hers", murder. SM is not very bright in my opinion and therefore easily controlled. I think that he should have told what TM did and not help cover it up!!!! And as I have been saying, he needs to start talking. :maddening:
SM was a handyman and probably was frequently paid in cash. Since the M's were hiding income, they probably kept the cash in the safe and often paid bills with cash, I would imagine, so the withdrawal might not have happened.

So, are you saying LE is wrong? They said the money was withdrawn the day after.
I agree and that is why I think LE claimed there were "Financial discrepencies" when they arrested them. I am not sure if any charges have been filed related to the financial discrepancies but LE sure did mention that.

IMO I think they lied on tax returns or did quite a bit of other financial discrepancy type actions.

most settlements need not be reported. (I've dealt with three in the last four years!)

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hoppy, do you have a link for this?

She was at the bond hearing, so all of her details she has been posting, have been coming from there. Only chiming in because I don't know if she's still online.
Saying the Moorer's have children is fine but nothing more. We don't discuss minors here or post pics (unless its a victim as in missing etc.) So we are talking about the case, members can post pics of their children as avatars if they choose to do that. We don't want pics (as in this case) the Moorer's children, Mr. and Mrs. Elvis's daughter etc. Just because they are related doesn't mean they can be discussed or pictures posted of them.

Does that help at all? If any of you have questions please pm me.


Yes it does. You answered my question and it's very clear.

I will add, however, that minor (not victims of a crime) children have been referred to and even have been discussed from time-to-time in other cases on WS. That's not your problem, per se, as they may not be threads you moderate, but it does occasionally occur and I've seen it (and I bet my fellow case followers have seen it as well on their travels through different cases on WS), hence the confusion, especially for those who sometimes follow several cases at the same time.

i don't know where we are here with the ie charges and connections to the murder of Heather, but, imo, if the M's had sex in public- near a conveniently placed surveillance video, after they murdered Heather and are using that as an alibi to say they were somewhere else, then we are dealing with more th,an murderers here, but with DEPRAVED human beings, the lowest of low!!!

Completely agree!! Beyond warped IMO!!

i have to agree with whomever said upstream they were repulsed by this!

also, what depraved human beings these two are...

from your link:

At 1:35 a.m. on Dec. 18, Sidney Moorer called Elvis from a payphone. Not long after that phone call, Elvis phoned a friend in Florida to tell her that Sidney wanted to get back together with her, according to Elder.

At 2:29 a.m., Elder said Elvis returned the call, but no one answered.

At 3:16 a.m., Elder said Elvis repeatedly attempted to call Sidney Moorer’s cell phone with no response.

At 3:17 a.m., Elder said Elvis had a four-minute conversation with someone on Sidney’s cell phone. At that point, GPS showed that Elvis was still at home and Moorer’s cell phone was still at the Moorer home.

Elder said after the conversation, Elvis drove to the Peachtree Boat Landing.
“We know this because of the GPS coordinates from her phone,” Elder told the judge.

At 3:38 a.m. Elder said Elvis tried to call Sidney Moorer three more times.

At 3:41 a.m., all phone data ended for Heather Elvis’ cell phone.

See what I bolded above? This is what I'm stuck on and can't get past.

They state that Sidney called Heather from the pay phone, but for the 3:17 am phone call they state that Heather had a 4 minute conversation with someone on Sidney Moorers' cell phone and GPS shows that phone was at the Moorer home.

Who here thinks that Sidney would be able to have a 4 minute phone conversation on his cell phone without Tammy knowing?

Do you see where I'm going with this?
But the State SAID it happened.

I was wondering if they had proof it happened, or they assumed it happened because of the large amount of money in the safe, but I think you're right. They wouldn't have said it if they didn't have proof.
A comment on LE strategy... If I remember correctly, SM admitted to the IE in the first interview with LE. But they waited 2 months to charge them. In all likelihood, they did this while monitoring the M's closely so they could gather more evidence, like what was revealed in the hearing. Once they got enough, they seized them on the IE and obstruction charges... and the rest fell into place. Kudos to them for excellent police work!
agreed...I think there is even more charges coming their way if it's true they under reported in order to receive ANY benefit.

State of SC will make them pay back any benefits received due to false representation. So, that being the state, we know what the IRS will do.
They thought they were soooo smart. ha.
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