SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #3

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She isn't a server. She's a hostess.

Thank you Jersey Girl for the clarification. :)

So, as a hostess, her duties in a tourist frequented establishment might include working with other companies associated with the industry, such as hotels, taxis, etc...and everyone coming in and out would see her <more thinking out loud>...
Very good shots of the tattoos. This is the first time I can recall seeing them. (Turtle looks like an Hawaiian Hona or the Hawaiian subspecies of the green turtle. Common emblem or decal in Hawaii.)

I don't think they are bruises. Too light. Most likely due to the lighting. Like the darker areas on either side of her nose. Same with the abdomen - it's in a shadow area. She just happens to be a fit lady and it is in the shadow of her ab muscles. No, don't see anything here upsetting.

Unless, you don't like tattoos. :D

IMO, her right cheek looks swollen and that almost def looks like a bruise on her right side. Her bottom lip also looks like it has little purple spots where she maybe bit it or it had been bleeding.
I wonder if Heather had been single for a while before going on this date? Was this the first time going on a date with this particular person? Did she have a boyfriend before, and if so, how long did they date, and when did they break up? Had Heather been dating regularly after her last relationship(s), or had she been single for a while before this date?...
IMO, her right cheek looks swollen and that almost def looks like a bruise on her right side. Her bottom lip also looks like it has little purple spots where she maybe bit it or it had been bleeding.

According to her twitter on August 17 she went to the doctors after falling down the stairs at work
According to her twitter on August 17 she went to the doctors after falling down the stairs at work

And if that coincides with the time that pic was taken, it would be a "viable" explanation.

Thank you for that info, I don't Tweet and hadn't gone through her Twitter stuff.

In your gut, do you think she drove her car there for whatever reason or do you think someone else drove her car there and left it? What's your instinct?

This is just MOO and purely speculation. I do not believe she drove there for ANY reason. As was mentioned upstream, she had the condo to herself so there would be no reason to 'go out' to meet someone. My gut instinct..someone else drove her car there and left it.
More stream of consciousness speculation..IF those are bruises / injuries the result of an assault, maybe was she maybe in the process of filing charges against this person?
I wonder if Heather had been single for a while before going on this date? Was this the first time going on a date with this particular person? Did she have a boyfriend before, and if so, how long did they date, and when did they break up? Had Heather been dating regularly after her last relationship(s), or had she been single for a while before this date?...
according to one of her SM pages she was in a relationship in July 28 and again posted on Dec. 6th. Oddly on Nov. 8 a friend asked "with who?" and then one month later the second posting on FB. It seems to me that last relationship ended as she went on a date with somebody new.
More stream of consciousness speculation..IF those are bruises / injuries the result of an assault, maybe was she maybe in the process of filing charges against this person?

That was my initial thought when the bruises were pointed out. After CC's post though, regarding the tweet about doctor visit for falling down the stairs, I'm a bit more at ease that that's what those are from. (Trying to be optimistic, even though I know, "I fell down the stairs" is one of the #1 excuses given for injuries really obtained via assault.) I want it to be anything but someone having intentionally hurt her!

^j^ Heather ^j^
This is just MOO and purely speculation. I do not believe she drive there for ANY reason. As was mentioned upstream, she had the condo to herself so there would be no reason to 'go out' to meet someone. My gut instinct..someone else drove her car there and left it.
I totally agree.. there should be prints from that car or possibly other forensic evidence. Do you know if this car was ever processed by LE?
IMO, her right cheek looks swollen and that almost def looks like a bruise on her right side. Her bottom lip also looks like it has little purple spots where she maybe bit it or it had been bleeding.

I had a co-worker that we all suspected was a victim of abuse by a spouse or boyfriend. Far more obvious than this. HE's lips look as if they are chapped, but not swollen. Her right cheekbone area may look larger because that side of the face is tilted toward the camera.

A victim of abuse - if it is anything like the case of our co-worker - shies away from having her bruises seen. Our co-worker would usually wear sunglasses or call in sick. They are ashamed of them. Feel like it is their fault they let it happen. If these were bruises I believe she would avoid any photos. No, I just see a normal and attractive lady with no outward signs of trouble.

But, that's just me.
Well there ya have it! Bet that's it! Thanks!

Well, was this "fall" confirmed or witnessed by anyone else?

*work related accidents are usually documented, and there is a full protocol which follows. Did this occur (unless she blew it off, saying she was ok)?
This is just MOO and purely speculation. I do not believe she drive there for ANY reason. As was mentioned upstream, she had the condo to herself so there would be no reason to 'go out' to meet someone. My gut instinct..someone else drove her car there and left it.

That's what I've thought all along. & if somebody else drove her car there, it was for nefarious reasons.

Heather & her roommate rented their condo, correct? Do you know if they rented it off of a specific owner or did they rent through a real estate agency? Or HOA that maybe handles out of town owners properties?
I think that if there was anything potentially suspicious going on with people around her, her friends would know about this. I so hope if this is the case that they have reported all this to LE. I would assume they would.

Hopefully LE's silence is because they have some leads and they are busy working on these!
I had a co-worker that we all suspected was a victim of abuse by a spouse or boyfriend. Far more obvious than this. HE's lips look as if they are chapped, but not swollen. Her right cheekbone area may look larger because that side of the face is tilted toward the camera.

A victim of abuse - if it is anything like the case of our co-worker - shies away from having her bruises seen. Our co-worker would usually wear sunglasses or call in sick. They are ashamed of them. Feel like it is their fault they let it happen. If these were bruises I believe she would avoid any photos. No, I just see a normal and attractive lady with no outward signs of trouble.

But, that's just me.

I respect your opinion however, I have to disagree in this situation. HE's job required her to wear the outfit she was wearing. She didn't have much choice. She has make up on that is somewhat covering the cheek and lips and other than the bit of swelling that is obvious (IMO), she couldn't cover up much else.

Fortunately there may be an innocent excuse for what do in fact appear to be bruises on HE in this particular picture.

I will agree though that those abused tend to try and hide the abuse.
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